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International Journal of Management Reviews, Vol.

19, 4–30 (2017)

DOI: 10.1111/ijmr.12076

Resilience in Business and Management

Research: A Review of Influential
Publications and a Research Agenda
Martina K. Linnenluecke
UQ Business School, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia

This paper identifies the development of and gaps in knowledge in business and man-
agement research on resilience, based on a systematic review of influential publications
among 339 papers, books and book chapters published between 1977 and 2014. An-
alyzing these records shows that resilience research has developed into five research
streams, or lines of enquiry, which view resilience as (1) organizational responses to ex-
ternal threats, (2) organizational reliability, (3) employee strengths, (4) the adaptability
of business models or (5) design principles that reduce supply chain vulnerabilities and
disruptions. A review of the five streams suggests three key findings: First, resilience has
been conceptualized quite differently across studies, meaning that the different research
streams have developed their own definitions, theories and understandings of resilience.
Second, conceptual similarities and differences among these streams have not yet been
explored, nor have insights been gleaned about any possible generalizable principles
for developing resilience. Third, resilience has been operationalized quite differently,
with few insights into the empirics for detecting resilience to future adversity (or the
absence thereof). This paper outlines emerging research trends and pathways for future
research, highlighting opportunities to integrate and expand on existing knowledge,
as well as avenues for further investigation of resilience in business and management

Introduction more quickly, recover faster or develop more unusual

ways of doing business under duress than others (e.g.
Unexpected events and abrupt changes often sur- Sutcliffe and Vogus 2003; Vogus and Sutcliffe 2007).
prise organizations. Natural disasters disrupt supply At the employee level, the term has been used to refer
chains, terrorist attacks shock the public and paralyze to the ability of organizational members to bounce
financial markets, and industrial accidents have ma- back, and even succeed, in the face of problems and
jor ecological and economic consequences that ripple adversity (e.g. Luthans et al. 2010; Shin et al. 2012).
through supply chains, from raw materials to trans- Resilience is generally seen as a desirable charac-
portation. Case and anecdotal evidence exemplifies teristic for an organization (and for its members) to
that some organizations are more successful in re- possess in order to deal with various types of adver-
sponding to (or even surviving) unexpected, abrupt sity. ‘Resilience’ sometimes refers to rigidity: for in-
and/or ‘extreme’ events than others under similar cir- stance, an organization’s inability or unwillingness to
cumstances (Fiksel et al. 2015; Gittell et al. 2006). change owing to a deeply entrenched organizational
But what makes some organizations more successful culture (see Davies and Thomas 2003; Limnios et al.
in dealing with, and responding to, the unfamiliar? 2014); however, the term more commonly refers to
The term ‘resilience’ has been used at the organi- both organizational and employee strength, persever-
zational level to describe the inherent characteris- ance and recovery when encountering adversity. Al-
tics of those organizations that are able to respond though ‘resilience’ is an increasingly common theme

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Resilience in Business and Management Research 5

in academic research, business practice, public policy Janssen et al. (2006) and Janssen (2007). The first
and the popular press, its conceptualization and oper- step is the compilation of a comprehensive data set of
ationalization have been quite varied across studies. A relevant publications and their citation records (i.e. a
number of commentators (Klein et al. 2003; Manyena full record of their cited references). Next, the citation
2006) have argued that, in order for resilience to be data need to be cleaned. The data can then be analyzed
a useful and valid concept, it is necessary to have a and correlated using HistCiteTM to map relationships
solid understanding of the origin of the concept and between publications, and the results can be visual-
how it is defined, by which variables it is determined, ized by the software for means of communication.
and how it can be assessed, maintained and improved Each of these steps is detailed below.
over time.
As a first step in this direction, this paper identifies
Data collection and data cleaning
the development of knowledge and gaps in knowledge
in business and management research on resilience. Publications for inclusion in this review were
The bibliographic mapping and visualization soft- identified through Boolean searches within the
ware HistCiteTM was used for the analysis. The Social Sciences Citation Index, an online academic
software produces genealogical maps of publications citation database within the Thomson Reuters Web
within a field of research, which provide insights into of ScienceTM platform. Within this database, a
a field’s structure and history (Garfield 2004; van Eck search was conducted for publications with the term
and Waltman 2014). Using the HistCiteTM -generated ‘resilien*’ in the title, abstracts or keywords. The
bibliographic map as guidance, this paper identifies asterisk (*) was included as a wildcard symbol to
influential publications on resilience in business search for variations of the term resilience (such
and management research, and their interrelations, as resilient or resiliency). To ensure that the search
and reviews key lines of enquiry, their theoretical was not too broad and focused on business and
underpinnings and their contributions to understand- management research, it was limited to publications
ing resilience. Findings from the review show the classified as belonging to the areas of ‘business’ or
fragmented conceptualization and operationalization ‘management’. The comprehensive list of journals
of the concept across five research streams, which included in these areas can be accessed from the Web
view resilience as (1) organizational responses to of ScienceTM website. The search found 453 records.
external threats, (2) organizational reliability, (3) The 453 records were downloaded and imported
employee strengths, (4) the adaptability of business into HistCiteTM (version 12.03.17). The records were
models or (5) design principles that reduce supply manually cleaned by two reviewers, who were asked
chain vulnerabilities and disruptions. The paper to check the title, abstract and keywords of each
outlines emerging research trends and pathways record, and, if necessary, refer to the full text of the
for future research, highlighting opportunities to publication to determine its suitability for inclusion
integrate and expand on existing knowledge as well in the review. In cases where both reviewers agreed
as avenues for further investigation of resilience in that a publication should not be part of the analysis,
business and management studies. it was removed. Cases of disagreement were referred
back to both reviewers for re-evaluation. Removed
publications used the term ‘resilience’ in the abstract
Methodology: mapping resilience or keywords, but did not further elaborate the concept
in business and management research or relate the concept to organizations or management.
For example, Dongsheng et al. (2002) reported in
Bibliographic mapping is an established approach for their abstract that ‘trends in advertising demonstrated
reviewing a field of research and its influential pub- resilience’, yet this is the only instance the paper
lications, and allows for an objective assessment of refers to resilience. As a result of the data cleaning,
the development of thought on a topic (Börner et al. 131 records were removed, leaving 322 records in
2003; Janssen 2007; Janssen et al. 2006). A central the data set.
part of this technique is the production of a biblio-
graphic map of the topic of interest for visualizing
Manual additions to the data set
the intellectual origins of that topic and the struc-
ture of the literature over time. Data collection and To check whether any records were inadvertently
analysis follow the methodological steps outlined by overlooked, a cited reference search was conducted

