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Have you read allthe 4

exciting ESCAPE™ eek .







You head into a large cavern filled with a red glow. Not
far away is a wide crack in the cavern floor. The glow from
inside the crack throws fiery red light onto the ceiling. You
can feel beads of sweat on your forehead.
Suddenly a flame shoots up. And a dragon’s head
appears in the crack. This must be what the people in the
caverns call a firewing! A sheet of flame shoots from its
mouth, blocking your retreat. Then the firewing rises to-
ward you, its wings beating. . . .


When—and if—you do, more challenges await
you in the kingdom of Frome.
Bantam Books in the Escape™ from the Kingdom
of Frome series

#1 THE CASTLE OF FROME by Edward Packard

by Richard Brightfield
by Richard Brightfield

Bantam Books in the Escape™ from Tenopia series

#1 TENOPIA ISLAND by Edward Packard

by Richard Brightfield
#3 TERROR ON KABRAN by Richard Brightfield
by Richard Brightfield
by Richard Brighttield
Created by Edward Packard

Illustrated by David Perry

RL 4, IL age 10 and up
A Bantam Book / February 1987

Escape is a trademark of Metabooks, Inc.

Cover art by Catherine Huerta.

All rights reserved.

Text and maps copyright © 1987 by Edward Packard.
Illustrations copyright © 1987 by Bantam Books, Inc.
This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by
mimeograph or any other means, without permission.
For information address: Bantam Books, Inc.

ISBN 0-553-26200-9
Published simultaneously in the United States and Canada

Bantam Books are published by Bantam Books, Inc. Its trade-

mark, consisting of the words “Bantam Books” and the por-
trayal of a rooster, is Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark
Office and in other countries. Marca Registrada. Bantam
Books, Inc., 666 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10103.


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You are about to enter the mysterious caverns that lie

beneath the kingdom of Frome. It’s important that
you follow the directions in this book if you hope to

While you are in the Caverns of Mornas, you will re-

ceive maps to help you in your quest to escape.
These maps can be found on the following pages.
You may consult them as often as you’d like. (When
you check a map, be sure to keep a finger on the
page you’re reading so you won’t lose your place.)

To start your journey, turn to page one. Whether or

not you escape from the Caverns of Mornas will de-
pend on how skillful you are and how persistent you
are. Will you succeed—or will you be trapped for-
ever? It’s entirely up to you!
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The Caverns
of Mornas
Master Map

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Not long ago, you left your own land of Gallaria to
travel to the kingdom of Frome. Since then, you’ve
come to regret your curiosity about the fabled beauty
of Frome! Soon after you entered the kingdom you
were thrown into the dungeons of the evil tyrant Karg.
Using your wits, and with a bit of luck, you man-
aged to escape from the castle into the mysterious
surrounding forest. There, you were helped by a wiz-
ard who told you that to escape from the kingdom of
Frome you would have to pass through the Caverns
of Mornas, deep under the forest. With the help of the
wizard and others you met in the forest, you learned
the spells that would let you pass the deadly guard-
ians of the caverns. Now that you’ve entered the cav-
erns, you must find your way out, through the exit
that is said to lie beyond the forest.
You’re in a circular room carved into the stone just
inside the caverns. Over your head, a ring of light
shows where you entered from the forest. As your
eyes adjust to the dim light, you see an arched door-
way in the stone wall. You peer through it and see a
stairway. Without hesitation, you start down the stairs.
You climb down, down, down, until the stairs end
at the beginning of a long, straight street.
There’s a large building in the distance, and you
head for it. Before you reach the building you see a
group of strangely dressed figures coming toward
you. You freeze, prepared to run if necessary.

Turn to page 6.
In the center of the hall is a long, narrow table laid
out with food, mostly edible roots. Everyone starts to
eat, and Tano gestures for you to join them. As you
eat, you ask Tano how he and the other refugees got
past the deadly guardians at the entrance to the cav-
“Astar, Karg’s benevolent brother who ruled before
him, taught us the magic spells necessary to get
here,’ Tano answers. “That was before Astar himself
escaped into these caverns. We followed soon after,
but we have found no trace of him down here.”
You ask Tano again if he knows a way out of the
“Since you are newly arrived from the world
above,” he says, “you cannot be blamed for not
knowing the customs that we have developed since
coming here. We can tell you nothing in answer to
that particular question unless you bring us a proper

Go on to the next page.

“A mank?” you ask. ‘“What’s that?”
“It is... let us say it is a present—or a group of
presents,’ Tano says. “If we knew of a way out of the
caverns, we could not tell you unless you brought us
“| think we are being too hard,’ says a woman at
the table who’s been listening to you. “Perhaps our
new friend could bring us a mank later.’
“We must follow the custom, Darra,’ Tano says,
and turns back to you. “‘Manks are used for trading
here. You will need to do some bargaining to make
your way through the caverns; watch that you aren’t
“Pll do anything to escape from the kingdom of
Frome!” you say.
“Good. Then there is one thing we can do for you,
if you will do something for us right now,” Tano tells
“What is it?’’ you ask.

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Turn to page 15.

You quickly shut your eyes, then open them
slowly. But you don’t see any of the polished crystal
cones. Relieved, you take a look at your map of this

If you take the stairs leading up,

turn to page 87.

If you head for Lizard Lake, turn to page 112.

If you take the stairs leading down,

turn to page 27.
You reach a large, low cavern with a stone floor as
smooth as ice.

If you’ve been to the Trading Rink of the

Skaters before, turn to page 68. If not,
read on...

You take a few steps out onto the floor. It’s so slip-
pery you can hardly keep your balance! The place
seems deserted. Then, as if by magic, a small crea-
ture suddenly appears just in front of you. He’s carry-
ing a bow and a few arrows. He circles around you,
gliding gracefully over the icelike surface on wedge-
shaped feet.
“Have you come to trade?” the skater asks, stop-
ping beside you. “Perhaps you’d like one of our
bows. They’re small, but very strong.”
“| have some mushrooms, and—”’
“Ugh!” the skater interrupts. “Mushrooms are not
to our taste. We only accept firewing scales. They’re
very hard and as sharp as a razor. We use them to tip
our arrows.”

If you have a firewing scale, turn to page 74.

If you don’t have a firewing scale,

turn to page 9.
A tall, stooped man in the lead calls out, “Wel-
come! | am Tano, mayor of the City of Refugees.
Have you come to join us?”
“No, I’m looking for a way back to my own land,
Gallaria;’ you say. “Do you know of a way out of the
caverns, beyond the forest?”
Tano and the others fall silent, looking at each
other with puzzled expressions.
“Why don’t you follow us to the town hall up ahead
where we can talk in a more relaxed fashion,” Tano
With that, Tano and his group turn and move
slowly back up the street. You follow them to the large
building and through a high, arched doorway. The
walls of the hall are covered with gleaming designs of
insects etched in gold.
“This is fantastic!” you exclaim. “I’ve never seen
anything like it.”
“Yes, those walls are interesting,’ Tano says with-
out looking up. “Actually all of this was built and dec-
orated before any of us came here as refugees from
Karg’s evil kingdom above. We found the city deso-
late and abandoned. We have no idea who built it—or

Turn to page 2.
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The stairway down to the level of the dwarfs pro-
ceeds at a gradual incline, and you have no trouble
seeing the broad stone steps in front of you by the
light of the torches posted along the way.
At last you reach the bottom of the stairway. You
slump against a wall under a torch and check your
map of the dwarfs’ level.
To your right are gemstone mines. You can hear a
faint clinking sound coming from that way, as if tools
were being raised and lowered in rhythm. If you go
that way you’llpass the stairway that leads down to the
next level.
To your left are a bridge, a large cavern called the
king’s hall, and another stairway down to the next

If you head toward the Gemstone Mines,

turn to page 57.

