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2x2 - It is the right size of an ID picture for a resume.

Analytical reports - These are office reports that present facts, analysis of facts, and the writer’s conclusions and
Applicant - In applying for a job, he is the sole giver of facts about his character, qualifications and experience in an
orderly presentation of his data.
Application for college admission - It is a letter where a new student is asking to be admitted in a college or
university, he/she desires to study.
Application for employment - A standard business document which is prepared with questions deemed relevant by
an employer in order for the employer to determine the best candidate to be given the responsibility of fulfilling the
work needs of the company.
Beginning - In organizing the letter of application, this part needs to be forceful so as to pave the way for granting of
an interview.
Book Review - It includes the reviewer’s analysis and opinion of a certain book one has read. It may be a primary
source, opinion piece, summary review or scholarly review.
Chronological Resume - A list of your work history, starting with your most recent experience and continuing to list
jobs you’ve held in the past.
Counterclaim - A view point of a writer that opposes his/ her main arguments.
Data sheet - It is the summary of the applicant’s education, work experience, references and other personal data.
Do’s of writing a resume: Be neat, Be relevant, Include a cover letter
Evidence - A writer can use this data to support his/ her claims about a certain issue.
Hypertext - It is a non-linear way to present information and is usually accomplished using “links”.
Inside address - It is part of the letter that includes the name of the addressee, or the person to whom the letter is
intended; the title of respect; or the business title and the address, all these are placed at the left-hand margin at
approximately four single spaces below the date.
Letter of recommendation - This letter is intended to give valuable information about the applicant.
Literature Review - A researcher can use this text if he/ she wants a compilation of the researches available on a
certain topic he/she is writing.
Memorandum - It is a written communication sent to employees within a company to give reminders, suggestions,
information, or transmit papers or documents, and the like.
Minutes of the meeting - It is a written record of the proceedings in a meeting that includes the date, time, presiding
officer, the members who are present and absent.
Office correspondence - It is a written communication that provides information of what goes on in the company; or
gives instruction to the organization’s personnel; and also provides a record for reference in case the future needs
Office report - It is factual record of activities, conditions, programs, accomplishments or investigations.
Periodicals - It can be reviewed for printed periodicals, magazines and newspapers, as school work or for book web
sites on the Internet.
Position Paper - This paper presents one side of an arguable opinion about an issue.
Project Proposal - A core document that helps one sells a potential project to sponsors and stake holders.
Research Report - This paper provides facts or theories and findings generated from a research project.
Resolution - An inter-office correspondence that conveys messages in formal statements or opinions, where
paragraphs are introduced by the words “whereas” that is to give reasons; or “resolved” that is used to indicate action.
Resume - This is used to communicate your value to an employer so that you may be asked for an interview.
Solicited letter - A kind of letter that is written when there is a certainty of a job opening made known by an
The letter of refusal must have the following attitude: Courteous, Friendly, Tactful
Unsolicited letter - An application for employment that is written by an applicant to a company that did not advertise
any job vacancy.
Written communication - It serves as a formal way of exchanging information while maintaining professional
relationships between organizations, employees, and clients.

Structure and Organization of a Sample Resume

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