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2020 International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET)

Belgaum, India. Jun 5-7, 2020

Smart Refrigerator: An IOT and Machine learning

based Approach
Dr Mallikarjun B C.1, Harshitha S2, Harshita B K3, S Bhavani4, Sonakshi Tarwey5
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur, India
mallikarjun.cp@gmail.com, 2harshithas.1si16ec027@gmail.com, 3harshitabk.1si16ec026@gmail.com, 4bhavani.1si16ec082@gmail.com,

Abstract—The enhancement in technology and busier 1 Quantity Analyses: Notifies the user about the low
schedule of human beings, tend to use smarter devices which can quantity of the daily consumed diet (e.g. Egg, milk,
make life easier. The smart kitchen appliances at home lead to a vegetables).
healthy and prosperous lifestyle. Refrigerator is one such
appliance. The proposed system monitors the ingredients inside it 2 Online purchasing options: The android application is
and notifies the user about its quantity of items remotely through provided with online purchasing of required food
an android application. The sensor’s data which is collected is items.
processed by the control module and is sent to the cloud so that it
can be retrieved in the user’s android application. With quantity
3 Recipe suggestion: Based on the vegetables present in
monitoring of items, the smart refrigerator also provides the the refrigerator, a recipe is suggested.
facility of online shopping of the scarce items inside. The
provision of recipe suggestion based on the vegetables present in
the basket is carried out through a basic machine learning The proposed system is divided into two sections: IOT and
algorithm which classifies the vegetables based on the colors machine learning approach.
which in turn suggests a particular recipe. The result obtained
justifies the effectiveness of the proposed system. The Figure 1 represents the system with IOT where the
flow of data through the sensors, controller, cloud and finally to
Index Terms—Smart refrigerator, android application, ma- the user is described. The Figure 2 represents the process of
chine learning, internet of things. recipe suggestion by capturing the image of vegetables and
classifying them based on color using k-means classifier
I. INTRODUCTION algorithm.
According to FAO study, every year around 1.3 billion tons III. SYSTEM OVERVIEW
of food is wasted all over the world [1].The cause of food
wastage includes domestic wastage by consumer’s refrigerator. The user is provided with an android application which
This is because of poor planning, bulk purchases and spoiled displays the quantity of items present inside the refrigerator.
foods. People, overburdened with work at the expense of their The food items like eggs, milk and bread are monitored using
health needs a smart appliance which would be capable of IR sensors, Ultrasonic sensor and load cell respectively. The
maintaining a healthier lifestyle and requires no extra time and calibrated sensors continuously read the data and compare
effort. One such appliance is refrigerator which is most widely them with threshold values. The controller classify the sensors
used to store food. Today, the internet is integrated in our daily value as below or above the threshold and stores the same in an
life to such an extent that without it life seems unlikely. The online cloud platform i.e. firebase. The continuously updated
Internet of Things (IOT) is an extension of internet con- data is retrieved in the mobile app designed using android
nectivity into physical devices and everyday appliances. IOT studio. Based on the data displayed in the app, user is allowed
technology is a systematic integration of sensor technology, to order the required items from online store with a single
application programming interface (API) and big data [2]. This click. A recipe suggestion feature is provided. A camera
technology has led to the evolution of “smart” systems. In this module is attached above the vegetable tray, present inside the
paper, we propose a smart refrigerator system with IOT and refrigerator. When the user clicks on a particular button a
Machine learning approach to monitor vegetables and daily request through MQTT client is sent to the camera module
essentials and if found below the predefined threshold, the user which captures an image of the vegetables. Color and number
is alerted and can place the order through online shopping of edges from these images are extracted and K-means
website and a recipe suggestion feature is provided where classifier algorithm is applied on them to identify the
recipes are suggested based on vegetables present through vegetables. K-means is a type of clustering which partitions n
basic concept of machine learning. data into k groups in which each data belongs to the group with
nearest expectation. The K-means clustering equation is given
A. Objectives as in:
The objectives of our work are:

978-1-7281-6221-8/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 1

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Clustering by K-means algorithm is as shown in Figure 3.
The identified vegetables are retrieved in the app and the
combination of these vegetables is used to suggest a recipe.

Fig. 3. K-means clustering.