If you investigate the King’s Hall,

turn to page 62.
“| don’t have a firewing scale,” you say.
“Well, if you want to get one, you'll have to-go all
the way down to the lowest level of the caverns, where
the firewings live,” the skater tells you. ““There’s no
direct passageway from here. Go down to the level of
the lizard people and find your way from there. The
stairway down” —he points—“‘is through that door.”
Then the skater vanishes as suddenly as he’d ap-
You make your way slowly across the slippery floor
to the door in the far wall. A stairway is just beyond
the door. You start down it.


Turn to page 100.

Carefully, you work your way down the muddy
stairway. A couple of times your feet slip out from un-
der you. Only by digging your fingers into the soft
mud walls are you able to keep from tumbling to the
As you continue down, the stairway becomes drier.
You can feel hot air blowing up from below. Near the
bottom, you find that it’s very hot.

If you’ve been to the Fiery Cavern before,

turn to page 107. If not, read on...

You go out of the stairwell into a large cavern with a

high arched ceiling, filled with a red glow. The glow is
much brighter in the center of the cavern, where a
wide crack throws an arc of fiery red light onto the
ceiling directly above it.
Cautiously, you walk around the crack. You can
feel beads of sweat on your forehead. Suddenly, a
flame shoots up. And a dragon’s head appears in the
crack! As its winged body emerges, you realize that
this is what the people in the caverns call a firewing!
With a deafening roar, the firewing forces itself com-
pletely out of the crack. A sheet of flame shoots from
its mouth back toward the stairway, blocking your re-
treat. Desperately, you look around. Far across the
chamber, you see a small opening. You hope it’s a
tunnel! As you race toward it, the firewing rises above
the crack, its wings beating the hot air!

Turn to page 76.

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You start down the stairway, which is well lit by
torches. After a while, you reach the level of the
dwarfs, where you stop and rest.
The stairway starts again a few feet away. The stairs
become very steep, and you must feel your way from
one step to the next.
Finally, you come to where the stairs pass through
a wide shelf of rock. You want to check your map of
the skaters’ level before continuing down, but there
isn’t enough light here to read it. Even in the dim
light, though, you can see that there’s a cave a few
feet away. A soft glow of light is coming from within.

If you enter the cave to look at your map,

turn to page 44.

If you continue down the stairs, turn to page 87.

You lie on the floor, terrified, looking up at the
dwarf. If you were standing, he’d only come up to
about your chin, but he’s broad-shouldered and looks
‘Who are you?” he demands. “‘Have you come to
steal our stones?”
You try to explain that you’re only looking for a way
out of the caverns, but the dwarf presses his pick even
harder against your throat.
“| have a mank!” you choke. The pressure eases,
and slowly the dwarf removes his pick. Gasping for
breath, you reach into your pouch. “Dried mush-
rooms,” you say and hold up the bag Tano gave you.
“| haven’t tasted mushrooms for a week,’ the
dwarf says. “‘l’ll give you five of these moongems for
all of your mushrooms.”
You don’t like this deal. “I'll trade you five mush-
rooms for five polished gems,” you say.
When the dwarf hesitates, you reach into the bag
and pop a mushroom into your mouth. “Delicious!”
you Say.
“All right,” the dwarf grumbles. “Come with me to
the treasure room.”

Turn to page 17.

You go down the long corridor to the western part
of the level. Ignoring the many passages that branch
off from the corridor, you keep walking straight until
the corridor ends in a large room.

if you’ve been to the Spies’ Lair before,

turn to page 46. If not, read on...

To your disappointment, the room is empty. But

there’s a hole in the middle of the floor, and a bright
circle of light shines through it. You get down on your
hands and knees to look through the hole.
Below is a dazzling sight. Piles of gems gleam and
sparkle in the light of dozens of torches fastened to
the walls.
The hole is just big enough for you to squeeze
through. You land with a crunch in a pile of polished
gemstones. They break your fall, and you slide down
the pile to the floor.
There’s a small door in the opposite wall of the
chamber. The jewels crunch underfoot like gravel as
you walk over to the door. You push on it, but it
doesn’t budge. It’s locked from the other side!
The door seems to be the only way out of the
room—except for the hole in the ceiling. And you
couldn’t get back up there if you wanted to. You sit
down on a pile of gems to think. Suddenly, the small
door flies open.

Turn to page 91.

“You must give us news of the kingdom above. In
return we will give you a set of maps to guide you in
the caverns and some dried mushrooms. Mush-
rooms are a proper mank in many levels of the Cav-
erns of Mornas. You will need them to trade,’ Tano
You tell them all you know of the situation in
Frome: that Karg rules by terror, and his guards patrol
the kingdom and imprison anyone who dares to pro-
test his rule.
“Alas, nothing has changed since we left?’ Tano
says. Shaking his head sadly, he hands you a large
pouch and a small bag of dried mushrooms.

You reach into the pouch and pull out seven maps:
one master map of the Caverns of Mornas, and one
map for each of its six levels. Then you slip the maps
and the mushrooms inside the pouch.

Turn to page 19.

You quickly climb up to the level of the dwarfs.
You’re out of breath when you get there, and you
sit down to rest and check your map of this level. You
see that in one direction are the gemstone mines.
In the other direction is the bridge of gems and, be-
yond that, the king’s hall and the stairway leading
down to the trading area of the skaters.

If you head toward the Gemstone Mines,

turn to page 57.

If you head toward the Bridge of Gems,

turn to page 62.
You follow the dwarf, who introduces himself as
Pont, out of the tunnel and down a broad passageway.
You come to a dazzling bridge encrusted with jewels
that you'd like to stop and look at. But the dwarf on
guard waves you both across, and Pont hurries you
forward. Then you see a large hall up ahead.
Pont stops you at the entrance. “Oh-oh,” he says.
“The treasure room’s through there, but we can’t en-
ter while the king’s holding court. You’ll have to come
back later.’
“| said, later!” Pont prods you with his pick.
You go back to the bridge, where the guard now
demands payment from you. Glumly, you hand him a
mushroom and recross the bridge. On the other side
you stop under a torch to check your maps. From
here, you could take the stairway up to the refugees’
level. Or you could take the stairs down to the skaters’

If you go up, to the Refugees’ Level,

turn to page 72.

If you go down, to the Skaters’ Level,

turn to page 87.
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Darra leads you to the edge of the city. Beyond the
last house is a maze of passageways cut straight into
the rock.
“Listen!” Darra says as she guides you swiftly into
the maze. “| am going to tell you what | know about
the caverns. There is an exit that leads beyond the
forest, but the location is a carefully guarded secret.
There is a master trader in the caverns. He lives in the
lower levels and goes by many names, one of which
is Lorel. He knows the location of the secret exit and
controls the flow of goods in and out. Lorel is purely
mercenary. He lives for his wealth and drives a hard
bargain. But if you can bargain with him or his traders
to learn the location of the exit, he will keep his word.”
“Thank you, Darra,’ you say. “Should | go directly
to the lower levels to look for him?”
“Not necessarily,” she says slowly, seeming to con-
sider all the possibilities. “From what | know of him, it
might be better for you to collect as many different
manks as you can to trade. You will need them if you
find him.” Before you can ask another question, she
says, “The stairway to the next level is just ahead.
One last thing: beware of the sacred gravel pit on the
clay people’s level. Do not try to cross it without a
With that, she vanishes back down the passage-

Turn to page 61.

You wake up in a small pit and see bars over your

If you’ve been captured by the vanicals

before, turn to page 77. If not, readon...

