Cell Exercise Part 2

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Bright Public Higher Secondary School MPM

Biology Notes Created By

Waqar Ahmed Mirani

Chapter 03
Cell , Structure and Function

( Short Questions )

Q:01:- Why lysosome is called suicidal sacs ?

Ans :- Lysosome contain powerful enzymes that breakdown cellular
components . In situation like cell death , lysosome release these enzymes ,
adding in cell destrruction . This process likened to cell committing “suicide”,
hence the term “suicidal sac” for lysosomes .

Q:02:- Why plasma membrane is differntially permeable in nature ?

Ans :- plasma membrane is differentially permeable because it selectively
allows certain substances to pass through while restricting others. This
selectivity is crucial for maintaining the internal environment of the cell and
regulating the exchange of nutrients, ions, and waste products with the
external environment. The membrane achieves this through its structure,
primarily composed of a phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins that
regulate the passage of molecules. This selective permeability ensures cellular
homeostasis and proper functioning.

Q:03:- Why plant cell wall is rigid ?

Ans :- The rigidity of the plant cell wall is due to its composition and structure,
primarily consisting of cellulose microfibrils embedded in a matrix of other
polysaccharides and proteins. This rigid structure provides mechanical support
and protection to the plant cell, helping it maintain its shape and withstand
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external pressure. Additionally, the cell wall acts as a barrier against
pathogens and helps regulate the movement of water and nutrients.

Q:04:- Why chloroplast is called energy converting cell organelle ?

Ans :- chloroplasts are called energy converting organelles because they
convert light energy from the sun into chemical energy stored in the form of
glucose, which is used by the cell to carry out various metabolic processes and

Q:05:- Why prokaryotic ribosome is different from eukaryotic

ribosome ?
Ans :- Prokaryotic ribosomes are smaller (70S) and have fewer proteins
compared to eukaryotic ribosomes (80S). They consist of a 30S small subunit
and a 50S large subunit, while eukaryotic ribosomes consist of a 40S small
subunit and a 60S large subunit. These differences in size and composition
reflect evolutionary divergence and contribute to the specificity of ribosomes
in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

Q:06:- How mitochondria is similar to bacteria ?

Ans :- Mitochondria are similar to bacteria in their:
Endosymbiotic Origin: Both share a common evolutionary ancestor, believed to
be aerobic bacteria engulfed by primitive eukaryotic cells.
Double Membrane: Like some bacteria, mitochondria have an outer and inner
Circular DNA: They contain their own circular DNA, akin to bacterial genomes.
Ribosomes: Mitochondria possess ribosomes similar to those found in bacteria,
facilitating protein synthesis.

Q:07:- Why mitochondria is called power house of cell ?

Ans :- Mitochondria are often referred to as the "powerhouses of the cell"
because they are the primary sites of cellular respiration, a process that
generates the majority of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the cell's main energy
currency. Through a series of biochemical reactions occurring in the
mitochondria, molecules derived from food, such as glucose, are broken down
to produce ATP.
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Q:08 :- Differenciate between peroxisome and glyoxysome ?

Ans :- Here’s the difference :
Feature Peroxisomes Glyoxysomes
Present in most eukaryotic Found primarily in plant
Location cells cells
Involved in various
metabolic processes, Specialized for lipid
including detoxification of metabolism in
harmful substances, lipid germinating plant seeds,
metabolism, and synthesis converting stored fats
Function of bile acids into carbohydrates
Contains enzymes like
isocitrate lyase and
malate synthase,
Enzymes Contains enzymes such as involved in the
Present catalase and oxidases glyoxylate cycle
Participates in the
breakdown of fatty acids Facilitates the
and other metabolites, as conversion of fatty acids
Role in well as the synthesis of to sugars during seed
Metabolism certain lipids germination
Contains oxidative enzymes Lacks oxidative enzymes
Peroxisomal that produce hydrogen and hydrogen peroxide-
Matrix peroxide as a byproduct producing reactions

( Long Questions )

Q:01:- Describe structure and functions of rough and smooth

endoplasmic reticulum .
Ans :- Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) :
Structure: Studded with ribosomes on its surface, giving it a rough appearance.
Composed of interconnected membrane-bound sacs called cisternae.
Functions: Involved in protein synthesis, processing, and transport.
Synthesizes proteins destined for secretion, insertion into the cell membrane,
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or packaging into organelles like lysosomes. Also assists in protein folding and
quality control.
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) :
Structure: Lacks ribosomes on its surface, appearing smooth. Composed of
tubular structures.
Functions: Primarily involved in lipid metabolism, synthesizing lipids such as
phospholipids, steroids, and triglycerides. Participates in detoxification by
metabolizing drugs and toxins. Stores calcium ions in muscle cells and
regulates calcium levels. Additionally, involved in carbohydrate metabolism in
some cells.

Q:02:- Explain the chemical composition and functions of plasma

membrane in regulating cell’s interactions with environment .
Ans :- Chemical Composition of Plasma Membrane:
Primarily composed of phospholipids arranged in a bilayer, with hydrophilic
heads facing outward and hydrophobic tails facing inward.
Contains proteins embedded within the lipid bilayer, including integral proteins
that span the membrane and peripheral proteins attached to its surface.
Functions Of Plasma Membrane :
Selective Permeability: Regulates the passage of substances into and out of
the cell, maintaining internal balance.
Transport: Facilitates the movement of specific molecules across the
Cell Signaling: Contains receptors that recognize and respond to signaling
Cell Adhesion: Helps cells attach to neighboring cells and the extracellular
Cell Recognition: Carries molecules that identify the cell and distinguish it from
Boundary Formation: Defines the cell's boundary and provides structural

Q:03:- Explain the structure and function of lysosomes ?

