Marieliz J. Ragpa - Junior and Senior High School

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May 8, 2020


The learners illustrate the measures of central tendency (mean,

median and mode) of a statistical data. (M7SP-IVf-1)

At the end of the lesson the learners should be able to:

Knowledge- Define the measures of central tendency (mean, median

and mode);

Skills- Solve the mean, median, and mode of a statistical data; and

Attitude- Appreciate the importance of arranging data using real-life



Topic: Measures Of Central Tendency of Ungrouped Data: Mean,

Median and Mode

References: Mathematics VII Module Guide (pages 249-251) and

Advanced Algebra, Trigonometry and Statistics IV (pages 258-
259,263-264, and 267)

Materials: Powerpoint Presentation


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Pre-learning Activity
1. Prayer
Please lead the prayer,
Christian. Christian: Classmates, please stand up
for the prayer.

(Students are now standing for the


Christian: Are you ready to pray

All: Yes, we are. In the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit. Amen. Our Father…
2. Greetings
Good morning, class! All: Good morning, Teacher Ragpa!

Okay, class. You may now

take your seats. All: Thank you, Ma’am!
How are you today, class?
All: We are good, Ma’am!
Wow! It’s good to hear

3. Checking of Attendance
For your attendance, I will
give you a sheet of bond
paper. All you need to do is
to write your name and
your signature. All: Okay, Ma’am!

4. Review
Okay, class. Let’s recapitulate what
we had yesterday. Okay, John.
John: Yesterday, we discussed about
how to arrange the given set of data in
Very good! In ascending order it is ascending or descending order.
from the? Joshua?

How about descending order? Louie? It is from the least to greatest value of
the given set of data.

5. Motivation
Have you ever tried It is from the greatest to the lowest
comparing your academic value of the given set of data.
performance with your

Have you asked yourselves

how did you obtain such (In chorus) All: Sometimes, Ma’am.

Today, the concept of

solving and finding how will All: Yes, Ma’am.
be learned today.

B. During learning Activity

1. Presentation All: Okay, Ma’am.
Class, our lesson for today
is all about the Measures of
Central Tendency of
Ungrouped Data. These are
the mean, median and

2. Discussion
Manny, can you give me at
least five (5) of your grades (Students are listening.)
in the third grading period?

Okay, class. We have now

the set of grades of Manny. Manny: Of course, Ma’am!
But do you know how to
compute the average grade
of Manny?

How do we get his average

All: Yes, Ma’am!
Okay, Catubig.

That’s right! Very good,

Catubig. If we add all the 5 Catubig: We can get Manny’s average
grades of Manny and divide by getting the sum of his 5 grades and
it by his total number of divided it by 5.
grades, then we are finding
his average or what we also
called the _______?

Our First measure of central

tendency is the mean. What
is a mean? (Students are in chorus) The mean!

(Students are reading the definition of

the mean)
All: The mean (commonly called the
Okay. I have here the average) is the sum of all
formula in getting the mean measurements divided by the number of
of ungrouped data. observations in the data.
∑ x

x is the mean
x is the scores or the item
∑ x is the sum of the item
n is the item values

Please read the given set of

data, Querelle.

To find the average scores The following are the scores of the
of these five students, what students of section Dayot in their Math
formula are we going to quiz: 15, 8, 8, 14, 10.

(Students are in chorus)

All: The formula in getting the mean of
ungrouped data:
By using that formula, I n
want Malayo to solve it on
the board.

Malayo’s solution on the board.

( 15+8+14 +10 )
What is the mean score of 55
the five students? (Teacher x= 5
having her draw lots) x=11
Okay, Mandreza.

Very good, Mandreza.

Catubig, I want you to Mandreza: The mean score of the five

come here in front and students is 11.
arrange the set of scores in
ascending order.

Now the set of scores are Catubig: Okay, Ma’am!

arranged in ascending 8, 8, 10, 14, 15
order, what is the middle

Very good! What do you

call 10 in the set of data? All (In chorus): The middle value is 10.

Our next measure of central

tendency is the median.
What is a median? All (In chorus): The Median

The median is the middle value or term

So, to find the median of an in a set of data arranged according to
ungrouped data, we have to size/magnitude (either increasing or
arrange the data either in decreasing order.)
ascending or descending
order and take the middle
value. Just like what we did
to our data a while ago.

Now in the same set of

data, I will add another
value which is 6. What is
now our middle value?

Exactly! What are these?

In this case, how do we find There are two middle values.

the median?
These are 8 and 10.
That’s right! Mandreza,
Kindly solve for the median.
Find the mean of the two middle values.

( 8+10 )

What is the median of the Md= 18

new set of scores? 2
Yes! Very good!

