CONCEPT PAPER Format and Guidelines For Practical Research 1

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For Practical Research 1 and Capstone

[SAMPLE COVER: follow this format]


“Pedagogical Challenges faced by the Senior High School Teachers

of Jose Rizal Institute in Online Distance Learning”


MAY 2024

Contents of the Concept Paper:

Page 1 – Proposed Title

Page 2 – Introduction (Proposed Aim of the Study and

Driving Forces)

Page 3 – Proposed Statement of the Problem

Page 4 – Scope and Delimitations

Page 5 – Significance of the Study (Proposed


Page 6 – 10 Related Literatures and Studies (All in all)

Page 7 – Definition of Terms (Alphabetical order)

Page 8 – Citation of Sources


The title of a research study is of hallmark importance as it must mirror the

proceedings and undertakings requisite to the unearthing of the realities of a

highlighted problem or phenomenon.

The title is not only for identification purpose but also for demarcation.

Demarcation from other seemingly similar studies. Demarcation from other studies

that may share the same integral variables for relational, cause-and-effect, or even,

correlational studies.

The title must only comprise of 12 to 16 pertinent words. The said important

words are ones that bear conceptual significance. This excludes prepositions,

conjunctions, articles, unnecessary adjectives and adverbs.

It must contain the following:

1. It must mention what needs to be determined – is it the relationship,

difference, or correlation between variables? Is it the challenges, the

underlying reasons, or driving forces that may be prompting the

occurrence of a problem or a phenomenon?

2. It must refer to the people affected by the problem at hand.

3. It must pertain to the institution, association, or geographic

disposition of the people affected.

4. It must allude to the specific context of the study too.


“Pedagogical Challenges faced by the Senior High School Teachers of Jose

Rizal Institute in Online Distance Learning”

“Social Perception of the Senior High School Students of Jose Rizal Institute

about the Environmental effects of Improper Disposal of Single-Use Face


“Lived Experiences of Early Cohabiting Teenagers of Barangay Cabacungan,

Calbayog City”

“Single-Use Face Masks as the Most Prominent Environmental Abuser amidst

the Pandemic”

The Introduction is important in establishing the general ideas and the current

situation of the problem or phenomenon under lens. The writing of the aim of the

study is as essential as knowing your R.O.I. (Return of Investment) for an

investment you’ve made. In this sense, you will never put anything on the line for

nothing, right? Everyone puts things forth if and only if there is a fair bargain. In

the same way, a researcher must know why and how he or she is embarking on an

endeavor before he or she reasonably exerts himself or herself along with his or her




The present study delves into the identification of the pedagogical challenges

faced by Senior High School Teachers of Jose Rizal Institute in Online Distance

Learning. This concerns the appropriation of the lesson objectives as cited in the

lesson plans, instructional materials, and assessment tools and techniques

premeditatedly situated in certain points in time of the School year. More

specifically, the study desires to bridge the gap between teachers and students

along with their expectations and ideations on how Online Distance Learning

should be implemented. The said gap is important to bridge because education

will only work if it is mutually functional. Its functionality can be in terms of the
feasibility, validity, and reliability of the instruction as juxtaposed to the students’

level and capability.


The researchers were driven to embark on this study because of the

following reasons:

First, the researchers are concerned with the nature of the problem as

education is integral in nation building. Any detraction on the part of teachers

and students may very well lead to detrimental effects to our nation. This is the

foremost concern of the researchers.

Second, the academic effects of this pandemic is as equally important as

the others effects that it has to our society. The researchers believe that studies

like this will proliferate the amount of attention being given to the educational

plummets caused by this catastrophe.

Third and last, students are integral to the most basic institution of our

nation and to the care economy. This is why the researchers want to safeguard

the interest of these future national builders, leaders, and professional in as

much as this study reiterates the importance of augmenting the teaching

workforce by magnifying their concerns and cares about the deficiencies and

challenges of this new modality.


The Statement of the Problem is the life and soul of the Scientific Inquiry that

research is. The S.O.P. serves as a roadmap for researchers as it reiterates the

most essential questions anchored on the aim of the study as well as the gaps of

the research concept. Without a clear and coherent S.O.P., the proceedings and

undertakings of the study may be in danger of aimlessly wandering through the

uncharted territories of the highlighted problem or phenomenon. This

postulates the supreme pertinence of this part.

