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Optimization and Standardization of Flanged and Flued Expansion Joint Design

Article in Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Transactions of the ASME · March 2019
DOI: 10.1115/1.4043012

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2 authors:

Kamlesh M. Chikhaliya Bhavesh Patel

Ganpat University, U.V.Patel College of Engineering, Mehsana, Gujarat, India

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Optimization and Standardization of Flanged and Flued Expansion
Joint Design
Kamlesh M. Chikhaliya Dr. Bhaveshkumar P. Patel
Faculty of Engineering and Technology Mechanical Engg. Dept.
Ganpat University, Mahesana-Gozaria highway- U.V. Patel College of Engineering
384012, Gujarat, INDIA Ganpat University, Mahesana-Gozaria highway-
Email : ckm28482@gmail.com 384012, Gujarat, INDIA
Email : bpp01@ganpatuniversity.ac.in


Flanged and Flued type expansion joint (thick wall expansion bellow) used as an integral part
of many shell and tube heat exchanger where process conditions produce differential expansion
between shell and tubes. It provides flexibility for thermal expansion and also function as a
pressure retaining part. Design of expansion joints are usually based on trial and error method
in which initial geometry must be assumed and accordingly maximum stresses and spring rate
is to be calculated. Inadequate selection of geometry leads to have higher tubesheet and bellow
thickness which increases cost of equipment. This paper presents standardization and optimum
design approach of flange and flued expansion bellow fulfilling ASME VIII-1 and TEMA
standard requirement. Methodology to define expansion bellow geometry is developed and
geometry dimensions are tabulated for expansion bellow diameter from 300 to 2000 mm and
thickness from 6 to 30 mm. Each defined geometry is analyzed using finite element method
and maximum Vonmises stresses are calculated for bellow axial displacement from 0.5 to 1.5
mm and internal pressure from 0.1 to 6.5 MPa. Spring rate is also calculated for each defined
geometry for consideration in tubesheet calculation. Accordingly, optimum design
methodology is developed, tested and compared with existing design. Results depicted that
proposed standardization approach and design methodology will optimize expansion bellow
and tubesheet thickness and will also save considerable time in finalization of heat exchanger

Keywords: Flanged and flued expansion joint, flexible shell element, expansion bellow, axial
deflection, thick wall expansion joint, spring rate, thermal stress, tubesheet, ASME VIII-1,

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The design of Flanged and Flued type expansion bellow (i.e. thick wall expansion bellow) is
very complex as it closely related to tubesheet design and involves an evaluation of pressure
capability, stress due to deflection, spring rate and instability [1].

Kopp and Sayre [2] are generally credited for the first comprehensive work to determine
analytically the axial stiffness of “flanged only” expansion joints. Singh and Soler [3] upgraded
the Kopp and Sayre solution by using classical plate and shell solutions in place of “beam”
solutions and present generalized treatment of various form of flexible shell element (FSE).
This model was adopted in the TEMA 7th edition [1] [4].

Historic methods for Flanged and Flued bellow design adopted by TEMA up to 8th Edition
were based on classical analysis using plate and beam theory which does not predict a state of
stress at the knuckles (torus) or corners of the flexible element. There is no reliable analytical
method to evaluate stress at the knuckle and knuckle to annular plate junction exists [5]. This
results in increased thickness, thus stiffness of the flexible element, which counteracts the FSE's
purpose and hence in 9th edition of TEMA, FEA analysis approach has been adopted to
overcome this limitation [6].
Most of the international pressure vessel codes and standards including EJMA [7], ASME VIII-
1 [8], ASME VIII-2 [9], GOST 30780 [10], AD-2000 [11], GB16749 [12] provides design
equation for thin wall (bellows type) expansion bellow design and does not give formula for
sizing the flanged and flued type expansion joint.

As tubesheet and expansion bellow design is interrelated, defining geometry of expansion

bellow is crucial for optimum design of heat exchanger. As per existing design practices, initial
geometry of expansion bellow is to be assumed to calculate spring rate and maximum stresses.
There are no guidelines available which provides basis for defining geometry of flanged and
flued expansion bellow based on design conditions. In this paper standardize approach for
defining expansion below geometry is developed and for each defined geometry, spring rate
and maximum Vonimses stresses are calculated fulfilling TEMA 9th edition, ASME VIII-1 Sec
UHX and Appendix 5 requirement. Accordingly, optimum design methodology is developed,
tested and compared with existing design.

Following sections describes basis for defining bellow geometry, methodology to implement
and testing.
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1. Defining geometry and variables:

Fig.1 shows configuration of flanged and flued expansion joint with basic dimensions required
to create geometry i.e. , ,, , , , , and t. To standardize the geometry, Table
1 is developed in which expansion joint geometry is specified for bellow diameter (Da) from
300 to 2000 mm and bellow thickness (t) from 6 to 30 mm with following considerations.

Torus (knuckle) radios and thickness at torus area ( , , )

As indicated in ASME VIII-1, TEMA and many other design codes like EN 13445-3 [13],
inside radius of expansion joint shall be such that;

, 3 t (1)

Hence for preparation of Table 1, inner and outer torus radius at large end and small end is
considered as 3 times thickness of expansion bellow.

To consider local thinning of pate due to forming of bellow, thickness at inner and outer torus
( ) is considered with 10% reduction in plate thickness (t).

Shell length ( )
As indicated in TEMA 9th edition, the cylinder length is considered as 3.6 . This
distance assures that the flexible shell element (FSE) is far removed from any gross
discontinuities and there is no interaction of boundary conditions with the bellow geometry.

Straight flange at large and small end diameter ( , )

Following equation is considered for defining and in Table 1

, 0.5 (2)

Above equation satisfies following requirements of ASME VIII-1

- Requirement of minimum weld distance from outer torus specified in ASME VIII-1
Appendix 5-4.

- Non-consideration of UG-27 requirement for straight flange thickness determination as

specified in ASME VIII-1 Appendix 5-3 (f).

Height of annular plate ( )

Height of annular plate ( ) is having major implication on spring rate and maximum stresses
generated. Following equation is adopted to determine to have least effect of geometrical
Page 3 of 31
discontinuity with maximum axial movement.

Max 0.4 ; 50 (3)

2. Approach for spring rate and stress determination

For all geometry combination provided in Table 1, spring rate and maximum stresses of
expansion bellow is calculated using finite element analysis approach specified in TEMA 9th
edition. This eliminates the risk of overestimation of stresses at the knuckle to annular plate
discontinuity [5]. Following considerations are made to perform finite element analysis using
ANSYS software;


Following assumption are made to perform analysis;

− Applied loadings are axial.

− Torsional loads are negligible.
− There is no consideration of stresses due to thermal gradients.
− The flexible elements are sufficiently thick to avoid instability.
− The flexible elements are axi-symetric.
− Material is isotropic and the response is linearly elastic.

Geometry modeling and meshing

Two-dimensional axisymmetric geometry is modelled as indicated in Fig. 2. Elements adjacent

to bellow thickness is maintained with aspect ratios not greater than two and axial length is
maintained as less than 0.25 (t).

Boundary conditions and loadings

The small diameter end is unrestrained in the axial direction and large diameter end is
restrained in the axial direction. For spring rate determination, an axial load Faxial as specified
in TEMA RCB8.5 is applied at the small end diameter. For stress determination, internal
pressure and axial displacements arrived from tubesheet design calculation is applied at small
end diameter.

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Post processing

To determine stresses and spring rate for each expansion joint geometry specified in Table 1
with various internal pressure (0.1 to 6.5 MPa), axial displacement (0.5 to 1.5 mm) and modulus
of elasticity (2.02 x 105 MPa and 1.7 x 105 MPa), ANSYS is customized with parametric
modeling, batch processing and step loading. This results in approx. 6804 number of analysis
iteration to determine stresses and 2268 iteration to determine spring rate with combination of
various bellow geometry, design pressure, bellow axial displacement and modulus of elasticity.
Fig.3 and 4 shows typical displacement plot for spring rate determination and Vonmises stress

Table 2 to 10 indicates arrived spring rate and Vonmises stress considering 0.5/1/1.5 mm
applied axial displacement with E = 2.02 x 105 MPa for each internal pressure and thickness of
bellow. At respective expansion bellow diameter, maximum Vonmises stress at 0.5/1/1.5 mm
axial displacement are specified in row 1,2 and 3 and spring rate is specified in row 4 at each
pressure and thickness combination.

Accordingly, Table 11 to 19 indicates the spring rate and Vonmises stress with E = 1.7 x 105
MPa. This range covers parameters in which flange and flued expansion bellows are generally
used for shell and tube heat exchangers. As linear static analysis is performed for arriving these
values, interpolation can be performed to get the stresses and spring rate for the diameter not
listed in Table 2 to 19. Poisson ratio for the analysis is considered as 0.3 which is valid for
majority of ferrous material.

3. Simplified workflow for flanged and flued expansion bellow design:

By using Table 1 to 19, simplified workflow fulfilling TEMA RCB9, ASME VIII-1 Sec UHX-
13 and Appendix 5 requirement is described as follows;

STEP 1: Considering shell side ID as expansion bellow ID and minimum thickness of shell
(Calculated from UG-27 of ASME VIII-1) as bellow thickness, determine expansion bellow
geometry provided in Table 1. Linear interpolation can be performed for bellow diameter
which are not listed in Table 1.

STEP 2: For selected geometry, determine spring rate KAS at room temperature from Table 2
to 10 at E = 2.02x105 MPa. To arrive spring rate KAS at modulus of elasticity of operating
temperature, perform interpolation between Table 2 to 10 and Table 11 to 19. Compute spring

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rate from entire FSE, KFSE as KAS / 2.

STEP 3: Perform the tubesheet calculation as per UHX-13 of ASME VIII-1 with following

- To consider effect of expansion bellow in tubesheet calculation, “ ” value in following

equation of UHX-13.5.2 to be considered as spring rate KFSE.


- Calculate axial membrane stress on shell section , for each design and operating load
using following equation of UHX-13.5.10 and UHX-13.5.11.

, 1

- To consider allowable stress limit of expansion bellow specified in UHX-17, all heat
exchanger component shall be checked in design case considering decrease in stiffness in
accordance with UHX-17 (b)(1).

STEP 4: Calculate maximum axial displacement to be applied in FEA analysis for stress
determination using following formula for design and operating load case.


