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Biomaterials 162 (2018) 109e122

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Bio-inspired redox-cycling antimicrobial film for sustained generation

of reactive oxygen species
Huan Liu a, Xue Qu a, *, Eunkyoung Kim b, Miao Lei a, Kai Dai a, Xiaoli Tan d, Miao Xu e,
Jinyang Li b, Yangping Liu d, Xiaowen Shi c, Peng Li e, Gregory F. Payne b,
Changsheng Liu a, **
Key Laboratory for Ultrafine Materials of Ministry of Education, The State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering, East China University of Science and
Technology, Shanghai, 200237, China
Institute for Biosystems and Biotechnology Research and Fischell, Department of Bioengineering, 5115 Plant Sciences Building, College Park, MD, 20742,
Department of Environmental Science, College of Resource and Environmental Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan, 430072, China
Tianjin Key Laboratory on Technologies Enabling Development of Clinical Therapeutics and Diagnostics, School of Pharmacy, Tianjin Medical University,
Tianjin, 300070, China
Key Laboratory of Flexible Electronics (KLOFE) and Institute of Advanced Materials (IAM), Jiangsu National Synergetic Innovation Center for Advanced
Materials (SICAM), Nanjing Tech University (NanjingTech), Nanjing, 210009, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Open wounds and burns are prone to infection and there remains considerable interest in developing
Received 24 June 2017 safe and effective mechanisms to confer antimicrobial activities to wound dressings. We report a bio-
Received in revised form mimetic wound dressing for the in situ and sustained generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS).
20 December 2017
Specifically, we fabricate a catechol-modified chitosan film that mimics features of the melanin capsule
Accepted 31 December 2017
generated during an insect immune response to infection. We use an electrochemical reverse engi-
Available online 2 January 2018
neering approach to demonstrate that this catechol-chitosan film possesses redox-activities and can be
repeatedly oxidized and reduced. In vitro tests demonstrate that this film catalyzes the transfer of
electrons from physiological reductant ascorbate to O2 for sustained ROS generation, and confers
Bio-inspiration ascorbate-dependent antimicrobial activities. In vivo antimicrobial experiment with a rat subcutaneous
Catechol model indicates the catechol-chitosan film at reduced state inhibits the bacterial growth and alleviates
Chitosan the infection of the incisions. Open wound healing tests with a mouse model indicate that the catechol-
Reactive oxygen species chitosan film suppresses the bacterial population at the wound site, induces less inflammation and
Redox-activity promotes wound healing. We envision this biomimetic approach for the sustained, localized and in situ
generation of ROS could provide new opportunities for wound management by protecting against
pathogen infection and potentially even enlisting ROS-mediated wound healing mechanisms.
© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction recent approach is to create dressings that mimic the antimicrobial

defense mechanisms of the host immune system (e.g., dressings
Open wounds and burns are vulnerable to infection and there is containing antimicrobial peptides) [8e10]. One common immune
considerable interest in developing protective antimicrobial response to pathogen attack is the oxidative burst in which NADPH
dressings [1e4]. One conventional approach is to create dressings oxidase enzymes catalyze the transfer of electrons from NADPH to
that slowly release antimicrobial agents (e.g., silver or antibiotics) O2 to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) [11]. While the active
with safety concerns such as inducing antibiotic resistance and also in situ generation of ROS is an attractive antimicrobial mechanism
depletion of active agent from such passive dressings [5e7]. A more [12,13], it is difficult to incorporate labile biological components
(enzymes and cells) into engineered materials to recapitulate this
oxidative burst pathway. Here, we investigated an alternative bio-
* Corresponding author. inspired pathway for the sustained non-enzymatic generation of
** Corresponding author. ROS.
E-mail addresses: quxue@ecust.edu.cn (X. Qu), liucs@ecust.edu.cn (C. Liu).

0142-9612/© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
110 H. Liu et al. / Biomaterials 162 (2018) 109e122

Our approach is inspired by an incompletely understood innate challenging to understand it's in vivo activities [23].
immune response in insects: the localized synthesis of a melanin Here, we investigated a catechol-chitosan (Cat-Chit) film that
coating to encapsulate invading pathogens [14,15]. Melanin is mimics the structure (catechol group) and redox activities of mel-
generated by the phenoloxidase-mediated conversion of tyrosine anins [24,25] and show this film possesses reversible redox-
[15] into reactive quinones that undergo subsequent non- activities capable of catalyzing the repeated transfer of electrons
enzymatic reactions to generate the macromolecular melanin from ascorbate to O2 for the sustained generation of ROS (H2O2) as
capsule [16]. Traditionally, it is believed that this immune response illustrated in Scheme 1A. Scheme 1B shows this film is prepared in
confers antimicrobial activity through (i) the active generation of two steps. First, a film of the pH-responsive self-assembling ami-
reactive species (e.g., quinones) during melanin synthesis [17], and nopolysaccharide chitosan (Chit) is formed by electrodeposition
(ii) the passive barrier properties of the capsule that restricts through a cathodic neutralization mechanism [26]. Chitosan is
pathogen mobility, growth and reproduction [18]. Twenty years ago chosen as the matrix material because its hemostatic [4,27] and
it was suggested that the melanin capsule might be redox-active antimicrobial properties [28,29] are assets for wound management,
and may offer an additional active antimicrobial mechanism by and because its physicochemical properties are convenient for film
catalyzing the transfer of electrons from endogenous extracellular fabrication [30] and catechol modification [31e33]. Second, the
reducing equivalents (e.g., from ascorbate) to O2 for the sustained electrodeposited chitosan film is modified by the oxidative grafting
generation of ROS [19]. This proposed mechanism is illustrated in of catechol moieties. Catechols (including those derived from
Scheme 1A but it has been difficult to test in vivo. Interestingly, tyrosine) can be readily oxidized into reactive o-quinones that can
more recent clinical research suggests an analogous mechanism undergo uncatalyzed conjugation reactions [34]. In particular,
may explain the pro-oxidant activities of human pheomelanin: this catechol can be oxidized spontaneously (at high pH as in the case of
melanin appears to accept electrons from biological reducing polydopamine) [35e38], enzymatically (by phenoloxidases) [39],
equivalents (e.g., glutathione) [20] and/or transfer electrons to O2 to anodically (by electrochemistry) [40] and chemically (by periodate
generate ROS [21,22]. In addition, recent reports emphasize that as illustrated in Scheme 1B) [32,41]. Quinone conjugation reactions
melanin's functions are context dependent making it even more can be quite complex and remain poorly understood but likely

