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2020 2nd International Conference on Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems.

Smart Fridge for Global Users Based on IOT using

Deep Learning
Avinash N J# Renita Pinto# Sowmya Bhat#

Chetan R# Rama Moorthy H*

2020 International Conference on Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems (ICPECTS) | 978-1-7281-1084-4/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICPECTS49113.2020.9337016

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Shri Madhwa Vadiraja Institute of Technology and Management, Bantakal, India

Abstract— Current assembling lines for the fridge exploit a in our kitchen to store the food and to keep it fresh. A normal
robotized assessment device that depends on cameras. As a refrigerator can be built in a different way to make smart
developing issue, fridge arrangement dependent on pictures from its refrigerator by upgrading into an elegant cost-effective, and
front view is important for cooler modern mechanization. In any engines used in the smart fridge system which mainly consist
case, this remaining parts an extremely testing task in light of the fact
of camera module, load cell as a part of sensor, gas sensor etc.
that the cooler is frequently seen against thick mess under conditions.
In this paper, we propose a computerized fridge picture arrangement
strategy, in light of the new undertaking of the Convolution Neural
Network (CNN). It decides the challenges in fridge picture order by
streamlining the information driven instrument and advancing both
arrangement and comparability imperative. As far as anyone is II. PROBLEM STATEMENT
concerned, this is the first occasion when that profound learning
design has been reasonable for the fridge's home apparatuses field. This method will help us in the process of classify the food
Due to the investigations ordinary out utilizing 31,247 pictures of 30 present inside the refrigeration and also employed to check the
classifications of coolers, our CNN engineering make a very condition of food according to the images available in the
monumental exactness of 99.96%. sample of refrigerator. In the process found lot many
challenges in the images, aiming to get solution to such
Keywords— Smart Fridge, CNN, Android Application, Deep problems in these difficulties we here proposed a novel based
Learning. (key words). CNN algorithm as mentioned.

In all over world almost all people from various regions
they prefer refrigerator in their kitchen to preserve or to gives the overall study conducted,
store the food. Technically refrigerator uses to cool or freezing
the products like fruits, vegetables etc. With the help of
Rasberry-Pi can transform into smart cost-effective system
from any existing refrigerator by referring designed smart
refrigeration module. In the smart refrigerator we can avoid
spoilage of food meanwhile detachable of food spoilage by
referring the status of the food in the different aspects like
weight, expiry date and quality etc.Now a days our life is
mainly relies upon the automated systems like IOT based
controlled AC, Lights, Fans, and many more devices .Mainly
the refrigerator is a kind of electrical appliance which we used

978-1-7281-1084-4/20/$31.00 © 2020 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on May 20,2021 at 05:28:58 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2020 2nd International Conference on Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems.
Table 1: Comprehensive Analysis
Author Contents mentioned
Aurel-Dorian Floarea Mentioned about IOT based refrigerator, and about the data base images which kept inside the fridge for the classification and about the process ,later on gone through an
IOT stage to the user end[1]

Shouming Qiao A smart fridge based on the RFID technology. To provide the recipes according to the
food items available in the refrigerator and also which will gather the information about
the food items [2].

Suhuai Luo More concerned about the health issues and proposed a system for better nourishment. It
will create a ideation in such a way that inciting the users with various cooking
techniques depends on the items available in the system and also helps to managing the
things kept in the fridge [3].

Kebande Proposed systems defines how to overcome from the drawbacks and recognize the
possibilities of security in IOT based condition [4]
Deepti Singh
Proposed an intelligent weight sensing systems, were the system can sense the food
/items available or placed in the fridge & include the mobile app part , which helps to
send the notification about the weight of a sensed items when the weight variation
occurred or variation in the threshold value [5].

Emily Moin Proposed a system to get the information of the available items in the fridge by scanning
the barcode which is mounted in the product pack, and also systems communicate the
information by using RFID technology [6].

Folasade Osisanwo Brief idea about RFID tag & also information related WiFi provided fridge to transmit the data to the needy user [7]

IV. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY Heaviness of the staple thing goes under a limit esteem which
will be given by the buyer, the framework gives a notice and
The proposed system tells the implementation of smart or requests a top off. Correspondingly, if the staple thing begins
intelligent fridge systems, which is practically economical and to decay it will request that the client remove it from the
very simple to use for the users. The proposed systems allow fridge.
the users to get notification about the activities going on it via
wireless system on the app of they will be cellphone. The
internet things-based system where they will be intelligent to B. OBJECTIVES
see the condition of the milk product kept inside the fridge. 1. Give the early indication of food or vegetable or milk
The hardware part of the system is covered by the raspberry status like in usable condition or unusable condition
PI, camera & WiFi module, to transmits all in sequence to the this indication provided by the system to user of
sensors by an IOT. system.
2. To notify user of food shortage (providing a list
A. PROPOSED ARCHITECTURE which is stored in refrigerator ) , food spoilage.
The proposed occupation is to set up a keen cooler framework,
which is in no way, shape or form hard to utilize and 3. The main objective of this project is to check the
environmentalist for the client. It is prepared for enlightening status of vegetables and avoid wastage of vegetables.
its proprietor about the conduct going on inside it by the
INTERNET on the telephone. The android application made
here is utilized as a GUI (Graphical User Interface) for the
client where they will be smart to watch the condition of the
food thing saved inside the cooler. The entire plan is oversee
by Raspberry Pi having Broadcom BCM2835 SOC filled top
notch minimized plate processors with 512mb SDRAM
memory and it component on the Linux working framework.
It additionally has an implicit Wi-Fi which we will utilize as a
correspondence passage for the android application. As the

978-1-7281-1084-4/20/$31.00 © 2020 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on May 20,2021 at 05:28:58 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2020 2nd International Conference on Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems.