There are otheg prisoners in the pit with you, but

you can barely see them in the dim light.
“The vanicals are going to eat us,’ someone
moans. The others crouch in a corner, sobbing.
Then you hear shouting up above. The shouts are
followed by chopping sounds—and_ terrified
screeches that trail off into the distance.
Suddenly the bars above you are lifted off. An arm
reaches down to pull you out. As soon as you’re out
of the pit, you recognize Darra, your friend from the
City of Refugees. Others from the city are standing
nearby, bloody swords in their hands. On the ground
are several dark, furry forms about the size of dogs.
They lie motionless.
“Thank you for saving me,’ you tell Darra shakily.
She helps the others out of the pit, then vanishes
down a dark tunnel.
“Where are we?” you ask another freed prisoner.

Go on to the next page.

He sniffs the air, and you notice the smell of
smoke. “‘Near the firewings, I’d guess. These vani-
cals have traps all over the caverns and a system of
tunnels all their own. We’d best go up as fast as we
The others mumble their agreement, and you fol-
low them to a shelf of rock. Rough stairs are hacked
into the shaft leading up and down. The city people
quickly begin to climb up, but you pause and then
wave them on. By the dull light coming up from
the shaft below you, you check your master map of
the caverns. You guess you’re in the eastern half
of the caverns, between the levels of the clay people
and the firewings. This would be a good chance to
explore either level.

If you climb up to the Clay People,

turn to page 32.

If you climb down to the Firewings,

turn to page 98.
As you continue across the gravel, the forms bulge
from the walls and emerge as fully shaped clay peo-
ple. They pick up gravel stones and start to throw
them at you. One of the stones whizzes past your
head. Another hits you in the arm. “Ow!” you cry
out. “That hurts!”
You run as fast as you can. Your feet sink into the
gravel up to your ankles, making the going difficult.
Finally, you reach the other side, leap out of the pit,
and rush down the passageway beyond.

Go on to the next page.

\ \
But one of the clay people materializes from a
nearby wall. “We are friendly to most strangers,” he
says. “But you have violated our sacred pit. You must
leave this level at once, or else we will drown you in a
pool of mud.”
He grabs you with viselike hands and tosses you
into a tunnel in the floor of the passageway.

Turn to page 49.


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“Here is a mank from us,” the clay man says,
handing you the statue. “We do not know how to get
out of the caverns, for our world is inside. But per-
haps you can trade for the information.”
You thank the clay people for the statue. “Now,
how do | climb up to the next level?” you ask. No one
responds to your question. After a long minute of si-
lence, you produce another mushroom and give it to
“The ramp near here is too steep to climb,’
Loomu says. “The way up lies across our gravel pit.
You cannot enter it alone. It is sacred to us. But | can
take you across.”
Soon you’re crunching across a deep pit of gravel
where eerie black shadows flit on the walls. You
emerge on the other side and look back to see
Loomu walk into a wall and disappear. You can’t tell if
he somehow walks through the wall or merges with
the clay.
Shaking your head in puzzlement, you start up the
steps to the level of the lizard people.

Turn to page 73.

With a shudder, you remember what happened
when you rested beside Lizard Lake on an earlier
visit. This time, you keep close to the wall of the cav-
ern as you go around the northern edge of the lake.
Soon you come to an opening to a corridor that
branches off the lake to the north. Should you follow
it or risk encountering the lizards again as you con-
tinue around the lake?

If you continue around the lake, turn to page 47.

If you investigate the passageway,

turn to page 30.
You turn and race for the door. A flash of light
shoots out from the statue, missing you by a hair. You
manage to shove the heavy door to the room shut.
There’s a loud hissing sound as another searing
beam strikes the other side. A growing circle of red
starts to form on the outside of the door. You realize
that it will be only moments before the beam eats
through the door and incinerates you.
You dash back into the tunnel and begin to run. A
short distance inside you reach the side passageway
leading off the main tunnel. You head down the
smaller passageway, trembling at your narrow es-

Turn to page 69.

You come out near a wide cavern, the floor of
which is completely covered with gravel.

If you’ve been to the Gravel Pit before,

turn to page 31. If not, read on...

Far on the other side of the gravel pit the passage-

way resumes. You decide to see if you can cross this
pit; there’s no other way to reach the other side of this
level without going up or down.
Cautiously, you start across the pit. The gravel
crunches loudly under your feet. The sound echoes
through the cavern.
Suddenly, three shadows appear on the wall to
your right. As you watch in fascination, they begin to
take on depth, forming into human shapes! Their
arms pop free of the wall. They seem to be waving
you back.


Turn to page 22.

The guards march you back up to the top level of
the caverns.

If you’ve been captured

by Karg’s guards
in the caverns before, turn to page 43. If
not, read on...

The guards drag you to the main building in the

City of Refugees and then down a flight of stairs to the
prison below. There, they toss you into a cell.
‘So you thought you could escape from the king-
dom of Frome through the caverns!” bellows the cap-
tain of the guards. “We followed you down here. After
you’re questioned, we’ll take you back to the castle
“Do you think you’re going to get out of the cav-
erns through the deadly traps that guard it?” you say.
“Oh, that’s simple,” the captain says. ““We’ll see if
the magic spells we used to get in work going the
other way. And you are going first.”
“But why am | so important?” you ask. “I just want
to get home to Gallaria.”
“Actually, it’s Astar we’re after”’ another guard says.
“We suspect that he may have come down here when
he disappeared long ago. If he’s still alive somewhere
down here, we’ll find him. As for you—you escaped
from the castle, and no one is allowed to do that.”

Turn to page 42.


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You go through a long, curving passage and come
out in a wide cavern. Fingers of stone shaped like
huge icicles hang down from the high ceiling. Tall,
thin pillars, tapered to points at the top, rise from the
floor. A flickering light plays through the cavern.

If you’ve been to the Cavern of Stone Fin-

gers before, turn to page 84. If not, read

You're gazing around when you see a lizard’s head

poke out from behind one of the stone pillars. Then
the head disappears. You stand there listening, but
there’s complete silence.

Turn to page 34.

You remember the sacred gravel pit of the clay
people. You don’t want to try crossing it again!
You look at your map of this level and turn back
toward the stairways.
But should you go up or down?

If you climb down to the Level of the Firewings,

turn to page 80.

If you go up to the Level of the Lizard People,

turn to page 67.
You start up the stairs toward the level of the clay
people. After you’ve gone up partway, you begin to
see small stones scattered over the stairs. There are
more and more of them underfoot as you near the top
of the stairway.

Turn to page PAT

Fortunately the hinges of the cell door don’t
squeak. Tano beckons for you to follow, and you both
tiptoe past the sleeping guard to the other end of the
Tano presses a spot on the wall, and a small section
slides open. There’s just enough space to squeeze
through into a narrow passageway inside. The stone
door closes behind you as you start walking.
You go on for quite a distance; then the passage-
way begins to slope upward.
“We are now near the stairway to the lower levels,”
Tano says. “‘I will leave you here and return to my city.
But since you helped me to escape, | will help you.
“The bow of the skaters is a very important mank.
If you do not have one already, you should go imme-
diately to their trading level. If you do have one, you
should go down to the lowest level and look for the
master trader, Lorel.”
“Thank you,’ you say. Tano bows and points
straight ahead to show you which way to go. Then he
turns a corner out of sight.


Turn to page 61.

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Then another face appears and disappears—so fast

that you can barely make out what it looks like. It
seemed more human than the first, though still reptil-
“I’m a friend,” you call out. “I’m just trying to find
my way out of the Caverns of Mornas.”

Go on to the next page.

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There’s still silence. ‘I have a mank,” you say,

holding up one of your mushrooms.
Suddenly you hear hissing all around you, echoing
into the depths of the cavern. Dozens of lizardlike
heads appear. From behind a pillar, one of the lizard
people glides toward you on all fours.

Turn to page 114.