STEP 5: With the arrived axial displacement from STEP 4, determine maximum Vonmises
stresses from Table 2 to 9 at modulus of elasticity 2.02x105 MPa. To arrive sprint rate KAS at
modulus of elasticity of operating temperature, perform interpolation between Table 2 to 10
and Table 11 to 19. Linear interpolation can be performed to arrive intermediate maximum
Vonmises stress values.

STEP 6: For the design loading cases, if σcalc≤1.5S, and for the operating loading cases, if
σcalc≤3S, the assumed bellow geometry is acceptable. Otherwise, then increases number of
convolution from 1 to 2 or 3 and repeat the step 1 to 5. For multiple convolution, following
spring rate is to be considered.


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STEP 7: For further optimization, reduce the thickness of expansion bellow which is
considered in Step-1 and perform Step 1 to 6.

4. Usability testing and benefits

As per existing design philosophy, design of shell and tube heat exchanger including tubesheet
is based on design equation specified in ASME VIII-1 and only flanged and flued expansion
bellow requires FEA analysis as per TEMA standard. This is due to non-availability of design
equation for spring rate and stress determination in ASME VIII-1. To check the effectiveness
of exiting industrial practices of handling flange and flued expansion bellow design, recently
manufactured shell and tube heat exchangers from Korean, Chinese and Indian manufacturers
were analysed. Following are major observations obtained;
- Generally, pressure vessel manufacture subcontract expansion bellow analysis activity
which often leads to have bottleneck in finalization of heat exchanger design. Additionally,
for effective design, close co-ordination between FEA analyst and heat exchanger designer
is required as tubesheet design is closely related with expansion bellow design.
- Due to not availability of any criteria for selection or expansion bellow geometry, trial and
error for finalization of tubesheet and bellow design takes average 3 to 4 revision to
approve the design calculation. This will also have subsequent delay in ordering of

With the proposed standardization approach, following are realized benefits which overcomes
above problems.

- With the standardization of expansion bellow dimensions, design iterations to finalize the
expansion bellow and fixed tubesheet design fulfilling ASME VIII-1 and TEMA
requirement can be reduced.
- Static equipment engineers without having knowledge of FEA can perform expansion
bellow design while designing heat exchanger this will eliminates subcontract activity.
- Optimization of expansion bellow and tubesheet design can be easily performed as
maximum stresses and spring rate at various thickness is readily available.
- Finite element analysis approach fulfilling TEMA is adopted to calculate spring rate and
maximum stresses which will eliminate the risk of overestimated stresses at the knuckle
to annular plate discontinuity.
- Uniformity of design of expansion bellow can be maintained.
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Flanged and flued expansion bellow is commonly used for fixed tubesheet heat exchanger to
accommodate differential thermal expansion design. In this paper, standardize approach for
defining flanged and flued expansion below geometry is developed and for each defined
geometry, spring rate and maximum Vonimses stresses is calculated fulfilling TEMA, ASME
VIII-1 Sec UHX and Appendix 5 requirement. Accordingly, optimum design methodology is
developed and compared with existing design work flow which reveals that proposed
standardization of expansion bellow design will have significant saving in cost and finalization
of shell and tube heat exchanger design.

: Amount of displacement applied to the symmetric FSE model
σ0.5 : Max. Von Misc. Stress for 0.5 mm applied displacement
σ1 : Max. Von Misc. Stress for 1 mm applied displacement
σ1.5 : Max. Von Misc. Stress for 1.5 mm applied displacement
: Equivalent radius of outer tube limit circle
: Radial shell dimension
AS : Area of the shell where Ss is computed
Da : Inside diameter of inner straight flange or shell
Db : Inner diameter of outer straight flange
D : Inside shell diameter
E : Modulus of Elasticity
, : Inner straight flange length

, : Outer straight flange length

: Annular plate height
J : Ratio of spring rigidity to shell axial rigidity
FSE : Flexible shell element
KFSE : The spring rate for one FSE
Kas : The spring rate for axi-symmetric FSE
: Shell axial stiffness
Lf : End tangent length
NFSE : Total number of flexible elements

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P : Design pressure
: Effective pressure acting on tubesheet
: Shell side design or operating pressure
: Tube side design or operating pressure
ra : Inner torus radius
rb : Outer torus radius
Ra : Inside radius of inner straight flange or shell
Rb : Inner radius of outer straight flange
W : convolution height
S : Allowable stress of material at design temperature
SS : Axial membrane stress in the shell
t : Expansion joint thickness at annular plate and inner and outer straight flange
ts : Shell thickness
ttr : Minimum thickness at knuckle area
Faxial : Axial force to be applied to spring rate determination

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List of figures:

Figure 1: Basic Geometry of Flanged and flued expansion joint

Figure 2: Typical Meshing Plot

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Figure 3: Typical Vonmises stress plot for stress determination

Figure 4: Typical displacement plot for spring rate determination

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List of Tables:
Table 1.0: Flange and Flued Expansion Bellow Geometry Dimensions
Inside Dia
t = 6 8 10 12 15 18 20 25 30
ra/rb = 18 24 30 36 45 54 60 75 90
tttrr = 5.4 7.2 9.0 10.8 13.5 16.2 18.0 22.5 27.0
fc = 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0
300 Rb = 242.0 256.0 270.0 284.0 305.0 326.0 340.0 375.0 410.0
fa, fb = 19.0 22.5 25.5 29.0 33.5 38.0 41.0 48.0 55.0
fc = 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0
400 Rb = 292.0 306.0 320.0 334.0 355.0 376.0 390.0 425.0 460.0
fa, fb = 20.5 24.5 28.0 31.5 36.0 41.0 44.0 51.5 58.5
fc = 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 51.0
500 Rb = 342.0 356.0 370.0 384.0 405.0 426.0 440.0 475.0 511.0
fa, fb = 22.5 26.5 30.0 33.5 38.5 43.5 46.5 54.0 61.5
fc = 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 52.0
600 Rb = 392.0 406.0 420.0 434.0 455.0 476.0 490.0 525.0 562.0
fa, fb = 24.0 28.0 32.0 36.0 41.0 46.0 49.0 57.0 64.5
fc = 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 55.0
700 Rb = 442.0 456.0 470.0 484.0 505.0 526.0 540.0 575.0 615.0
fa, fb = 25.5 30.0 34.0 38.0 43.5 48.5 51.5 59.5 67.5
fc = 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 57.0
800 Rb = 492.0 506.0 520.0 534.0 555.0 576.0 590.0 625.0 667.0
fa, fb = 27.0 31.5 36.0 40.0 45.5 50.5 54.0 62.5 70.5
fc = 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 53.0 59.0
900 Rb = 542.0 556.0 570.0 584.0 605.0 626.0 640.0 678.0 719.0
fa, fb = 28.5 33.0 37.5 41.5 47.5 53.0 56.5 65.0 73.0
fc = 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 54.0 61.0
1000 Rb = 592.0 606.0 620.0 634.0 655.0 676.0 690.0 729.0 771.0
fa, fb = 29.5 34.5 39.0 43.5 49.5 55.0 58.5 67.5 76.0
fc = 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 56.0 63.0
1100 Rb = 642.0 656.0 670.0 684.0 705.0 726.0 740.0 781.0 823.0
fa, fb = 31.0 36.0 40.5 45.0 51.0 57.0 60.5 69.5 78.5
fc = 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 51.0 58.0 65.0
1200 Rb = 692.0 706.0 720.0 734.0 755.0 776.0 791.0 833.0 875.0
fa, fb = 32.0 37.5 42.0 46.5 53.0 59.0 62.5 72.0 81.0
fc = 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 52.0 60.0 67.0
1300 Rb = 742.0 756.0 770.0 784.0 805.0 826.0 842.0 885.0 927.0
fa, fb = 33.0 38.5 43.5 48.0 54.5 60.5 64.5 74.0 83.0
fc = 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 51.0 54.0 62.0 69.0
1400 Rb = 792.0 806.0 820.0 834.0 855.0 877.0 894.0 937.0 979.0
fa, fb = 34.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 56.5 62.5 66.5 76.5 85.5
fc = 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 52.0 55.0 63.0 71.0
1500 Rb = 842.0 856.0 870.0 884.0 905.0 928.0 945.0 988.0 1031.0
fa, fb = 35.5 41.0 46.5 51.0 58.0 64.5 68.5 78.5 87.5
fc = 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 54.0 57.0 65.0 73.0
1600 Rb = 892.0 906.0 920.0 934.0 955.0 980.0 997.0 1040.0 1083.0
fa, fb = 36.5 42.5 47.5 52.5 59.5 66.0 70.5 80.5 90.0
fc = 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 55.0 58.0 67.0 74.0
1700 Rb = 942.0 956.0 970.0 984.0 1005.0 1031.0 1048.0 1092.0 1134.0
fa, fb = 37.5 43.5 49.0 54.0 61.0 68.0 72.0 82.5 92.0
fc = 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 51.0 56.0 60.0 68.0 76.0
1800 Rb = 992.0 1006.0 1020.0 1034.0 1056.0 1082.0 1100.0 1143.0 1186.0
fa, fb = 38.5 44.5 50.0 55.5 62.5 69.5 74.0 84.5 94.0
fc = 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 52.0 58.0 61.0 70.0 78.0
1900 Rb = 1042.0 1056.0 1070.0 1084.0 1107.0 1134.0 1151.0 1195.0 1238.0
fa, fb = 39.5 45.5 51.5 57.0 64.0 71.0 75.5 86.0 96.0
fc = 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 53.0 59.0 62.0 71.0 79.0
2000 Rb = 1092.0 1106.0 1120.0 1134.0 1158.0 1185.0 1202.0 1246.0 1289.0
fa, fb = 40.0 47.0 52.5 58.0 65.5 73.0 77.5 88.0 98.0
Note : Dimensions t, ra,rb and tttrr will remain constant for all diameter