However, the nature of questions asked in Qualitative Researches are descriptive

in nature. These delves into an extensive elaboration of the opinion-based, first

hand data from research participants that eventually get into the nitty gritty

of the problem and its underlying causes.

The questions could be as simple as – “What causes people to fall for pyramid

“Why are widowed partners prone to die soon after their perished loved one?”

“How are the proponents of Early Cohabitation in Barangay Pilar, Calbayog City?”

However, the researchers must know how to deduce general questions into more

specific derivatives of the preceding ones.


This part of the research paper is where the researchers must draw the line

within and beyond the aspects or facets of their selected problem – which they

believe they can cover within the given amount of time and with the resources

that they have. The most important thing to consider when writing this part are

the following:

How many questions do I need to answer?

The number of questions you will ask will equate to the rigors of your data

gathering and data classification and treatment process too. Be careful, though,

as the panelists can foresee questions that are essential but you might have left

out because you did not muster the courage to work on it in the clutch.

How much time do I have?

This is self-explanatory. This is of the essence as we approach the research

process since it requires a lot of time, effort, energy, and resources to it.

How good is my understanding of the problem or the phenomenon?

This is self-explanatory too. The degree and clarity of your conceptual

understanding will dictate how clear your aim will be, and how feasible your

study will be overall.

How much evidentiary support do I have to work with?

This is of hallmark importance as you will use related, past literatures and

studies to maneuver yourself with identifying the areas or aspects of a problem

or phenomenon that has not yet been studied or that has insufficient studies

about it.



At this point, the study must also pinpoint groups of individuals who will benefit

to a certain degree from the study whether they are directly or indirectly

involved in the study itself.

Usually, since, you are only allowed to gather data from the students of CCNHS –

these are the groups of people who will be benefitted.

Teachers, School Administration, Students, Parents, Local Government

Institutions, and Future Researchers.



Related Literatures can classified as any article, blog posts, or forums that

contain topic- aligned statistics or findings. On the other hand, related studies are

journal-published research studies done by scholars or researchers in any online

publication or online journal.

The Related Literature and Studies must be from the past 5 years strictly. This

means that your oldest citation must be from the year 2017 – any study older

than that is not acceptable. This is to appeal to pertinence of the findings and

results of the study to present time. We must understand that we are living in a

progressive and constant ever-evolving world with knowledge-famished

scholars. If that does not explain the need for your compliance to this, I don’t

know what will.

In here, you will see that the Related Literature are all derived from the topic of

the study, the questions about it, and the aim of the researchers. Please read

through this carefully.

Related Literature

Literatures give strength to the outcome of the study. Literatures serve as bases

of reference of the different variables which are deemed as essential parts of the


On the Profile of the Kindergarten Teacher

Educational qualification. According to Naveen (2020), Online Distance

Education calls for a greater amount of curriculum planning and development

from teachers. Naveen punctuated can be only be quantified through the

teachers’ endeavors towards exposure that lead to professional growth. Online

Distance Learning has a lot of restrictions and limitations coming from both

conceptual and perceptual spectrums of education. These restrictions and

limitations call for alternative modes and forms of intervention in order to foster

a conducive learning setup even in a virtual setting. Hence, educational

qualification may affect the Challenges that a teacher faces while teaching

through Online Distance Learning.

However, according to Diep et al., (2016), Educational qualification has no

correlation to ensuring the efficiency and efficacy of the facility of distance

learning. He argued that no matter how contingent, preemptive responsive, and

self-sustaining a curriculum design is, if a student is not motivated to learn

without the usual student-student interactions and teacher-student interaction

then, it will still be a futile pursuit.

Consequently, Evans (2016) noted that there is a need for not only the

skills of the teacher to construct a curriculum contingent and responsive to the

needs of the learner but also the ability of the teacher to build rapport with

his/her students in order to use that rapport as an adhesive agent for promoting

self-efficacy and self-satisfaction among learners during distance education.

Indirectly, the need for the teacher’s dexterity in constructing a criteria- based

curriculum is reliant on a teacher’s educational qualification.

Length of teaching experience. According to a study conducted by Zalat,

Hamed, & Abdelhalim-Bolbol (2021), Younger age, teaching experience less than

10 years, and being male are the most important indicators affecting the efficacy

of e-learning and students’ acceptance of it. The teaching experience of a teacher

can hinder the teachers’ capability to integrate pedagogy to online educational

software and applications used for Distance Education.