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6 M. K. Linnenluecke

Table 1. Manual additions to the data set

Author(s) Year Publication details LCS GCS Reason for manual adding

Staw et al. 1981 Administrative Science Quarterly 17 985 The publication does not refer to ‘resilience’, but
addresses aspects of responses to threat which
formed the basis for future work on resilience.
Meyer 1982 Administrative Science Quarterly 16 464 The publication was not captured in the initial
search as it does not refer to ‘resilience’ in the
title, abstract or keywords.
Perrow 1984 Normal Accidents 19 406 Book (not indexed)
Wildavsky 1988 Searching for Safety 19 286 Book (not indexed)
Weick and Roberts 1993 Collective Mind in Organizations: 17 1064 The publication does not refer to ‘resilience’ but
Heedful Interrelating on Flight addresses aspects of reliability which formed the
Decks basis for future work on resilience.
Bandura 1997 Self-Efficacy: The Exercise of 24 9230 Book (not indexed)
Seligman 1998 Learned Optimism 18 140 Book (not indexed)
Weick et al. 1999 Organizing For High Reliability: 15 385 Book Chapter (not indexed)
Processes Of Collective
Mindfulness (in Res Organ Behav)
Weick and Sutcliffe 2001 Managing the Unexpected 17 650 Book (not indexed)
Luthans 2002a Academy of Management Executive 17 187 Not captured in initial search
Sutcliffe and Vogus 2003 Organizing for Resilience (in Positive 28 118 Book Chapter (not indexed)
Org Scholar)
Cameron et al. 2003 Positive organizational scholarship: 18 328 Edited Book (not indexed)
Foundations of a new discipline
Rice and Caniato 2003 Supply Chain Management Review 15 129 Not captured in initial search
Christopher and Peck 2004 International Journal of Logistics 20 150 Not captured in initial search
Sheffi 2005 Resilient Enterprise 22 220 Book (not indexed)
Kleindorfer and Saad 2005 Production and Operations 18 283 Not captured in initial search
Gittell et al. 2006 Journal of Applied Behavioral 14 40 Not captured in initial search

Sorted by year in ascending order. The Local Citation Score (LCS) refers to the count of citations to each publication within the collection,
while the Global Citation Score (GSC) refers to the count of citations to each publication within the Web of ScienceTM .

within HistCiteTM . Omissions can occur when a two book chapters; see Table 1). It should be noted
record does not meet the search criteria (i.e. it does that, while publications in the data set cite works
not contain the search term ‘resilien*’ in the title, from the psychology literature, there are few citations
abstract or keywords) or when a record is among the to studies from ecology or engineering (even though
publication sources not systematically indexed in the both fields have a significant history in resilience
Web of ScienceTM database (such as books or book research).
chapters). Furthermore, restricting the search to the In addition, manual editing of records was under-
field of business and management may have missed taken to unify citation records where needed, as incon-
contributions not classified by the Web of ScienceTM sistencies can result from differences in journal styles
as belonging to this domain. The cited reference or incorrect spellings of author names. Such incon-
search shows all references cited by publications sistencies can be problematic, as HistCiteTM cannot
within the data set and allows the user to identify identify connections between publications and visu-
publications that have been cited (and are thus possi- alize these connections when publications are cited
bly relevant to the topic under investigation), but that inconsistently. With the manual additions, the final
are not included in the data collection themselves data set contained 339 records across 133 publication
(Garfield 2004). The cited reference search identified sources, published between 1977 and 2014 (cut-off:
17 additional publications, which were manually 31 August 2014, which includes online-first articles
added to the final data set (including seven books and published up to this point).

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Resilience in Business and Management Research 7

reflect post-9/11 concerns about terrorism, but also

about the growing complexity and interdependence
of socio-economic, financial and technological
systems and the associated heightened risk of
failure (e.g. Allen and Powell 2013; Kambhu et al.
2007). The citation map generated with HistCiteTM
(see Figure 2) illustrates the most highly cited
publications within the data set along a timeline (left
side of figure). Papers are displayed as nodes, and
the citation connections between them as arrows.
The size of each node highlights the quantitative
importance of the respective publication in the map.
Figure 1. Publications on resilience in the business and The arrows do not reveal why one paper cites another
management field (per year) paper; this information can only be determined by
closer examination of the respective publications and
Results: citation statistics and citation is outlined in further detail throughout this paper.
map Nonetheless, the citation graph allows the identifi-
cation of knowledge development and knowledge
The yearly output of research on resilience in the field gaps in a particular field, as researchers typically cite
of business and management is mapped in Figure 1. the prior research they build upon. Corresponding
Since about 2000, there has been an exponential citation details and citation counts for each node in
increase in publications on resilience. This may Figure 2 can be found in Table 2.

Figure 2. Citation network

Note: The papers are displayed as nodes and along a timeline; older publications are displayed at the top of the network while newer papers
are displayed at the bottom. Articles are numbered in chronological order: see Table 2 for the corresponding full citation details of each
paper. Different streams of research are surrounded by grey shading for greater visual clarity.

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8 M. K. Linnenluecke

Table 2. List with highly cited papers in the paper citation network

No. Author(s) and year Journal/publication details LCS GCS

1 Staw et al. (1981) Administrative Science Quarterly 17 985

2 Meyer (1982) Administrative Science Quarterly 16 464
3 Perrow (1984) Normal Accidents (Book) 19 406
4 Wildavsky (1988) Searching for Safety (Book) 19 286
5 Sitkin (1992) Research in Organizational Behavior 9 294
6 Weick and Roberts (1993) Administrative Science Quarterly 17 1064
7 Weick (1993) Administrative Science Quarterly 23 773
8 Bandura (1997) Self-Efficacy (Book) 24 9230
9 Seligman (1998 Learned Optimism (Book) 18 140
10 Weick et al. (1999) Research in Organizational Behavior 15 385
11 Weick and Sutcliffe (2001) Managing the Unexpected (Book) 17 650
12 Luthans (2002a) Academy of Management Executive 17 187
13 Rudolph and Repenning (2002) Administrative Science Quarterly 8 81
14 Coutu (2002) Harvard Business Review 22 90
15 Luthans (2002b) Journal of Organizational Behavior 18 269
16 Cameron et al. (2003) Positive Organizational Scholarship (Edited Book) 18 328
17 Sutcliffe and Vogus (2003) Positive Organizational Scholarship (Book Chapter) 28 118
18 Rice and Caniato (2003) Supply Chain Management Review 15 129
19 Hamel and Valikangas (2003) Harvard Business Review 26 96
20 Christopher and Peck (2004) International Journal of Logistics Management 20 150
21 Kleindorfer and Saad (2005) Production and Operations Management 18 283
22 Sheffi (2005) The Resilient Enterprise 22 220
23 Sheffi and Rice (2005) MIT Sloan Management Review 21 126
24 Gittell et al. (2006) Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences 14 40
25 Luthans et al. (2006) Journal of Organizational Behavior 14 105
26 Craighead et al. (2007) Decision Sciences 18 152
27 Luthans and Youssef (2007) Journal of Management 16 151
28 Youssef and Luthans (2007) Journal of Management 12 95
29 Luthans et al. (2007) Personnel Psychology 18 204
30 Avey et al. (2008) Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences 6 69
31 Luthans et al. (2008) Academy of Management Learning & Education 9 79
32 Ponomarov and Holcomb (2009) International Journal of Logistics Management 15 43
33 Powley (2009) Human Relations 5 19
34 Avey et al. (2009) Human Resource Management 10 48
35 Pettit et al. (2010) Journal of Business Logistics 9 32
36 Luthans et al. (2010) Human Resource Development Quarterly 8 43
37 Klibi et al. (2010) European Journal of Operational Research 6 76
38 Juettner and Maklan (2011) = Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 5 9

