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Elemen Menyimak - Berbicara
Pada akhir Fase D, peserta didik menggunakan Bahasa Inggris
untuk berinteraksi dan saling bertukar ide, pengalaman, minat,
pendapat dan pandangan dengan guru, teman sebaya dan orang
lain dalam berbagai macam konteks familiar dan tidak familiar.
Dengan pengulangan dan penggantian kosakata, peserta didik
memahami ide utama dan detil yang relevan dari diskusi atau
presentasi mengenai berbagai macam topik yang telah familiar
dan dalam konteks kehidupan di sekolah dan di rumah. Mereka
terlibat dalam diskusi, misalnya memberikan pendapat,
membuat perbandingan dan menyampaikan preferensi. Mereka
menjelaskan dan memperjelas jawaban mereka menggunakan
struktur kalimat dan kata kerja sederhana.



1. Siswa dapat mengungkapkan letak suatu benda/tempat

dengan lisan secara sederhana.
2. Siswa dapat mengucapkan berbagai macam arah dengan
lancar dan jelas.
3. Siswa dapat mengucapkan kalimat/ungkapan sapaan untuk
berinteraksi dengan teman, guru dan lingkungan untuk
menanyakan suatu letak benda/tempat.
4. Siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan tentang informasi
tertentu yang mencakup (kapan, siapa dan dimana dialog
terjadi), sesuai dengan perakapan yang didengarkan.
Activity 1

Pay attention to the picture below!


The bear is between two chairs

The bear is beside the chair /

The bear is on the right side of the chair

..............??? .................???
Activity 2

Pay attention to the picture below!


1. How can I get to Bookstore? You can go ahead on Amelia Street, then
turn left and go past supermarket, the
Bookstore is on the rightside. It is beside
2. Where is the Fastfood Restaurant? You can go ahead on Amelia Street, then
you will find a Crossroad, just go ahead
and go past the school. The fastfood
restaurant is beside the school, on the

3. Can you show me where the music store??


4. How do I get to the Hospital??


5. I am looking for Toy Store. Can you help me??



Activity 3

Under this topic title, we will learn how to ask for directions and how to give directions to
someone who asked us.

Asking for directions is an expression used by someone to ask

DEFINITION for directions to go to a place or destination

giving the directions is an expression that is used by a person to

give directions to a place or destination

The social function of asking for / giving direction is to express how to ask or

give direction to someone who wants to reach a certain place.


1. Language Features
Commonly, giving direction uses the following language feature:
1) Using imperative sentence: go on this street, turn left
2) Commonly used verbs for giving directions: Go along the road, continue straight on, keep
going down, turn right, turn left, etc.
3) Even though it’s rare, giving direction can use transition or connective of sequence: first, then,
after that, etc.
Some phrases to show direction:

 Go straight on (until you come to …)  on/at the corner (of)

 Turn back./Go back.  across from
 Turn left/right (into …-street)  traffic lights
 Go along ….  behind
 Cross …  in front of, in back of, in the middle of
 signpost  Take the first/second road on the left/right
 Opposite  It’s on the left/right.. / (to) (on) the right/left
 Near of
 Between  (just) around the corner
 Next to …
 at the end (of)

How to ask for directions (Bagaimana cara bertanya arah)

Questions you may ask:

How do I get to …? = Bagaimana saya bisa sampai ke ....?

How can I get to …? = Bagaimana saya bisa sampai ke ....?

Can you tell me the way to …? = Bisakah kamu memberi tau saya jalan
ke ...?

Can you show me the way to…? = Bisakah kamu menunjukkan saya jalan
ke ...?

Where is the…? = Dimanakah ... ?

Where is the closest (Bank)? = Dimanakah (Bank) terdekat?

I’m looking for… can you help me ? = Saya mencari ... Bisakah kamu
How to give directions (Bagaimana cara memberi arah)

a. Using prepositions + nouns:

- opposite (the school) seberang sekolah

- near (the restaurant) dekat restauran

- next to (the bank) sebelah bank

- between (the post office & the cinema) diantara kantor post dan
- in front of (the hospital) di depan Rumah sakit

b) Using expressions:
1) go + direction (right, left, down, up, through, straight on, along /
down, past the…)
e.g. Go through the park and past the police.

2) turn + right/left
e.g. At the end of the street , turn right.

3) take + road name

e.g. Take 5th Avenue.

4) stay on + road name for + distance or time (when driving)

e.g. Stay on Poros Street for 5 minutes.

5) Follow +road name + time /until

e.g. Follow Ken Arok Street until you get to the Bengalon Bridge.

Example : Dialog 1

Tourist : Hello. (Hello)

Citizen : Hi. What can I help you? (Hi, apa yang bisa saya bantu?)
Tourist : Sorry to bother you. But, Can you tell me where the closest Supermarket is? (Maaf, telah merepotkanmu.
Tapi, Bisakah Anda memberitau dimana Supermarket terdekat?)