Nevertheless, the study clarifies that the importance of a teacher’s length

of teaching experience is not in the years of experience but the pedagogical

pedigree that comes along with the years of practice that entails situational

decision-making and responsive formulation of interventions.

However, according to Windes & Lesht (2016), learner autonomy covers

the need for longer teaching experiences of teachers because this only requires a

sufficient amount of teacher-student and student-student rapport along with

proper scaffolding placements in order to foster and facilitate learning in

distance education.

Optimistically, according to results and findings of the study led by

Scherer, Howard, Tondeur, and Siddiq (2021), beyond the implication of length of

teaching experience towards pedagogical pedigree, what’s more important is the

overall readiness of teacher for Online Teaching and Learning. The study also

argued that it is important to look at the length of a teacher’s teaching experience

as a predictor of their general self-efficacy and attitudes toward Online Teaching

Learning. Data shows that more experienced “online” teachers also have higher

self-confidence in their pedagogical competences to teach online.

Additionally, according to Martin et al (2019), teachers’ perceptions of

their readiness for Online Teaching and Learning showed that experience from

teaching online impacts online course design and facilitation, that is, aspects of

teaching practice and presence.

I.C.T.-related Seminars and Trainings. A study conducted by Esko (2016)

argues that traditional further professional training has been its position and

importance in teacher upskilling. Traditional modes of training delivery do not

work well in situations where much of the competences have been gained

informally, or when teachers find it too much to attend training days that fit

poorly to their schedules and to the needs of modern education.

Similarly, Nordlund (2016) conducted a study on how training affect

teachers and it rendered discoveries implicating the correlation of specialized

trainings for specialized settings. The study expounds on the importance of

content specialization to specialized academic scenarios. The results of research

show that teachers are more likely to help students achieve greater academic

achievement when the teachers are considered as experts of a particular setting

or subject matter exponentially.

However, according to Nwosu, Chinaka, Chukwidi, Akorede (2018),

Seminars and Trainings in ICT are not necessarily essential to ensure pedagogical

dexterity among teachers in distance education. It is more important to ensure

that ICT Tool are available and accessible for teachers’ use and exploration

because it fosters functional mastery and conceptual understanding of its overall

better than mere seminars and trainings about it.

Furthermore, it argues that it is a misconception among teachers that they

need to secure certifications before they can be self-confident about their skills

and understanding of how ICT Tools work and more importantly, how they can

maximize its advantages especially in distance education settings. Nevertheless,

the study makes reservation for generational gaps and the consequential struggle

of older teachers to cope with newer horizons of teaching as their teacher

education did not necessarily and comprehensively cover the competencies and

upskilling present in the present teacher education curriculums around the


Intended Variables to Investigate:

Pedagogical Factors in ODL:

Engagement Retention. According to a study conducted by Rivera & Garden


engagement retention in traditional education or in distance education has

gained traction

through gamification as a mechanism for improving motivation and/or learning

outcomes. The premise of this study is that student satisfaction and positive

outcomes through ‘student engagement’ has become a measure for a number

of surrogates that have powerful consequences for institutional success. It

explores the importance of student engagement in a learning settings where

motivation or inspiration cannot be necessarily proctored by the teachers. Recent

studies have also shown that engagement as a behavioral response is connected

to deeper cognitive and affective aspects of learning. More importantly, since

evidentiary support of the link between engagement retention and motivation

has surfaced, this study deems that essentiality of employing gamified activities

that engage students for prolonged periods of time in order to foster higher

levels of learning acquisition through enhanced student motivation and positive


Similarly, a study by Yilmaz & Banyard (2019) considered the following

variables in quantifying with student engagement: active learning techniques,

media properties, student characteristics, teaching method, and respect for

diverse talents and ways of learning. All of which were proven to be essential in

fostering and sustaining student engagement in distance education.

In line with these studies, the present study aims to quantify with student

engagement of Kindergarten pupils who are not only still developing formative

foundations biologically, emotionally, and psychologically but are also working

with very little conceptual schema about the dynamics of learning in a more

formalized setting. There is a serious need for the quantification of student

engagement in the Kindergarten as evidentiary support proves its liaison to

positive learning outcomes. Aside from this, it is important to note that the

Kindergarten level of education is the most delicate tier as it is detrimental to the

succeeding levels of education.

