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This Employment Contract (the "Contract") is made effective as of [Start Date], by and
between [Employee Name] (the "Employee") and [Company Name], with its principal place
of business located at [Company Address] (the "Company").

1. POSITION AND DUTIES 1.1 The Company agrees to employ the Employee as [Job
Title]. 1.2 The Employee agrees to perform the duties and responsibilities set out in the job
description attached as Exhibit A, and as directed by the Company.

2. TERM OF EMPLOYMENT 2.1 The term of employment will begin on [Start Date] and
will continue until terminated in accordance with the provisions of this Contract.

3. COMPENSATION 3.1 Salary: The Company agrees to pay the Employee an annual
salary of $[Salary], payable in accordance with the Company's standard payroll practices. 3.2
Benefits: The Employee will be eligible for the Company's standard employee benefits, as
outlined in Exhibit B.

4. PROBATIONARY PERIOD 4.1 The Employee’s initial employment period will be

subject to a probationary period of [Duration of Probationary Period] months, during which
time the Company may terminate employment without notice or cause.

5. WORK HOURS 5.1 The Employee’s standard working hours will be [Standard Working
Hours] per week. The Employee may be required to work additional hours as necessary to
perform their duties.

6. CONFIDENTIALITY 6.1 The Employee agrees to sign the Company’s standard Non-
Disclosure Agreement (NDA), which is attached as Exhibit C.

7. TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT 7.1 Termination by Company: The Company

may terminate this Contract at any time for cause, which includes but is not limited to gross
misconduct, breach of Contract, or failure to perform duties satisfactorily. 7.2 Termination by
Employee: The Employee may terminate this Contract by giving [Notice Period] weeks’
written notice to the Company. 7.3 Upon termination, the Employee agrees to return all
Company property and confidential information.

8. NON-COMPETE CLAUSE 8.1 The Employee agrees that during the term of this
Contract and for a period of [Non-Compete Duration] months following termination, they
will not engage in any business activities that directly compete with the Company within a
[Non-Compete Radius] mile radius of the Company’s principal place of business.

9. GOVERNING LAW 9.1 This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance
with the laws of the State of [State], without regard to its conflict of law principles.

10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT 10.1 This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between
the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral,
relating to its subject matter.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Employment Contract as of the
date first above written.

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