Grammar 2

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Fill in with the correct form of verb

1. Sam _____________ (beat) his friend in the 100m race (Present Perfect)
2. _________ you _________ (keep) all the documents carefully? (Present
3. He ___________________ (work) under the pressure of his boss (Past
4. She _________________________ (speak) a little till now (Past perfect)
5. He _________________________ (leave) suddenly from the café
(Present Perfect)
6. They ______________________ (spend) most of the time playing games
(Past Perfect)
7. The dust ________________________ (blow) everywhere in the kitchen
(Present Perfect)
8. They ______________________ (change) the tyre before they continued
driving (Past Perfect)
9. The sun _____________(rise) late today (Present Perfect)
10. Jack and Jill ___________________ (buy) a new car (Past Perfect)
11. By yesterday, boss ____________________ (read) all the letters (Past
12. They _____________ (ride) the bicycle in the park. (Present Perfect)
13. Kavita ____________________ (win) a trophy in chess (Present Perfect)
14. Paul ___________________ (speak) with his friends last night (Past
15. Tom __________________ (do) his homework (Present Perfect)
16.They __________________ (have) a lovely time (Present Perfect)
17. The plane _________________ (take) off before the fire started (Past
18. By the time the police arrived, the burgler ____________ (run) away
(Past Perfect)
19. Mary _____________ (be) with a cute boy (Present Perfect)
20.He ____________________ (become) very arrogant (Present Perfect)
21.We _________________- (come) to his house last week (Past Perfect)
22.The show ________ just ____________ (begin) (Present Perfect)
23.Ravi ________________ (fall) from the mountains when I saw (Past
24.The wind __________________ (blow) everything (Present Perfect)
25.The prefect __________________ (choose) his successor (Present
Subject Verb Agreement:

1. The cutlery (is/are) broken

2. The information (is/are) not correct
3. Mathematics (is/are) an interesting subject
4. Nobody (believe/ believes) a person who lies
5. We (need/ needs) to buy a new house
6. There (was/were) four planters in the porch
7. Forty kilos of potato (has/have) been bought
8. One of his sisters (play/ plays) the guitar
9. Much of the road (is/are) blocked
10. Either of the sisters (learn/learns) dancing
11.Measles (is/ are) an infectious disease
12.There (is/are) plenty of buses standing in the bus stand
13.Many of the mangoes (is/are) rotten
14.None of the boys (is/are) selected in the finals
15.Geography (is/are) an interesting subject
16.There (is/are) a lot of butter in the fridge
17.The people (has/have) gathered in the streets
18.There (is/are) a dozen of apples in my bag
19.The shoes (is/are) torn
20.The footwear (fits/fit) me well
21.A litter of puppies (is/are) roaming in the streets
22.Apple, mango and grapes (is/are) fruits that contain important vitamins
23.Chicken and chips (is/are) my favourite go to snack
24.Nobody (has/have) asked for my permission
25.A pair of scissors (is/are) lying on the table
26.A new panel of judges (has/have) been appointed
27.A few days of rest (is/are) enough for cure
28.Everybody in the party (was/were) happy
29.Lalit and his brother always (fight/fights)
30.Most of the traffic (is/are) by this road
31.Athletics (is/are) his main interest
32.His knowledge of many languages (is/are) remarkable
33.Fifty pouns (is/are) my current weight
34.Either Seema or Reema (is/are) participating the contest
35.The price of these (is/are) reasonable
36.It (take/takes) a lot of courage to serve the country
37.The boys (play/plays) football everybody

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