Ans :- Lysosomes are cellular organelles enclosed by a single membrane. They
contain digestive enzymes capable of breaking down various biomolecules,
such as proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates. This process, called
hydrolysis, serves to digest foreign particles, recycle cellular components
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through autophagy, and maintain cellular homeostasis. Lysosomes maintain an
acidic environment to optimize enzyme activity, facilitated by proton pumps in
their membrane. In essence, lysosomes act as the cell's recycling centers,
ensuring proper function and integrity.

Q:04:- Explain the structure of mitochondria with suitable diagram .

Ans :- Mitochondria have a double-membrane structure: an outer membrane

and an inner membrane with folds called cristae. Inside the inner membrane is
the matrix, containing mitochondrial DNA and enzymes for energy production.
Mitochondria generate ATP, the cell's energy currency, through cellular
respiration, making them essential for cell function and metabolism.

Q:05:- Explain the structure and composition of cell wall .

Ans :- The cell wall is a structural layer surrounding the plasma membrane of
plant cells, fungi, bacteria, and some archaea. Its composition varies among
different organisms, but its primary function is to provide structural support,
protection, and regulate the movement of substances in and out of the cell.
Here's a breakdown of its structure and composition:

Plant cell wall :

Primary Cell Wall: This is the outermost layer of the plant cell wall, primarily
composed of cellulose microfibrils embedded in a matrix of polysaccharides,
such as pectin, hemicellulose, and glycoproteins. The primary cell wall is
flexible and allows for cell growth and expansion.
Secondary Cell Wall: In some plant cells, especially those that have ceased to
grow, a secondary cell wall is deposited inside the primary cell wall. It is
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composed mainly of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin, providing additional
rigidity and strength to the cell.

Fungal cell wall :

Fungal cell walls are primarily composed of chitin, a nitrogen-containing
polysaccharide, along with glucans and proteins. Chitin provides strength and
rigidity to the fungal cell wall, similar to cellulose in plant cell walls.
Bacterial cell wall :
Bacterial cell walls are classified into two main types: Gram-positive and
Gram-negative, based on their response to Gram staining.
Gram-positive Cell Wall: Consists mainly of a thick layer of peptidoglycan, a
polymer of sugar and amino acids, along with teichoic acids. This layer
provides structural support and protection.
Gram-negative Cell Wall: Comprises a thinner layer of peptidoglycan
sandwiched between an outer membrane and an inner plasma membrane. The
outer membrane contains lipopolysaccharides, lipoproteins, and porins, which
play roles in protection and the regulation of molecule passage.

Q:06:- Describe the structure and function of golgi complex .

Ans :- The Golgi complex is composed of flattened membrane-bound sacs
called cisternae. Its main functions include processing, modifying, sorting, and
packaging proteins and lipids received from the endoplasmic reticulum. It then
directs these molecules to their proper destinations within the cell or for
secretion outside the cell.

Q:07:- Explain types , structure , composition and functions of

cytokeleton .
Ans :- The cytoskeleton is a dynamic network of protein filaments found in the
cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. It provides structural support, helps maintain
cell shape, enables cell movement, and facilitates intracellular transport. The
cytoskeleton consists of three main types of protein filaments:
1)Microfilaments (actin filaments) :
Structure: Microfilaments are the thinnest filaments of the cytoskeleton,
typically about 7 nanometers in diameter. They are composed of actin protein
subunits arranged in a double helix.
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Composition: Actin filaments are dynamic structures that undergo
polymerization (assembly) and depolymerization (disassembly) processes in
response to cellular signals.
Functions: Microfilaments are involved in various cellular processes such as
cell movement, cell division (cytokinesis), maintenance of cell shape, and
intracellular transport by interacting with motor proteins like myosin.
2)Intermediate Filaments :
Structure: Intermediate filaments have a diameter ranging from 8 to 12
nanometers, making them thicker than microfilaments but thinner than
microtubules. They are composed of various types of proteins, including
keratins, vimentin, neurofilaments, and lamins.
Composition: Intermediate filaments provide mechanical strength and stability
to cells. They form a network throughout the cytoplasm and are anchored to
cell-cell junctions and cell-matrix adhesions.
Functions: Intermediate filaments provide structural support, help anchor
organelles within the cell, and contribute to the integrity of tissues.
3)Microtubules :
Structure: Microtubules are hollow cylindrical structures with a diameter of
about 25 nanometers. They are composed of tubulin protein subunits arranged
in protofilaments, which further assemble into a tubular structure.
Composition: Microtubules exhibit dynamic instability, meaning they can
rapidly grow and shrink by adding or removing tubulin subunits. They are
organized by microtubule-organizing centers (MTOCs), such as the centrosome
in animal cells or the spindle pole bodies in yeast.
Functions: Microtubules serve as tracks for intracellular transport, facilitating
the movement of vesicles, organelles, and chromosomes during processes like
cell division (mitosis and meiosis). They also contribute to cell shape and
polarity and are involved in the formation of specialized structures like cilia
and flagella.

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