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3/4/24, 8:22 AM contoh analytical exposition - made with Diffit

2nd Grade

contoh analytical exposition 1/5
3/4/24, 8:22 AM contoh analytical exposition - made with Diffit

Adapted Reading Passage

Analytical exposition text is a type of writing that gives opinions about something. It tries to
explain something in a comprehensive way by presenting supporting opinions. The purpose of
analytical exposition text is to persuade the reader to believe something by presenting one side
of the argument. This type of text is important because it helps us understand different topics
and why they are important.

Analytical exposition text has a specific structure. It starts with a thesis, which is the main idea or
opinion. Then, there are arguments that support the thesis. Finally, there is a reiteration or
conclusion that restates the main idea. This structure helps organize the information and make it
easier to understand.

There are many examples of analytical exposition text. One example is about why we shouldn't
waste food. The thesis is that wasting food is bad for the Earth, wastes money, and wastes
resources. The arguments include how food waste creates pollution and causes diseases. The
conclusion is that we need to stop wasting food and make sure we eat what we buy.

Another example is about why we shouldn't skip breakfast. The thesis is that breakfast is an
important meal. The arguments include how skipping breakfast can affect our health and energy
levels. The conclusion is that we should always try to eat breakfast.

Analytical exposition text is a great way to learn about different topics and understand different
opinions. It helps us think critically and make informed decisions. So next time you read an
analytical exposition text, remember to look for the thesis, arguments, and conclusion.

• Analytical exposition text gives opinions and explains things.

• It has a specific structure with a thesis, arguments, and conclusion.

• Examples of analytical exposition text include wasting food and skipping breakfast. 2/5
3/4/24, 8:22 AM contoh analytical exposition - made with Diffit

Key Vocabulary Words

exposition ( noun )
Definition: a type of writing that explains or gives information about something
Example: The book had an exposition at the beginning to introduce the characters.

comprehensive ( adjective )
Definition: including all or nearly all aspects of something
Example: The teacher gave a comprehensive explanation of the math problem.

persuade ( verb )
Definition: to convince someone to think or act a certain way
Example: The student tried to persuade her friends to join the school club.

reiteration ( noun )
Definition: the act of repeating something for emphasis or clarity
Example: The speaker used reiteration to make sure everyone understood his main points.

critical ( adjective )
Definition: thinking carefully and making judgments based on evidence
Example: The detective used critical thinking to solve the mystery. 3/5
3/4/24, 8:22 AM contoh analytical exposition - made with Diffit

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the purpose of analytical exposition text?
A) To persuade the reader to believe something by presenting one side of the argument.
B) To explain something in a comprehensive way by presenting supporting opinions.
C) To organize information and make it easier to understand.
D) To learn about different topics and understand different opinions.

2. What is the structure of analytical exposition text?

A) Thesis, arguments, reiteration or conclusion.
B) Arguments, thesis, reiteration or conclusion.
C) Reiteration or conclusion, arguments, thesis.
D) Thesis, reiteration or conclusion, arguments.

3. Why is it important to read analytical exposition text?

A) To waste food and money.
B) To skip breakfast.
C) To think critically and make informed decisions.
D) To understand different topics and why they are important.

4. What is the main idea or opinion in an analytical exposition text?

A) The arguments that support the thesis.
B) The reiteration or conclusion.
C) The supporting opinions.
D) The thesis.

5. Why do we need to stop wasting food and make sure we eat what we buy?
A) Because it is bad for our health and energy levels.
B) Because it creates pollution and causes diseases.
C) Because it wastes money and resources.
D) Because it helps us understand different topics and why they are important.

6. What is the purpose of analytical exposition text?

A) To persuade the reader to believe something by presenting one side of the argument.
B) To explain something in a comprehensive way by presenting supporting opinions.
C) To organize information and make it easier to understand.
D) To learn about different topics and understand different opinions.

7. What is the structure of analytical exposition text?

A) Thesis, arguments, reiteration or conclusion.
B) Arguments, thesis, reiteration or conclusion.
C) Reiteration or conclusion, arguments, thesis.
D) Thesis, reiteration or conclusion, arguments.

8. Why is it important to read analytical exposition text?

A) To waste food and money. 4/5
3/4/24, 8:22 AM contoh analytical exposition - made with Diffit

B) To skip breakfast.
C) To think critically and make informed decisions.
D) To understand different topics and why they are important.

9. What is the main idea or opinion in an analytical exposition text?

A) The arguments that support the thesis.
B) The reiteration or conclusion.
C) The supporting opinions.
D) The thesis.

10. Why do we need to stop wasting food and make sure we eat what we buy?
A) Because it is bad for our health and energy levels.
B) Because it creates pollution and causes diseases.
C) Because it wastes money and resources.
D) Because it helps us understand different topics and why they are important.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the purpose of an analytical exposition text?

2. What is the structure of an analytical exposition text?

3. Why is it important to read analytical exposition texts?

4. What are some examples of analytical exposition texts mentioned in the passage?

5. Based on the examples given, why is it important to support the thesis with arguments in an
analytical exposition text?

Open-ended Prompts
1. How do you persuade someone to believe something?

2. Why is it important to understand different topics and opinions?

3. What are some examples of things that are important to you and why? 5/5

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