Instructional Construction and Reception. A research done by

Cottingham (2020) suggests that students – especially those in the early grades –

needs synchronous, interactive instruction to build both academic and social-

emotional skills. Synchronous instruction is any learning opportunity that occurs

at the same time between teachers and students; interactive instruction includes

learning opportunities in which students are working with their peers or the

teacher. Interactive learning is most likely to occur for early grade students
during synchronous instruction such as small group or partner work; ideally,

distance instruction should also prioritize this type of instruction.

Justifiably, the researcher of the present study desires to

concurrently look into the instructional construction and reception needed

for Online Distance Learning in Kindergarten. The aforementioned research

serves as an evidentiary support for constructing and ensuring that the

reception of KGT pupils in the learning process are under conducive and/or

nurturing circumstances.

In addition, Croft, Dalton, & Grant (2016) explains that the delivery of

course programs is a significant challenge for distance learning tutors. The

traditional lecture comprises the most common method of providing learners

with information. The mere placement of learning materials on the Internet is

not sufficient for learning – better use must be made of technology. This is due to

the reality of distance education that students do not have a readily available

opportunity to ask for scaffold from their teachers. This study specifies the

following difficulties as students are mandated to mind the gap and in turn,

undertake respective knowledge constructions. The said difficulties are difficulty

of encouraging participation, anxiety of students, difficulty of creating

successful critical/analytical dialogue, potential for mistaken beliefs to be

generated and shared, difficulty of teacher facilitation of online activities, and

ability of the teacher to answer queries promptly.

Efficacy of Assessment Tools and Techniques. A study by Yilmaz

(2017) posited that Distance Education requires a more preemptive and

contingently-constructed assessment tools and techniques. The study was able to

gather evidentiary support which points to the following insights on how a

teacher can create an ‘distance education appropriate assessment’:

construction of simplified instructions as manifested in its vocabulary use and

syntax, an increase in the number of employed recollection activities, and a

strategic placement of test items preferably through a gradual increase in

difficulty. The researchers elucidated that the aforementioned pointers were

determined through a series of experiments. A series of experiments which

were then analyzed through a comparative analysis of each test type’s measures

of central tendency renderings of the test results.

Similarly, Kim, Smith, & Maeng (2018) posited the need to abide by the

principles of Online Distance Education Assessment. The research findings

support that notion that there is a need to focus of distance education

assessments on learners’ achievement in terms of instructional goals and

objectives. Therefore, teachers who construct and administer assessments

must choose appropriate assessment opportunities only when assessments are

essential during instruction.

In relation, Kim, Smith, & Maeng (2018) cited the study proctored by

Meyen et al. which provides evidentiary support that assessment of learner

achievement in online distance environments should be integral to instruction,

be continuous, and maximize feedback.

Furthermore, Kim, Smith, & Maeng (2018) cited a study by the

Pennsylvania State University on the establishment of principles of assessment in

online distance education. Principles that aim to guide assessment construction

for online distance education such as the ensuring of congruence with the

learning goals and skills required of the learner throughout a distance education

program or course, assessment serving as an enabler of learner to assess their

progress, to identify areas of further refinement, and to reinforce immediate

learning or lesson goals.

The researcher of the present study deems the efficacy of assessment

tools and techniques as an integral part of triaging the challenges of teaching and

facilitating learning in Online Distance Learning. The researcher particularly sets

this premise through the empirical and observational data gathered from the

preliminary profiling done with School Administrators, Teachers, and Parents.

The appropriation of learning goals, learners’ cognitive processes, and

assessment tools and techniques is of hallmark importance in ensuring the

proper and evidence-based quantification of learners’ progress and


Internet Connectivity Factors in ODL:

Type of Internet Connection in Use. An article by Marasigan (2020) explored

the internet connection disparities. The article expounded on egregious realities

about the Internet connectivity status of the archipelago. The National ICT

Household Survey in coordination with the Philippine Statistical Research and

Training Institute and the Philippine Statistics Authority have ascertained that

only 17.7 percent of all household have internet connection in the entire

archipelago. Moreover, in a ratio of 10s, seven out of 10 town or cities in a

province do not have access to fiber-optic cables, while 64 percent lack access to

cellular towers.

