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In news we trust?

1. Read the comments and say if any are true for you and why.

I’m a traditionalist who enjoys a daily paper. I can’t imagine a day

without it. It might not be the most convenient source of info for some,
but I’m certain it’s the most reliable one.

Conventional news outlets like radio, TV and print media are fading
away and lots of people like me have turned to online news as their
top source. You can get news content from social media or subscribe
to digital magazines. And what’s most important, be the first to know.

My main source of news is 24 hour news TV. I keep it switched on all

day. Apart from scheduled news reports, I watch live broadcasting, so
I keep up with what’s happening all around the globe.

2. Discuss what changes you’ve noticed in the following areas connected to

the media and news and give examples.
• article length
• news quality
• news topics
• the journalist’s job
• information gathering
• the role of the media

3. Watch a video [] about a journalism crisis

and finish the sentences with what you remember from the video as well as
your own ideas.
Possible answers:
a) Independent quality media are vital for a healthy society because… they can
provide us with the necessary information to make informed decisions; they
can create space for public debate on important issues affecting our society;
they can hold the powerful to account and prevent the abuse of power.

Copyrights by ESL Brains

In news we trust?

b) Producing quality news is extremely expensive because… it costs both

to gather information, and to distribute it. News organizations need to pay for
print and broadcasting, and, of course, for professional journalists.
c) The content is changing and it now focuses more on… entertainment and
d) A growing lack of trust in the news stems from… misinformation, propaganda,
partisan news stories and tabloidization.
e) There are a few solutions for financing independent media, including…
crowdfunding, donations, membership, subscriptions.

4. Discuss the questions.

• Does the video present anything you don’t agree with?
• Are you OK with paying for news online with your data?
• Do you subscribe to any digital newspapers or magazines?
• Which of the sources below are the most and the least credible?
o blogs o YouTube videos
o TV o social media platforms
o newspapers and o digital newspapers
magazines o radio
• Do political forces have an influence on the media in your country? If yes, give
some examples.
• In your opinion, what does the future hold for the media and news?
5. Look at the list of problems related to the media and news, explain what
they are about and think of possible solutions.

[If you want to explain any of the problems above or talk more about them with
your students, you can also use this chart by Visual Capitalist.]

Copyrights by ESL Brains

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