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Table 2 : Maximum Vonmises stress and Spring rate at E=2.02 x 10 MPa
Inner Diameter Shell Thickness (mm)
300 mm 6 8 10 12 15 18 20 25 30
146 151 152 151 148 143 140 131 123
295 304 306 304 296 286 279 262 246
0.1 445 458 460 456 444 430 419 393 369
54,200 5,100 144,900 201,300 295,700 399,100 471,400 662,400 862,600
144 145 149 150 147 143 140 132 125
281 297 302 301 295 286 280 263 247
0.5 429 450 455 453 443 430 419 394 370
54,200 5,100 144,900 201,300 295,700 399,100 471,400 662,400 862,600
168 156 149 149 148 145 142 135 127
288 289 298 299 295 287 281 265 249
1.0 413 441 450 450 442 430 420 396 372
54,200 5,100 144,900 201,300 295,700 399,100 471,400 662,400 862,600
194 173 162 154 151 148 146 138 131
312 296 295 298 295 288 282 267 252
1.5 432 434 446 449 442 430 421 397 374
54,200 5,100 144,900 201,300 295,700 399,100 471,400 662,400 862,600
220 191 176 166 155 152 150 142 135
337 312 298 299 297 290 285 270 254
2.0 456 435 444 448 442 432 423 399 376
54,200 5,100 144,900 201,300 295,700 399,100 471,400 662,400 862,600
247 210 190 177 164 157 155 147 140
362 329 310 301 299 293 288 273 258
2.5 480 452 442 448 443 433 425 402 379
54,200 5,100 144,900 201,300 295,700 399,100 471,400 662,400 862,600
274 229 204 189 173 164 161 153 145
Pressure 388 347 324 309 302 296 291 276 261
3.0 505 468 446 448 445 435 427 404 382
54,200 5,100 144,900 201,300 295,700 399,100 471,400 662,400 862,600
301 248 219 202 183 171 168 159 151
414 364 337 320 306 300 295 280 265
3.5 530 485 459 450 447 438 430 408 385
54,200 5,100 144,900 201,300 295,700 399,100 471,400 662,400 862,600
328 267 234 214 194 179 175 166 157
441 383 351 331 310 304 299 285 270
4.0 556 503 472 452 450 441 433 411 388
54,200 5,100 144,900 201,300 295,700 399,100 471,400 662,400 862,600
356 286 249 227 204 188 183 173 164
467 401 365 343 318 309 304 290 274
4.5 582 520 486 463 453 444 437 414 392
54,200 5,100 144,900 201,300 295,700 399,100 471,400 662,400 862,600
383 305 264 240 215 198 191 180 171
494 420 380 355 327 315 310 295 280
5.0 608 538 499 474 457 448 440 418 396
54,200 5,100 144,900 201,300 295,700 399,100 471,400 662,400 862,600
411 325 280 253 225 207 199 188 178
521 438 394 367 337 321 316 300 285
5.5 634 556 513 486 461 452 445 423 400
54,200 5,100 144,900 201,300 295,700 399,100 471,400 662,400 862,600
439 344 295 266 236 216 208 196 186
548 457 409 379 347 327 322 306 290
6.0 661 574 527 497 466 457 449 427 405
54,200 5,100 144,900 201,300 295,700 399,100 471,400 662,400 862,600
  (MPa) 466 364 310 279 247 225 217 204 193
  (MPa) 575 476 423 391 357 334 328 312 296
   (MPa) 687 593 541 509 472 462 454 432 409
KAS (N/mm) 54,200 5,100 144,900 201,300 295,700 399,100 471,400 662,400 862,600

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Table 3 : Maximum Vonmises stress and Spring rate at E=2.02 x 10 MPa
Inner Diameter Shell Thickness (mm)
500 mm 6 8 10 12 15 18 20 25 30
122 126 126 125 122 118 115 109 102
248 254 254 251 244 236 231 218 204
0.1 374 382 382 377 367 355 346 326 306
66,700 114,700 170,600 233,000 335,900 447,200 524,600 727,400 928,700
131 125 123 123 121 119 116 110 104
237 246 249 248 243 236 231 219 205
0.5 357 373 377 374 365 354 346 327 307
66,700 114,700 170,600 233,000 335,900 447,200 524,600 727,400 928,700
157 143 135 129 123 121 119 113 107
262 250 245 246 243 237 232 220 208
1.0 368 364 371 371 364 355 347 329 309
66,700 114,700 170,600 233,000 335,900 447,200 524,600 727,400 928,700
185 162 149 141 132 125 123 118 112
288 268 256 246 244 239 235 223 211
1.5 393 375 368 370 364 356 349 331 311
66,700 114,700 170,600 233,000 335,900 447,200 524,600 727,400 928,700
213 182 165 154 142 134 129 123 117
315 286 270 258 247 242 238 227 214
2.0 419 393 377 369 365 357 351 333 314
66,700 114,700 170,600 233,000 335,900 447,200 524,600 727,400 928,700
242 202 181 167 153 143 138 130 123
342 305 284 270 253 246 242 231 218
2.5 445 411 390 375 367 360 353 336 318
66,700 114,700 170,600 233,000 335,900 447,200 524,600 727,400 928,700
271 223 197 181 164 153 147 137 130
Pressure 370 324 299 282 264 251 247 235 223
3.0 472 429 404 387 370 363 357 340 321
66,700 114,700 170,600 233,000 335,900 447,200 524,600 727,400 928,700
300 244 214 195 176 163 156 145 138
398 344 314 295 274 258 252 241 228
3.5 499 448 419 399 375 367 361 344 325
66,700 114,700 170,600 233,000 335,900 447,200 524,600 727,400 928,700
330 265 230 209 188 173 165 154 146
427 364 330 308 284 267 258 247 234
4.0 527 467 433 411 385 371 365 348 330
66,700 114,700 170,600 233,000 335,900 447,200 524,600 727,400 928,700
364 286 247 223 199 183 175 162 154
455 384 346 321 295 277 266 253 240
4.5 555 487 448 423 395 376 370 353 335
66,700 114,700 170,600 233,000 335,900 447,200 524,600 727,400 928,700
404 308 264 238 211 194 185 172 162
484 405 362 335 306 286 275 260 247
5.0 583 506 464 436 406 383 375 358 340
66,700 114,700 170,600 233,000 335,900 447,200 524,600 727,400 928,700
443 331 281 252 223 204 195 181 171
513 425 378 348 317 296 284 267 253
5.5 611 526 479 449 416 392 381 364 345
66,700 114,700 170,600 233,000 335,900 447,200 524,600 727,400 928,700
483 361 298 267 236 215 205 191 180
542 446 394 362 329 306 293 274 260
6.0 640 546 495 462 427 401 387 370 351
66,700 114,700 170,600 233,000 335,900 447,200 524,600 727,400 928,700
  (MPa) 523 390 320 281 248 226 215 201 189
  (MPa) 572 467 411 376 340 316 302 282 268
   (MPa) 669 567 510 475 437 410 395 376 357
KAS (N/mm) 66,700 114,700 170,600 233,000 335,900 447,200 524,600 727,400 928,700

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Table 4 : Maximum Vonmises stress and Spring rate at E=2.02 x 10 MPa
Inner Diameter Shell Thickness (mm)
700 mm 6 8 10 12 15 18 20 25 30
108 111 112 110 107 104 101 95 88
221 225 225 222 215 208 203 191 175
0.1 333 339 338 333 323 312 304 286 263
77,500 131,100 192,800 260,600 370,700 488,300 569,200 781,000 949,500
122 116 111 108 107 104 102 97 90
219 216 219 218 214 207 203 192 177
0.5 317 329 332 329 321 311 304 287 264
77,500 131,100 192,800 260,600 370,700 488,300 569,200 781,000 949,500
150 135 126 120 113 107 105 101 93
245 232 223 216 213 208 204 194 179
1.0 342 330 326 326 320 311 305 289 266
77,500 131,100 192,800 260,600 370,700 488,300 569,200 781,000 949,500
180 156 143 134 124 117 112 106 99
272 250 237 228 215 210 207 197 182
1.5 367 348 334 325 320 312 306 291 269
77,500 131,100 192,800 260,600 370,700 488,300 569,200 781,000 949,500
210 178 160 148 136 127 122 113 105
301 270 253 240 226 214 211 201 187
2.0 395 366 348 335 322 314 309 294 272
77,500 131,100 192,800 260,600 370,700 488,300 569,200 781,000 949,500
241 200 177 163 148 137 132 121 113
330 291 269 254 237 223 216 206 192
2.5 423 386 363 348 328 317 312 297 276
77,500 131,100 192,800 260,600 370,700 488,300 569,200 781,000 949,500
272 222 195 178 161 148 142 130 121
Pressure 359 312 285 267 248 233 225 212 197
3.0 451 406 379 360 339 321 316 302 280
77,500 131,100 192,800 260,600 370,700 488,300 569,200 781,000 949,500
310 245 213 194 173 159 152 139 130
390 333 302 281 260 243 234 219 204
3.5 480 426 395 374 350 330 321 307 285
77,500 131,100 192,800 260,600 370,700 488,300 569,200 781,000 949,500
354 268 232 209 187 171 163 149 140
420 355 319 296 271 253 244 226 211
4.0 509 447 411 387 361 340 328 312 290
77,500 131,100 192,800 260,600 370,700 488,300 569,200 781,000 949,500
397 300 251 225 200 182 174 159 150
451 377 337 311 284 264 253 233 218
4.5 539 468 428 401 372 350 337 318 296
77,500 131,100 192,800 260,600 370,700 488,300 569,200 781,000 949,500
440 332 275 241 213 194 184 170 159
482 399 354 326 296 275 263 242 226
5.0 569 489 444 415 383 360 346 324 302
77,500 131,100 192,800 260,600 370,700 488,300 569,200 781,000 949,500
484 365 301 262 227 207 198 181 170
513 422 372 341 308 285 273 250 234
5.5 600 511 461 429 395 370 356 331 309
77,500 131,100 192,800 260,600 370,700 488,300 569,200 781,000 949,500
527 397 327 284 243 222 212 192 180
544 444 390 356 321 296 284 259 243
6.0 630 533 479 444 407 380 365 338 316
77,500 131,100 192,800 260,600 370,700 488,300 569,200 781,000 949,500
  (MPa) 571 429 353 307 260 238 226 204 190
  (MPa) 578 467 409 371 334 308 294 269 252
   (MPa) 661 555 496 459 419 390 375 346 324
KAS (N/mm) 77,500 131,100 192,800 260,600 370,700 488,300 569,200 781,000 949,500