In our system camera captures the object and verify in the

system. Then it will find the object and detect the object by its

In tracking, an object can be defined as anything that is of

interest. The appearance and shapes can be represented by
object. First we will describe the representation of object
shape. Representation of objects is very important in object
detection and tracking. There are various ways used to
represent objects. Profound convolution neural systems have
as of late accomplished best in class execution on various
picture acknowledgment benchmarks, including the ImageNet.
The triumphant model on the confinement sub-task was a
Figure 1. System Architecture system that predicts a solitary jumping box and a certainty
score for each item classification in the picture. Such a model
C. ALGORITHM catches the entire picture setting around the articles. In this
work, we propose a saliency-roused neural system model for
location, which predicts a lot of class-rationalist jumping
1. CNN Algorithm
boxes alongside a solitary score for each container, relating to
Step 1(a): Convolution Operation its probability of containing any object of intrigue.
The principal building obstruct in our arrangement of At the point when we need PCs to comprehend complex
assault is convolution activity. In this progression, we will scenes, picture inscribing is one such assignment. In these
address highlight finders, which fundamentally fill in as the assignments, we need to prepare a model to anticipate the
neural system's channels. We will likewise talk about element classification of a given picture is to initially explain each
maps, learning the boundaries of such guides, how examples picture in a preparation set with a name from a predefined set
are identified, the layers of discovery, and how the discoveries of classifications.
are outlined.
Step 1(b): ReLU Layer
The second aspect of this progression will include the
Rectified Linear Unit or ReLU. We will cover ReLU layers
and investigate how linearity capacities with regards to
Convolutional Neural Networks.
Step 2: Pooling
In this part, we'll spread pooling and will get the
chance to see precisely how it by and large functions. Our
nexus here, in any case, will be a particular sort of pooling;
max pooling. We'll cover different methodologies, however,
including mean (or aggregate) pooling. This part will end with
an exhibition made utilizing a visual intuitive apparatus that Figure 2. System Result
will sift through the entire idea for you.
Step 3: Flattening VI. CONCLUSION
This will be a concise breakdown of the smoothing
The smart Refrigerator mentioned here is based on IOT. This
cycle and how we move from pooled to leveled layers when
system makes our life easier and convenient. This system has
working with Convolution Neural Networks.
great advantage and helps our life to be more comfortable and
Step 4: Full Connection is a inevitable in our day to day routine. This smart system is
In this part, all that we secured all through the area will not only a boon to a consumer or user alone but also to the
be combined. By learning this, we will get the opportunity to food manufacturers, food retailers, refrigerator manufacturers
imagine a more full image of how Convolution Neural and Maintenance, repairing department. This smart
Networks work and how the "neurons" that are at long last refrigerator makes a person’s lifestyle easier, efficient and
created become familiar with the order of pictures. quick since it is able to plan the menu, arrange the items based
on expiry dates and hence wastage of food can be completely
avoided. The refrigerator manufacturer can save the labour

978-1-7281-1084-4/20/$31.00 © 2020 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on May 20,2021 at 05:28:58 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2020 2nd International Conference on Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems.
cost with this smart refrigerator. Most important of all, people play a clandestine role in perpetuating cybercrime", (2017) IST-Africa
Week Conference (IST-Africa).
can save money with this smart machine.
[5] Deepti Singh, Preet Jain, “IoT Based Smart Refrigerator System”,
International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and
Communication Engineering (IJARECE), Volume 5, Issue 7, July 2016.
[6] Suhuai Luo, Jesse S. Jin, and Jiaming Li, “A Smart Fridge with an
Ability to Enhance Health and Enable Better Nutrition” published in
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[2] Shouming Qiao; Hongzhen Zhu; Lijuan Zheng; Jianrui Ding, International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering Vol. 4,
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[3] Suhuai Luo; Hongfeng Xia; Yuan Gao; Jesse S. Jin; Rukshan Athauda, " pages 10.4236/jss.2014.211017.
Smart Fridges with Multimedia Capability for Better Nutrition and [9] Alolayan Bushra (2014). Do I Really Have to Accept Smart Fridges? An
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[4] Victor R. Kebande; Nickson M. Karie; Antonia Michael; Semaka M.G. pp186-191.
Malapane; H.S. Venter, " How an IoT-enabled “smart refrigerator” can

978-1-7281-1084-4/20/$31.00 © 2020 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on May 20,2021 at 05:28:58 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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