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Adrian Romero


Look the picture. What is unusual about the roofs of the city buildings? Do you think
this is a good idea? Why o Why not?

The unusual thing about this building is that it has a very large green area on
the roof. For me is a good idea because can help a pollution from cars and
factories in the city, these green areas could help gradually reduce all that
Why is it good to have a lot of trees and plants in a city?
Think of diferent benefits. Look at the ideas below to help
you. Yo can go online for more ideas.

One of the benefits of having trees and plants in the city is

that it helping combat climate change and air pollution of
the city.

Another benefit of having plants and trees is this creates a

healthier environment for both people and wildlife.

Having trees and plants in homes causes a fundamental

impact of harmony, as well as having a positive visual
impact for the people who live and visit the place.
Imagine you’re city planners, and you’re thinking abput putting plants
on every building in your city. Discuss the problems you’ll have if you
do this, and possible solutions to those problems.

Problem: The weight becomes a major concern. Buildings might need structural
reinforcements to handle the additional load.
Solution: Develop lightweight planting systems. Vertical gardens with special soil
mixes and drought-resistant plants can significantly reduce weight.

Problem: Plants or trees can dry out and be potentially dangerous in the event of a
fire, and a person could inadvertently cause a fire with a cigarette or something else
and cause the fire to spread quickly.
Solution: Have irrigation systems that keep plants and trees green, in addition to
being activated immediately if a fire starts and manage to stop it in time.

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