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Table 5 : Maximum Vonmises stress and Spring rate at E=2.02 x 10 MPa
Inner Diameter Shell Thickness (mm)
900 mm 6 8 10 12 15 18 20 25 30
99 102 102 100 97 94 92 85 78
202 206 205 202 195 188 184 170 156
0.1 306 310 309 304 294 283 276 255 233
87,400 145,700 212,300 284,900 401,500 524,800 610,000 800,600 962,400
117 109 105 101 97 94 93 86 80
206 200 199 198 194 188 184 171 157
0.5 297 299 302 299 291 282 276 255 234
87,400 145,700 212,300 284,900 401,500 524,800 610,000 800,600 962,400
146 130 121 114 107 101 97 90 84
233 219 209 201 194 189 185 173 159
1.0 323 309 299 295 290 282 276 257 236
87,400 145,700 212,300 284,900 401,500 524,800 610,000 800,600 962,400
178 153 138 129 119 111 107 98 90
262 239 225 214 202 192 188 176 163
1.5 350 328 314 302 290 283 278 259 239
87,400 145,700 212,300 284,900 401,500 524,800 610,000 800,600 962,400
211 176 157 144 132 123 118 107 98
293 260 241 228 213 202 195 181 168
2.0 379 348 329 314 297 286 281 262 242
87,400 145,700 212,300 284,900 401,500 524,800 610,000 800,600 962,400
244 201 177 161 145 134 128 117 107
324 283 259 242 225 212 204 187 174
2.5 408 369 345 328 308 292 285 266 247
87,400 145,700 212,300 284,900 401,500 524,800 610,000 800,600 962,400
288 226 196 178 159 146 140 127 117
Pressure 356 305 277 257 238 223 214 196 181
3.0 439 390 362 342 320 302 292 271 252
87,400 145,700 212,300 284,900 401,500 524,800 610,000 800,600 962,400
335 256 217 195 174 159 151 137 127
389 329 295 273 250 234 225 205 188
3.5 470 413 379 356 332 313 302 277 258
87,400 145,700 212,300 284,900 401,500 524,800 610,000 800,600 962,400
381 291 242 212 188 172 164 148 138
422 353 314 289 264 245 235 214 197
4.0 502 435 397 371 344 323 312 285 264
87,400 145,700 212,300 284,900 401,500 524,800 610,000 800,600 962,400
428 326 271 236 205 189 180 162 149
455 377 334 305 277 257 246 224 206
4.5 534 458 415 386 356 334 321 294 271
87,400 145,700 212,300 284,900 401,500 524,800 610,000 800,600 962,400
475 361 299 261 224 205 195 176 162
488 401 353 322 291 269 257 233 215
5.0 567 481 434 402 369 345 332 303 278
87,400 145,700 212,300 284,900 401,500 524,800 610,000 800,600 962,400
522 396 328 285 243 222 211 190 175
529 426 373 338 304 281 268 243 224
5.5 600 505 453 417 382 356 342 312 286
87,400 145,700 212,300 284,900 401,500 524,800 610,000 800,600 962,400
569 432 357 310 263 239 227 205 189
576 451 393 355 319 293 279 253 234
6.0 633 529 472 433 395 368 353 321 295
87,400 145,700 212,300 284,900 401,500 524,800 610,000 800,600 962,400
  (MPa) 617 467 385 334 284 257 244 219 202
  (MPa) 622 477 413 372 333 305 291 263 244
   (MPa) 6.5 666 553 491 450 409 379 363 331 304
KAS (N/mm) 87,400 145,700 212,300 284,900 401,500 524,800 610,000 800,600 962,400

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Table 6 : Maximum Vonmises stress and Spring rate at E=2.02 x 10 MPa
Inner Diameter Shell Thickness (mm)
1100 mm 6 8 10 12 15 18 20 25 30
92 94 94 93 90 87 85 77 70
188 192 191 187 181 174 170 154 141
0.1 285 289 287 282 272 262 255 231 211
96,400 159,400 230,500 307,000 429,600 558,500 646,500 814,800 969,400
112 104 100 95 90 87 86 78 72
197 190 184 183 179 174 170 155 142
0.5 282 277 280 277 269 261 255 231 212
96,400 159,400 230,500 307,000 429,600 558,500 646,500 814,800 969,400
144 127 117 110 102 96 93 84 77
225 209 199 191 180 175 171 157 144
1.0 308 294 283 273 268 261 255 233 214
96,400 159,400 230,500 307,000 429,600 558,500 646,500 814,800 969,400
179 152 137 126 115 108 103 94 86
256 231 216 205 192 182 176 161 149
1.5 337 313 299 286 271 262 257 235 217
96,400 159,400 230,500 307,000 429,600 558,500 646,500 814,800 969,400
214 178 157 143 130 120 115 104 96
289 254 234 220 204 192 186 168 155
2.0 368 335 315 300 282 268 260 239 221
96,400 159,400 230,500 307,000 429,600 558,500 646,500 814,800 969,400
259 204 179 162 145 133 127 114 106
323 278 253 236 217 204 196 177 163
2.5 400 357 333 314 294 278 269 244 226
96,400 159,400 230,500 307,000 429,600 558,500 646,500 814,800 969,400
309 238 201 180 160 146 140 126 116
Pressure 357 303 273 252 231 215 207 187 172
3.0 433 381 351 330 306 289 278 252 232
96,400 159,400 230,500 307,000 429,600 558,500 646,500 814,800 969,400
359 276 231 202 178 164 156 140 129
393 329 294 269 245 228 218 197 182
3.5 467 405 370 345 319 300 289 261 240
96,400 159,400 230,500 307,000 429,600 558,500 646,500 814,800 969,400
410 314 261 228 198 182 173 155 143
429 355 315 287 259 240 230 207 192
4.0 501 429 390 362 332 311 299 271 249
96,400 159,400 230,500 307,000 429,600 558,500 646,500 814,800 969,400
460 352 293 255 219 200 190 171 157
467 382 336 305 274 253 241 218 202
4.5 536 455 410 378 346 323 310 281 259
96,400 159,400 230,500 307,000 429,600 558,500 646,500 814,800 969,400
511 390 324 282 240 219 208 186 172
517 409 358 323 289 266 253 229 212
5.0 571 481 430 395 360 335 321 291 268
96,400 159,400 230,500 307,000 429,600 558,500 646,500 814,800 969,400
562 429 355 309 262 238 225 202 186
567 438 380 342 304 279 266 240 222
5.5 607 507 451 413 374 347 333 301 278
96,400 159,400 230,500 307,000 429,600 558,500 646,500 814,800 969,400
613 467 387 336 285 257 243 218 201
618 476 402 360 320 293 279 251 232
6.0 643 533 472 430 389 360 344 311 288
96,400 159,400 230,500 307,000 429,600 558,500 646,500 814,800 969,400
  (MPa) 663 505 418 363 307 276 261 234 216
  (MPa) 668 514 430 379 336 310 296 266 245
   (MPa) 679 560 493 448 404 373 356 322 297
KAS (N/mm) 96,400 159,400 230,500 307,000 429,600 558,500 646,500 814,800 969,400
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Table 7 : Maximum Vonmises stress and Spring rate at E=2.02 x 10 MPa
Inner Diameter Shell Thickness (mm)
1300 mm 6 8 10 12 15 18 20 25 30
87 88 88 87 85 82 78 70 65
177 180 179 176 170 164 157 141 129
0.1 269 272 270 265 255 246 236 212 194
104,800 171,900 246,900 327,400 455,700 589,500 662,800 816,500 975,400
109 101 96 91 86 82 79 72 66
189 181 175 171 168 162 157 141 130
0.5 270 262 262 259 252 244 235 211 194
104,800 171,900 246,900 327,400 455,700 589,500 662,800 816,500 975,400
144 125 115 107 99 93 89 80 73
219 202 191 183 172 164 158 144 133
1.0 297 282 270 260 251 244 235 213 196
104,800 171,900 246,900 327,400 455,700 589,500 662,800 816,500 975,400
182 153 136 125 114 105 101 91 83
252 225 210 198 185 174 167 150 138
1.5 328 303 287 274 258 246 237 215 199
104,800 171,900 246,900 327,400 455,700 589,500 662,800 816,500 975,400
230 182 159 144 129 119 113 102 94
288 251 229 214 198 186 178 160 147
2.0 361 326 305 289 271 256 245 220 204
104,800 171,900 246,900 327,400 455,700 589,500 662,800 816,500 975,400
288 217 183 165 146 134 128 114 105
325 278 251 232 212 198 189 170 156
2.5 396 351 324 305 284 267 256 230 211
104,800 171,900 246,900 327,400 455,700 589,500 662,800 816,500 975,400
346 260 214 187 167 153 145 130 119
Pressure 363 306 273 250 227 211 201 181 166
3.0 432 376 344 322 297 279 267 240 220
104,800 171,900 246,900 327,400 455,700 589,500 662,800 816,500 975,400
404 304 248 216 189 173 164 146 134
403 334 295 269 243 224 214 192 177
3.5 469 403 365 339 311 291 278 250 230
104,800 171,900 246,900 327,400 455,700 589,500 662,800 816,500 975,400
462 348 281 245 211 193 183 163 150
461 363 319 289 259 238 227 204 187
4.0 507 431 387 357 326 303 290 261 240
104,800 171,900 246,900 327,400 455,700 589,500 662,800 816,500 975,400
520 391 315 274 234 213 202 180 165
519 393 342 309 275 252 240 216 198
4.5 545 459 409 376 341 316 302 272 250
104,800 171,900 246,900 327,400 455,700 589,500 662,800 816,500 975,400
578 435 349 303 258 233 221 197 181
576 433 366 329 292 268 255 228 209
5.0 584 487 432 394 356 330 314 283 260
104,800 171,900 246,900 327,400 455,700 589,500 662,800 816,500 975,400
636 479 384 333 282 254 240 215 197
634 477 395 350 312 287 273 244 223
5.5 633 516 455 414 372 343 327 294 270
104,800 171,900 246,900 327,400 455,700 589,500 662,800 816,500 975,400
694 523 420 362 307 275 260 232 213
692 520 428 374 333 306 291 260 238
6.0 691 545 478 433 388 357 340 306 281
104,800 171,900 246,900 327,400 455,700 589,500 662,800 816,500 975,400
  (MPa) 752 566 455 391 331 296 279 250 229
  (MPa) 750 564 462 403 355 326 309 276 253
   (MPa) 749 575 502 453 405 371 353 318 292
KAS (N/mm) 104,800 171,900 246,900 327,400 455,700 589,500 662,800 816,500 975,400