Cutoff at LCS ࣙ 5

The review (and display of publications in Figure 2) therefore had little influence on the academic debate
was limited to the more highly cited publications to fo- on resilience to date. A similar picture emerges when
cus on those that were influential in business and man- looking at the Global Citation Score (GSC) of each
agement research on resilience (as evidenced through paper, which refers to the count of citations to each
their citation count) and to also maintain visual clarity publication within the Web of ScienceTM . Of the 339
of Figure 2 because of the density of citation links. records in the data set, 116 records were not cited by
There is no hard rule as to where the cut-off should other publications within the Web of ScienceTM (GCS
be set; however, it is typically set at a point where the of 0).
citations are levelling off owing to an exponentially
decreasing citation count. In this paper, this point was
at a Local Citation Score (LCS) of ࣙ5, which refers Developments in resilience research
to the count of citations to each publication within the
data set. Of the 339 records in the data set, 249 records This section reviews and discusses the main research
were not cited by other publications within the data streams displayed in Figure 2 (grey-shaded for clar-
set (LCS of 0). A large proportion of publications ity). These streams can be regarded as different lines

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Resilience in Business and Management Research 9

of enquiry into resilience that developed in the busi- response, influencing an organization’s strategic po-
ness and management literature over time and share sitioning and even its survival. However, the tensions
a distinct definition, theory or understanding of re- between the propositions in the two papers and some
silience. Following the review, the paper summarizes other important questions have not been fully resolved
emerging research trends among recently published to date; in particular, whether and how organizations
papers that have not yet attracted enough citations to can avoid threat-rigidity and ‘activate’ resilience in
be included on the citation map. It outlines knowl- response to threat, and how resilience can success-
edge gaps and opportunities to integrate and expand fully be built across individual, group and organi-
on existing knowledge, and concludes with pathways zational levels of analysis. This is probably because
for future research. resilience research from the mid-1980s onwards (re-
viewed in the next section) focused on firm-internal
disruptions leading to industrial accidents and the re-
Conceptual origins: organizational responses to liability of high-risk technologies. It was only after
external threats 9/11 that resilience research reemphasized the im-
The origins of the resilience concept in the busi- portance of external threats and thus began to revisit
ness and management literature can be traced back to Staw et al.’s (1981) and Meyer’s (1982) contributions
two seminal papers by Staw et al. (1981) and Meyer (see section on ‘The adaptability of business mod-
(1982), displayed at the top of Figure 2. Both papers els’). The papers by Staw et al. (1981) and Meyer
draw upon variation–selection–retention mechanisms (1982) therefore initially had little influence on the
posited by evolutionary theory (see Campbell 1965, resilience field, even though Meyer (1982) was the
1969: outside the scope of this review), but devel- first expressly to use ‘resilience’ as a concept within
oped very different propositions regarding how or- the business and management literature.
ganizations respond to external threats. Staw et al.
(1981) introduced theory on how negatively framed The 1980s and 1990s: resilience as reliability
situations lead to risk avoidance and maladaptive out-
comes in the form of ‘threat-rigidity effects’, owing From the 1980s onwards, large-scale accidents and
to an overall tendency for individuals, groups and or- disasters such as Chernobyl, Exxon Valdez, Bhopal
ganizations to emphasize well-learned or dominant and the Space Shuttle Challenger accident gener-
responses when facing adversity (rather than flexi- ated significant interest in researching their causes
ble and adaptable learning). Meyer (1982) extended and consequences. Academic interest shifted from
this line of enquiry in an empirical study of hospital external events and their consequences for organi-
responses to an unexpected doctors’ strike or ‘envi- zations (reviewed above) towards internal organi-
ronmental jolt’, but contradicted the proposition by zational reliability; in particular, the reliability of
Staw et al. (1981) that an external threat automat- complex intra-organizational processes and the avoid-
ically places an organization at risk. Findings from ance of small failures, deviations and other mal-
Meyer’s study suggested that organizations can dis- functions which could potentially escalate into high-
play adaptability in the form of two different types of consequence events (see the summary in Table 4).
responses: they can either absorb the impact of the en- Case studies were the main methodological tool
vironmental jolt by undergoing first-order change and for attempting to capture these processes. The re-
single-loop learning (labelled ‘resiliency’), or they silience literature reviewed in this section developed
can adopt new practices or configurations through alongside a larger body of work on topics such as
second-order change and double-loop learning (la- risk and crisis management and practice-led work
belled ‘retention’). Meyer (1982) further concluded about emergency planning and business continuity,
that resilience is influenced by an organization’s strat- comprehensively reviewed elsewhere (e.g. Pearson
egy and its slack resources, while retention is shaped and Clair 1998; Shrivastava 1994, 1995; Smith and
by an organization’s ideologies and constrained by Elliott 2006).
organizational structures. Perrow’s (1984) book (see Figure 2) introduced the
Staw et al. (1981) and Meyer (1982) contributed to first major theoretical contribution on resilience as re-
the literature by observing that the way in which orga- liability, Normal Accident Theory, and proposed that
nizations respond to external threats triggers organi- high-risk technological systems are vulnerable to fail-
zational processes that can lead to either a functional ure because they are becoming increasingly complex
or a dysfunctional (or successful or unsuccessful) and difficult for personnel to operate. The Three Mile