A. Hardware Design
This section describes about the hardware components and
their working used.
1. Raspberry Pi: Our system uses raspberry pi model B3
as the main board which contains 40 GPIO pins used
for the sensors, a USB port for the web camera and a
SDHC slot. The sensors and the camera module are
interfaced and calibrated with the raspberry pi.
2. IR sensor: An IR sensor is an electronic module which
consists of a transmitter and a receiver. The transmitter
sends infrared rays. If an obstacle is found within in a
range of 10cm, the rays are reflected to the receiver.
Two IR sensors are attached at the edge of the egg tray
in the refrigerator. It continuously monitors the
presence of the eggs and updates it in the app through
Fig. 1. IOT System 3. Ultrasonic sensor: Ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04) is
widely used to measure the distance without actual
contact. The working principle of sensor is: Sound
waves in ultrasonic range are continuously emitted.
When it encounters an obstacle the sound waves get
reflected. Distance is calculated based on time elapsed
for the wave to return. The range of the sensor
varies from 2cm to 400cm with a precision of 3mm.
Ultrasonic sensor is placed below the lid of milk
container. Based on the above principle it measures the
quantity of milk present in the container.
4. Load cell: Load cell is a transducer which transforms
force or pressure into electrical signals. It has 4 strain
gauges in a Wheatstone bridge configuration, which
deforms when pressure is applied on it. Load cell
comes in various ranges like 5kg, 10kg, 100kg and
Fig. 2. Classifier System.
more.HX711 amplifier is used with the weighing
sensor to amplify the electrical signals generated by
the load cell. Bread or any container is placed on the
load cell, which measures its weight.
5. Camera module (INTEX IT-305EC): The webcam is
placed at the top corner of vegetables section of
refrigerator model. The camera takes the picture of

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vegetables present in the fridge, each time the user or IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to
wants to access that. The user is provided with a ‘Take develop android Apps. It gives a proper environment
Picture’ button on his app which sends the signal to for developing and for coding of android apps.
raspberry pi through MQTT and the camera captures
an image. 4. MQTT Client: MQTT is used as a protocol between
android app and camera module. It is one of the most
commonly used protocols in IOT projects. It stands for
Message Queuing Telemetry Transport. Like any other
internet protocol, MQTT is based on clients and a
server. Likewise, the server is responsible for handling
the client’s requests of receiving or sending data
between each other.
5. OpenCV library: The opencv library is installed in
raspberry pi for image processing. It is one of the
libraries used for image processing mainly used to do
operations on the images.
This section shows the pictorial representation of results.
A. Performance Analysis
The work is carried out in the hardware and software
interfaced environment. The performance of the system is
evaluated. The RoundTrip Time (RTT) is the time required for
the data to travel from sensors to firebase database through the
controller and back to the android application. The RTT is
divided into four levels.
Level 1: Response of the sensors. Level 2: Processing by
the controller. Level 3: Updation of data in firebase. Level 4:
Fig. 4. Proposed system.
Retrival of data in the app.
The time of these levels is recorded and average value is
TABLE I. CALIBRATED VALUES OF SENSORS. calculated. With these values a RTT plot is generated as shown
Sensor Range Decision in Figure 8.
IR Sensor 5-15 cm Egg is detected By observing data flow from sensors to android application
31-42 cm Empty container through firebase database, we conclude that the time taken is
Ultrasonic Sensor 21-29 cm Half full container practically more. So, a much faster approach is used to activate
0-19 cm Full container
the camera module. MQTT protocol acts as a bridge between
Load cell below 500g Insufficient
software tool and hardware component like camera module
B. Software Design where the response is faster.
The software packages used in this project are described
1. Raspbian Stretch: Raspbian is used as an OS for
Raspberry pi. Raspbian is the main and basic software
for RPi devices, officially supported by the Raspberry
Pi Foundation. In fact, it is an operating system, based
on Debian and optimized for Raspberry Pi hardware.
2. Firebase database: Firebase is used as a cloud platform
to store the data in the project. It is real time database
which allows sharing the data across Android, IOS and
Web apps. It is a cloud-hosted NoSQL database that
allows to store and sync data in real time. Firebase data
is also available offline, so that the app always has
access to the data. The data is automatically synced
once the app comes back online.
3. Android Studio: The app is built using android studio Fig. 5. Presence or absence of egg is detected and notified through the app. In
platform. Android Studio is Google’s Official Software the case of absence, the eggs are booked through online shopping

Authorized licensed use limited to: Cornell University Library. Downloaded on August 19,2020 at 04:36:59 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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Fig. 7. Vegetables in the tray are recognized based on their colors and
respective recipe is suggested.

Fig. 8. RTT Plot.

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