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I walked up the steep steps rising to my front gate to embark on a leisure walk in my

neighbourhood. The bright sun with its golden hue pierced my eyes, whilst the gusty wind

embodied me. The sound of children’s gleeful voices as they played nearby, along with the

roaring of passing vehicles and the neighbourhood dogs barking as if they were greeting me,

could be heard.

As I strolled down the long, steep gradient of the roadway my footsteps sounded like a

soldier marching. Scarlet hibiscus and yellow buttercup flowers grew next to the majenta

bougainvillea branches which intertwined like friends on the side walk. The roadway was

lined on either side with houses like palaces which were all fenced, each with a unique

design. Landscapes around some of them featured tropical fruits like coconuts and mangoes,

others displayed vibrant coloured flowers.

As I turned, only the sound of chirping birds could be heard. In the distant, the view of the

sky meeting the green mountains astounded my eyes. Complementing this beautiful scenery

was the sparkling waters of the sea at the front, which featured several industrial plants with

smoke bellowing from their chimneys, on one side of its shoreline and houses of various

colours on the other.

The walk in my neighbourhood revealed the diverse life styles within the fabric of the

community, along with the ambience and serenity that nature has provided. I am grateful

for the joys and peacefulness that my neighbourhood offers.

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