In addition, Khidhir (2019) noted that the different sources of internet

connection also create an inequality among its users located in different regions

of the archipelago. It has been recently found out that for those who are using

cellular internet data connection only experience the same 4G cellular data

connection speed at the late hours of the night, while users are crippled by bigger

differences in cellular data connection speed relative to a province’s proximity to

cell towers. While, Balinbin (2021) cited a statistics report from the ADB and
Thinking Machines which tells that only 9.5% of the 9.4 million Filipinos in poor

areas live within 500 meters from a cell tower that translates to almost 850,000

Filipinos beyond the scope of internet network serviceability. This report also

entails that in the 5 wealthiest Philippine cities the average fixed broadband

download speed is 25.65 mbps and 25.77 average mobile download speed while

in the 5 poorest Philippine cities average a meager 4.62 mbps for fixed

broadband download speed and 7.04 mbps for average mobile download speed.

Contextually, the researcher proposes the crippling effects of the internet

speed differences in consideration to the geographical proximity of students’

residences to cell towers and the socio-economic aspect as it enables or disables

the said students from availing faster and more reliable fixed internet connection

options or cellular data connection. As cited above, the discrepancies are seen

and deemed by the researcher as evidentiary support for the egregious

roadblocks for students who are categorized in the least beneficial spectrum of

the two aforementioned considerations.

Download speed. According to Forbes (2020) download speed pertains to the

speed at which an internet connection is able to retrieve data from the internet.

Download speed is responsible for streaming videos of video conferences or pre-

recorded lessons or tutorials.

Consequently, according to Aranete, Carrasco, Rahemtulla, Balgos, & Sy

(2021) the average fixed broadband download speed at 15.13 mbps and average

mobile download speed at 16.40 mbps in areas that are in within Central Luzon,

Northern and Central Visayas, and Northern and Central Mindanao given that

people are financially capable to avail services of fixed broadband connection or

mobile connection and that people are close to the cities.

In view of the above cited statistical data, the researcher of the present

study finds the

download speed of a type of internet connection in use with inclusive

consideration to the proximity of students’ residence to cell towers and the socio-

economic capability of students as important. It is important because it may very

well be a vital key piece for an intervention. The researcher sees download speed

as a consideration in order to ensure that students are not hindered by it while

engaging in Online Distance Learning or at least, through these preemptive

strategies may be employed more regularly.

Upload speed. According to Forbes (2020) upload speed points to the speed that

an internet connection can allow data to be send from a device to the internet.

Upload speed is responsible for uploading school papers through email, to Social

media platforms, or through Google Drive.

In relation to this, according to a study led by the researchers from

Michigan State University (2020) through the collection and analysis of three sets

of data on student internet access and academic performance that include in-

class survey in 21 schools, academic achievement tests and home internet speed

tests. Results point to the pupils living in rural areas while being

socioeconomically disadvantaged are least likely to have broadband internet

access at home or at least, even if a broadband internet is accessible, the upload

speed did not match the requirements of the most commonly used platforms and

software as it is the speed of the internet connection to send data and

information to the internet.

In view of these, the researcher of the present study finds the upload

speed of a type of internet connection in use with inclusive consideration to

the proximity of students’ residence to cell towers and the socio-economic

capability of students as important. It is important because it may very well be a

vital key piece for a basis for an intervention. This is supported with the premise

that upload speed is often not taken into account when people are availing fixed

broadband connection services. Hence, this lack of foresight or low valuation

tends to promote negligence on consumers’ end.

Educational Technology Tools for ODL:

Adequacy, Functionality, & Usability of Ed. Tech. Tools in ODL. According to


(2020) the availability of digital infrastructures in relation to post-confinement


a higher funding for ICT Tools in Schools. However, the problem is that the mere

purchase of such tools for distance education is not enough as it entails factors

such as ICT Skills, ICT Integration, Functional appropriation of ICT Tools to the

System Requirements of ODL software and platform as well as the physical

upkeep of the units. Studies have pointed to the ICT skills gap as taking a toll on

the supposed budget for the purchasing of ICT Tools needed in proportion to the

number of learners engaging in distance education. Teacher trainings to address

the ever-widening ICT skill gap is not helping the cause of world leaders in

reaching the utopia of adequacy, functionality, and usability of ICT Tools and

equipment for educative purposes.

