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Use: Emails, when they do not know something

Works motivates them, clients, bussiness trips, for themselfos, to grow

When she has a text

When she has 25, for her, for job, hungarian is not enough,

At first, because she wanted to have a friend lady, connection and language barrier,

Just to correct him

From english to romanian to correct himsels

Improve english

Not all the time is accurate = uses other terminology

Video camera = video room



Aps for learning: elsa-lessons, 5 by day-not entirely free, even so, they do not have time, duolinguo – not
precized – wrong translation, Are manuale, die kefe, e-grammar, apple translator,

Continental translator – works good, better than GT, recomand to use because leeak info, not for
confidential info, the manner they write, cotidian works, but for techincal is not ok – for this ask a
colleague, they do not relay not even on google in geneeral to find a word, abreviations – learn them
from meetings and after discuss in private with colleagues, GSR

Use GT when writing for diploma at university & learning something new

In personal time, on vacantion, the host do not speak, she used GT in order to comunicate, use
How do you think automatic translation tools can be helpful in your language learning journey?

Use GT for pronunciation

The voice – when GT can speak for you

We cannot have a discustion while using GT,

but ok while writing on Teams, chat, messenger,

What strategies can you employ to ensure that automatic translation tools enhance your learning rather
than impede it?

Transation word by word

Giving three times changing the words, rephrase,

I figure it out what is bad in transl

Maybe I will write smeth stupid

English dictionary offline

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