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10 M. K. Linnenluecke

Island nuclear power station accident illustrates the continuously operate under vastly complex condi-
characteristics of a ‘normal accident’: A small fail- tions. The researchers concluded that the error-free
ure in a secondary, non-nuclear section of the power performance is not just brought about by not failing
station triggered increasingly serious failures, which (despite the potential to do so, see Roberts 1990), but
operators were unable to diagnose and respond to, re- by an active search for reliability, thus giving rise to
sulting in a rapidly escalating incident and partial nu- High Reliability Organizing as a second major theory
clear meltdown. However, Normal Accident Theory alongside Normal Accident Theory. High-reliability
soon came under criticism for its deterministic stance organizations have therefore also been described as
and proposition that major accidents are inevitable reliability-seeking, rather than reliability-achieving
for technological reasons and should be considered as entities (see Rochlin 1999; Sutcliffe 2011).
a ‘normal’ consequence (rather than an exceptional One of the highly cited contributions from this pe-
occurrence) in complex and tightly coupled systems riod (see Figure 2) is the paper by Weick and Roberts
(e.g. Hopkins 1999). (1993) on the operation of aircraft carrier flight decks.
Nonetheless, Normal Accident Theory gave rise to The authors coined the concept of ‘collective mind’,
a ‘reliability paradigm’ (Van Den Eede et al. 2006), defined as ‘a pattern of heedful interrelations of ac-
which showed itself through greater attention to op- tions in a social system’ (p. 357), and developed the
erational safety and reliability in organizational re- hypothesis that increases in heedful interrelating and
search and practice. Wildavsky’s 1988 book, Search- mindful comprehension of unfolding events decrease
ing for Safety (see Figure 2), reflected this paradigm the potential for organizational errors. In other words,
and analyzed the considerable degree of safety that the authors suggested that high-reliability organiza-
society had thus far achieved. Wildavsky concluded tions enact aggregate mental processes (information
that two strategies were important in responding to processes, heedful action and mindful attention) that
the dangers introduced by technological progress: (1) are more fully developed than those in organizations
anticipation (or stability) as a strategy for assessing that are primarily concerned with efficiency. Pro-
vulnerability and avoiding potential dangers, and (2) cesses of sensemaking were also an important aspect
resilience as ‘the capacity to cope with unanticipated of Weick’s (1993) study, which was published along-
dangers after they have become manifest, learning to side the paper by Weick and Roberts (1993). Weick
bounce back’ (p. 77). This definition suggested that analyzed how a group of smokejumpers responded
resilience is a generalized capacity to learn and to to the Mann Gulch disaster and concluded that sev-
act without knowing in advance the situation or event eral factors contribute to organizational resilience, in-
that needs to be acted upon, which was later seen as cluding the ability to improvise, virtual role systems,
an important aspect of High Reliability Organizing organizational wisdom and respectful individual and
(reviewed below). social interactions.
Subsequent studies focused on investigating how Further research on high-reliability organizations
organizations can prepare for future unknown chal- (see Figure 2) continued to explore how these orga-
lenges. Sitkin (1992) (see Figure 2) recommended nizations find ways to address challenging conditions
that managers should not try to avoid failure, but and problems as they occur and before their effects
foster ‘intelligent failure’ (i.e. experimentation) as escalate (see Weick and Sutcliffe 2001; Weick et al.
an essential part of effective organizational learning 1999). A key paper that reinvigorated research on
processes, also to ensure that minor failures do not High Reliability Organizing and moved it into main-
continue and intensify into a major incident. How- stream organizational theory was Weick et al.’s (1999)
ever, researchers increasingly grappled with the issue reconceptualization of the high-reliability literature.
of how learning takes place in tightly coupled orga- Weick and colleagues proposed that high-reliability
nizational systems where the scale of consequences organizations embody processes of mindfulness that
precludes learning through experimentation (as pro- suppress tendencies toward inertia, including a pre-
posed by Sitkin). A group of researchers at the Uni- occupation with failure, reluctance to simplify inter-
versity of California at Berkeley began to observe pretations, sensitivity to operations, commitment to
organizations that operate high-hazard technologies resilience (in the sense of Wildavsky’s definition),
and require error-free performance to avoid major and underspecified structuring. The authors concep-
catastrophes (aircraft carriers, the US Air Traffic Con- tualized resilience not as an outcome variable, but as
trol system, nuclear power plants) to analyze how a mindful process leading to reliability. The construct
they avoid accidents and failures, even though they of mindfulness was further elaborated by Weick and

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Resilience in Business and Management Research 11

Sutcliffe (2001) in their book Managing the Unex- foundations for studying resilience, but also included
pected, and refined in later editions. The underlying a line of enquiry that revisited earlier work (see sec-
proposition of their work was that accidents or catas- tion on ‘The adaptability of business models’). These
trophic failures can be forestalled by ongoing small streams have developed in relative isolation from each
adjustments that prevent errors from accumulating. other (only a handful of connections exist between the
Combined, the studies within this research stream left and right side of Figure 2). Opportunities for in-
have created a wealth of knowledge on safety and tegration have not yet been explored, and are outlined
reliability. High Reliability Organizing has emerged in the Discussion section of this paper.
as the dominant theory; probably because it is less
‘deterministic’ and because it is pursued by a dedi- Managing employee strengths. The first stream of
cated research group at Berkley (Smart et al. 2003). post-9/11 research on resilience, reviewed in this sec-
However, several points remain unresolved. Among tion and summarized in Table 5, started with the
those is the conceptual relationship between High Re- works of Coutu (2002) and Luthans (2002a,b) and
liability Organizing and Normal Accident Theory. developed into a new line of enquiry on building re-
Some researchers regard the theories as fundamen- silience through employee strengths. This research
tally different; others see High Reliability Organizing stream (see right side of Figure 2) is separate from
as an extension of Normal Accident Theory, because prior work and has theoretical origins in the clinical
it considers high-risk technologies, but is focused on and developmental psychology literatures. Publica-
those organizations that take extraordinary steps to tions within this stream drew on Bandura’s (1997)
achieve error-free performance (Brown 1993, Smart work on self-efficacy, concerned with individuals’
et al. 2003). Rudolph and Repenning (2002) argued beliefs in their own abilities and associated per-
that both theories have blind spots, as they do not con- formance accomplishments, and Seligman’s (1998)
sider the role and accumulation of non-novel events in work on learned optimism, concerned with how in-
organizational accidents and disasters. Their research dividuals’ optimistic or pessimistic thoughts about
(see Figure 2) suggests that an over-accumulation of events in their lives change what ensues. The re-
interruptions past a certain threshold can shift an or- search stream reflects the positive scholarship move-
ganization from a resilient to a fragile, self-escalating ment that emerged at the time (Cameron et al. 2003)
regime that amplifies failure. Other unresolved points and was based on strong beliefs that (and especially
(see Discussion) include to what extent and how post-September 11) more attention should be directed
the principles of High Reliability Organizing can be towards nurturing the ‘good’ in people and organiza-
transferred across organizations to create resilience tions, including optimism, hope and resilience (e.g.
in other contexts (Boin and Hart 2010). Luthans 2002b). While this research stream began
with conceptual work, it resulted in quantitative stud-
ies and measures.
Resilience post 9/11
Coutu’s (2002) paper put forward the idea that
Preoccupation with internal organizational responses employee capabilities are important for building re-
to accidents, disruptions, crises and disasters came to silience. Coutu used Morgan Stanley’s response to
an abrupt end following the events of 9/11. The 2001 the 9/11 attacks as a case example to demonstrate
terrorist attacks in the US had profound impacts on how confrontation with reality (the earlier 1993 World
resilience research, ending the predominant concern Trade Centre attack) had allowed the company to rec-
with intra-organizational reliability, and shifting at- ognize the need to implement a company-wide disas-
tention to coping mechanisms and response strategies ter preparedness program, resulting in the successful
under conditions of great environmental uncertainty. evacuation of most of its 2700 employees across 22
At that time, the concept of resilience also appeared floors in the 9/11 attacks. Luthans (2002a,b), in con-
in regulatory settings. For instance, the US Board trast, advanced research on how to develop and man-
of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, in con- age psychological strength in employees. Luthans
junction with the Office of the Comptroller of the Cur- (2002b) proposed that one of variables leading to psy-
rency and the Securities and Exchange Commission, chological strength is resiliency, defined as ‘the capa-
introduced guidelines for strengthening the resilience bility of individuals to cope successfully in the face of
of the US financial system (see Hiles 2008). The three significant change, adversity, or risk’ and as ‘the pos-
research streams that followed, reviewed in the fol- itive psychological capacity to rebound, to “bounce
lowing sections, drew largely upon new conceptual back” from adversity, uncertainty, conflict, failure or