Scheme 1. (A) Left: innate immune response in insects: melanin capsule offers antimicrobial activity by catalyzing the transfer of electrons from endogenous reductants to O2 for
ROS generation; Right: a mimetic film that possesses reversible redox-activities serves as a catalyst accepting electrons from ascorbate to O2 for sustained ROS generation. (B)
Schematic illustration of the fabrication of Cat-Chit film by coupling chitosan electro-deposition with subsequent oxidative grafting of catechol.
H. Liu et al. / Biomaterials 162 (2018) 109e122 111

include the Schiff base and Michael-type adducts shown in Scheme 2.4. Electrochemical reverse engineering
1B [33,42e46].
The aims of this study were to explore the capabilities of this To confirm the reversible redox-activity of Cat-Chit film, chito-
redox-active biomimetic film to generate ROS, confer antimicrobial san film was first deposited on a Pt electrode (1.5  1.5 cm2), and
activities and promote wound healing. We envision that such films then the chitosan-coated electrode was immersed into a catechol/
could be incorporated into dressings for advanced wound NaIO3-containing solution as described above. After fabrication, the
management. film-coated electrodes were rinsed with water and then tested by
obtaining cyclic voltammograms (CVs) in the presence of soluble
2. Materials and methods mediators (0.1 M PB, pH 7.0). Scan rate 5 mV/s.

2.1. Materials 2.5. ROS generation testing

The following materials were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich: 2.5.1. Transfer of electrons from ascorbate to Cat-Chit film
chitosan from crab shells (85% deacetylation and 200 kDa), cate- Cat-Chit film acquires electrons from reducing equivalents and
chol (reagent grade99%), ascorbate (reagent grade: 99%), catalase converts to its reduced state. As discussed, the reduced Cat-Chit
(2 k-5k units/mg protein), 5,5-Dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide film was obtained by incubation in ascorbate solution for 15 min
(DMPO), Hexaammineruthenium (III) chloride (Ru(NH3)6Cl3) (re- followed by extensive rinsing in water. FolineCiocalteu colori-
agent grade: 98%), ferrocene dimethanol (reagent grade98%), 3- metric assay was used to check that ascorbate was completely
(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2-H-tetrazolium bromide removed from the films during the rinsing step [47]. 300 mM
(MTT). Hydrogen Peroxide assay kit was purchased from AAT Bio- ascorbate was typically used for in vitro studies. This reduced Cat-
quest®. LIVE/DEAD BacLight Bacterial Viability Kit was purchased Chit film is designated Cat-Chit (red). The oxidized catechol-
from Invitrogen. Hydrochloric acid, sodium hydrate, glutaralde- chitosan film was obtained by oxidation via O2 bubbling for 2 h.
hyde, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), dimethyl sulphoxide The oxidized Cat-Chit film is designated Cat-Chit (ox).
(DMSO) were purchased from Shanghai Lingfeng. Sodium iodate
was purchased from Beijing J&K. All cell-culture related reagents 2.5.2. ROS detection
were purchased from Gibco (Grand Island, NY). The three-electrode To demonstrate the ROS generation activity, we first converted
system (PARSTAT2273) that was used for electrodeposition the Cat-Chit film to its reduced state by incubation with ascorbate
employed gold-coated silicon wafer as the working electrode, Pt (300 mM; 15 min) followed by extensive water rinsing. Next, Chit,
wire as the counter electrode and Ag/AgCl as the reference Cat-Chit (ox), Cat-Chit (red) films and Cat-Chit (red) film with
electrode. additional catalase were first incubated with 1 mL of air-saturated
water for predetermined time respectively, after which an aliquot
2.2. Fabrication of the catechol-modified chitosan film of the solution was diluted and tested for ROS-generation using
electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and Chemiluminescent
2.2.1. Electrodeposition of chitosan film measurement.
The chitosan film is fabricated using electrodeposition method. For EPR measurement, this aliquot (films incubated for 2 h) is
Briefly, the chitosan solution was prepared by dissolving chitosan in mixed with the Fenton Fe2þ reagent and radical trapper DMPO [48].
1% hydrochloric acid with overnight stirring. The resultant solution Briefly, 27.5 mL of sample aliquots were mixed with 27.5 mL of a
was diluted to 10 mg/mL by adding deionized water, and the pH reaction solution containing (NH4)2Fe(SO4)2 (200 mM), EDTA
was adjusted to 5e6. Electrodeposition of chitosan was performed (200 mM) and DMPO (100 mM), then quickly mounted onto EPR
by immersing the gold-coated electrode (working electrode) into instrument. EDTA was used to chelate metal ions that could affect
the chitosan solution described above that was supplemented with ROS (OH) generation. Data collection started after mixing the
20 mM H2O2 (H2O2 is used during chitosan electrodeposition to liquids above for 126 s. Catalase used is 100 mg/mL. Each group has
allow a pH gradient to be generated at lower reducing voltages). For singular sample.
chitosan's cathodic electrodeposition a reducing voltage was Chemiluminescent measurement was performed using horse-
applied to achieve a constant current density (16 A/m2) for 5 min. radish peroxidase enzyme mediated hydrogen peroxide assay kit
The resultant chitosan-coated electrode was rinsed extensively (Amplite™ Fluorimetric Hydrogen Peroxide Assay Kit, AAT Bio-
with water and phosphate buffer (PB, pH 7.0). After exposure to quest®). Different films were first incubated with 1 mL of water for
NaOH solution (100 mM) for 30 min, the free-standing chitosan 12 h respectively. Aliquots of the solutions were measured ac-
film was peeled off from the electrode. cording to the assay protocol. Catalase used is 100 mg/mL. Each
group has triplicate samples.
2.2.2. Catechol grafting
The chitosan film was immersed into a catechol/NaIO3-con- 2.5.3. Dynamics of ROS-generation
taining solution (catechol conc. 20 mM, NaIO3 conc. 10 mM) over- Dynamics of ROS-generation was examined using EPR assay. The
night with gentle shaking for oxidative grafting of catechols. The films with 1  1 cm2 were separately immersed into 1 mL of
obtained film (catechol-chitosan, denoted as Cat-Chit) was distilled water. At predetermined time interval, 27.5 mL of sample
collected and rinsed with water extensively. aliquots were mixed with 27.5 mL of a reaction solution containing
(NH4)2Fe(SO4)2 (200 mM), EDTA (200 mM) and DMPO (100 mM),
2.3. Characterization of catechol-modified chitosan film then quickly mounted onto EPR instrument. Data collection started
after mixing the liquids above for 126 s, each group had a singular
SEM analysis was performed on S-4800 (Hitachi) scanning sample. The incorporated H2O2 amount was quantified using a
electron microscope. Chemical analysis of films was performed on standard H2O2 calibration curve which was made by measuring
an Attenuated total reflectance Fourier-transform infrared system gradient diluted standard H2O2 solutions using EPR assay respec-
(ATR-FTIR, Nicolet 5700), UV/vis spectrometer (SpectraMax M2, tively. The EPR spectra for H2O2econtaining solutions has a char-
Molecular Probes) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS, acteristic DMPO-OH· signal with 1:2:2:1 quartet, of which the
ESCALAB 250Xi). second peak intensity of the corresponded standard vs. its
112 H. Liu et al. / Biomaterials 162 (2018) 109e122