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Table 8 : Maximum Vonmises stress and Spring rate at E=2.02 x 10 MPa
Inner Diameter Shell Thickness (mm)
1500 mm 6 8 10 12 15 18 20 25 30
83 84 84 83 80 76 73 65 60
168 171 170 167 161 153 146 131 120
0.1 255 258 256 251 242 229 219 197 180
112,800 183,900 262,900 346,800 480,300 602,200 668,600 825,700 977,900
107 98 93 88 83 78 74 67 62
182 174 168 162 158 151 145 131 120
0.5 259 252 247 245 239 227 217 196 180
112,800 183,900 262,900 346,800 480,300 602,200 668,600 825,700 977,900
145 125 114 106 97 90 86 77 71
215 197 185 176 166 156 148 134 123
1.0 289 272 260 250 237 227 218 197 182
112,800 183,900 262,900 346,800 480,300 602,200 668,600 825,700 977,900
198 155 138 125 113 104 99 89 81
251 222 205 193 179 167 159 144 131
1.5 322 295 278 265 249 233 223 200 185
112,800 183,900 262,900 346,800 480,300 602,200 668,600 825,700 977,900
265 199 163 147 131 119 113 101 93
291 250 227 211 194 180 171 154 141
2.0 358 320 298 281 262 245 233 210 192
112,800 183,900 262,900 346,800 480,300 602,200 668,600 825,700 977,900
331 249 199 170 152 139 132 118 107
332 280 251 230 210 194 184 166 152
2.5 397 347 319 298 276 257 245 221 202
112,800 183,900 262,900 346,800 480,300 602,200 668,600 825,700 977,900
397 299 239 200 176 160 152 135 123
Pressure 397 311 276 251 226 208 198 178 163
3.0 436 375 341 317 291 270 257 232 212
112,800 183,900 262,900 346,800 480,300 602,200 668,600 825,700 977,900
464 349 280 233 201 182 172 153 140
463 348 301 272 244 223 212 190 174
3.5 477 405 364 336 307 284 270 243 223
112,800 183,900 262,900 346,800 480,300 602,200 668,600 825,700 977,900
530 399 320 267 225 204 192 171 157
529 398 327 294 261 238 226 203 186
4.0 529 435 389 356 323 298 283 255 233
112,800 183,900 262,900 346,800 480,300 602,200 668,600 825,700 977,900
597 449 360 301 251 226 213 190 173
595 447 359 316 282 258 244 218 199
4.5 595 466 413 376 340 312 297 267 244
112,800 183,900 262,900 346,800 480,300 602,200 668,600 825,700 977,900
663 499 400 335 276 249 234 209 191
662 497 399 340 305 279 264 235 215
5.0 661 498 439 397 357 327 310 279 256
112,800 183,900 262,900 346,800 480,300 602,200 668,600 825,700 977,900
730 549 440 368 303 271 256 227 208
728 547 439 369 328 299 283 253 231
5.5 727 547 464 419 374 342 325 292 267
112,800 183,900 262,900 346,800 480,300 602,200 668,600 825,700 977,900
796 599 481 402 329 294 277 246 225
795 597 479 400 352 321 303 270 247
6.0 794 596 490 441 392 358 339 304 279
112,800 183,900 262,900 346,800 480,300 602,200 668,600 825,700 977,900
  (MPa) 863 649 521 436 356 316 298 265 242
  (MPa) 861 647 519 433 377 342 323 288 263
   (MPa) 860 646 519 463 411 377 357 319 291
KAS (N/mm) 112,800 183,900 262,900 346,800 480,300 602,200 668,600 825,700 977,900

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Table 9 : Maximum Vonmises stress and Spring rate at E=2.02 x 10 MPa
Inner Diameter Shell Thickness (mm)
1700 mm 6 8 10 12 15 18 20 25 30
80 80 80 79 76 71 68 61 56
160 163 162 159 153 142 136 122 113
0.1 244 247 244 240 231 214 204 183 169
120,300 195,300 277,800 365,500 503,300 603,700 671,500 823,900 987,700
106 96 90 86 80 74 71 64 58
177 169 162 156 151 140 135 122 113
0.5 251 243 235 233 227 211 202 182 169
120,300 195,300 277,800 365,500 503,300 603,700 671,500 823,900 987,700
150 126 114 105 96 88 83 75 69
212 193 181 172 161 148 141 127 117
1.0 282 264 252 242 228 211 203 184 170
120,300 195,300 277,800 365,500 503,300 603,700 671,500 823,900 987,700
224 169 140 127 113 103 98 88 81
252 221 203 190 175 161 154 138 127
1.5 318 289 271 257 241 222 212 191 175
120,300 195,300 277,800 365,500 503,300 603,700 671,500 823,900 987,700
299 225 180 151 135 122 116 103 94
300 253 227 210 191 176 167 150 138
2.0 358 317 293 275 255 235 224 201 185
120,300 195,300 277,800 365,500 503,300 603,700 671,500 823,900 987,700
374 281 225 188 160 145 137 121 111
374 286 253 231 209 191 181 162 149
2.5 400 347 316 294 271 249 237 213 196
120,300 195,300 277,800 365,500 503,300 603,700 671,500 823,900 987,700
449 337 270 226 186 168 158 141 128
Pressure 448 338 281 254 227 207 196 176 161
3.0 450 379 341 315 287 263 250 225 207
120,300 195,300 277,800 365,500 503,300 603,700 671,500 823,900 987,700
523 393 315 263 213 192 180 160 146
523 393 316 277 246 223 211 189 173
3.5 523 412 367 336 304 278 264 237 218
120,300 195,300 277,800 365,500 503,300 603,700 671,500 823,900 987,700
598 450 361 301 242 216 203 180 164
598 449 361 303 270 245 231 206 188
4.0 598 451 393 358 322 294 279 250 230
120,300 195,300 277,800 365,500 503,300 603,700 671,500 823,900 987,700
673 506 406 339 272 240 226 200 182
672 505 405 339 295 267 252 224 205
4.5 672 506 421 381 340 310 294 263 242
120,300 195,300 277,800 365,500 503,300 603,700 671,500 823,900 987,700
748 563 451 377 303 264 248 220 200
747 561 450 376 320 290 273 243 222
5.0 747 562 453 404 359 327 309 277 254
120,300 195,300 277,800 365,500 503,300 603,700 671,500 823,900 987,700
823 619 496 415 333 289 271 240 219
822 618 495 414 346 313 295 262 239
5.5 822 618 497 428 381 346 327 291 266
120,300 195,300 277,800 365,500 503,300 603,700 671,500 823,900 987,700
898 675 542 453 364 313 294 261 237
897 674 540 451 373 336 317 281 256
6.0 896 674 541 454 405 367 347 309 282
120,300 195,300 277,800 365,500 503,300 603,700 671,500 823,900 987,700
  (MPa) 973 732 587 491 395 338 317 281 255
  (MPa) 972 730 586 489 399 359 339 301 274
   (MPa) 971 730 585 490 430 389 368 327 298
KAS (N/mm) 120,300 195,300 277,800 365,500 503,300 603,700 671,500 823,900 987,700

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Table 10 : Maximum Vonmises stress and Spring rate at E=2.02 x 10 MPa
Inner Diameter Shell Thickness (mm)
2000 mm 6 8 10 12 15 18 20 25 30
76 75 75 74 70 64 62 56 51
150 153 152 150 141 130 124 112 103
0.1 229 232 230 225 212 195 187 169 155
130,900 211,400 299,000 391,700 512,300 607,800 677,600 835,000 994,100
105 95 88 83 76 70 67 60 55
171 162 155 149 138 128 123 112 103
0.5 240 232 224 219 207 192 185 167 154
130,900 211,400 299,000 391,700 512,300 607,800 677,600 835,000 994,100
175 133 115 105 94 86 82 73 67
211 190 176 166 153 140 134 120 110
1.0 275 256 242 232 214 197 188 169 156
130,900 211,400 299,000 391,700 512,300 607,800 677,600 835,000 994,100
263 198 159 135 116 104 99 88 80
265 223 202 187 169 155 148 132 122
1.5 316 285 264 250 229 210 201 180 166
130,900 211,400 299,000 391,700 512,300 607,800 677,600 835,000 994,100
350 263 211 177 143 129 121 107 98
351 267 230 211 188 172 163 146 134
2.0 362 317 289 270 245 225 214 192 177
130,900 211,400 299,000 391,700 512,300 607,800 677,600 835,000 994,100
438 329 264 220 177 154 145 128 116
438 330 268 236 209 189 180 160 147
2.5 440 352 316 292 263 241 229 205 188
130,900 211,400 299,000 391,700 512,300 607,800 677,600 835,000 994,100
525 395 316 264 212 180 170 149 136
Pressure 525 395 318 269 231 209 197 175 160
3.0 526 400 345 316 283 258 245 219 201
130,900 211,400 299,000 391,700 512,300 607,800 677,600 835,000 994,100
613 461 369 308 248 208 194 171 155
613 461 370 311 258 232 220 194 177
3.5 613 463 377 341 303 275 261 233 213
130,900 211,400 299,000 391,700 512,300 607,800 677,600 835,000 994,100
701 526 422 352 283 238 220 193 175
700 526 422 353 286 257 243 215 195
4.0 700 528 427 367 324 293 278 248 226
130,900 211,400 299,000 391,700 512,300 607,800 677,600 835,000 994,100
788 592 475 397 319 267 245 215 195
788 592 475 397 319 283 266 235 214
4.5 788 593 478 404 347 313 296 263 240
130,900 211,400 299,000 391,700 512,300 607,800 677,600 835,000 994,100
876 658 528 441 354 297 270 237 215
875 658 527 440 354 308 290 256 233
5.0 875 658 529 445 374 337 318 282 256
130,900 211,400 299,000 391,700 512,300 607,800 677,600 835,000 994,100
964 724 581 485 390 327 296 260 235
963 723 580 484 389 334 315 277 252
5.5 963 724 581 487 401 361 341 301 274
130,900 211,400 299,000 391,700 512,300 607,800 677,600 835,000 994,100
1051 790 634 529 426 357 323 282 255
1051 789 633 528 424 361 339 299 271
6.0 1050 789 633 530 430 386 364 322 293
130,900 211,400 299,000 391,700 512,300 607,800 677,600 835,000 994,100
  (MPa) 1139 856 687 574 461 387 350 304 275
  (MPa) 1138 855 685 572 460 387 364 321 291
   (MPa) 1138 855 686 573 462 411 388 342 311
KAS (N/mm) 130,900 211,400 299,000 391,700 512,300 607,800 677,600 835,000 994,100