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12 M. K. Linnenluecke

even positive change, progress and increased respon- psychological capital (e.g. Luthans et al. 2006) and re-
sibility’ (p. 702). garded as amenable to managerial intervention. Orga-
A significant body of research developed around nizations are assumed to be in a position to build psy-
psychological capital development in organizations chological capital through developmental processes,
(see right side of Figure 2). Much of the subsequent which, in turn, improve employees’ abilities to cope
literature in this research stream drew upon the ini- with change, adversity or risk. Researchers started to
tial definition of resiliency by Luthans (2002b), or investigate ways to develop and improve resilience ef-
variations thereof (see also Table 5). Luthans et al. fectively (and psychological capital more generally)
(2006) extended Luthans’ (2002b) conceptualization over time, including employee development options
of employee strengths by introducing the so-called such as web-based and short training interventions
psychological capital (or PsyCap) measures as a new (Luthans et al. 2008, 2010). However, this literature
theoretical underpinning of positive organizational raises questions (see Discussion) as to what extent
behavior. PsyCap was conceptualized as consisting of employee strengths (self-efficacy, optimism, hope and
four synergistic factors (self-efficacy, optimism, hope resiliency) fundamentally contribute to resilience, and
and resiliency). Luthans et al. (2006) argued that re- as to how important employees are to aspects such as
silience can be developed through employee interven- mindfulness and information processing.
tion strategies, for instance, by asking organizational
members to identify personal setbacks within their The adaptability of business models. A second
work domain, to assess the realistic impact of their stream of post-9/11 research has focused on under-
setback, and to identify options for taking action. Re- standing how companies adjust, adapt and reinvent
silience in this context is seen as a contributing factor their business models in an ever-changing environ-
towards employee psychological capital. ment (and, ideally, before they are forced to do so by
Several studies on the right side of Figure 2 in- external circumstances). Authors renewed their inter-
vestigated correlations between the PsyCap measure est in the organizational processes that can lead to
(and/or its individual factors) and work-related out- either a functional or a dysfunctional (or successful
comes. They found positive correlations between Psy- or unsuccessful) response to adverse, external change
Cap and job satisfaction, work happiness, organiza- (Meyer 1982; Staw et al. 1981) and investigated en-
tional commitment and performance (Luthans et al. abling conditions that allow companies to be resilient.
2007; Youssef and Luthans 2007), as well as negative Highly cited publications in this line of enquiry in-
correlations between PsyCap and employee stress, in- clude Gittell et al. (2006), Hamel and Valikangas
tentions to quit and job search behaviors (Avey et al. (2003) and Sutcliffe and Vogus (2003), summarized
2009). PsyCap was also found to be related to pos- in Table 6.
itive employee emotions, which in turn were related Sutcliffe and Vogus (2003) revisited the idea of
to attitudes and behaviors relevant to organizational adaptability as a way to overcome adversity (see
change (Avey et al. 2008). However, the operational- Meyer 1982; Staw et al. 1981). The authors defined
ization and measurement of PsyCap (and resilience) resilience as ‘positive adjustment under challenging
varied across studies. Youssef and Luthans (2007) conditions’ (p. 95), which includes adjustments to
adopted Block and Kremen’s (1996) ego-resiliency both ongoing strains due to small interruptions (re-
scale, designed to measure an individual’s positive en- ferring to the reliability literature reviewed above) and
gagement with the world, while Luthans et al. (2007) severe disruptions due to exogenous events (referring
developed a composite PsyCap measure that included to the literature on organizational responses to exter-
a six-item measure for resilience, adapted from Wag- nal threats, also reviewed above). Sutcliffe and Vogus
nild and Young’s (1993) measure of resilience in (2003) attempted to combine insights from the two re-
health and nursing. The composite PsyCap measure search streams and concluded that organizations are
was also used by Avey et al. (2008, 2009) and Luthans more likely to be resilient if enabling conditions are
et al. (2008, 2010). present (broader information processing, loosening
Overall, this stream of literature suggests that re- of control, utilization of slack) as they create the con-
silience is a learnable capacity that can be mea- tinuing ability to use internal and external resources
sured and developed within employees and sets them successfully to resolve issues. Hamel and Valikan-
up for success or failure, independent of their real gas (2003) suggested innovation as another enabling
ability to cope with unfamiliar events. Resilience condition, as it allows organizations constantly and
has thereby been conceptualized as a factor of continuously to anticipate and adjust to a broad range

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Resilience in Business and Management Research 13

of turbulence. In addition, Sutcliffe and Vogus (2003) diversification across suppliers, multiple transport
revived the idea that resilience takes place at multiple or production modes) (Christopher and Peck 2004;
(individual, group, organizational) levels (see Staw Kleindorfer and Saad 2005; Klibi et al. 2010;
et al. 1981), but did not explore how the different Pettit et al. 2010; Rice and Caniato 2003; Sheffi 2005;
levels interact, leaving this to future research. Sheffi and Rice 2005). The impacts of implement-
Similarly to Sutcliffe and Vogus (2003), Gittell ing these design principles on both cost and service
et al. (2006) drew upon Meyer’s (1982) findings and characteristics remain unclear, yet there is a com-
made a case that organizations need a viable busi- mon assumption that the ‘right’ configuration of a
ness model that allows financial reserves (or slack supply chain with carefully designed flexibility and
resources) to be built up, so that these resources can redundancy alternatives can bring significant collat-
be used to provide a strong commitment to employ- eral benefits to organizations (e.g. Rice and Caniato
ees during the times of crises, and sustain relation- 2003; Sheffi 2005; Sheffi and Rice 2005).
ships that act as enabling conditions for organizations Influential empirical contributions in this research
to return quickly to full performance. The authors stream are sparse and fragmented. Juettner and Mak-
investigated major airlines’ responses to 9/11 and lan (2011) provided some case evidence regarding
found that the post-9/11 layoff (intended to improve supply chain resilience in the global financial cri-
economic performance) actually inhibited long-term sis, and concluded that four resilience capabilities
business recovery. Taken together, the studies within (flexibility, velocity/reaction speed, access to timely
this stream of literature propose the creation of slack information, and collaborations among supply chain
resources and other enabling conditions. However, members) can avoid or limit the impacts of adverse
a closer examination shows that they offer limited events on revenue, cost and lead time/availability tar-
insights regarding the ‘optimal’ configuration of re- gets. Craighead et al. (2007) investigated why some
sources and assets, and potential trade-offs between supply chain disruptions are more severe than oth-
increasing resilience and avoiding inefficiencies (see ers and concluded that the severity of supply chain
Discussion). disruptions is related to supply chain design charac-
teristics of density, complexity and node criticality.
Resilient supply chain design. A third and sepa- Owing to the dearth of empirical studies, recent in-
rate stream of post-9/11 research has focused on re- fluential contributions (Pettit et al. 2010; Ponomarov
silient supply chain designs, with influential works and Holcomb 2009; Powley 2009) have developed
outlined in Table 7. The 9/11 attacks revealed the in- models for future research to test empirically which
herent vulnerability of highly interdependent supply capabilities lead to ‘better’ responses and more re-
networks – such that effects of a disruption swiftly silient supply chains. These models may also provide
rippled through the economy. As noted by Rice and opportunities for researchers to look at resilience in a
Caniato (2003, p. 22): multi-level context (see Discussion).