‘Yes, I’d like to trade with you,” you tell Pont.
He looks around to make sure he isn’t overheard.
“Fine. Come with me.”
You follow him down the passageway and across
the bridge. The king’s hall is empty; Pont rushes you
through it on the way to the treasure room. There,
polished gems are piled in heaps nearly to the ceiling.
“One gem for five mushrooms?” Pont asks hope-
‘Five gems for five mushrooms!” you insist.
Pont’s face falls. “Well, all right,” he says.
You make the trade. Then you follow him back to
the king’s hall. You hadn’t really looked at this room
when Pont led you through it. Now, as he hurries out,
you stop to look around.

Turn to page 96.

The narrow tunnel leads into another tunnel run-
ning left and right. This tunnel is much larger and at
last you’re able to stand up.
You can feel warm air coming down the tunnel to
your right. You stretch your arm to your left, and feel
cooler air.

If you go down the tunnel to the right,

turn to page 98.

If you go to the left, turn to page 48.

“So you’re back again,” Zolan says. “Still looking
for a way out of the caverns? Then let’s see if you have
what I’m asking for this time. Do you have a skater’s
bow, a crystal cone, a clay statue, and five polished

If you have these manks, turn to page 81.

If you haven’t collected all of them yet,

turn to page 65.
The changing colors are fascinating! You can’t take
your eyes off the crystal cone. Without being aware of
what you’re doing, you take a step toward the lizard
He jerks away, then skitters up the stairway to the
next level. You follow him, still in a trance. Halfway up
the stairs, the creature turns and throws the cone at
you. You hold out your hands, but you miss, and the
cone shatters on the stairs below.
You stand there blinking, amazed at the crystal’s
hypnotic power. The lizard man swarms up the stairs
ahead of you.
You don’t dare return to the cavern; you might fall
under the spell of another crystal cone. Your only
choice is to go up to the skaters’ level for now.

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Turn to page 87.

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You slide faster and faster down the ramp until you
land with a splash in a pool of mud.
You climb out, feeling foolish, but there’s nobody
around to see how wet and muddy you are. At least
there are torches on the walls here. You stare at them.
They’re so high up that it seems as if someone would
have to scale the mud walls to light them. By their
light, you check your master map and your map of
the level of the clay people.
You’re close to a narrow stairway that leads down to
the level of the firewings. Through a passageway to
the east lies the large open cavern called the gravel
pit. Maybe you’ll find the clay people there.

If you explore the Clay People’s level,

turn to page 64.

If you try your luck with the Firewings,

turn to page 10.
They leave you, and you look around your cell. For
the first time you notice that Tano, the mayor of the
city, is standing dejectedly in the corner.
“This is a fine kettle of fish!” Tano exclaims. “They
entered my city and demanded information about
Astar—without even offering me a mank! When |
refused to talk, they imprisoned me here. If only | had
some sort of weapon or tool... ”’
“| have a tool of sorts,” you say, carefully looking
out of the barred door of the cell to make sure that the
guard is not watching. You take off the medallion that
you always wear around your neck.
“Perfect!”’ Tano-exclaims. ‘‘Exactly what we need.”
“We can’t fight all the soldiers with this one small
medallion,’ you say.
“No, but when everything is quiet, | can pry open
the lock to the cell. |know a secret passage at the end
of the corridor outside this cell that will lead us out of
the city,” Tano whispers.
Later, you can hear the solitary guard snoring. All
the other soldiers are off somewhere, probably look-
ing for Astar. Tano takes the medallion and forces it
between the lock and the doorframe. There’s a click,
and the cell door opens.

Turn to page 33.

“Aha! We’ve caught you again!” the captain of the
guards exclaims. “This time we’re going to put you in
a solitary cell and make sure you stay there. That is,
until we’re ready to take you back to the castle.”
They drag you down to the prison below the main
building in the City of Refugees. Escape seems im-
Some time later you hear a soft noise that soon
grows louder. The guard outside your cell is snoring!
You can’t believe your luck. Either Karg’s guards are
careless or they’re all very tired, you think, remem-
bering your last escape. You use the thin edge of your
medallion to force open the lock, and you slip into the
secret passage out of the city. You hurry toward the
stairway to the lower levels.

Turn to page 61.

The light in the cave comes from a phosphores-
cent stone, glowing in one corner. You sit down next
to the stone and reach into your pouch. Then you
hear a faint grinding sound coming from the ground
beneath you. Suddenly a piece of the floor drops
away. Several furry hands reach up and grab you,
pulling you down through the hole.

Go on to the next page.

You can’t see the creatures clearly, but you can tell
that they’re about half your size. You try to fight, but
they nip you with sharp teeth. They drag you through
a series of tunnels. The air there is so poor that you
pass out.

Turn to page 20.

You wait in the room for a few hours. The chance
to steal the dwarfs’ gems might lure Lorel, the master
trader, up here, you reason. But nobody comes. At
last you trudge back down the corridor to the stairway
leading down to the levels below.

If you take the stairway to the Level of the Dwarfs,

turn to page 8.

If you go down to the Level of the Skaters,

turn to page 12.
You come to a wide cavern with many tall, tapered
pillars rising from the floor. The tops of some of them
have been cut off.

If you’ve been to the Cavern of Crystal

Cones before, turn to page 4. If not, read

A lizard man crawls from behind one of the pillars.

He’s holding a small, solid cone about three inches
long. It looks as if it might once have been the tip of
one of the pillars. But this cone has been carved and
polished so that it has as many facets as a diamond.
The surface has different patterns of colors that
change slowly as the creature twirls the cone between
his fingers.

Turn to page 39.

The tunnel seems to go on forever. At last you
reach an opening on your left. You feel warm air com-
ing toward you from the opening. The main tunnel
continues ahead of you. It’s too dark inside the tunnel
to check your map of this level.

If you continue straight ahead down the tunnel,

turn to page 78.

If you take the passageway that branches to your

left, turn to page 69.
You don’t fall straight down, but slide along a
steeply slanted shaft. At first it’s wet and slippery with
mud on all sides. Then the shaft becomes dry, baked
At the bottom, you slide out onto a narrow shelf of
rock high over an expanse of fiery red—and keep slid-
ing! You barely manage to grab hold of the edge of
the rock shelf with your hands as you go over.
With all your strength, you slowly pull yourself
back up onto the ledge. Below you is a huge, bub-
bling caldron of molten rock.

eeennn EE

Turn to page 93.

Remembering how slippery the floor is you move
carefully. Even so, your legs slip out from under you,
and you go sliding across the rink.
The floor is slightly slanted, and you’re sliding di-
rectly toward a doorway at the far end of the cavern.
When you reach it, you slide through into a long,
sloping tunnel.
There’s no way to stop yourself! You keep sliding
till you finally come to a stop in a long, narrow room.
The floor is made of uneven stones and the ceiling is
high enough for you to stand up. You get to your
feet—and immediately you’re surrounded by dozens
of strange creatures!
When you raise your arm, they raise theirs. And
when you reach into your sack to check your map of
this level, they do the same—for they are nothing but
your reflections.
According to your map, you’ve reached the Hall of
Mirrors. The only way out is to go back through the
tunnel that brought you here!

Turn to page 58.

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The lizards hiss at you angrily. You’re sure they’re
about to attack you. There’s no way for you to escape.
Then, suddenly, the lizards scatter. Some scurry
into holes in the wall. Others dive back into the water
and swim away. Wondering what could possibly have
frightened them, you turn and see a creature that is
part man, part lizard, at the back of the cave. He’s
carrying a long spear.
“Quick! Before they regroup,” he says. “I must get
you off thisss level. The lizards become furious when
a stranger disturbs their lake.’ His hissing voice is
friendly and soothing. “Don’t worry. They will forget
you quickly, and then you can come back later if you
He leads you up through a shaft at the back of the
cave. You emerge on the eastern shore of Lizard
Lake. The lizard man propels you down a short corri-
dor to a stairway. ‘“‘Thisss will take you down to the
level of the clay people,” he says.

Turn to page 27.