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Table 11 : Maximum Vonmises stress and Spring rate table with E = 1.7 x 10 MPa
Inner Diameter Shell Thickness (mm)
300 mm 6 8 10 12 15 18 20 25 30
122 127 128 127 124 121 118 110 104
248 256 257 255 249 241 235 221 207
0.1 374 385 387 384 374 362 353 331 310
45,600 4,300 121,900 169,500 248,800 335,900 396,800 557,500 725,900
125 121 125 126 124 121 118 112 105
234 248 253 253 248 241 236 222 208
0.5 358 377 382 381 373 361 353 332 312
45,600 4,300 121,900 169,500 248,800 335,900 396,800 557,500 725,900
150 137 129 126 125 123 121 114 108
250 242 250 251 248 242 237 224 210
1.0 351 369 378 379 372 362 354 333 313
45,600 4,300 121,900 169,500 248,800 335,900 396,800 557,500 725,900
176 154 143 135 129 126 124 118 112
274 257 248 251 249 243 239 226 213
1.5 375 363 374 377 372 363 355 335 316
45,600 4,300 121,900 169,500 248,800 335,900 396,800 557,500 725,900
202 173 157 147 136 131 129 123 117
299 273 259 252 251 246 241 229 216
2.0 399 377 373 377 373 364 357 338 318
45,600 4,300 121,900 169,500 248,800 335,900 396,800 557,500 725,900
229 191 171 159 145 137 135 128 122
325 291 272 259 254 249 245 232 220
2.5 424 393 375 377 374 366 359 340 321
45,600 4,300 121,900 169,500 248,800 335,900 396,800 557,500 725,900
256 210 186 171 155 144 142 135 128
Pressure 351 309 285 270 258 253 249 236 224
3.0 449 410 388 379 376 369 362 343 324
45,600 4,300 121,900 169,500 248,800 335,900 396,800 557,500 725,900
284 230 201 184 166 153 149 141 134
378 327 299 282 263 258 253 241 228
3.5 475 428 401 383 379 372 365 347 328
45,600 4,300 121,900 169,500 248,800 335,900 396,800 557,500 725,900
311 249 216 196 176 162 157 149 141
405 345 314 294 271 263 258 246 233
4.0 500 445 415 394 383 375 369 351 332
45,600 4,300 121,900 169,500 248,800 335,900 396,800 557,500 725,900
339 268 231 209 187 172 166 156 148
431 364 328 306 281 269 264 251 238
4.5 527 463 428 406 387 379 373 355 336
45,600 4,300 121,900 169,500 248,800 335,900 396,800 557,500 725,900
366 288 247 222 197 181 174 164 155
458 383 342 318 291 275 270 257 244
5.0 553 481 442 417 391 384 378 359 340
45,600 4,300 121,900 169,500 248,800 335,900 396,800 557,500 725,900
394 308 262 235 208 190 183 172 163
485 402 357 330 301 282 277 263 250
5.5 580 500 456 429 398 389 382 364 345
45,600 4,300 121,900 169,500 248,800 335,900 396,800 557,500 725,900
429 327 278 248 219 200 193 181 171
512 421 372 342 311 289 284 269 256
6.0 607 518 470 441 407 394 388 369 350
45,600 4,300 121,900 169,500 248,800 335,900 396,800 557,500 725,900
  (MPa) 464 347 293 261 230 209 202 189 179
 (MPa) 540 440 387 355 321 298 291 276 262
  (MPa) 634 537 485 452 417 400 393 374 355
KAS (N/mm) 45,600 4,300 121,900 169,500 248,800 335,900 396,800 557,500 725,900

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Table 12 : Maximum Vonmises stress and Spring rate table with E = 1.7 x 10 MPa
Inner Diameter Shell Thickness (mm)
500 mm 6 8 10 12 15 18 20 25 30
102 106 106 105 103 99 97 92 86
208 213 214 211 206 199 194 183 172
0.1 314 321 321 317 309 298 291 275 257
56,100 96,500 143,600 196,100 282,700 376,400 441,500 612,200 781,600
114 108 104 104 102 100 98 93 88
204 205 209 209 205 199 195 184 173
0.5 298 313 316 314 307 298 292 275 259
56,100 96,500 143,600 196,100 282,700 376,400 441,500 612,200 781,600
141 126 118 112 106 103 101 97 91
228 216 208 207 205 200 196 186 176
1.0 318 307 311 312 307 299 293 277 261
56,100 96,500 143,600 196,100 282,700 376,400 441,500 612,200 781,600
169 146 133 125 116 109 106 102 96
255 234 222 213 207 202 199 189 179
1.5 343 324 312 311 307 300 294 280 263
56,100 96,500 143,600 196,100 282,700 376,400 441,500 612,200 781,600
198 166 149 138 127 118 114 108 102
282 253 236 225 211 206 203 193 183
2.0 369 342 326 313 309 302 297 282 267
56,100 96,500 143,600 196,100 282,700 376,400 441,500 612,200 781,600
227 187 165 152 138 128 123 115 109
310 272 251 237 221 211 207 198 188
2.5 396 360 340 325 311 305 300 286 270
56,100 96,500 143,600 196,100 282,700 376,400 441,500 612,200 781,600
256 208 182 166 149 138 132 123 117
Pressure 338 292 266 250 232 218 213 203 193
3.0 423 379 354 337 317 309 304 290 274
56,100 96,500 143,600 196,100 282,700 376,400 441,500 612,200 781,600
286 229 198 180 161 148 142 132 125
367 312 282 263 242 227 219 209 199
3.5 451 398 369 349 327 313 308 294 279
56,100 96,500 143,600 196,100 282,700 376,400 441,500 612,200 781,600
323 250 215 194 173 159 151 141 133
395 332 298 276 253 237 228 216 205
4.0 479 418 384 362 337 319 314 299 284
56,100 96,500 143,600 196,100 282,700 376,400 441,500 612,200 781,600
363 272 232 208 185 169 161 150 142
424 353 314 289 264 247 237 223 211
4.5 507 438 399 374 347 327 319 305 289
56,100 96,500 143,600 196,100 282,700 376,400 441,500 612,200 781,600
403 301 249 223 197 180 171 160 151
453 373 330 303 275 256 246 230 219
5.0 536 458 415 387 358 337 325 311 295
56,100 96,500 143,600 196,100 282,700 376,400 441,500 612,200 781,600
442 330 270 238 209 191 182 169 160
483 394 346 317 287 266 255 238 226
5.5 564 478 430 401 369 346 333 317 301
56,100 96,500 143,600 196,100 282,700 376,400 441,500 612,200 781,600
482 359 294 254 221 202 193 179 169
512 415 363 331 298 276 264 246 233
6.0 593 498 447 414 380 355 342 324 307
56,100 96,500 143,600 196,100 282,700 376,400 441,500 612,200 781,600
  (MPa) 522 388 317 274 234 213 204 189 178
 (MPa) 542 436 380 345 310 287 274 255 241
  (MPa) 622 519 463 427 391 365 351 331 314
KAS (N/mm) 56,100 96,500 143,600 196,100 282,700 376,400 441,500 612,200 781,600

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Table 13 : Maximum Vonmises stress and Spring rate table with E = 1.7 x 10 MPa
Inner Diameter Shell Thickness (mm)
700 mm 6 8 10 12 15 18 20 25 30
90 93 94 93 90 87 85 80 74
185 189 189 186 181 175 171 161 148
0.1 280 285 284 280 272 262 256 241 221
65,300 110,300 162,300 219,300 312,000 411,000 479,000 657,300 799,100
107 100 96 93 90 88 86 82 76
189 183 184 183 180 175 171 162 149
0.5 270 276 278 277 270 262 256 242 223
65,300 110,300 162,300 219,300 312,000 411,000 479,000 657,300 799,100
136 120 111 105 98 93 90 86 80
215 201 192 185 180 176 172 164 152
1.0 296 283 274 274 269 262 257 243 225
65,300 110,300 162,300 219,300 312,000 411,000 479,000 657,300 799,100
166 141 128 119 110 103 99 92 86
243 220 207 197 186 179 176 168 155
1.5 322 301 288 278 270 264 259 246 228
65,300 110,300 162,300 219,300 312,000 411,000 479,000 657,300 799,100
196 163 145 134 122 113 109 100 93
271 240 223 211 197 186 180 172 160
2.0 350 320 303 290 274 266 262 250 231
65,300 110,300 162,300 219,300 312,000 411,000 479,000 657,300 799,100
227 186 163 149 134 124 119 109 102
301 261 239 224 208 196 189 178 166
2.5 378 340 318 303 285 270 266 254 235
65,300 110,300 162,300 219,300 312,000 411,000 479,000 657,300 799,100
266 209 182 165 147 135 129 118 111
Pressure 331 283 256 238 220 206 198 185 172
3.0 407 361 334 316 295 279 271 259 240
65,300 110,300 162,300 219,300 312,000 411,000 479,000 657,300 799,100
309 234 200 180 160 147 140 128 120
362 305 273 253 232 216 208 192 179
3.5 436 381 350 329 307 289 279 264 246
65,300 110,300 162,300 219,300 312,000 411,000 479,000 657,300 799,100
352 266 221 196 174 158 151 139 130
393 327 291 268 244 227 217 200 187
4.0 466 403 367 343 318 298 288 270 252
65,300 110,300 162,300 219,300 312,000 411,000 479,000 657,300 799,100
396 299 247 215 187 170 163 149 140
424 349 309 283 256 237 227 208 195
4.5 497 424 384 358 330 309 297 277 258
65,300 110,300 162,300 219,300 312,000 411,000 479,000 657,300 799,100
439 331 273 237 203 186 177 160 150
455 372 327 298 269 248 238 217 204
5.0 527 446 401 372 342 319 307 284 265
65,300 110,300 162,300 219,300 312,000 411,000 479,000 657,300 799,100
483 363 299 259 220 201 191 173 161
489 395 345 314 282 259 248 227 212
5.5 558 468 419 387 354 329 316 292 273
65,300 110,300 162,300 219,300 312,000 411,000 479,000 657,300 799,100
526 396 325 282 238 217 206 186 171
532 418 363 329 295 271 258 236 222
6.0 589 490 436 402 366 340 326 300 280
65,300 110,300 162,300 219,300 312,000 411,000 479,000 657,300 799,100
  (MPa) 570 428 351 304 257 232 221 199 183
 (MPa) 575 441 382 345 308 282 269 246 231
  (MPa) 620 513 454 417 378 351 336 308 288
KAS (N/mm) 65,300 110,300 162,300 219,300 312,000 411,000 479,000 657,300 799,100