[T]he attacks dramatically illustrated the interdepen-

dence that exists in the supply network – not just New directions: resilience activation
among the trading partners but also with the U.S.
Researchers began to comment that there were few
government agencies involved in the flow of goods
and the transportation infrastructure. This new oper- avenues to detect whether or not an organization
ating environment calls for a supply network design had ‘resilience potential’, prior to demonstrating a
that is both secure and resilient. resilient or non-resilient response (Linnenluecke and
Griffiths 2012). Furthermore, researchers argued that
Most of the influential publications in this research more attention should be devoted to the period of
stream are conceptual contributions, with the excep- detecting a threat (i.e. realizing that an external threat
tion of Craighead et al. (2007) and Juettner and or uncommon situation requires a resilient response)
Maklan (2011). The key focus of the conceptual and activating a corresponding and possibly latent
work rests on deriving theoretical insights into design organizational response (Burnard and Bhamra 2011).
principles that can promote resilience within supply In an attempt to fill this void, Powley (2009) (see
chains. The principles most commonly hypothesized Figure 2) studied a shooting at an American business
to lead to resilience in supply chains or networks school, and concluded that resilience was activated
are flexibility (in some studies referred to as mobil- and engaged through three mechanisms: (i) the
ity or agility) and redundancy (e.g. modular designs, alteration and emergence of relational structures

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14 M. K. Linnenluecke

among the university community (liminal suspen- Xavier et al. 2014), arguing for a link between
sion); (ii) the extent to which community members public sector support and community engagement in
were mindful of the needs of others (compassionate supporting both community and business resilience.
witnessing); and (iii) the availability of overlapping Third, researchers have started to pay increased at-
social and informational resources, both within and tention towards global security concerns and the re-
beyond the boundaries of the university community silience of organizations and supply chains to terrorist
(relational redundancy). This line of research has not attacks (e.g. Urciuoli et al. 2014; Voss and Williams
yet been fully developed, thus leaving opportunities 2013), as well as climate change and trend changes
for future research to study the detection and in weather extremes (e.g. Linnenluecke and Griffiths
activation of resilience in organizations (see also 2013; Wedawatta and Ingirige 2012; Winn and Pogutz
Discussion). 2013; Winston 2014). This research comments on
the significant risks that organizations are exposed
to from environmental instability and analyzes ways
Emerging research trends among recently published
in which organizations can create resilience to these
risks. Related papers focus in particular on how or-
The bibliographic mapping approach presented in ganizations can manage and reduce interdependence
this paper favors papers that have been reasonably within highly complex and vulnerable systems (e.g.
well cited, and does not provide a full account of supply networks), as well as avoid destroying the life-
new research directions among papers that are new supporting foundations provided by ecosystem stabil-
to the literature and have not yet attracted many ity. In addition, some literature has started to analyze
citations. Nonetheless, a manual inspection of recent the role of entrepreneurship and enterprise resilience
publications allows the identification of a number of in developing regions affected by war and terrorism,
important trends. allowing individuals to (re-)engage in economic ac-
First, researchers continue to be interested in tivity in unstable conflict settings (Bullough et al.
understanding employee resilience and psycholog- 2014; Branzei and Abdelnour 2010).
ical capital development. New studies in this area
include further research on psychological capital
development in different cultural contexts (e.g. Discussion and directions for future
Dollwet and Reichard 2014; Reichard et al. 2014; research
Wang et al. 2014) and organizational settings such as
family firms and high-reliability organizations (e.g. Findings from this review show that resilience re-
Bergheim et al. 2013; Memili et al. 2013). In addi- search is fragmented across several research streams.
tion, researchers have extended their investigation One possible reason for this fragmentation is that re-
into the impact of psychological capital development silience research has often been motivated by a par-
on factors such as employees’ attitudes, performance ticular set of circumstances. For instance, resilience
and behaviors, including leadership behaviors and research from the 1980s onwards was focused on de-
behaviors towards organizational change (e.g. Avey tecting and attributing the causes of the large-scale ac-
et al. 2011; Luthans et al. 2014; Shin et al. 2012). cidents and disasters of the time. The corresponding
Second, researchers also continue to be interested literature emphasized operational safety and reliabil-
in the topic of supply chain resilience and have – ity, and tried to determine the successful practices of
to some extent – attempted to address the dearth those organizations that had been highly reliable over
of empirical studies on this topic. Recent studies time. Post-9/11 enquires shifted to researching cop-
provide further insights into how factors including ing mechanisms and responses to external threats and
the management of intra-firm relationships through conditions of great uncertainty. The corresponding
inventory management, information sharing and literature concentrated on building resilience through
connectivity influence resilience (e.g. Boone et al. employee strengths, adaptable business models and
2013; Brandon-Jones et al. 2014; Wieland and Wal- better supply chain design. To some extent, the dif-
lenburg 2013). Researchers have also started to focus ferent research streams can be regarded as empirical
on the role of public–private partnerships as well as and conceptual attempts to make sense of events in a
stakeholder, community and institutional support in given period to generate new insights into how orga-
building organizational resilience (e.g. Chen et al. nizations (should) deal with adversity under a partic-
2013; Johnston et al. 2012; Voss and Williams 2013; ular set of circumstances. It is likely that more recent