concentration was fitted to be the calibration curve. 2.6.5. Ascorbate concentration dependent antimicrobial activity
Chemiluminescent measurement was also performed to testing
examine the correlation between ascorbate concentration used for The antimicrobial activity of Cat-Chit films with different
film reduction and the H2O2-generation activity of the reduced film. ascorbate treatment were also examined using E. coli. Films
Films were first incubated with different concentration of ascorbate (z1  1 cm2) were first respectively incubated with different con-
solutions for 15 min followed by extensive rinsing in water, and centration of ascorbate solutions for 15 min followed by extensive
then incubated with 1 mL of water for 12 h respectively. Aliquots of rinsing in water. For each group three pieces of films were added
the solutions were measured according to the assay protocol. Each into 1 mL of bacteria solution (105 CFU/mL), and incubated at 37  C
group has triplicate samples. for 12 h. Cell media were sampled for measuring the survivors us-
ing plate counting. Each group has 3 replicate samples.

2.5.4. Regenerating ROS-generation

Two pieces of Cat-Chit films were converted to their reduced 2.6.6. Regenerating antimicrobial activity evaluation
form by incubating in 2 mL of ascorbate solution (300 mM; 15 min), Three pieces of Cat-Chit films were converted to their reduced
rinsed with water, and then separately incubated in 1 mL of air- form by incubating in 3 mL of ascorbate solution (300 mM; 15 min),
saturated water (12 h). After the 1st incubation the water solu- rinsed with water, and then incubated in 1 mL of bacterial cultures
tions were sampled for H2O2 measurement by enzyme assay. The (106 CFU/mL) for 12 h. After the 1st incubation, cell media were
Cat-Chit films were then recovered and one of them was replen- sampled for measuring the remaining viable bacteria using dilution
ished with electrons by re-incubation with ascorbate and then re- plate counting, and also the films were recovered and replenished
used for a subsequent incubation in water (12 h). The other electrons by contacting with ascorbate (300 mM, 15 min), and then
(serving as a control) was re-incubated in water (12 h) in the sub- re-used for a subsequent incubation. In parallel, three other Cat-
sequent cycles without ascorbate treatment. Each group has trip- Chit films (serving as a control) were used in the same manner as
licate samples. described above, except for that after the 1st incubation the films
were reused without ascorbate treatment in subsequent incubation
cycles. Each group has a singular sample.
2.6. In vitro antimicrobial experiments

2.6.1. Bacteriostatic activity assay 2.7. Biocompatibility evaluation

Bacteria of S. aureus (ATCC 25923), E. coli (ATCC 25922) and
methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus acquired from hospital The HaCaT cell line is used to estimate the biocompatibility of
(MRSA, Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University) were the Cat-Chit films reduced by varying ascorbate levels. For this
used in this study. The Cat-Chit (red) films used for these studies are study, the films were first cut into 8 mm diameter disks and then
prepared by ascorbate (300 mM) incubation for 15 min. Four sam- sterilized by UV light overnight. Following the incubation of HaCaT
ple groups were tested: Chit, Cat-Chit (ox), Cat-Chit (red) and Cat- cells (2.6  104 cells/cm2) in a culture medium for 24 h at 37  C
Chit (red) films with additional catalase. For each group three containing 5% CO2, each of the culture media was added with one
pieces of films (z1  1 cm2) were added into 1 mL of bacteria so- piece of film and then further cultured for an additional 24 h. The
lution (106 CFU/mL), and incubated at 37  C. The OD600 was moni- films were then removed and the cells were washed with PBS. 1 mL
tored every 3 h. Each group had 3 replicate samples. The bacteria of culture media containing 1 mg/mL MTT were added to each well
solution in the absence of films or with 10 mM of H2O2 was used as and the plates were incubated for another 4 h. The yielded purple
control. formazan crystals inside cells were dissolved by DMSO and OD
values were measured at 492 nm using a Spectramax M2 plate
reader (Molecular Devices, USA). Cell viability was calculated by
2.6.2. The inhibition zone assay
assuming 100% viability in the control set (media without films).
200 mL of bacteria solutions (1  105 CFU/mL) were firstly
introduced onto the agar plates, and then the films were placed
onto the plates and incubated for 12 h at 37  C. 2.8. In vivo antimicrobial activity of Cat-Chit film

