Chapter Ii

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Review of Related Literature

Foreign Literature

Relationship between Motivation to Learn and Part-time Student Performance Motivation

is a fundamental component of student academic achievement (Gbollie & Keamu, 2017). It is
important in learning since it accurately depicts student performance (Gasco et al., 2014). A
study found that student's goals and tactics have an impact on their performance (Al-Khatib,
2010). Many part-time students work full-time, and their primary incentive for studying is to
advance their professions (Callender et al. 2010a). However, there is no difference in the
likelihood of students from part-time and full-time studies finding work that matches their study
motivations (Callender et al., 2011). Motivation is a good feeling toward learning because if a
student believes they lack skill or are distracted from their learning goal, they will not perform
effectively. For example, when unforeseen occurrences intrude, study may be assumed to be less
important than family or professional commitments (Evans, 1994). Motivational beliefs are
therefore critical to students' academic achievement since they serve to determine the level to
which students will consider, exert effort, and confirm interest in the activity (Mousoulides et al.,
2005). H. Part-time students have a substantial and favorable association with motivation to

According to Kelli Copper (2019), whether you are working to put yourself through
college or you are someone who is going back to school to advance your current career,
managing time in your professional and academic life is not an easy task, especially when you
have additional responsibilities competing for your time. The ongoing problem of scarcity of
knowledge in connection with time management and academic outputs is due to a lack of
easiness and of costly ways of collecting data. Driven by this fact, particular emphasis has been
paid to the modern education system on time management issues by evaluating students’
attitudes and behaviors related to time and its management (Karim, Sevari, Mitra & Kandy,
2015). According to Muhammad Saqib Khan (2015). All in all, they found out that time
management is highly related to the academic performance of university students. That is, as our
research study has shown successful students are good time managers. These results, however,
can be generalized to the students living in the other universities. According to Poyen Ramos
(2017). Being an operating student is not easy: it takes heaps to manage the stress of labor
whereas aiming for college at a similar time, with some even raising a family. It is often
frightening expertise, however obtaining that certificate within the finish whereas earning your
keep is unquestionably doable. Many individuals have done it, thus there’s little question that
you just will. We tend to get here a bit with several past and gift operating students from author
Hanks, a worldwide selling services firm and gathered a number. As stated by
(2019). Whether or not you’re trying to advance your existing career or to alter your path
altogether, managing time in your education and calling is rarely straightforward. And once you
think about a thousand different responsibilities on your plate (raising a family, maintaining a
social unit, exercise, perhaps even a social life), finding the correct balance between them will
typically feel impossible.

Local Literature

Our research is about the effects of Working students on the academic performance of BSHM
working students. This study explores the impact of working while studying in senior high
school on students’ academic success, focusing on the positive and negative effects of this
situation, aiming to provide guidance and support for working students. descriptive research
design was used to investigate the effects of working while studying on 50 senior high school
students, using a survey questionnaire to understand their family dynamics, time management,
class involvement, and academic success. The study found that student's academic performance
is significantly impacted by working while taking classes, with the most common outcome being
a lack of class participation. However, students can connect academic tasks with work skills, and
manage time between work and school. Academic success can lead to high grades as a reward
for effort. Solutions to this issue and ways to prevent the negatives of working while taking
classes are suggested.

People in a country like the Philippines want to believe that all working students come from low-
income families, yet this is not the only qualification. To meet the challenges, one must be
determined and have a strong personality. The factors influencing the academic performance of
working students were identified through the descriptive methodology used in this study. In the
entire investigation, the data collected were examined and interpreted. To collect data, the
researchers used interviews sent out to 25 BSHM 4th-year working students. The increasing
expense of education and the need to assist their parents are two reasons why students must work
while enrolled in classes. Because they are unable to manage their time, students' academic
performance suffers as well. Researchers have learned from the studies that working students'
lives are not simple. They faced many challenges, as compared to the students who did not have
jobs. The researchers discovered that working students' lives at school are not simple because the
study's goal was to identify the issues faced by these students. To survive and support their
family, they must be strong, capable of supporting themselves, and responsible.

Foreign Studies

Local Studies

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