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Resilience in Business and Management Research 15

events and developments (e.g. the financial crisis, illustrate important context-related points, but they
concerns about climate change) will have an impact do not draw out the context-dependence of their
on the resilience literature going forward. In addition, insights, and little is known about the transferability
it is likely to see future studies on the causes and con- of insights across different contexts. Future research
sequences of major recent catastrophes and disasters. could investigate whether and how findings from
Research thus far has produced a great wealth discrete case examples could be integrated to develop
of knowledge on resilience across different research insights that are more generalizable to different
streams. Reviewing these streams reveals three key settings and contexts (including under-researched
findings. contexts such as organizations in developing coun-
First, resilience has been conceptualized quite dif- tries and conflict settings, see Branzei and Abdelnour
ferently across studies, meaning that the different 2010; Bullough et al. 2014). It may be possible
research streams have developed their own defini- that several theoretical streams become part of a
tions, theories and understandings of resilience. Sec- pluralistic debate on resilience, recognizing that no
ond, conceptual similarities and differences among single publication on the topic provides the ultimate
these streams have not yet been explored, nor have answer for creating resilience in organizations.
insights been gleaned into any possible generalizable The context-dependent nature of research across
principles for developing resilience. Third, resilience different study contexts has also led to highly frag-
has been operationalized quite differently, with few mented conceptualizations of resilience. For exam-
insights into the empirics for detecting resilience to ple, Meyer (1982) was initially interested in organi-
future adversity (or the absence thereof). Some ex- zational responses (or organizational adaptability) to
changes have taken place at the intersections of the an environmental jolt, and thus he conceptualized re-
different research streams; however, neither the lim- silience as an outcome variable, defined as the time
itations of the current body of knowledge nor the needed for the organizations in his study to restore
opportunities for cross-fertilization among different normal levels of operations. Contributions that fol-
research streams (or even among different disciplines, lowed focused on organizational processes preclud-
such as ecology or engineering) have been fully ex- ing failures and malfunctioning from happening (e.g.
plored. The section above has already outlined emerg- mindful processes in the context of high-reliability or-
ing research trends among recently published papers. ganizing; see Weick et al. 1999). Other contributions
In addition, the following sections outline pathways considered developmental aspects related to identify-
for future research, highlighting opportunities to inte- ing and managing employee strengths (Coutu 2002;
grate and expand on existing knowledge, as well as av- Luthans 2002b), adapting business models (Hamel
enues for further investigating resilience in business and Valikangas 2003) or implementing design char-
and management studies. These avenues of future en- acteristics such as flexibility and redundancy for
quiry, summarized in Table 9, are set out to form a re- fostering resilience.
search agenda for improving our understanding of re- It appears that resilience has been conceptualized
silience, especially across different levels of analysis. in several different ways, depending on context.
For example, some studies view resilience as a
way of engaging positively with internal failures,
The context of resilience
weaknesses, deviations or impacts as they become
A first conclusion from examining the knowledge apparent (mindful organizing, non-rigid information
development on resilience is that resilience research processing, experimentation, learning from adversity
has been highly context-dependent. One prominent or small losses, human resources training). Other
approach for assessing resilience has been case- studies suggest that resilience is a way of avoiding
based research on organizational responses in the (resisting or buffering against) external impacts
context of accidents and disasters. These studies by implementing design principles (redundancy,
usually diagnose what happened (or ‘how resilient’ flexibility, reinvention). Some conceptualizations
the organization was) in a certain situation, and emphasize that resilience involves recovering from
seek to derive insights into how future resilience extreme events and disasters (learning, ‘bouncing
may be improved, based on a generalization from back’), possibly even in a strengthened or improved
these insights. Beyond these studies, resilience has fashion. Other studies have conceptualized resilience
been researched in contexts such as organizational as an outcome of recovery attempts and learning
behavior or supply chain design. These studies (as evidenced by the restoration of organizational

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16 M. K. Linnenluecke

Table 3. Core themes in early resilience research

Paper Focus of Conceptual/ Definition of resilience Theory development

investigation empirical

Staw et al. (1981) Organizational Conceptual Staw et al. focus on rigidity The paper introduces
responses to (rather than resilience), defined threat-rigidity theory; the
external threats as the tendency toward underlying hypothesis of the
well-learned or dominant paper stipulates that an external
responses, possibly leading to threat to an organization
maladaptive outcomes under restricts information processing
conditions of threat. and control which, in turn,
leads to rigidity in response.
The authors use multi-level
theorizing and develop an
isomorphic model which
suggests that the relationships
observed at one level hold at
different levels (i.e. across
individuals, groups, and
Meyer (1982) Strategic change Empirical, natural Meyer defines resiliency as the The paper develops adaptation
in hospitals experiment in outcome of organizations theory, emphasizing variation,
the health care undergoing first-order change selection, and retention
sector, and single-loop learning. processes.
bricolage of ‘Resiliency occurs when The paper stipulates that when
ethnography, responses create negative confronted with jolts,
open-ended feedback loops that absorb organizations select and
interviews, and jolts’ impacts and loosen interpret stimuli based on
archival data couplings between prevailing strategies and
organizational and their ideologies.
environment’ (p. 520). Filtered stimuli are theorized to
Resiliency was operationalized elicit organizational responses,
‘in terms of the number of leading to resiliency or
weeks needed to restore retention.
seasonally normal levels of
surgery and occupancy’ (p.

functions). A question that arises is whether these type of resilience approach is most beneficial to firms,
are complementary or competing, or simply context- and under what conditions/in which context(s)? Is
dependent ‘approaches’ to building resilience. resilience specific to a certain situation (e.g. a certain
To date, researchers have neither unified nor re- threat/crisis or type of volatile environment), or
solved whether and how different conceptualizations are there resources, capabilities and organizational
and approaches (e.g. high-reliability organizing, structures that promote resilience in a wide variety of
learning from failure, experimentation, building em- different contexts? Future research could revisit our
ployee strengths) are relevant in different contexts. current understanding of resilience and its applicabil-
Some researchers have, for instance, questioned ity in different situations by more carefully studying
whether the principles of high-reliability organizing and comparing the conceptualization of resilience in
can readily be copied from one type of challenge and different contexts. Studies have also not yet explicitly
one type of organization to another (Boin and Hart focused on differences or similarities across public
2010). While some publications import definitions and private sector/not-for-profit organizations.
from other research streams (see Tables 3–8 for It should be noted that many studies have simply
details), they often assume (rather than test) their assumed that their observations of organizational
applicability in a different context. Future research phenomena explain the concept of resilience, despite
may be able to assist in understanding the context- being conducted in vastly different contextual
dependence of resilience. Interesting questions for settings. In other words, many studies on resilience
further research (see Table 9) could include: What have been driven by the a priori assumption that

C 2015 British Academy of Management and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Table 4. Core themes in research on reliability and resilience

Paper/book Focus of investigation Conceptual/empirical Definition of resilience Theory development