When you reach the level of the dwarfs, you pause
to check your map. The gemstone mines lie to your
right. The bridge of gems, leading to the western part
of this level, is to your left.

If you go right, toward the mines,

turn to page 57.

If you go left, toward the bridge,

turn to page 62.
When the dwarf Pont sees you, he drops his pick
and runs over to you. “Do you still want to trade your
mushrooms for gems?” he asks in a low voice.

If you answer yes, turn to page 36.

If you answer no, turn to page 59.

You turn into the short corridor. It’s dark compared
with the Cavern of Crystal Cones. You move quickly,
and in your hurry, don’t notice the drop in the floor
just ahead. You go sailing over the edge and fall sev-
eral feet. When you try to climb back up, a number of
furry hands grab hold of you. They drag you into a
low, narrow side tunnel. The air inside the tunnel is so
foul that you pass out.


Turn to page 20.


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You stumble through a dimly lit tunnel, heading for
the clinking sound that you hear in the distance. You
have to be careful not to trip on the jagged floor.
The sound gets louder. Up ahead you can just
make out several small figures hacking away at the
walls of the tunnel with picks. Every time a pick
strikes the wall, a shower of sparks flies from the spot.
At the foot of each figure is a pile of small stones that
shine with a cold blue light.

If you’ve visited the Gemstone Mines be-

fore, turn to page 54. If not, read on...

As you move closer, you forget to watch out for the

uneven floor. You stumble over a rock and fall.
“Ow!” you cry out as you hit the ground, cracking
your knee on the stone.
All of the figures stop what they’re doing. One of
them, pick in hand, runs toward you and swiftly
places the edge of his pick against your throat.

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Turn to page 13.

Luckily the tunnel is narrow. You wedge yourself
into it, your feet resting on one side and your back on
the other. Then you walk sideways up the long, slop-
ing tunnel. When you reach the skating rink, you
inch along it, clinging to the side, till you get to the
stairway up to the next level.
With difficulty, you extract your master map of the
caverns from your pouch. You could go up here,
cross the dwarfs’ level, and come down the other side
of the caverns. Or, you could continue inching
around the skating rink till you reach the stairway
down to the lizard people.

If you go up, to the Dwarfs, turn to page 53.

If you go down, to the Lizard People,

turn to page 47.
“No, | don’t want to trade,” you tell Pont. “But can
you tell me if you’ve seen the master trader—Lorel—
on this level?”
Pont shakes his head briefly. You return to the
torchlit stairway from which you entered this level to
study your master map of the caverns. You decide to
visit the level below you, where the skaters reside. But
that level has two distinct halves—and a different stair-
way leads down to each half.

If you take the nearby stairway down to the

Level of the Skaters, turn to page 12.

If you cross this level to reach the far stairway,

turn to page 62.
“That will cost you more than a few paltry mush-
rooms,” Zolan says. “If you have the right manks to
trade, | may be able to put you in touch with someone
who knows the way out of the caverns.”
“What do you want in exchange for that informa-
tion?” you ask.
Zolan looks you in the eye. “A skater’s bow, a clay
statue, a crystal cone, and five polished moongems,’
he says.

If you have these manks, turn to page 81.

If you haven’t collected all these manks yet,

turn to page 65.
You arrive at the stairway, which is nothing more
than crude steps hewn roughly into the sloping floor.
Checking your master map of the caverns, you see
that the stairway will take you to two levels: the dwarfs’
and the skaters’.
Your third choice, you realize, is to explore the
western half of this level.

If you visit the Dwarfs, turn to page 8.

If you try your luck with the Skaters,

turn to page 12.

If you decide to explore the Refugees’ Level,

turn to page 72.
You head toward the western part of the caverns.
You go down a long, broad passageway roughly
hewn out of rock. Suddenly, you come to a large
chamber divided in the center by a wide, deep
You stop completely to look at the dazzling, jewel-
covered bridge that spans the chasm. The bridge,
made of polished gold, is decorated with hundreds of
glittering jewels.
You’re about to cross the bridge when a dwarf
jumps out from behind a large rock. He demands
payment for crossing. Reluctantly you give him a
mushroom, and he waves you across. You continue
down the passageway on the other side and enter a
room at the end of the corridor.

Turn to page 96.

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As you go along through the passageway, the walls
start to collapse around you. Great gobs of wet clay
fall from the ceiling and splash at your feet.
A dark shadow appears on one wall and slowly
emerges into the figure of a clay woman. “Hurry!”
she exclaims. ‘This passageway is dangerous.”
“| hope | didn’t—”
“No, this happens often. Come on!”
The ceiling above you collapses, and you’re buried
under a minor mud slide.
When you come to, you’re lying inside an empty
mud hut. Peering out of it, you see a few more huts
but no sign of the clay woman—or of any other clay
You check your map of the level of the clay people
and see that you’re in the far eastern half of this level.
You walk down the broad passageway to the west and
come upon two stairways.
The one on your right leads up. The one on your
left leads down.

If you take the stairway on your right,

turn to page 67.

If you take the stairway on your left,

turn to page 75.

If you continue down the passageway,

turn to page 27.
“| don’t have all those manks yet,” you say and tell
Zolan what you do have.
“That's a start,” he says. “But I’ll need more than
that if you want information on how to get out of the
caverns. | suggest you go back through the different
levels of the caverns and try to collect a few more
manks. Then come back and see me, and maybe we
can do business.”
With that, Zolan disappears back into the shadows.
You hear a door quietly open and shut. You run in the
direction of the sound, but you can’t find a trace of a
door in any of the back walls. You go back into the
small tunnel that leads to the fiery cavern.

Turn to page 117.

The museum lies off one of the passageways that
branch to the right of the corridor. You count the
openings until you find the one that corresponds to
the museum on your map.
The museum is a disappointment. It’s a dusty col-
lection of statues resembling large insects! You like
natural history, but this is no help at all.
Disappointed, you walk back down the corridor to
the stairs.

If you go down one level, to the Dwarts,

turn to page 8.

If you go down two levels, to the Skaters,

turn to page 12.
You emerge at the foot of a short passageway on
the lizard people’s level. The passageway ends in a
broader corridor.
You check your map of this level and see that Liz-
ard Lake lies to your left down the corridor. The Cav-
ern of Crystal Cones is on your right.

If you head toward Lizard Lake,

turn to page 112.

If you make your way to the Cavern of Crystal

Cones, turn to page 47.
Once again, you have to wait awhile before anyone
shows up. Some traders! you think. Finally, one of
the skaters zips in a blur across the cavern and stops
in front of you.
“Have you brought us any firewing scales this
time?” he asks.

If you have a firewing scale, turn to page 74.

If you don’t have one, turn to page 9.

The passageway is warm and damp. Water drips
from the ceiling. The combination of heat and mois-
ture is very uncomfortable, and you find it hard to
You hurry along, hoping for a quick way out. The
passageway ends abruptly at a wet, muddy stairway
leading up and down.
Your master map of the caverns shows that the
stairs up will take you to the level of the clay people.
The steps down lead to the firewings’ level.

If you go up, to the Clay People,

turn to page 95.

If you go down, to the Firewings,

turn to page 10.
“| see that you’ve managed to bring me the right
manks for the information you seek,” Darra says. “‘/
am the master trader.”
“But... but you told me the master trader was a
man named Lorel!”’ you say.
Darra laughs. “I’m known by many names. Darra
is the name | use for cover in the city. The other
names are for various purposes. Now, if you’ll just
hand over that pouch, I’ll escort you out of the cav-
erns. | imagine you’ll be glad to see daylight again.”
You hand over your pouch. Darra dumps the con-
tents out into her lap, quickly stuffing the crystal cone
back into the pouch when its hypnotic rays catch the
“All here. Want your maps back?” she asks. When
you shake your head, she laughs again. “But you
may need the rest of your mushrooms. Here they
You take them back wordlessly.
Darra motions to Zolan with her hand. He quickly
goes back out the secret door and closes it behind
him. Then Darra goes over to a spot on the wall and
presses it. Another door opens. Inside is a corridor
that slopes gently upward.
You follow Darra along the corridor for a long time.
Finally you enter the bottom of a circular shaft where
daylight shines down from high above. You turn your
face upward. The sun feels so good!