Consequently, the researcher of the present study notes that an

inadequacy in ICT tools causes the lack of equitable learning opportunities for all

students vis-à -vis the academe’s cause for inclusive education. Also, even if the

inadequacy problem gets resolved then, the next concern is the functionality of

the said ICT units as the prerogatives of online distance learning is beyond the
mere purchasing to reach the 1 is to 1 ratio of ICT Tools to Students but rather if

the said units meet the system requirements to provide optimal learning

conditions and opportunities for teachers and students. Hypothetically, the

usability of ICT Tools becomes a mere consideration for the soundness of

purchased units as it relates to the physical features and mileage of the said unit

only. These are the rationalizations of the researcher in relation to the said

proposed variables for investigation.

All in all, according to Child Hope (2021) the primary consideration is

ensuring inclusive education for all students with inclusive being the punctuation

of personalized learning experiences and opportunities. The researcher deems

this important as isolation or the lack of the social interaction among students in

a more physical setting becomes scarce if not extinct during their educative

learning so personalizing learning experiences and opportunities becomes all

the more important for that matter.

Related Studies

A study conducted by Torun (2020) examined the relationship between e-

learning readiness and academic achievement in an online course. The findings

of the said study proved that internet, online, and computer self-efficacy and

learner control did not predict academic achievement. However, the socio-
economic considerations may lead to a variance between the findings of Torun

and the present study. The said socio-economic consideration is the following:

First, the variances in internet upload and download speed between and

among the provinces and the cities or towns in provinces. This statement is in

reference to what Aranete, et. al (2021) the average fixed broadband download

speed at 15.13 mbps and average mobile download speed at 16.40 mbps in areas

that are in within Central Luzon, Northern and Central Visayas, and Northern and

Central Mindanao given that people are financially capable to avail services of

fixed broadband connection or mobile connection and that people are close to

the cities. This is a socio-academic consideration because the context of Online

Distance Learning necessitates a speedy and stable internet connection vis-à -vis

the optimal learning condition.

Second, the steep price of Information and Communication tools.

According to Gonzales (2020), A brand new system that meets the requirements

of the Department of Education may cost at least around 18,000. Verbatim,

Gonzales mentioned that “DepEd’s specifications say that 8GB RAM, and a

screen with full HD (1,920 x 1,080) resolution are the minimum, but 4GB of RAM

and lower resolution screen will do just fine in accessing the online video

lessons. A cheaper 250GB hard drive instead of the minimum 500GB may also
suffice. Laptops with similar specs are generally more expensive than their

desktop counterparts.”

Third and last, the digital skills gap in the Philippines. According to the

Wiley Digital Skills Index (2021), a study was undertaken to identify and evaluate

the factors that underpin the pillars of digital strength, resilience, and

responsiveness, and among the 19 East Asian and Pacific economies, the

Philippines ranks 12 (51ST overall), only ahead of its Southeast Asian economic

peers – Vietnam (53RD overall), Thailand (78TH ), Myanmar (115TH ), and

Cambodia (117TH ). This goes to show the current strength, resilience, and

responsiveness of digital skills in the country is not sufficient to tap into what

quality education requires – suffice to say, what quality education requires in a

relatively new modality of teaching.

All of these socio-economic considerations are detrimental to the

challenges of Kindergarten teachers, pupils, and School Administrators because

the shift to Online Education required system overhauls which in turn,

necessitated the purchase of online products and services to mechanize

education as it is physically removed from its clients.

In view of the above-mentioned propositions, Kindergarten teachers,

pupils, and School Administrators are put in situations where the current
curriculum, the current mechanisms of the School, the current methodologies

and strategies of the teachers and School Administrators. And the current

educational materials and scaffolding may not necessarily be as effective when

used directly and physically. As a consequence, Pedagogical Factors in Online

Distance Learning like Engagement Retention, Instructional Retention, and

Efficacy of Assessment Techniques and Tools, Internet Connectivity in Online

Distance Learning like Type of Internet Connection in use, Download Speed, and

Upload Speed, and Educational Technology Tools in Online Distance

Learning like Adequacy, Usability, and Functionality of Ed. Tech. Tools may give

some insights in identifying underlying problems along with the root causes of

those problems within the aforementioned areas of the categories mentioned.

The study is of hallmark importance if the Basic Education sectors of our

country aims to maintain a stable and sustainable contingent in the form of the

Kindergarten pupils, at the most fundamental and even, instrumental level of a

country’s education – Pre-School which is inclusive of Kindergarten and

Preparatory. The researcher envisions the supposed findings of this study to

contribute to the above cited cause for Basic Education.