All animal experiments adhered to the NIH guidelines for the

2.6.3. Morphology study
care and use of laboratory animals (NIH Publication no. 85-23 Rev.
The bacteria before or after Cat-Chit (red) films treatment for 4 h
1985) and were approved by the Research Center for Laboratory
was examined by SEM. Before measurement, the bacteria were
Animals of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
fixed by 2% glutaraldehyde for 2 h, and then experienced gradient
Male Sprague Dawley (SD) rat (180e200 g and 6e7 weeks of age)
dehydration. The bacteria solution was dropped onto silicon wafer,
were used for this study. Animals were divided into 3 groups: (i)
followed by freeze-drying.
Chit; (ii) Cat-Chit (ox); (iii) Cat-Chit (red) (reduced with 300 mM
ascorbate for 15 min), and each group contains 4 replicate samples.
2.6.4. Live/dead bacterial assay Rats were anesthetized using a flow of pentobarbital solution (1.0%)
Live/dead bacterial assay was performed to examine the and kept warm on sterile gauze during surgery. The backs of the
viability of bacteria before and after Cat-Chit (red) films treatment. rats were shaved and disinfected with iodophor. Two incisions with
After incubation with or without films for 4 h, bacteria solution was 1e2 cm in length were made on the back of each rat. All the sample
mixed with 6 mL of dye solution containing 1.67 mM of SYTO 9 dye films each with 8 mm in diameter were individually pre-seeded
and 20 mM of propidium iodide for 20 min at room temperature. with 10 mL of inoculums containing 107 CFU/mL of MRSA, and
The bacteria were then imaged using a confocal microscope (Nikon then air-dried for 10 min. After that, one sample film was implanted
A1R). SYTO 9 dye with green color labeled both live and dead subcutaneously into one incision at random. The incisions were
bacteria while propidium iodide dye with red color stained only subsequently sutured with stitch. After 3 days implantation, the
dead bacteria. The orange color in samples contact with film is animals were euthanized by inhalant anesthetic. The films were
overlapped by green and red colors, indicating dead bacteria [49]. removed and bacteria on it were quantified by dilution plate assay.
H. Liu et al. / Biomaterials 162 (2018) 109e122 113

2.9. In vivo wound healing tests to C]N structure on Schiff base or tautomer of Michael's-type
adducts [55].
Male BALB/c mice (20e25 g and 7e8 weeks of age) were used Taken together, these results provide independent physical and
for this study. Animals were divided into 3 groups: (i) Chit; (ii) Cat- chemical evidence for the oxidative grafting of catechol to the
Chit (ox); (iii) Cat-Chit (red) (reduced with 10 mM ascorbate for chitosan film. Due to the complexity of this reaction system, it is not
15 min), and each group contains 4 replicate samples. Mice were possible to definitively identify the specific linkages (Michael-type
anesthetized using a flow of pentobarbital solution (1.0%) and kept adduct or Schiff base), or whether monomeric or oligomeric cate-
warm on a sterile gauze during surgery. The standard splinted chols are grafted to the chitosan. Nevertheless the results in Fig. 1
wound model was used for each study [50e52]. Briefly, an aseptic are consistent with previous observations catechol modified chi-
puncher was used to create two excisional wounds with 5 mm in tosan films [56].
diameter on the backs of each mouse. Silicon rings were sutured in
place around the wounds to prevent healing by contraction. The 3.2. Reversible redox-activity of Cat-Chit film
one wound was bare (not covered) and served as negative control;
the other wound was dressed by a single film with 8 mm in Because of the complexity of melanin and melanin-mimetic
diameter. Finally, the mice were wrapped with tagaderm trans- materials, the characterization of structure, properties and func-
parent dressing (3 M, 2e3/8 inches  2e3/4 inches) on the backs tion has been challenging [42,57e62]. Electrochemical reverse
and fixed with adhesive tape. Films were changed at day 3, 7 and 10 engineering methodology was introduced to probe the redox-
after surgery and wound healing pictures were recorded. On day 3 activity of electro-fabricated catechol-chitosan and melanin-
and day 7, the exudate around the wound bed was collected by a chitosan films [63e65]. Here, we applied an electrochemical
cotton swab. The swab was then incubated with LB media for reverse engineering methodology to probe the redox-activity of
bacterial amplification and bacteria counting. After 14 days of catechol-chitosan film. As illustrated in Fig. 2A, the Cat-Chit film is
healing, animals were euthanized by inhalant anesthetic. The skin expected to have redox-capacitor properties [64,65] which can
including the wound was removed and fixed in 10% formaldehyde accept and donate electrons through reduction and oxidation re-
solution. The fixed tissue were sliced and analyzed by H&E staining actions, and it can store electrons when the film is maintained in a
for histological testing, and also Masson's trichrome staining for reduced state [24]. Importantly, the Cat-Chit film is also expected to
examining the formation of collagen. be non-conducting with electron transfer requiring diffusible re-
ductants and oxidants. The reverse engineering method is based on
2.10. Statistical analysis the use of mediators to engage the film in electrochemical redox-
cycling reactions that serve to transfer electrons between the un-
All data were expressed with mean standard deviation (SD) and derlying electrode and Cat-Chit film. The upper reaction in Fig. 2A
analyzed using one-way ANOVA with post hoc tests. Significance shows that one mediator Ru(NH3)6Cl3 (Ru3þ; E ¼ 0.22 V vs Ag/
was set at p < .05 (***p < .001, **p < .01, *p < .05). AgCl) engages in reductive redox-cycling by accepting electrons
from the electrode under reducing potentials and donating these
3. Results and discussion electrons to the film (the putative reaction shows the reduction of
film quinone moieties to catechols). The second mediator ferrocene
3.1. Film fabrication and characterization dimethanol (Fc; E ¼ þ0.25 V vs Ag/AgCl) engages in oxidative
redox-cycling by donating electrons to the electrode under
Films were prepared by electrodeposition (chitosan control) oxidizing potentials and then accepting electrons from the film (the
followed by oxidative catechol grafting (catechol-chitosan film). putative reaction shows the oxidation of film catechol moieties to
The morphology and the thickness of freeze-dried films were quinones). The thermodynamic plot in Fig. 2A illustrates that the
characterized by SEM. Fig. 1A show a relatively smooth surface for reductive and oxidative redox-cycling reactions can be cycled by
the chitosan film, whereas the surface of the catechol-chitosan film oscillating the imposed potential (i.e., voltage).
appears to have considerably more roughness and porosity. The In the first experiment, we probed for reversible redox-activity
thickness of films was about 100 mm (data not show). by immersing the film-coated electrode in a mixed solution of
Chemical evidence for the oxidative grafting of catechol to chi- the two redox mediators (500 mM Fc, and 500 mM Ru3þ) and
tosan is provided by three independent methods. First, the photo- applying a cyclic potential to the underlying electrode
graphs and UVevis spectra in Fig. 1B show that catechol grafting (between 0.5 V and þ0.5 V; 10 cycles; scan rate 5 mV/s). Fig. 2B
converts the initially-transparent chitosan film into a reddish shows the results from this experiment represented as both input-
brown film with strong UV absorption consistent with a covalent output curves and cyclic voltammograms (CVs). The control in this
grafting of quinones to amines [53]. Fig. 1C shows ATR-FTIR spectra experiment is an unmodified chitosan film and the CV for this
of Chit and Cat-Chit films. As indicated by the black arrows, two IR control shows small peaks in the voltage regions for the Ru3þ and Fc
bands at 1643 and 1593 cm1 correspond to the stretching vibra- mediators. The CV for the Cat-Chit film shows considerable
tions of carbonyl (eNHeC]O) and amine (eNH2) moieties of chi- amplification of both Ru3þ-reduction and Fc-oxidation. These am-
tosan film [54]. The spectrum for the Cat-Chit film reveals that after plifications in output currents are a signature for the redox-cycling
reaction distinct changes occur in the amine stretching vibration, mechanisms of Fig. 2A. Fig. 2B also shows that there was no
suggesting catechol oxidation products undergo covalent grafting noticeable change in the output currents over 10 repeated cycles.
to the amino group on chitosan. We also observed a new peak at This “steady” output for the Cat-Chit film suggests that the transfer
1620 cm1, which could be partially assigned to C]N stretching of electrons to the film during reductive redox-cycling is balanced
vibration from the Schiff base or tautomeric form of Michael's-type by the transfer of electrons from the film during oxidative redox-
adducts [55]. More rigorous evidence for covalent bond formation cycling. These results indicate that the Cat-Chit film is redox-
between amines of chitosan and catechol is provided by XPS. Fig. 1D active and can repeatedly donate and accept electrons.
compares the N1s spectra of the chitosan control and catechol- Two additional reverse engineering experiments were pre-
chitosan films. Deconvolution of the spectra yielded a single peak formed to confirm the redox activity of the film. In these studies,
at 399.2 eV for the chitosan control film, while the catechol- conditions were imposed to yield unbalanced redox-cycling. The
chitosan films has a new peak at 401.5 eV which can be assigned results in Fig. 2C show that for the initial cycles, a large amplified
114 H. Liu et al. / Biomaterials 162 (2018) 109e122

