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Friend Forever
You know I don't need to put your name here. It is
not necessary because I am sure that when you
read it you will know without a doubt that it is you.
You know that for me you are that brother who
appeared in my life many years ago and that I hope
you will always be with me. Dear best friend, I want
to thank you for this great friendship and for your
infinite kindness, you have a huge heart and you
deserve the best, because you are a very sincere,
kind person, your way of being makes it impossible
not to feel great. keen. for you. You are my
indispensable friend.
We have had fun together and we have laughed a
lot, we have built dreams and adventures, but we
have also cried and suffered together.

You don't know the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you
have someone you can count on for everything. Thanks a lot for
being there.

We have shared so many things together: playing football together,

video games.
Finally, and through this letter of gratitude to my great friend, I thank
you for such beautiful memories together. You know I will be by your
side now and always. And if God wants, eternally.

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