These challenges and the struggle are evident in the United Nations

Children’s Fund (2021) urging pandemic-hit countries all over the world to
reopen schools as soon as possible as concerns on internet availability, digital

gap, digital skills discrepancies, and unaffordability of I.C.T. tools. Evidently,

UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore said, “The education crisis is still here,

and with each passing day that classrooms remain dark, the devastation


Belgica, Calugan, Dumo, Simber (2020) presented their study at the 3 rd

International Conference on Advanced Research in Education, Teaching and

Learning. A study done at the peak of the implementation of Online Distance

Learning amidst the pandemic. Its populace is from Baguio City, Benguet,

Philippines which in turn, offers a relatively closer demographic and cultural

context to that of the educational sectors in Bataan and Zambales.

According to this study, the researchers, after the treating and

interpreting the data, concluded with this statement: “While ODL has advantages,

primary pupils at Educare encountered challenges during their online learning.

These challenges include poor internet connection, poor comprehension and

retention, lack of concentration, motivation, interaction and support. In order

to reduce the effect of these challenges, students together with parents and

teachers, should work together. Pupils and parents should stay in touch with

their teachers and inform them regarding their situations and conditions. Talking

on the phone with classmates or to the teacher for missed lessons and notes will

also be helpful. Also, staying in touch with classmates and teachers can motivate
students. Students should also try to identify a quiet time and place in their

house to complete their coursework, and if possible, building a schedule and

sharing it to the members of the house so that they know when is the time for

online class. In case support is unavailable, pupils should look for answers to

questions online and watch tutorial videos for items that require deeper

understanding. Focusing on the pupil’s ultimate goal in education should be a

priority despite all the challenges online distance learning may bring.”

Inferentially, this shows the immense need for a locally-contextualized

study on the challenges of online distance learning to Kindergarten pupils which

in turn, necessitates the perusal of challenges present in the purview of teachers,

School Administrators, and parents in this level of education. The replication of

the above cited study’s findings as bounded on the cultural, social, and

educational disposition of pupils, parents, teachers, and School Administrators in

Bataan and Zambales will strengthen the potency of actions done to rectify or to

bolster the modality under lenses.

Mr. Borhene Chakroun, Director of the Division of Policies and Lifelong

Learning Systems at the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural

Organization offers insights on how to approach the paradigm shifts in teaching

and learning amidst these trying times, “The effectiveness of the strategies is
mainly conditioned by four levels of preparedness: technical preparedness,

content readiness, pedagogical preparedness, and monitoring, and evaluation.”

It is also noteworthy that this is in the context that regardless of

population sizes, all countries are stumbling with the same set of struggles –

digital skills, pedagogies, competencies, and assessment tools and techniques.



It is important to include definition of terms in your thesis or dissertation

in order to understand the key terms being used in the study. These terms

should be clearly defined according how they are used in the study in order to

make easy understanding of the problem and avoid ambiguous meaning to terms

which can be otherwise interpreted in different ways.

Terms defined should be arranged in alphabetical order and acronyms

should always spell out fully most specially if it is used for the first time and not

commonly known.
Make sure to define though common may have special meaning or used


Put at least 12 Terms.


Sample Citations:

Y. Reyes (2017, August 21). Educational Technology: The Bridging of Teachers and

21st Century Learners. Jimycyzville Publications. Tenejero, Balanga City,

Bataan J. Perez (2018). Huge Growth in E-Learning in Asia. Retrieved

from Topica Asia:


C. Li & F. Lalani (2020, April 29). The COVID-19 pandemic has changed how

education works forever. This is how. Retrieved from World

Economic Forum:

global-covid19- online-digital-learning/
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. (2020, April


1.3 billion learners are still affected by school or university closures, as

educational institutions start reopening around the world, says

UNESCO. Retrieved from UNESCO:

billion-learners-are-still-affected-school- university-closures-educational-


United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. (2020, July 13).

COVID-19 educational disruption and response. Retrieved from:


P. Carlsson-Szlezak & P. Swartz (2021, October 15). Why we shouldn’t overstate


pandemic’s effect on productivity growth. Retrieved from World Economic



*** The order of the citations must be in accordance to what was cited in

the paragraphs first – Chronological order.

*** Please follow this format of the citation –

L. Joco (Year, Month Day). Title of the Article/Research Study. Retrieved from

[Name of the Publication/Website/Journal source]: [import the uniform resource

link here – it must lit up in blue which means that it is a legitimate web link]

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