Fig. 1. Characterization of Cat-Chit film. (A) SEM, (B) UVevis, (C) ATR-FTIR, and (D) XPS provide evidence for film modification during catechol oxidative grafting.

output current is observed in the Ru3þ-reduction region for the Cat- we first reduced a catechol-chitosan film (z1  1 cm2) by incuba-
Chit film (compared to the control Chit film) and this amplification tion with ascorbate (300 mM; 15 min). This reduced film was then
becomes progressively less with each consecutive cycle. This un- incubated in 1 mL of air-saturated distilled water for 2 h after which
steady output response is consistent with the Cat-Chit film being an aliquot of the solution was diluted and tested for ROS-generation
reduced by Ru3þ-mediated redox-cycling but in the absence of using EPR. For EPR measurement, this aliquot is mixed with the
oxidative redox-cycling the film becomes “saturated” with elec- Fenton Fe2þ reagent and radical trapper DMPO [48]. The upper two
trons and unable to accept electrons. The results in Fig. 2D show EPR spectra in Fig. 3B show results for incubation of this aliquot and
that a large amplification of output current is observed in the Fc- a positive control (an H2O2 solution). Both spectra show the char-
oxidation region for the Cat-Chit film (compared to the control acteristic 1:2:2:1 quartet which indicates the reduced film had
Chit film) and this amplification progressively diminishes with each generated ROS. We also analyzed two additional samples, (i) in-
consecutive cycle. This unsteady output response is consistent with cubation of a Cat-Chit (red) film in the presence of the H2O2 scav-
the Cat-Chit film being progressively depleted of electrons by the enging enzyme catalase, and (ii) incubation of a Cat-Chit (ox) film.
Fc-mediated redox-cycling reactions. Fig. 3B shows the characteristic EPR signals was completely absent
In summary, the results in Fig. 2 indicate that the catechol- from these two samples. The final spectrum in Fig. 3B is for incu-
chitosan film possess redox activity and it can repeatedly ex- bation of a chitosan film and this negative control also shows no
change electrons through oxidation and reduction reactions. EPR signals. These results indicate that the reduced Cat-Chit film
can donate electrons to O2 for ROS (i.e., H2O2) generation.
3.3. Transfer of electrons from ascorbate to O2 for ROS generation Independent evidence for ROS-generation was obtained by the
horseradish peroxidase chemiluminescence method. Amplex Red is
Scheme 1A shows the underlying hypothesis of this research is used as the indicator, which is colorless but reacts with H2O2 to
that the redox-activity of the grafted catechol moieties allows form a pink product (resofurin) in the presence of HRP. Experi-
endogenous reducing equivalents (e.g., ascorbate) to provide the mentally, films were incubated in air-saturated water for 12 h and
electrons needed to partially reduce O2 to generate ROS (e.g., H2O2) then aliquots were tested by this H2O2-reporting assay. Fig. 3C
[56]. To demonstrate ascorbate-mediated reduction, we incubated shows that only Cat-Chit (red) group with no catalase yield pink
a catechol-chitosan film (z1  1 cm2) with ascorbate (300 mM; color, indicating the presence of H2O2. The Cat-Chit (red) film
15 min) followed by extensive water rinsing, and then XPS analysis. generated about 310 mM of H2O2. Negligible H2O2-generation was
The photographs in Fig. 3A show an interesting color change when observed for three controls with incubation of: (i) an unmodified
Cat-Chit films are subjected to ascorbate reduction. Chemical evi- Chit film, (ii) a Cat-Chit (ox) film, and (iii) a Cat-Chit (red) film with
dence for ascorbate-mediated reduction of Cat-Chit is presented in catalase. These results further confirm that Cat-Chit film can accept
Fig. 3A which shows the XPS spectra for Cat-Chit films before and electrons from ascorbate and transfer them to O2 to generate ROS
after ascorbate treatment. The ascorbate treated (i.e., reduced) Cat- (Note: the reduced Cat-Chit film can be slowly oxidized in air over
Chit film has an increased CeO peak at ~532.5 eV and a decreased the course of 7e10 days, and thus limit subsequent ROS generating
C]O peak at ~531.2 eV compared to the oxidized Cat-Chit film. This activities.).
observed difference is consistent with an ascorbate-mediated The dynamics of ROS-generation using EPR was then examined.
reduction of oxidized quinone moieties to catechol moieties Experimentally, reduced and oxidized Cat-Chit films (z1  1 cm2)
(Fig. S1 shows additional XPS spectra for these films). were separately incubated in air-saturated water and aliquots of the
Next, we demonstrated the transfer of electrons from a reduced incubation solutions were taken at various times for H2O2 deter-
catechol-chitosan film to O2 to generate ROS. For this experiment, mination. The H2O2 amount was quantified using a standard H2O2
H. Liu et al. / Biomaterials 162 (2018) 109e122 115

