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Use: This modal verb is used to describe abiliAes and disabiliAes in the present. In addiAon, it expresses if something is allowed or not.

AffirmaAve (Can) NegaAve (Can´t/cannot) InterrogaAve

I can write in English. I can´t drive an automaAc car.
You can cook very well.
Can you play a musical instrument?
He can read a book. I can´t speak French.
Yes, I can/No, I can´t.
She can swim.
It can bite you. I can´t swim.
We can speak Spanish. WH+CAN+😊 +SIMPLEVERB+COMPLEMENT+?
You can understand French.
They can drive a car. Where can I buy a cake?
You can go to the bakery.
NOTE: AUer all modal verbs, you must write
the following verb in simple form.

A) Complete the following chart about the abiliAes and disabiliAes you have.

AbiliAes DisabiliAes
I can run 10 kilometers without stopping I can't speak fluent English
I can knit sweaters and scarves I can't see without my glasses
I can cook and decorate cakes I can't sleep with the light on
B) Fill the spaces with an appropriate word to make sentences.

1. A dog can run. It ___can’t__ fly.

2. A fish ___can__ swim. It can’t run.
3. A blind person __can’t___ see. They __can___ hear.
4. An adult can _drive___ a car, but a child __can´t___ .
5. An elephant __can__ walk, but a worm __can’t ___ .

C) Answer the questions below with CAN or CAN’T (or both).

1. What languages can you speak? I can only speak Spanish.

2. What actions can´t you do at home? I can't get something dirty if I don't clean it afterward.
3. Where can you buy the best pizza in Puebla? You can buy it at dominos pizza.
4. What activities can you do in your university? I can visit the library, take a walk by the lake and exercise on the stadium
5. What ideas can you recommend to have fun during vacations? You can visit amusement parks and history museums.
A) En punto se dice o’clock. Ejemplo 4:00. It’s four o’clock.
B) Del minuto uno al treinta se usa la preposición PAST, que significa “pasado de”. Ejemplo: 4:10. It’s ten past four (Son
diez pasado de las cuatro).
C) Del minuto 31 al 59 se usa la preposición TO, que significa “para las”. Ejemplo: 6:35. It´s twenty five to seven (Son
veinticinco para las siete).
D) Con el minute 15 y 45 se usa la palabra QUARTER. Ejemplo: 8:45. It´s quarter to nine (Son cuarto para las nueve)/8:15.
It’s quarter past eight (Son cuarto passado de las ocho).
E) Con el minuto 30 se usa la palabra HALF. Ejemplo: 12:30. It’s half past twelve (Son media pasado de las doce).
Usa la teoría antes descrita para escribir las siguientes horas y contestar las preguntas adjuntas.
1. It’s twenty to three
2. It’s half past seven
3. It’s ten to six
4. It’s half past ten
5. It’s twenty past six
6. It’s twenty to twelve
7. It’s ten to ten
8. It’s three o’clock
9. It’s twenty past twelve
Answer the following questions
1. What time is it now? It’s ten o’ clock
2. What time is your English class? Seven o’ clock
3. What time do you usually get up? Half past five
4. What time do you often go to bed? Half past eleven
5. What time do you normally have dinner? Quarter past three

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