Now, in the same set of All: The median is 9.

data. What value/score
appears most often?

Very good, class! Our last

measure of central
tendency is the mode. All: The value 8.

What is a mode?

All: 8 is the mode.

I have here sets of data The mode is the measure or value which
and let us try to find the occurs most frequently in a set of data.
mode: It is the value with the greatest
(12,11,10,12,11,9,8,12) frequency.

If there is only one mode, it

is called unimodal.
All: (Students in chorus) Mode is 12.
How about this set

And this is called bimodal

because there are two
mode. And if there are All:25 and 20
more than two mode, it is
called multimodal.

And this one:

Alright. We can say that in
a given set of data, there All: No mode
could be at least one mode,
more than one mode or no
mode at all.

3. Practice
At this point, we will be
having a group activity. I
will divide you into four
groups. Okay, the same
group as yesterday’s
activity. For Group 1, you
are going to solve or get
the measures of central
tendency (mean, median,
and mode) in this given set
of data which is 10, 12, 9,
10, 13, 11. For Group 2,
you are going to roleplay on
interviewing a statistician
about measures of central
tendency. Group 3, you
need to cite examples
about measures of central
tendency that you can
connect to the nature. And
for the last group. Group 4,
you are going to create a
jingle about measures of
central tendency.

I will give you five minutes

to prepare and solve. After
that I will let you present
here in front of the class.
(After 5 minutes)
I will have a draw lots for
those group who will
present here in front.

Okay, the first group who

will present first here in
front will be Group 2. All: Okay ma’am!

Okay, next. Group 1, Group 2 are now roleplaying about a

present your answers in statistician who was interviewed about
front and explain. measures of central tendency.

Group 1:

10+12+9+10+13+ 11

x=10.83 …

Ascending order: (9, 10, 10, 11, 12, 13)


Mode=10 unimodal

Group 3? (One of the students in the group is


Okay, next Group 4. The Group 3 is citing examples of the

measures of central tendency that
Job well done everyone! connects with nature.
Very good!
The Group 4 are now performing.
C. Post-learning Activity
Class a while ago, we
discuss about measures of
central tendency of ungrouped
data. From the word central,
class. We can associate it with
the word center. How will you
define the word center? Yes,

That’s right, Mahinay.

Now, how about in your life, Benondo: It is the middle of everything
class? Who is the center of around us.
your life? Yes, Mahinay?

Any other idea? Okay,

Mahinay: The center of my life is my
How about God? Did you also mother.
make Him as the center of
your life? Raymundo: The center of my life is my
Why did you make God as the
center of your life? Yes, All: Yes, Ma’am.

Culanag: I always make God as the

Exactly! center of my life because I know, Ma’am
So class whoever is the center with God nothing is impossible.
of our life we should not forget
God because He is the source
of everything. Whatever
decision that we will make, we
should not forget God because
without Him, we are nothing.

Okay, class. Let us

recapitulate. How do we find Yes, Ma’am.
the mean in a given set of

Okay, Deposoy?
(In chorus)Ma’am!

Deposoy: We will going to get the sum

Very good, Very good, of the given set of data and divided it by
Deposoy. How about the the number of items in the set of data.

Okay, Comcom? (Students are raising their hands)

Comcom: First we are going to arrange

the data in ascending or descending
order. After that, we will going to find
the middle value. If there is only one
middle value then we can directly
conclude that it is our median but if
Very good! there are two middle values, we will get
How about the mode? Yes, the mean of the two values. And that
Bolongon? would be our median.

Bolongon: We will find the value that

Very good, class! Now you are frequently occurs in the set of data.
ready for a quiz. There can be only one mode, two or
more mode or even no mode at all.

The scores of nine (9)

students in Section Dayot in
their formative Test in Math
are as follows:
Students Scores
Jeah 45
Querelle 45
Kyle 30
Manny 50
Jun 35
Justin 30
Arron 30
Jules 40
Eric 45


Find the mean, median, 45+ 45+30+50+35 +¿ 30+30+ 40+45

and mode. x=


x=38.88 …

Ascending Order – 30, 30, 30, 35,
40, 45, 45, 45, 50

30 and 45

Below are the Mathematics
grades of 20 Grade 7
students in the last quarter:
78 98 76 89 89 Mean:
88 75 72 98 90 78+98+76 +89+89+ 88+75+72+¿ 98+90+ 84+ 88+
84 88 85 88 87 +87+ 96+98+ 96+ 96+76
96 98 96 96 76 20
Find the mean, median
and mode. 1747

88+ 90

Mo=88 , 96 , 98 Multimodal


A. Number of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

B. Number of learners who require additional activities for


Prepared by:

Marieliz J. Ragpa

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