Fig. 2. Electrochemical reverse engineering demonstrates repeatable redox-cycling of the film. (A) Schematic illustration on the mediated reductive and oxidative redox-cycling
reactions with the Cat-Chit film. (B) Amplified and steady outputs are observed under conditions that allow both reductive and oxidative redox-cycling (500 mM Fc and 500 mM
Ru3þ). (C) Amplified but unsteady output is observed under conditions that allow only reductive redox-cycling (500 mM Ru3þ; scan rate 5 mV/s). (D) Amplified but unsteady output
is observed under conditions that allow only oxidative redox-cycling (500 mM Fcþ; scan rate 5 mV/s).

calibration curve that is obtained by the second peak intensity of that when a Cat-Chit (ox) film was incubated with air-saturated
the corresponded DMPO-OH· spin adduct. The EPR results in Fig. 3D water, no ROS evolution was observed over the course of the in-
show the generation of H2O2 from the Cat-Chit (red) film increased cubation. (Fig. S2 shows analgous experiments with enzymatic
progressively over the 6 h experiment. In contrast, Fig. 3D shows detection of H2O2). In summary, the EPR and enzyme methods for
116 H. Liu et al. / Biomaterials 162 (2018) 109e122

Fig. 3. Cat-Chit film can accept electrons from ascorbate and donate electrons to O2 for ROS generation. (A) XPS evidence for film reduction by ascorbate (300 mM for 15 min). (B)
EPR spectra and (C) enzyme assays show reduced Cat-Chit films can generate H2O2. (Inserted photograph shows the chemiluminescence reaction). (D) Kinetics of H2O2-generation
measured by EPR. (E) Cat-Chit films can be repeatedly replenished by ascorbate for the sustained generation of ROS.

measuring H2O2 are in qualitative agreement and indicate that (50% LuriaeBertani broth medium) at 37  C and growth was
reduced films can generate ROS while the oxidized films have monitored by intermittent measurements of optical density (OD).
limited ROS-generating abilities. The growth curves in Fig. 4A show three general responses. One
The ability of the Cat-Chit films to repeatedly generate H2O2 was response is uninhibited growth and this response was observed
then examined. In this experiment, the Cat-Chit films were (i) when bacteria were cultivated in the (i) absence of films, (ii) the
converted to their reduced state by ascorbate treatment (300 mM; presence of unmodified Chit control film (note: chitosan is often
15 min), (ii) rinsed with water, and (iii) incubated in air-saturated reported to offer antimicrobial activities although these activities
water (12 h) after which the water solutions were sampled for appear to be pH dependent and related to whether there are pos-
H2O2 measurement. Fig. 3E shows that approximately 350 mM of itive charges on the polymer backbone) [66,67], or (iii) the presence
H2O2 was generated in this 1st cycle. The Cat-Chit films were then of a Cat-Chit (red) film (reduction with 300 mM ascorbate for
recovered and replenished with electrons by re-incubation with 15 min) plus the H2O2-scavenging enzyme catalase. The second
ascorbate before re-incubation with air-saturated water (12 h). The response is complete growth inhibition and this was observed
results from these “ascorbate replenished” films show H2O2-levels when bacteria were cultivated with (i) 10 mM H2O2, or (ii) Cat-Chit
again reached approximately 350 mM for this second cycle and for (red) film (reduction with 300 mM ascorbate for 15 min). The third
subsequent cycles. The control Cat-Chit films in Fig. 3E were only response is intermediate and shows partial growth inhibition and
incubated with ascorbate once (in the beginning of the experiment) this was observed when bacteria were cultured with Cat-Chit (ox)
and their ability to generate H2O2 was observed to decay progres- film. In summary, the results in Fig. 4A show the Cat-Chit film
sively with each subsequent cycle. These results indicate that the confers antimicrobial activities. Several reports indicate that phe-
ascorbate can repeatedly replenish the Cat-Chit film with electrons nolics possess antimicrobial activities [68e70] and our results
for subsequent H2O2-generation (Fig. S3 shows H2O2 generation suggest that ROS-generation may provide one mechanism for such
increases with increasing ascorbate concentration.). activities.
Further evidence for the film's antimicrobial activity is provided
by inhibition zone assays for the three types of bacteria (Fig. 4B). In
3.4. In vitro antimicrobial activity of Cat-Chit film
these experiments, film samples were placed onto the surface of an
agar plate after the plate was inoculated with bacteria. After incu-
We next evaluated the antimicrobial properties of the Cat-Chit
bation for 12 h, Fig. 4B shows a growth inhibition-zone for the Cat-
film. In these experiments, we treated the Cat-Chit film with
Chit (red) film, which is consistent with the release of a diffusible
300 mM ascorbate to test our proposed mechanism that the film
biocide (i.e., H2O2). No inhibition-zone is observed for the two
can access electrons from ascorbate and generate ROS to confer
control films (unmodified Chit and the Cat-Chit (ox)). The genera-
antimicrobial activities. Initially, we tested in vitro antimicrobial
tion of a diffusible antimicrobial species is also consistent with the
activities using E. coli, S. aureus and MRSA as model Gram-negative,
ROS generating mechanism of Scheme 1A.
Gram-positive and drug resistant pathogens. In the initial test,
Next, we examined if incubation with the reduced Cat-Chits film
1  106 CFU/mL of bacteria were inoculated into growth medium
H. Liu et al. / Biomaterials 162 (2018) 109e122 117