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Table 14 : Maximum Vonmises stress and Spring rate table with E = 1.7 x 10 MPa
Inner Diameter Shell Thickness (mm)
900 mm 6 8 10 12 15 18 20 25 30
82 85 85 84 82 79 77 72 66
169 173 172 170 164 159 155 143 131
0.1 257 261 259 255 247 238 232 214 197
73,600 122,600 178,700 239,800 337,900 441,700 513,300 673,800 809,900
103 95 90 87 82 80 78 73 68
178 171 167 166 163 158 155 144 132
0.5 254 250 253 251 245 237 232 215 197
73,600 122,600 178,700 239,800 337,900 441,700 513,300 673,800 809,900
133 117 107 100 93 88 85 78 72
205 190 181 173 164 160 157 146 135
1.0 280 266 256 248 244 238 233 217 199
73,600 122,600 178,700 239,800 337,900 441,700 513,300 673,800 809,900
165 140 125 116 106 99 95 87 80
235 211 197 187 175 166 161 150 139
1.5 308 285 271 260 246 239 235 219 203
73,600 122,600 178,700 239,800 337,900 441,700 513,300 673,800 809,900
199 164 145 132 119 111 106 96 88
266 233 214 201 187 176 170 156 145
2.0 337 306 287 273 257 244 239 223 207
73,600 122,600 178,700 239,800 337,900 441,700 513,300 673,800 809,900
240 189 164 149 133 123 117 106 98
298 256 232 216 199 187 180 164 152
2.5 368 327 304 287 269 254 246 228 212
73,600 122,600 178,700 239,800 337,900 441,700 513,300 673,800 809,900
287 219 185 166 148 135 128 116 108
Pressure 331 279 251 232 212 198 190 173 159
3.0 399 350 321 301 280 264 255 234 217
73,600 122,600 178,700 239,800 337,900 441,700 513,300 673,800 809,900
333 254 212 185 162 149 142 129 119
364 303 270 248 225 209 201 183 168
3.5 431 372 339 316 293 275 265 242 224
73,600 122,600 178,700 239,800 337,900 441,700 513,300 673,800 809,900
380 289 240 209 181 166 158 142 131
397 328 289 264 239 221 212 192 177
4.0 464 395 357 332 305 286 275 251 231
73,600 122,600 178,700 239,800 337,900 441,700 513,300 673,800 809,900
427 325 269 234 200 183 174 157 144
433 352 309 280 253 233 223 202 186
4.5 496 419 376 347 318 297 285 260 239
73,600 122,600 178,700 239,800 337,900 441,700 513,300 673,800 809,900
475 360 297 258 219 200 190 171 157
480 377 329 297 267 245 234 212 196
5.0 529 443 395 363 331 308 296 269 247
73,600 122,600 178,700 239,800 337,900 441,700 513,300 673,800 809,900
522 395 326 283 240 217 206 185 171
526 404 349 314 281 258 245 222 206
5.5 562 467 414 379 345 320 306 279 256
73,600 122,600 178,700 239,800 337,900 441,700 513,300 673,800 809,900
569 431 355 308 261 235 222 200 184
573 439 369 332 295 270 257 232 217
6.0 596 491 434 396 358 332 317 289 265
73,600 122,600 178,700 239,800 337,900 441,700 513,300 673,800 809,900
  (MPa) 616 466 384 333 282 252 239 215 198
 (MPa) 620 473 395 349 310 283 269 244 227
  (MPa) 629 516 453 412 372 344 328 298 274
KAS (N/mm) 73,600 122,600 178,700 239,800 337,900 441,700 513,300 673,800 809,900

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Table 15 : Maximum Vonmises stress and Spring rate table with E =1.7 x 10 MPa

Inner Diameter Shell Thickness (mm)

1100 mm 6 8 10 12 15 18 20 25 30
77 79 79 78 76 73 71 65 59
158 161 160 158 152 147 143 130 119
0.1 239 243 241 237 229 220 215 195 178
81,200 134,100 194,000 258,400 361,500 470,100 544,100 685,700 815,900
99 91 86 82 78 74 73 67 61
170 162 157 154 150 146 143 130 120
0.5 241 235 234 232 226 219 214 195 178
81,200 134,100 194,000 258,400 361,500 470,100 544,100 685,700 815,900
132 114 105 97 90 85 81 74 68
199 183 173 165 155 148 145 133 123
1.0 268 253 243 234 225 220 215 196 181
81,200 134,100 194,000 258,400 361,500 470,100 544,100 685,700 815,900
167 140 125 114 104 96 92 84 77
231 205 190 179 167 158 153 138 128
1.5 298 274 259 247 233 222 218 200 184
81,200 134,100 194,000 258,400 361,500 470,100 544,100 685,700 815,900
207 166 146 132 118 109 104 94 87
264 229 209 195 180 169 163 147 135
2.0 330 296 276 261 245 232 224 204 189
81,200 134,100 194,000 258,400 361,500 470,100 544,100 685,700 815,900
257 198 168 151 134 122 117 105 97
299 254 229 211 193 181 174 157 145
2.5 363 319 295 277 257 242 234 212 195
81,200 134,100 194,000 258,400 361,500 470,100 544,100 685,700 815,900
308 236 197 172 152 140 133 120 110
Pressure 334 280 250 229 208 193 185 167 154
3.0 397 343 314 292 270 254 244 221 203
81,200 134,100 194,000 258,400 361,500 470,100 544,100 685,700 815,900
358 274 228 199 173 158 150 135 124
370 306 271 246 222 205 196 177 164
3.5 431 368 333 309 283 265 255 230 212
81,200 134,100 194,000 258,400 361,500 470,100 544,100 685,700 815,900
409 313 259 226 193 176 167 150 139
414 333 292 264 237 218 208 188 174
4.0 466 394 354 326 297 277 266 240 222
81,200 134,100 194,000 258,400 361,500 470,100 544,100 685,700 815,900
460 351 291 253 215 195 185 166 153
465 360 314 283 252 231 220 199 184
4.5 502 420 374 343 311 289 277 251 231
81,200 134,100 194,000 258,400 361,500 470,100 544,100 685,700 815,900
511 389 322 280 237 214 203 182 168
515 397 336 301 268 245 233 210 195
5.0 538 446 395 360 326 302 289 261 241
81,200 134,100 194,000 258,400 361,500 470,100 544,100 685,700 815,900
561 428 354 307 260 233 221 198 183
565 435 364 320 284 262 250 225 207
5.5 574 472 417 378 341 314 300 271 251
81,200 134,100 194,000 258,400 361,500 470,100 544,100 685,700 815,900
612 466 385 334 283 252 239 214 197
616 472 395 345 304 280 266 240 221
6.0 622 499 438 396 355 327 312 282 261
81,200 134,100 194,000 258,400 361,500 470,100 544,100 685,700 815,900
  (MPa) 663 505 417 361 306 272 257 230 212
 (MPa) 666 511 426 372 324 298 283 255 235
  (MPa) 672 526 460 415 371 341 324 293 271
KAS (N/mm) 81,200 134,100 194,000 258,400 361,500 470,100 544,100 685,700 815,900

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Table 16 : Maximum Vonmises stress and Spring rate table with E =1.7 x 10 MPa

Inner Diameter Shell Thickness (mm)

1300 mm
6 8 10 12 15 18 20 25 30
74 74 74 73 71 69 66 59 54
148 151 150 148 143 138 132 119 109
0.1 225 228 227 223 215 207 198 178 163
88,200 144,700 207,800 275,500 383,500 496,100 557,800 687,200 820,900
97 89 83 79 74 71 68 61 57
163 156 150 144 141 137 132 119 110
0.5 231 224 219 217 212 205 198 178 164
88,200 144,700 207,800 275,500 383,500 496,100 557,800 687,200 820,900
133 114 103 96 88 82 78 71 65
194 177 167 158 149 141 135 122 113
1.0 260 244 233 223 212 206 199 180 166
88,200 144,700 207,800 275,500 383,500 496,100 557,800 687,200 820,900
173 142 126 114 103 95 91 82 75
229 202 186 174 162 152 146 131 120
1.5 292 266 250 238 223 212 203 183 170
88,200 144,700 207,800 275,500 383,500 496,100 557,800 687,200 820,900
231 173 149 134 119 109 104 93 86
266 228 206 191 176 164 157 141 130
2.0 326 290 269 253 236 222 213 191 176
88,200 144,700 207,800 275,500 383,500 496,100 557,800 687,200 820,900
288 217 178 156 139 128 121 109 99
304 256 228 210 191 177 169 152 140
2.5 362 316 289 270 249 234 224 201 185
88,200 144,700 207,800 275,500 383,500 496,100 557,800 687,200 820,900
346 260 212 185 161 147 140 125 115
Pressure 345 285 251 229 206 190 181 163 150
3.0 399 342 310 287 263 246 235 212 194
88,200 144,700 207,800 275,500 383,500 496,100 557,800 687,200 820,900
404 304 246 214 184 168 159 142 130
403 314 274 248 222 204 194 175 161
3.5 437 370 331 305 278 259 247 222 204
88,200 144,700 207,800 275,500 383,500 496,100 557,800 687,200 820,900
463 348 280 243 207 188 178 159 146
461 346 298 269 239 218 208 187 171
4.0 475 398 354 324 293 272 259 233 215
88,200 144,700 207,800 275,500 383,500 496,100 557,800 687,200 820,900
521 392 314 272 231 208 197 176 162
519 390 324 289 257 237 225 201 184
4.5 518 427 377 343 309 285 272 245 225
88,200 144,700 207,800 275,500 383,500 496,100 557,800 687,200 820,900
579 435 350 302 256 229 217 194 177
577 434 357 312 278 256 243 217 199
5.0 576 456 400 363 325 299 285 256 236
88,200 144,700 207,800 275,500 383,500 496,100 557,800 687,200 820,900
637 479 385 331 280 250 236 211 193
635 477 390 341 300 275 261 234 214
5.5 634 485 424 383 341 313 298 268 246
88,200 144,700 207,800 275,500 383,500 496,100 557,800 687,200 820,900
695 523 420 360 305 271 256 229 210
693 521 424 370 323 295 280 250 229
6.0 692 519 448 403 358 327 311 280 257
88,200 144,700 207,800 275,500 383,500 496,100 557,800 687,200 820,900
  (MPa) 753 567 455 390 330 292 276 246 226
 (MPa) 751 565 458 399 345 315 298 267 245
  (MPa) 750 563 472 423 375 346 329 294 269
KAS (N/mm) 88,200 144,700 207,800 275,500 383,500 496,100 557,800 687,200 820,900

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Table 17 : Maximum Vonmises stress and Spring rate table with E =1.7 x 10 MPa

Inner Diameter Shell Thickness (mm)

