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Nursing is defined as a profession because nurses

a. perform specific skills
b. practice autonomy
c. utilize knowledge from the medical discipline
d. charge a fee for services rendered

1. A patient who needs nursing and rehabilitation following a stroke would most benefit
from receiving care at a:
a. primary care center
b. restorative care setting
c. assisted-living center
d. respite center

1. Technological advances in health care

a. make the nurse’s job easier
b. depersonalize bedside patient care
c. threaten the integrity of the health care industry
d. do not replace sound personal judgment

1. Vulnerable populations of patients are those who are more likely to develop health
problems as a result of:
a. living at home
b. abusive habits
c. Citizenship.
d. middle age.

1. Which of the following is the first step of the research process

a. Analyze data
b. Identify problem
c. Conduct study
d. Use the findings

1. Every health care organization gathers data on health outcomes. Examples of key
quality-of-care or performance indicators include
a. Discharges.
b. medications administered.
c. healthy births.
d. infection rates.

1. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which of these needs would the patient
seek to meet first?
a. Self-actualization
b. Self-estem
c. Shelter
d. Love and belonging

1. After evaluating a patient’s external variables, the nurse concludes that health beliefs
and practices can be influenced by
a. emotional factors
b. intellectual background
c. developmental stage
d. socioeconomic factors

1. You will use the concept of primary prevention when instructing a patient to:
a. get a flu shot every year
b. take a blood pressure reading every day.
c. explore hiring a patient with a known disability.
d. undergo physical therapy following a cerebrovascular accident.

1. Sally has decided to set aside 30 minutes a day to walk after work next week. Sally is
in what stage of risk factor modification?
a. Precontemplation
b. Contemplation
c. Preparation
d. Action
e. Maintenance

1. A female patient has just found a large lump in her breast. The physician needs to
perform a breast biopsy. The nurse helps the patient into the proper position and
offers support during the biopsy. The nurse is demonstrating:
a. Enabling
b. Comforting
c. A sense of presence
d. Maintaining belief

1. When a nurse enters a patient’s room and says “Good morning” before starting care,
the nurse combines nursing tasks and conversation. An important aspect of care for
the nurse to remember is the need to:
a. establish a relationship.
b. gather assessment data.
c. treat discomforts quickly
d. assess the patient’s emotional needs.

1. When performing an assessment of a cancer survivor, you need to explore:

a. Nutrition problems
b. Psychosocial problems
c. Mobility problems
d. Economic problems

1. Health disparities are unequal burdens of disease morbidity and mortality rates
experienced by racial and ethnic groups. These disparities are often exacerbated by
a. Bias
b. Stereotyping
c. Prejudice
d. All of the above
1. You are in the process of admitting an ethnically diverse patient. To plan culturally
competent care, you will conduct a cultural assessment that includes:
a. Biocultural
b. Ethnohistory
c. Negotiation
d. Ethnocentrism

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