Turn to page 1017.

Your map of the level of the refugees shows that
two interesting features lie at the end of a long corri-
dor: a spies’ lair and a museum. You might find news
of Lorel, the master trader, at one of these places. He
sounds like someone who would associate with
spies . . . and perhaps he’s so famous that the mu-
seum will have some information about him!

If you head for the Spies’ Lair, turn to page 14.

If you head for the Museum, turn to page 66.

When you arrive on the level of the lizard people,
you pause to check your maps. But before you can
remove them from your pouch, you hear heavy foot-
steps and the clanging of light armor coming from
behind you.
A moment later you’re surrounded by a squad of
Karg’s guards! They grab you and drag you away.

Turn to page 28.

The skater seems delighted when you hold out a
firewing scale. He disappears and reappears, zigzag-
ging back and forth in a blur.
When he quiets down, he hands you one of his
bows. You give him the firewing scale.
“This bow is one of our finest,’ he says. “If you
want any more, just come back with more firewing
With that he disappears again.
There’s an opening in the wall nearby. You investi-
gate it and find a stairway going down. You decide to
take it.

Turn to page 100.

At last you come out at one end of a balcony over-
looking a river of lava that flows far below.
Heat pours up from the molten river, and you
choke on acrid fumes. Through eyes blurred with
tears you see what looks like a tunnel in the wall at the
center of the balcony. Touching the wall with one
hand, you make your way toward the tunnel.

Turn to page 48.

You dive into the opening—just in time to keep
from being burned as the firewing sends a breath of
flame in your direction. Fortunately, it is a tunnel, and
it goes around a bend and ends in a cave a short way
ahead, out of sight of the firewing. You crawl to the
cave as fast as you can.
You stand up again and start to examine the back of
the cave. A pile of empty crates is stacked against the
wall. i
The crates are made of wood, which must come
from the forest above the caverns. In the dim glow,
you check your map of this level. This must be the
trader’s cave! You wait there hoping the trader will
come back. But nobody comes, and you decide to
take a look back into the fiery cavern.

Turn to page 117.

This time you’re in the pit alone. You sit there for a
while letting your eyes get used to the dim light. Then
"you hear heavy footsteps above, and the bars over
your head are lifted off. For a moment, you think that
the people from the City of Refugees have come to
rescue you once again. But your hopes are dashed
when several furry hands reach down to grab you.
They yank you out of the pit, then drag you along
the floor and down a corridor. All the vanicals are lick-
ing their lips and imitating chewing sounds. You
struggle to get away, but there are too many of them,
and they have too tight a grip on you.
Suddenly, the vanicals drop you and run off into
side corridors. Several dark forms stand over you.
You realize with a start that they’re guards from the
king’s forest. At least it isn’t as bad as being eaten by
the vanicals, you think.
“Come with us!” one of the guards orders, pulling
you roughly to your feet.

Turn to page 28.

The tunnel ends at a heavy, half-opened door. You
go through it into a wide circular room with a very
high domed ceiling. The room is filled with dazzling
light, and it takes a moment for your eyes to adjust to
it. Then you see the huge golden statue in the center
of the room.

If you’ve visited the Zindril Statue before,

turn to page 99. If not, read on...

The statue reaches almost to the high ceiling and

seems to resemble some kind of insect.
A bright light comes from a broad band across the
ceiling. You can’t tell what creates the light, but it re-
flects back and forth on the highly polished statue,
making it appear to move.
Suddenly a flash of light reflects off the statue and
strikes your head. At the same time, you hear a voice
in your mind.
“| speak to you out of the distant past—from the
time when we, the Zindrils, ruled all of the caverns.
Then a mysterious affliction started to destroy us, one
by one, at the height of our civilization. Those of us
who were left concentrated all our life force into this
statue. One day we will again rule the caverns and
perhaps even the lands above.”
“They’re having enough trouble above with the ty-
rant Karg,” you think back. “And furthermore—”
‘“‘Now we must possess your body,” the voice in
your head interrupts, “so that you can do our work!”

Turn to page 26.

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The stairs down to the firewings’ level are covered
with tiny pebbles, and you feel as if you’re walking on
marbles. The light isn’t very good, either, and walk-
ing is doubly hard.
You think you see a spot on the step ahead of you
that’s free of pebbles. You put your foot down.
The bottom of the stairway rushes up toward your

Turn to page 20.

‘You’ve got just what | need to trade,” Zolan says.
“Follow me! I’ll take you to someone who knows the
way out of the caverns. | am, after all, just an interme-
diary in this trade. Someday, |, too, will know the se-
cret route to the surface. For now, I’m content just to
acquire wealth.”
Zolan leads you up through a series of stairways
that only he knows—all the way to the upper level of
the caverns. He stops by a blank wall and raps several
times in code. A section of the wall opens, and Zolan
pulls you quickly inside. There, in a small room piled
with goods from the surface as well as a large supply
of various manks, is Darra!

ee nn ee

Turn to page 70.

You come to the shore of Lizard Lake. The water is
a beautiful, brilliant green and looks inviting.

If you’ve tested the waters of Lizard Lake

before, turn to page 25. If not, read on...

You sit and rest on the shore of the lake with your
feet dangling in the water. The water temperature is
just right—not warm, but not cold either.
Suddenly, something grabs you by the feet and
pulls you under. You struggle, but whatever has you is
pulling you rapidly down into the depths of the lake.
You can’t see anything under the water. Everything
is a translucent green. Whatever has you by the feet is
very strong. No matter how you struggle, you can’t
break loose. Just when you’re about to run out of oxy-
gen, you’re pulled into an underwater cave and then
up to a pocket of air. You manage to grab hold of a
shelf of rock and pull yourself out of the water.
The faint luminescence of the walls enables you to
see around you. You’re in a cave all right, and sur-
rounded by lizards. Not lizard people, but real lizards.

Turn to page 52.

Suddenly several lizard people jump out from be-
hind the pillars and grab you with their dry, scaly
claws. Two of them hold you while another one rears
on its hind legs and looks at you closely.

If you’ve already gained a crystal cone,

turn to page 90. If not, read on...

“| was here before!”’ you protest. “Where is Vosss?

He’s my friend.”
“Vosss ... SSS... $88,” the lizard man peering at
you hisses. “He isss swimming in Lizard Lake.
Swimming isss hisss favorite sport.”
The other two release you, and you check your
map of this level. You see that the only way for you to
get to Lizard Lake from this point is to go back
through the passageway. Waving good-bye to the Jiz-
ard people, you retrace your steps back to the lake.
Vosss is floating in the water. At your shout, he
opens his eyes lazily. “Oh, it isss you,” he says. “We
still owe you something for your mushrooms. Isss
that why you have come back?”
“Yes,” you shout. “I need a crystal cone.”
“Well, come on, then,” Vosss says. “Swim acrosss
the lake with me and | will take you to the Cavern of
Crystal Conesss.”
You need that cone, so you wade into the lake and
swim beside Vosss. When you reach the eastern
shore, Vosss skitters ahead of you down the wide cor-
ridor to the cavern.

Go on to the next page.

In the Cavern of Crystal Cones, Vosss climbs a tall
pillar and breaks off the top. Then he rubs it between
his claws. In moments the cone is as smooth as cut
glass, and its facets reflect the many colors of a dia-
mond. You stare at it, hypnotized.