Citizen : Which supermarket do you want to go? There are Regular supermarket and Asian supermarket
around here. (Supermarket yang seperti apa yang anda ingin pergi kesana? Ada Supermarket Biasa dan Supermarket Asia
disekitar sini)

Tourist : Err… Regular supermarket, I suppose. (Ah... Supermarket biasa, saya kira)
Citizen : Then, you can go by walking. It’s about two blocks from here. Go along this road until you pass a
blue building. The supermarket is beside that building. (Nah, kamu bisa pergi dengan berjalan kaki. Jaraknya sekitar
dua blok dari sini. Ikuti jalan ini sampai Anda melewati sebuah bangunan berwarna biru. Supermarket ada di samping gedung itu)
Tourist : That’s a clear direction. Thank you! (Ini adalah petunjuk arah yang cukup jelas. Terimakasih)
Citizen : No problem. Be careful. (Tidak masalah. Hati-hati)
Tourist : Of course! (Tentu saja!)

Example : Dialog 2

Mr. Thomas : Hello, Son. Do you know where the Post Office is? (Hello, Nak. Apakah kamu tahu dimana kantor post?)
Vero : Oh, yes, Sir. But it’s quite far from here. Do you want to take a bus? ( Oh, Iya Pak. Tapi dia cukup
jauh dari sini. Apakah kamu ingin naik Bus)

Mr. Thomas : Of course. Which bus should I take? (Tentu saja. Bus manakah yang harus saya ambil?)
Vero : It’s bus number 3, Sir. You can wait at the bus stop over there. ( Bus nomor 3, pak. Anda dapat
menunggu di Halte disana.)

Mr. Thomas : I see. What should I do next? (Baiklah. Apa yang harus saya lakukan berikutnya?)
Vero : Then you need to get off at the third stop. It’s near the market. You just need to walk about
150 meters to the west. The Post Office has 2 floors so you will see it clearly, Sir. ( Kemudian,
Anda harus turun di pemberhentian/Halte ke-tiga. Itu dekat dengan Pasar. Anda perlu berjalan kaki sekitar 150 meter ke arah
Barat. Kantor Pos memiliki 2 lantai, jadi anda akan melihatnya dengan jelas, pak )

Mr. Thomas : Alright. Thank you so much, Kid. (Baiklah. Terimakasih banyak ya, Nak)
Vero : You’re welcome, Sir. (Sama-sama, pak)
Examples: Dialogue 1
Man : Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the bank?
You : Yes, sure. Turn left at the end of this street.
Man : At the traffic lights?
You : Yes. Then go as far as the roundabout.
Man : And at the roundabout?
You : Turn right at the roundabout into Dee Road.
Man : OK … right at the roundabout.
You : Go down Dee Road. The bank’s on the left. .
Man : Thank you.
You : Goodbye.

Dialogue 2
John : Linda, do you know how to get to Samson’s and Co.? I’ve never been there before.
Linda : Are you driving or taking the subway?
John : The subway.
Linda : Take the blue line from 14th avenue and change to the grey line at Andrew Square. Get
off at 83rd street.
John : Just a moment, let me take this down!
Linda : Take the blue line from 14th avenue and change to the grey line at Andrew Square. Get
off at 83rd street. Got it?
John : Yes, thanks. Now, once I get to Andrew Square, how do I proceed?
Linda : Once you are on 83rd street, Go straight on, past the bank. Take the second left and
continue straight on. It’s opposite Jack’s Bar.
John : Can you repeat that?
Linda : Once you are on 83rd street, Go straight on, past the bank. Take the second left and
continue straight on. It’s opposite Jack’s Bar.
John : Thanks Linda. How long does it take to get there?
Linda : It takes about a half-hour. When is your meeting?
John : It’s at ten. I’ll leave at nine-thirty.
Linda : That’s a busy time. You should leave at nine.
John : OK. Thanks Linda.
Linda : Not at all.

Name : Date :

Class :

1. Check your understanding: gap fill

Do this exercise while you listen.

A. The speaker gives directions to the

B. The speaker gives directions to the

C. The speaker gives directions to the

D. The speaker gives directions to the


2. Check your understanding: gap fill

Do this exercise while you listen. Complete the gaps with a word from the box.

take past on

straight At second


1. Go on.

2. past the traffic lights.

3. It’s the building next to the library the left.

4. the roundabout turn left.

5. Then the first left on to Green Street.

6. Go the traffic lights and take the right on to King’s Road.

What do you do when you get lost in a town or city?

Vocabulary Box: Write any new words you have learnt in this lesson.

In this activity, you have to choose your partner to make a short dialogue about
asking for and giving directions by using the maps below.

Look at the map!

Now, write down your dialogue and present it in front of your class

Member’s name : 1. 2.

Fill in the words below correctly. (Use the map for orientation)

continue end excuse get left

right second thank turn

next left opposite welcome Straight on

Where is the cinema?

me, how do I to the cinema?

1. Go .
2. Turn at the corner.
3. Then take the road on your .
4. to the of the road.
5. left there.
6. The cinema is on your , the
7. you very much.
8. You're .

Where is the post office?

1. Excuse me, where is the post office, please?

2. at the next corner.
3. Then until you come to the traffic
4. there.
5. The post office is the cinema.

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