Fig. 4. In vitro antimicrobial properties of Cat-Chit film. (A) The reduced Cat-Chit completely inhibits E. coli, S. aureus and MRSA growth. (B) Reduced Cat-Chit film generates a zone
of bacteria inhibition for in an agar plate assay consistent with the generation of diffusible ROS (zoom-in insets for highlighting the inhibition zone without bacteria). (C) Fluorescent
staining and SEM images of bacteria after contact with reduced Cat-Chit films indicate that the released ROS kills bacteria by inducing cellular membrane injury. (green color
indicates live and dead bacteria; red color indicates dead bacteria) (D) Cat-Chit films with ascorbate replenishment (300 mM; 15 min) retain high bactericidal activity against E. coli.
[Data represent mean values ± SD (n ¼ 3)]. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
118 H. Liu et al. / Biomaterials 162 (2018) 109e122

induced significant morphological changes to E. coli and S. aureus.

The SEM images in the left panel in Fig. 4C demonstrates that
treatment with the Cat-Chit (red) films induced substantial
disruption of cellular structures which is consistent with ROS
induced damage [65,71]. The right panel in Fig. 4C shows a live
(green)/dead (red) staining assay for E. coli and S. aureus cells after a
4 h incubation. These images further demonstrate the bactericidal
activity of the Cat-Chit film.
Finally, the regenerability of antibacterial activity of Cat-Chit
films was examined. Specifically, we examined bactericidal activ-
ity by incubating E. coli (106 CFU/mL) in culture medium in the
presence of films for 12 h, and then measuring survivors using
dilution plate counting (Fig. S4) [66]. Killing efficiency was calcu-
lated by comparing the bacterial colonies formed when E. coli was
cultivated in the presence of films and when they were cultured in
growth media lacking films. The repeatability of the film's bacte-
ricidal activity was assessed by recovering films after an incubation,
replenishing electrons by contacting the films with ascorbate
(300 mM; 15 min), and then re-using the films for a subsequent
incubation. Fig. 4D shows that when the Cat-Chit films were Fig. 5. The biocompatibility estimation of chat-chit films using a MTT viability assay.
repeatedly treated with ascorbate, high bactericidal activity was HaCaT cells were cultured in the presence of different films for 1 day. HaCaT cell
observed over multiple cycles. The control in Fig. 4D is E. coli that viability assays provide evidence that the Chit, Cat-Chit (ox), and Cat-Chit (red) films
was cultured in the presence of Cat-Chit films that were only are biocompatible. [Data represent mean values ± SD (n ¼ 4)]. (For interpretation of the
references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of
contacted with ascorbate prior to the first incubation: the bacteri-
this article.)
cidal activity of these films was observed to decrease progressively
with each subsequent incubation consistent with a depletion of
electrons from the films. These results further support the mech- implanted subcutaneously for 3 days. Fig. 6A shows two 1e2 cm
anism of Scheme 1A which proposes that the Cat-Chit film cata- length incisions were created in the dorsum of each rat and sutured
lyzes the transfer of electrons from ascorbate to O2 for sustained after film implantation. After 3 days culturing, the wounds were re-
antibacterial activity. opened and the infection state was photographed as shown in
The antimicrobial activities of Cat-Chit films treated with Fig. 6B. The wound implanted with the Cat-Chit (red) film pre-
different concentrations of ascorbate were also examined by sented a normal tissue, while the control wound embedded with
incubating E. coli for 12 h and then measuring survivors using plate the Chit or Cat-Chit (ox) were found to have obvious festering with
counting. The results shown in Fig. S5 indicates the Cat-Chit films serious inflammation and suppuration. The implanted films were
show significant bacteriostatic activity when the concentration of taken out and the attached bacterial were collected for quantifi-
ascorbate exceeded about 10 mM. cation by dilution plate counting. We observed an average 2-Log
reduction of bacteria number on the surface of Cat-Chit (red) film
3.5. Biocompatibility of Cat-Chit film in comparison with the controls of chitosan and oxidized Cat-Chit
surfaces (Fig. 6C and D). This result verified that an inhibition of
The biocompatibility assay for Cat-Chit films were performed microbial growth was achieved in vivo for the Cat-Chit (red) film.
using HaCaT cells which are model keratinocytes derived from
human skin. We incubated these cells with films for 24 h and then
measured the surviving cells using a MTT viability assay. The results 3.7. In vivo wound healing evaluation
in Fig. 5 show the unmodified control Chit and the oxidized Cat-
Chit films have no cytotoxicities. The Cat-Chit films treated with Finally, we evaluated the catechol grafted chitosan films in vivo
moderate levels of ascorbate (1 or 10 mM) also show no cytotox- using a mouse excisional wound splinting model [50e52]. Fig. 7A
icities while films treated with high ascorbate levels (300 mM) shows two 5 mm diameter full-thickness wounds were created in
slightly induced cell growth inhibition as the cell viability was the dorsum of each mouse. One wound was uncovered and the
decreased by 15%. Presumably the toxicity observed after treatment other was dressed by a single film of 8 mm diameter. The test Cat-
of the films with high ascorbate levels is due to a high level of ROS- Chit film in this experiment was treated with 10 mM ascorbate in
generation (Fig. S3). These results suggest Cat-Chit films have good order to balance the desired antimicrobial activities against the
biocompatibility only if we control the concentration of ascorbate undesired cytotoxicities. Fig. 7B shows photographs of post-
used for film reduction. Further these results suggest that endog- operative wound healing in mice treated with different films. These
enous levels of ascorbate (<0.1 mM) [72] should be too low to result images were analyzed (Image J) and Fig. 7C shows the percentage of
in the generation of high concentrations of ROS and associated wound closure (relative to wound area at day 0). All wounds were
cytotoxicities for the Cat-Chit films. closed, while wounds dressed with films closed faster (compared to
bare wounds). On day 14, the wound treated with a reduced Cat-
3.6. In vivo antimicrobial activity of Cat-Chit film Chit film was observed to have a statistically higher closure
compared to the other groups.
We next evaluated the in vivo antimicrobial activities of Cat-Chit To test for bacterial contamination in the wound bed, exudates
films by using a SD rat subcutaneous implantation model. MRSA were collected on day 3 and day 7 by removing the film and
was employed as a model bacterium for this study since it is swabbing the wound area. The swab was then placed in saline so-
responsible for several difficult-to-treat infections in humans. After lution with LB broth and incubated for 24 h after which the bacteria
pre-seeded with MRSA, the films (i) Chit; (ii) Cat-Chit (ox); (iii) Cat- were counted by dilution plate counting [66]. Fig. 7D shows a
Chit (red) (reduced with 300 mM ascorbate) were respectively considerably lower bacterial population generated from the wound
H. Liu et al. / Biomaterials 162 (2018) 109e122 119