Vosss slips the cone into your pouch. You shake

your head as if waking from a deep sleep.
“Keep the cone in your bag, away from the light,”
Vosss tells you. “Itsss power isss great.” Then he
heads back to the lake without another word.
You check your map and see that a stairway down
to the level of the clay people lies at the end of a short
passageway off the corridor to the lake. You decide to
take it.

Turn to page 55.

You start down the stairway. Suddenly you’re at-
tacked by a large group of furry creatures. You strug-
gle with all your might, but one of them sneaks up
behind you and hits you on the head.

Turn to page 20.

The stairs curve around and the stairwell broadens.
Soon you come to a small cavern. The walls are
shiny, like glass. You can see your reflection in them,
even in the dim light.

If you’ve been to the Skating Rink before,

turn to page 50. If not, read on...

You take a few steps and realize that the cavern

floor is as slippery as an ice rink. You reach down to
touch it and are surprised to find that it’s dry and
warm. But when you try to walk, your legs slip out
from under you.

Pe 0 Na A a ee
Go on to the next page.
Something goes past you in a blur, then comes
back. When it stops, you see a thin, perfectly formed
humanlike creature about two feet tall. Its feet are
wedge-shaped, and you realize how it moves so
fast—it uses its feet like ice skates!

Go on to the next page.

You start to smile, but your smile freezes on your
face. The skater is holding a small bow with a razor-
sharp arrow pointed at your heart.

Turn to page 94.

The lizard people release you after a moment, mut-
tering, “Friend of Vosss,’ to one another. They scurry
off to their hiding places, and the cavern appears
empty once again.
You check your map of this level. From here, you
can take the ramp down to the level of the clay peo-
ple. You know the ramp is a one-way slide, but you’re
willing to risk it.

Turn to page 41.

Several dwarfs carrying picks stand before you.
They look just as surprised as you do.
“A thief!” one of them cries.
“?’m not!” you protest. “I’m just trying to find—”
“If you’re not a thief then why are your pockets full
of our stones?” another one says.
You look down and realize that you scooped up a
number of the jewels in your pockets as you slid
down the pile of stones.
“Kill the thief!” the dwarfs shout. They rush at you,
swinging their picks.
You see an opening between the dwarfs and dash
for the door. They slash at you with their picks, but
they miss. You run through the door and down a
twisting tunnel, leaving a trail of gems behind you.
The tunnel leads to a large hall, empty except for a
throne and a low, round table surrounded by drum-
shaped stools.
The dwarfs behind you stop to pick up the gem-
stones. The last stone flies from your pocket as you
race through the door on the other side of the hall to
the stairway beyond.

Lene a a

Turn to page 5.

= WN
You crouch on the ledge, dizzy with the heat and
fumes coming up from beneath you. Suddenly,
there’s an explosion from the caldron below, and a
geyser of white-hot lava leaps up into the air. Globs of
molten rock splatter the underside of the narrow rock
shelf you’re on. Then there’s a rumbling, and the
walls begin to shake. You cling to the ledge to keep
from being tossed off your perch.
When the shaking stops, you look around desper-
ately for some way to escape. There’s no chance of
climbing back up the slippery shaft. But you see a
small opening not far away in the wall. A narrow rope
bridge leads across the caldron to it. Summoning all
your Courage, you cross the narrow bridge on your
hands and feet until you reach the opening. It’s just
large enough for you to crawl inside. Fortunately, the
air’s a bit cooler in the narrow tunnel you find yourself
in. You crawl along, glad to get away from that fiery

Turn to page 37.

“Stop!” you cry. “I’ve only come to trade. I’m try-
ing to get out of the caverns to get back to my home,
The skater gives a high-pitched laugh. ““You’re in
the wrong place, then. All our trading is done on the
other side of this level.”
“Well, how can | reach that side?” you ask. With
difficulty, you stand up and slide to the center of the
The little creature laughs again. “You can go down
to the lizard people’s level and take the stairway up to
the western half of our level. Or, if you can afford to
pay your way, you can go up to the dwarfs’ level and
cross their bridge of gems—then go down.”
With that, the skater glides away. You check your
master map of the caverns and see that what the
skater told you is true. Your map of the skaters’ level
shows that you’re halfway between the stairway lead-
ing up and the one leading down.

If you go up to the Level of the Dwarfs,

turn to page 16.

If you go down to the Level of the Lizard People,

turn to page 86.
As you climb the steps you find yourself sloshing
through wet, slippery mud. You have to move slowly
and carefully to keep from falling. Finally, you reach
the level of the clay people. Nearby is a deep pool of
On the left of the pool is a low, muddy tunnel
through a ramp that connects this level with the level
above. Perhaps you could crawl through the tunnel to
the other side of the mud pool. Or you could try to
edge around the wet, slippery banks on the right side.

If you crawl through the low, muddy tunnel,

turn to page 105.

If you edge around the wet, slippery banks,

turn to page 1117.
The large circular room is lit by torches fixed to the
wall. In the center of the room is a low, round table
surrounded by drum-shaped stools and one large, or-
nate throne.
A regally dressed dwarf enters from a door in the
wall and strides to the throne. A large number of
dwarfs, both male and female, follow him in.
The king sits, and with a sweeping gesture of his
hand, he beckons for all to be seated.
You step forward. “Excuse me—”’
Several burly dwarfs armed with picks rush over
and grab you. They drag you through a heavy door,
_ then slam it shut behind you.
A stairway leading down is just a few feet beyond
the door. You check your master map and see that it
leads to the skaters’ trading rink. You start down.

Turn to page 5.
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You come out onto a balcony overlooking a river of
lava that flows at the bottom of a long, deep cavern.
Checking your map of this level, you see that there
are only two ways to get off the balcony: the stairway
up and the tunnel.

If you take the stairway, turn to page 32.

If you take the tunnel, turn to page 78.

You don’t want to get anywhere near that hideous
statue. You quickly duck out the door and slam it
shut. Then you head back down the tunnel until you
reach a side passage.

Turn to page 69.
When you reach the level of the lizard people, you
find yourself inside a dome-shaped room with three
doorways carved into the stone walls.
Checking your map of this level, you see that one
door is the entrance you just came through; one leads
to the Zindril Tombs; and one leads to Lizard Lake.

If you investigate the Zindril Tombs,

turn to page 104.

If you head for Lizard Lake, turn to page 83.

“| must get back to my work,” Darra says. “Good
luck on your journey home.’
You seem to be at the bottom of a deep, dry well.
There are evenly spaced metal rungs set into the side
of the shaft.

a » Ve ae a
Go on to the next page.
Up and up you climb. Finally, you reach
the top and look out on a spectacular view.
You’re in a narrow valley surrounded by tow-
ering snowcapped mountains.

Turn to page 116.

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You walk down the passage to the Zindril Tombs.
You see large stone coffins, each bearing the worn-
down features of some kind of enormous insect. A
faint, sweet odor hangs over the room. There’s a spe-
cial stillness here, and you grow tired. Then you fall
into a deep sleep.
When you awake, a lizard woman is shaking your
shoulder. “Good thing | came down thisss way!” she
hisses. “You might have slept for centuriesss. Stay
out of the Zindril Tombsss!”
She leads you back down the passageway to the
dome-shaped room, where she vanishes abruptly
through the door to Lizard Lake. You follow her.

Turn to page 83.

You circle the mud pool cautiously and pause on
the other side, looking at the walls around you. No
clay people appear. You can’t cross this level without
a guide to take you over the sacred gravel pit.
Your only choice is to take the deeply sloping tun-
nel leading down to the firewings’ level. You ease
yourself into it.

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Turn to page 49.
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When you reach the fiery cavern, you move cau-
tiously around the wide crack in the floor. You’re in
luck; the firewings must be sleeping. You head for the
tunnel that leads to the trader’s cave.