1500 mm
6 8 10 12 15 18 20 25 30
71 70 70 69 67 64 61 55 50
140 143 143 140 135 128 146 110 101
0.1 214 217 215 211 204 229 184 166 151
94,900 154,700 221,300 291,900 404,200 506,800 562,700 694,900 823,000
96 87 81 77 72 67 64 58 53
158 150 144 139 133 127 145 111 102
0.5 223 215 208 205 200 227 183 165 152
94,900 154,700 221,300 291,900 404,200 506,800 562,700 694,900 823,000
135 115 103 95 87 80 76 69 63
192 173 162 154 144 135 148 116 106
1.0 253 236 224 215 203 227 184 167 154
94,900 154,700 221,300 291,900 404,200 506,800 562,700 694,900 823,000
198 149 128 116 103 95 90 81 74
230 200 183 171 158 147 159 126 115
1.5 288 260 243 230 216 233 192 173 158
94,900 154,700 221,300 291,900 404,200 506,800 562,700 694,900 823,000
265 199 159 138 123 113 107 95 87
271 229 206 190 173 160 171 137 126
2.0 326 286 264 247 229 245 204 184 168
94,900 154,700 221,300 291,900 404,200 506,800 562,700 694,900 823,000
331 249 199 167 147 134 127 113 103
331 260 231 210 190 174 184 149 137
2.5 365 315 286 266 244 257 216 194 178
94,900 154,700 221,300 291,900 404,200 506,800 562,700 694,900 823,000
398 299 240 200 172 155 147 131 120
Pressure 397 298 256 231 207 189 198 161 148
3.0 406 344 309 285 260 270 229 206 188
94,900 154,700 221,300 291,900 404,200 506,800 562,700 694,900 823,000
464 349 280 234 196 178 168 149 136
463 348 282 253 225 206 212 174 159
3.5 463 375 334 305 276 284 242 218 199
94,900 154,700 221,300 291,900 404,200 506,800 562,700 694,900 823,000
531 399 320 268 222 200 189 168 153
529 398 319 275 247 226 226 191 174
4.0 529 406 358 326 293 298 255 230 210
94,900 154,700 221,300 291,900 404,200 506,800 562,700 694,900 823,000
597 449 360 301 248 222 210 187 170
596 448 359 302 270 247 244 208 190
4.5 595 448 384 347 310 312 270 242 222
94,900 154,700 221,300 291,900 404,200 506,800 562,700 694,900 823,000
663 499 401 335 274 245 231 205 188
662 498 399 333 294 268 264 226 206
5.0 661 497 410 369 328 327 284 255 233
94,900 154,700 221,300 291,900 404,200 506,800 562,700 694,900 823,000
730 549 441 369 301 268 252 224 205
729 548 439 367 319 289 283 244 222
5.5 728 547 439 391 347 342 302 269 246
94,900 154,700 221,300 291,900 404,200 506,800 562,700 694,900 823,000
796 599 481 402 328 290 274 243 222
795 598 479 400 343 311 303 262 239
6.0 794 597 478 413 370 358 321 286 261
94,900 154,700 221,300 291,900 404,200 506,800 562,700 694,900 823,000
  (MPa) 863 649 521 436 355 313 295 262 239
 (MPa) 862 648 519 434 368 333 323 280 256
  (MPa) 860 647 518 440 394 377 340 304 277
KAS (N/mm) 94,900 154,700 221,300 291,900 404,200 506,800 562,700 694,900 823,000

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Table 18 : Maximum Vonmises stress and Spring rate table with E =1.7 x 10 MPa

Inner Diameter Shell Thickness (mm)

1700 mm
6 8 10 12 15 18 20 25 30
68 67 67 66 64 59 57 51 47
134 137 136 134 129 120 114 103 95
0.1 204 207 205 201 194 180 172 154 142
101,300 164,300 233,800 307,600 423,600 508,100 565,100 693,400 831,200
95 86 79 75 70 64 61 55 51
154 145 139 134 127 118 113 103 95
0.5 216 208 200 195 191 177 170 154 142
101,300 164,300 233,800 307,600 423,600 508,100 565,100 693,400 831,200
150 117 104 95 86 79 75 67 62
191 171 159 150 140 129 123 110 101
1.0 248 230 218 208 196 181 173 155 144
101,300 164,300 233,800 307,600 423,600 508,100 565,100 693,400 831,200
224 168 136 118 105 95 90 80 74
233 201 182 169 155 142 135 122 112
1.5 286 257 238 225 210 193 184 165 152
101,300 164,300 233,800 307,600 423,600 508,100 565,100 693,400 831,200
299 225 180 151 130 117 111 98 90
299 233 208 190 172 157 149 134 123
2.0 328 286 261 244 224 206 197 177 162
101,300 164,300 233,800 307,600 423,600 508,100 565,100 693,400 831,200
374 281 225 188 155 140 132 117 107
373 281 235 213 190 173 164 147 135
2.5 375 317 286 264 241 221 210 189 173
101,300 164,300 233,800 307,600 423,600 508,100 565,100 693,400 831,200
449 337 270 226 182 164 154 137 125
Pressure 448 337 271 236 210 190 180 161 147
3.0 449 350 312 285 258 236 224 201 185
101,300 164,300 233,800 307,600 423,600 508,100 565,100 693,400 831,200
524 394 316 264 212 188 177 157 143
523 393 315 264 234 212 200 178 163
3.5 523 394 338 307 276 252 239 214 196
101,300 164,300 233,800 307,600 423,600 508,100 565,100 693,400 831,200
599 450 361 302 242 212 200 177 161
598 449 360 301 259 234 221 197 179
4.0 597 450 366 330 294 268 254 227 208
101,300 164,300 233,800 307,600 423,600 508,100 565,100 693,400 831,200
674 506 406 339 273 237 222 197 179
673 505 405 338 285 257 243 215 197
4.5 672 505 407 354 314 285 270 241 221
101,300 164,300 233,800 307,600 423,600 508,100 565,100 693,400 831,200
749 563 451 377 303 261 245 217 198
748 562 450 376 311 280 264 235 214
5.0 747 561 451 378 339 307 290 258 236
101,300 164,300 233,800 307,600 423,600 508,100 565,100 693,400 831,200
823 619 497 415 334 286 269 238 216
822 618 495 414 337 304 286 254 232
5.5 822 617 495 415 363 329 311 276 252
101,300 164,300 233,800 307,600 423,600 508,100 565,100 693,400 831,200
898 676 542 453 364 312 292 258 234
897 674 541 452 364 328 309 274 249
6.0 897 674 540 452 389 351 332 295 269
101,300 164,300 233,800 307,600 423,600 508,100 565,100 693,400 831,200
  (MPa) 973 732 587 491 395 337 315 278 253
 (MPa) 972 731 586 489 393 352 331 294 267
  (MPa) 972 730 585 489 414 374 353 314 286
KAS (N/mm) 101,300 164,300 233,800 307,600 423,600 508,100 565,100 693,400 831,200

Page 29 of 31
Table 19 : Maximum Vonmises stress and Spring rate table with E =1.7 x 10 MPa

Inner Diameter Shell Thickness (mm)

2000 mm
6 8 10 12 15 18 20 25 30
65 63 63 62 58 54 52 47 43
125 128 128 125 118 109 105 94 87
0.1 191 195 193 189 178 164 157 142 130
110,200 177,900 251,700 329,700 431,100 511,500 570,300 702,800 836,600
96 85 78 73 67 61 58 52 48
150 140 134 128 118 109 104 94 87
0.5 207 198 191 184 174 161 155 141 130
110,200 177,900 251,700 329,700 431,100 511,500 570,300 702,800 836,600
175 132 108 97 86 78 74 66 60
192 170 156 146 133 122 117 105 96
1.0 244 224 211 200 185 170 162 146 134
110,200 177,900 251,700 329,700 431,100 511,500 570,300 702,800 836,600
263 197 159 133 110 99 94 83 75
264 205 183 168 151 138 132 118 108
1.5 288 255 234 220 200 184 175 157 144
110,200 177,900 251,700 329,700 431,100 511,500 570,300 702,800 836,600
350 263 211 176 142 124 117 103 94
350 265 215 193 171 156 148 132 121
2.0 353 289 260 241 218 199 190 170 156
110,200 177,900 251,700 329,700 431,100 511,500 570,300 702,800 836,600
438 329 264 220 177 150 142 125 113
438 329 265 224 193 174 165 147 134
2.5 439 334 289 265 237 216 205 184 168
110,200 177,900 251,700 329,700 431,100 511,500 570,300 702,800 836,600
525 395 316 264 212 178 166 146 133
Pressure 525 395 317 266 221 198 187 166 151
3.0 526 397 323 290 257 234 221 198 181
110,200 177,900 251,700 329,700 431,100 511,500 570,300 702,800 836,600
613 461 369 308 248 208 192 168 153
613 460 369 309 249 223 210 186 169
3.5 613 462 373 317 278 252 239 212 194
110,200 177,900 251,700 329,700 431,100 511,500 570,300 702,800 836,600
701 527 422 353 283 238 217 191 173
700 526 422 353 284 249 234 207 188
4.0 700 527 424 357 303 273 258 229 208
110,200 177,900 251,700 329,700 431,100 511,500 570,300 702,800 836,600
789 592 475 397 319 268 243 213 193
788 592 474 396 318 275 258 228 207
4.5 788 592 476 399 331 297 281 249 226
110,200 177,900 251,700 329,700 431,100 511,500 570,300 702,800 836,600
876 658 528 441 355 298 269 235 213
876 658 527 440 354 301 283 249 226
5.0 875 658 528 442 359 322 304 269 244
110,200 177,900 251,700 329,700 431,100 511,500 570,300 702,800 836,600
964 724 581 485 390 328 296 257 233
963 724 580 484 389 328 308 271 246
5.5 963 723 580 485 391 347 328 289 263
110,200 177,900 251,700 329,700 431,100 511,500 570,300 702,800 836,600
1052 790 634 530 426 358 324 281 253
1051 789 633 528 425 356 333 293 266
6.0 1050 789 633 529 425 373 351 310 282
110,200 177,900 251,700 329,700 431,100 511,500 570,300 702,800 836,600
  (MPa) 1139 856 687 574 462 388 351 304 273
 (MPa) 1139 855 686 573 460 386 358 315 285
  (MPa) 1138 855 685 573 460 399 376 331 301
KAS (N/mm) 110,200 177,900 251,700 329,700 431,100 511,500 570,300 702,800 836,600

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