Fig. 6. In vivo antimicrobial studies. (A) Photographs illustrate the rat subcutaneous implantation model. The film was pre-seeded with MRSA and implanted into the incision. (B)
Photographs of re-opened incisions after 3 days film implantation. (C) The bacteria were retrieved from the explanted films and cultured on agarose gel media. (D) Total bacteria
number of CFU (log) detected on the films. [The red line indicates the initial MRSA count; ***p < .001; Data represent mean values ± SD (n ¼ 4)]. (For interpretation of the references
to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

treated with the reduced Cat-Chit film consistent with the film the film's ROS generating ability may enlist additional mechanisms
possessing in vitro antimicrobial activity. that promote wound healing since emerging research indicates ROS
Fig. 8A shows histological analysis of wounds by hematoxylin may promote wound healing through mechanism that involve
and eosin (H&E) staining. Low magnification of H&E staining of cytokine release (e.g. vascular endothelial growth factor, trans-
these wounds is provided in Fig. S6, in which the areas closed by red forming growth factor-b1) [82,83], cell proliferation (e.g. endothe-
squares indicate the original wound sites. The surface of the bare lial cells, fibroblast) [84], collagen synthesis [85] and angiogenesis
wound group, and wounds dressed with unmodified control Chit [86]. Further work will be required to evaluate the diverse range of
films or oxidized Cat-Chit films did not achieve an enclosed mechanisms that enable this film to promote wound healing.
epithelial tissue (cyan arrows). In contrast, the wound dressed with
the reduced Cat-Chit film shows a complete formation of new 4. Conclusions
epithelium [73,74]. Additionally, more blood vessels (red arrows)
and hair follicles (green arrows) developed at wounds treated with In summary, we fabricated a catechol-modified chitosan film to
the reduced Cat-Chit film. In addition, wounds dressed with Chit or mimic a mechanism proposed to explain the antimicrobial activity
oxidized Cat-Chit induced an immune response (black arrows of insect melanin. This mechanism involves a redox-based transfer
indicate significant inflammatory cell infiltration) [75e79], while of electrons from reductants to O2 for the active in situ generation
this response was not obvious for the wounds treated with the of ROS. We provide in vitro evidence that (i) the catechol-chitosan
reduced Cat-Chit film [80]. The extent of collagen deposition in the film is redox-active and can repeatedly undergo oxidation and
wound site was estimated by Masson's trichrome staining (Fig. 8B). reduction reactions; (ii) it can catalyze the transfer of electrons
In this method, the collagen fibers are stained blue. The wounds from the physiological reductant ascorbate to O2 for sustained ROS
dressed with the Cat-Chit film were observed to regenerate more generation, and (iii) this film possesses ascorbate-dependent anti-
uniformly distributed collagen compared with other groups. microbial activities against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative
In summary, these in vivo results indicate that better healing bacteria, and drug resistant bacteria. In vivo antimicrobial tests with
was achieved when the wound bed was dressed by a reduced Cat- a rat subcutaneous model indicate the catechol-chitosan film at
Chit film. The unique feature of this film is its ability to actively reduced state inhibits the bacterial growth and alleviates the
generate ROS. ROS-generation is an important mechanism for im- infection of the incisions. In vivo wound healing tests with a mouse
mune defense against bacterial infection and the evidence pre- model indicate that the catechol-chitosan film induces less in-
sented suggest the Cat-Chit film can perform this oxidative flammatory response and suppresses bacterial growth (compared
bacterial killing. Previous studies have demonstrated that a low to untreated wounds or wounds treated with an unmodified chi-
level of ROS(H2O2) has no burden to the wound site, but on the tosan film). These in vivo studies further demonstrate that the
contrary can provide multiple positive effect on wound healing catechol-chitosan film promotes wound healing compared to un-
[81]. We envision that the higher healing effect of red Cat-film may treated wounds. We envision this biomimetic approach for the
be due to such beneficial effects of ROS. Therefore, it is possible that sustained, localized and in situ generation of ROS could provide
120 H. Liu et al. / Biomaterials 162 (2018) 109e122

Fig. 7. In vivo wound healing and antimicrobial studies. (A) Photographs illustrate the mouse wound healing model. (B) Photographs and (C) summary plots of wound closure. (D)
Assessing bacterial activity at wound site by swabbing, incubation and bacterial counting. (*p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001; Data represent mean values ± SD (n ¼ 4)).

Fig. 8. Histological analysis of wounds by (A) hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining and (B) Masson's trichrome staining (for collagen fibers). (cyan arrows indicate epithelial tissue,
red arrows indicate blood vessels, green arrows indicate hair follicle, black arrows indicate significant inflammatory cell infiltration). (For interpretation of the references to color in
this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
H. Liu et al. / Biomaterials 162 (2018) 109e122 121

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