If you’ve met Zolan before, turn to page

38. If not, read on...

You reach the cave and sit down wearily. Your

throat feels raw.
“I'd give anything for a drink of water!”’ you mutter
out loud.
“Anything?” a voice says from somewhere.
You jump to your feet. A human, dressed in green
forest garb like some of the people you met in Frome
wore, steps out of the shadows.
“Who are you?” you ask.

Seps: ST ee
Turn to page 109.
You’ve only taken a few slippery steps when the
clay man Loomu rises from the mud pool and joins
you. Within minutes you’re climbing up the stairs on
the other side of the gravel pit.
You stop to wave goodbye to Loomu, but he’s al-
ready disappeared back into the pool of mud.

= ee ee eee

Turn to page 73.

“lam Zolan, a trader. And | think we have a trade.
What will you give me for a drink from my water
“A mushroom?” you say.
“Ten mushrooms,” Zolan says.
Luckily, you still have that many mushrooms and
more. You take Zolan’s flask and drink thirstily.
“What else can | trade you?” Zolan asks, pointing
to his pack on the ground. “I have fine cloaks . . . rich
pastries . . . things you can’t get here in the caverns.”
That means that Zolan must either know the secret
exit—or trade with someone who does!
“You can trade me some information,’ you say.
“What I'd like to know is how to get out of these cav-
erns and beyond the kingdom of Frome!”

UMD. eee ee

Turn to page 60.

You edge your way around the pool of mud.

If you’ve met Loomu before, turn to page

108. If not, read on...

Suddenly you lose your footing and plunge into

the mud pool. It’s deep and treacherous, like sinking
into quicksand. You struggle to the surface, but you
immediately sink down again. You get a mouthful of
the slimy mud and start to choke.
Just then something grasps you by the arm and
pulls. You feel yourself being dragged to the edge of
the pool and hauled up onto the bank. You lie there
trying to catch your breath. The bank itself is soft and
oozy, but firm enough to support you. You sit up.
The creature that saved you is resting a few inches
away. It looks like a round hunk of mud with two arms
and two eyes. Then the lump slowly starts to change.
It gets longer and begins to take on a roughly human
shape. After a while, it develops a head with a nose,
ears, and a mouth. You nearly fall back into the pool
when the creature starts to talk.
“Are you all right?” he asks.
“I think so.’ you answer. “Thank you for saving
me. Are you one of the clay people?”
“I am,” he says. “My name is Loomu. It was lucky
for you that | was out swimming when you arrived.
Are you a trader?”

J Ee eee a

Turn to page 113.

You come to the shore of Lizard Lake. Its beautiful
green waters lap invitingly against your feet.
You gaze into the water, then jump back in fright.
For a moment, the surface appeared to be teeming
with hissing, angry lizards!
Feeling unsettled, you continue around the lake to
the south and follow a short passageway that takes
you to a dome-shaped room.
Three doorways open into this room. One is the
door you just came through. You check your map of
this level to see where the others will take you.
One leads to the Zindril Tombs. The other leads to
stairs up to the next level.

If you investigate the Zindril Tombs,

turn to page 104.

If you take the stairway up from here,

turn to page 5.
“Not really,” you say. “But | do have a bag of
mushrooms. What I’m actually looking for is a way
out of the caverns.”
“Hmmm .. .” Loomu looks thoughtful. Then he
turns around to stare at the wall of clay not far from
where you're sitting. To your surprise, the outlines of
four clay people begin to form on the surface. They
seem to be growing right out of the wall!
A few moments later there are four new clay men
crowded around you. Loomu tells them that you’re
looking for a way out of the caverns. Then he nudges
you and whispers, ““Mank.” You quickly give each
one a mushroom.
They start to whisper back and forth among them-
selves. Then one goes over to the wall and reaches
back into it, sinking his arm in up to his shoulder.
When he pulls the arm out again, he’s holding a
small statue of a clay man sitting cross-legged, arms
folded across its chest.

Turn to page 24.

The reptile’s head is humanlike, but its skin is cov-
ered with green scales, and its hands and feet end in
claws. The head is long and tapered, with two slits for
a nose and ear holes on the flat sides. The yellow eyes
seem to glow with an inner light.
“My name is Vosss,” the lizard man hisses. “What
isss it you want?”
“All | want is to get out of the caverns,” you say.
“Do you have more mushroomsss?”’ he asks.
“A few,’ you answer.
“If you give usss some, we will try to help you,” he
You take out several of your mushrooms and give
them to Vosss. But as Vosss examines them, a loud
cry echoes through the caverns. You hear a cracking
sound overhead as the cry bounces off the walls.
Stone fingers begin to fall all around you. Vosss slips
through them and skitters out of sight.
You drop to the ground and cover your head. Soon
the cracking sound stops, and you raise your head.
You find yourself completely surrounded and caged
in by the stone fingers. They’re too close together for
you to squeeze through. You push them with all your
strength, but they won’t budge.

Turn to page 118.

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“The Tandris Mountains!” you exclaim out loud.
Your home, Gallaria, lies beyond them.
You start up the path that leads through the moun-
tains. You aren’t home yet, but you’ve left the Cav-
erns of Mornas behind you—and you’re ready for the
adventures that lie ahead.

The End
Cautiously, you peer out into the cavern. No fire-
wings are anywhere in sight. Taking no chances, you
keep far away from the wide crack in the floor. But as
you hurry around it, a glint of gold wedged in the
edge of the crack catches your eye. You dash forward
and snatch it up. It’s a firewing’s scale!
Clutching the scale, you continue on toward the
stairwell on the other side of the cavern. You head
back up the stairway.

SS ae
Turn to page 95.
In moments, you’ve drawn a crowd of lizard peo-
ple. They point at you and make strange sounds that
you guess is laughter. Finally, you get mad. “Get me
out of here!” you shout.
The sound echoes through the cavern. The stone
fingers around you begin to vibrate. Some crack and
fall away, giving you just enough room to squeeze out
of your cage. But more of the sharp stones snap off
the ceiling of the cavern. The lizard people flee in
You’ll have to come back to finish your transaction
with Vosss! You run blindly away through the cavern
until you come to an opening in the ground. As far as
you can see, it’s smooth inside and goes down at
about the same angle as a child’s slide.
You lie down on your stomach and feel down in-
side the ramp. It’s wet and slippery with mud. Some-
how you reach a little too far. You start sliding forward.
You try to stop yourself, but you can’t!

Turn to page 41.


EDWARD PACKARD is a graduate of Princeton University

and Columbia Law School. He is the creator of Bantam’s
Escape™ and Choose Your Own Adventure® series and is
the author of many books for children.


RICHARD BRIGHTFIELD is a graduate of Johns Hopkins

University, where he studied biology, psychology, and
archaeology. For many years he worked as a graphic
designer at Columbia University. He has written The
Deadly Shadow, Secret of the Pyramids, The Curse of
Batterslea Hall, The Phantom Submarine, The Dragons’
Den, and The Secret Treasure of Tibet in the Choose Your
Own Aventure® series and has coauthored more than a
dozen game books with his wife, Glory. The Brightfields
and their daughter, Savitri, live in Gardiner, New York.


Davip Perry studied art in New York and Rome. He has

written and illustrated a book for children, The Grox and
Eugene, in addition to illustrating books and periodicals.
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In your flight from the kingdom
of Frome you’ve reached the
mysterious Caverns of Mornas—
six levels of labyrinths, each
more dangerous than the last.
To trace your way through the shi
GOAL: levels until you find the master —
trader Lorel—then bargain your ©
way out of the Caverns. :

EQUIPMENT: A bag of dried mushrooms for

trading, a handful of maps—
and your wits.

DANGERS: The clay people, who can

materialize from walls. The
firewings—white-hot dragons
with razor-sharp scales. And the _
vanicals— vicious, wolflike
creatures with a taste for
Betsy stiewite a



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