Perrow (1984) Social side of technological The book draws on No definition offered. Perrow focuses on the The book introduces Normal Accident Theory, proposing
risk various case interactive complexity of systems (arising from a that tightly coupled systems with high interactive
examples (nuclear, large number of parts, procedures or operators, complexity will have accidents as a normal consequence.
petrochemical, leading to an inherent potential for unexpected
aerospace) interactions of individual, smaller failures) as well
as their tightness of coupling (system processes
that occur fast, cannot be turned off or isolated
from each other, meaning that disturbances can
spread quickly and irretrievably without being
stopped by any buffers).
Wildavsky Managing risk in technology The book draws on Resilience is defined as ‘learning from adversity The book proposes that trial-and-error, rather than the
(1988) various case how to do better’ (p. 2), and the ‘capacity to cope precautionary principle (risk aversion), is the best way to
examples (nuclear with unanticipated dangers after they have manage risks and improve resilience in unpredictable
power, immune become manifest, learning to bounce back’ environments.
system, tort law) (p. 77).
Sitkin (1992) Inherent dangers of Conceptual Resilience is defined as an outcome of Sitkin introduces a theory of intelligent failure (thoughtfully
Resilience in Business and Management Research

organizational success organizational learning (p. 241). planned actions that promote experimentation, but are
small enough to avoid a major accident or disaster). He
proposes that learning from success fosters reliance on
proven methods and ‘success formulas’ (which can
prevent experimentation and learning), while learning

C 2015 British Academy of Management and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
from failure fosters resilience.
Weick and Collective mindfulness Observational Publication does not refer to ‘resilience’ but The paper introduces the concept of ‘collective mind’,
Roberts research, addresses aspects of reliability which formed the defined as ‘a pattern of heedful interrelations of actions
(1993) triangulation of basis for future work on resilience. in a social system’ (p. 357), and proposes that it leads to
observations by performance in contexts requiring nearly continuous
three faculty operational reliability.
Weick (1993) Collapse of sensemaking Weick provides a Resilience is defined as consisting of four sources: The paper makes a contribution to the sensemaking
reanalysis of improvisation and bricolage, virtual role systems, literature; the four sources of resilience are hypothesized
Maclean’s (1992) the attitude of wisdom, and respectful interaction. to forestall disintegration of role structure and
book Young Men sensemaking in organizations.
and Fire
Weick et al. High Reliability Organizing Conceptual Definition of resilience as the ‘capacity to cope with The paper argues that High Reliability Organizations have
(1999) unanticipated dangers after they have become an underlying reliability which is brought about
manifest, learning to bounce back’ (adapted from processes leading to mindfulness (preoccupation with
Wildavsky 1988, p. 77). failure, reluctance to simplify interpretations, sensitivity
to operations, commitment to resilience, an
underspecification of structures) and the subsequent
capability to discover and manage unexpected events.

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Table 4. Continued

Paper/book Focus of investigation Conceptual/empirical Definition of resilience Theory development

Weick and High Reliability Organizing Conceptual Resilience is defined as the ability to ‘bounce back’ Similar to Weick et al. (1999).
Sutcliffe (p. 14).
Rudolph and Accumulations of System-dynamics The paper refers to resilience, but no formal The paper develops a general theory of how an
Repenning interruptions and model definition is introduced. It is assumed that a organizational system responds to an ongoing stream of
(2002) non-novel events resilient system is one that can offset the non-novel interruptions.
accumulation of interruptions.
Perrow (1984) Social side of technological The book draws on No definition offered. Perrow focuses on the The book introduces Normal Accident Theory, proposing
risk various case interactive complexity of systems (arising from a that tightly coupled systems with high interactive
examples (nuclear, large number of parts, procedures or operators, complexity will have accidents as a normal consequence.
petrochemical, leading to an inherent potential for unexpected
aerospace). interactions of individual, smaller failures) as well
as their tightness of coupling (system processes
that occur fast, cannot be turned off or isolated
from each other, meaning that disturbances can
spread quickly and irretrievably without being

stopped by any buffers).
Wildavsky Managing risk in technology The book draws on Resilience is defined as ‘learning from adversity The book proposes that trial-and-error, rather than the
(1988) various case how to do better’ (p. 2), and the ‘capacity to cope precautionary principle (risk aversion), is the best way to
examples (nuclear with unanticipated dangers after they have manage risks and improve resilience in unpredictable
power, immune become manifest, learning to bounce back’ environments.
system, tort law) (p. 77).
Sitkin (1992) Inherent dangers of Conceptual Resilience is defined as an outcome of Sitkin introduces a theory of intelligent failure (thoughtfully
organizational success organizational learning (p. 241). planned actions that promote experimentation, but are
small enough to avoid a major accident or disaster). He
proposes that learning from success fosters reliance on
proven methods and ‘success formulas’ (which can
prevent experimentation and learning), while learning
from failure fosters resilience.
Weick and Collective mindfulness Observational Publication does not refer to ‘resilience’, but The paper introduces the concept of ‘collective mind’,
Roberts research, addresses aspects of reliability which formed the defined as ‘a pattern of heedful interrelations of actions
(1993) triangulation of basis for future work on resilience. in a social system’ (p. 357), and proposes that it leads to
observations by performance in contexts requiring nearly continuous
three faculty operational reliability.
Weick (1993) Collapse of sensemaking Weick provides a Resilience is defined as consisting of four sources: The paper makes a contribution to the sensemaking
reanalysis of improvisation and bricolage, virtual role systems, literature; the four sources of resilience are hypothesized
Maclean’s (1992) the attitude of wisdom, and respectful interaction. to forestall disintegration of role structure and
book Young Men sensemaking in organizations.
and Fire.

C 2015 British Academy of Management and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
M. K. Linnenluecke

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Resilience in Business and Management Research 19

discernible ‘resilience features’ must have existed

failure, reluctance to simplify interpretations, sensitivity

organizational system responds to an ongoing stream of

The paper argues that High Reliability Organizations have
within the organization(s) under study. However,

processes leading to mindfulness (preoccupation with

capability to discover and manage unexpected events.

underspecification of structures) and the subsequent
research has not yet explicitly established how

an underlying reliability which is brought about

resilience is delimited from related concepts (agility,

The paper develops a general theory of how an

to operations, commitment to resilience, an
safety, stability). Furthermore, research has not
asked whether many organizations already use
resources and capabilities to build resilience against
a range of possible risks – with outcomes that are

Similar to Weick et al. (1999).

‘invisible’ because these resilient organizations

non-novel interruptions.
do not experience any disruptions, deviations or
crises. Consequently, future research could focus on
Theory development

strengthening the validity of the concept.

Organizing for resilience

The second conclusion from this analysis is that stud-
ies on resilience often propose particular ways of
Definition of resilience as the ‘capacity to cope with

manifest, learning to bounce back’ (adapted from

arranging or accumulating assets and resources (in-

Resilience is defined as the ability to ‘bounce back’
unanticipated dangers after they have become

cluding human resources) to create resilience. Meyer

definition is introduced. It is assumed that a

(1982), for instance, suggested that slack (i.e. ‘re-

The paper refers to resilience, but no formal

resilient system is one that can offset the

dundant’) resources were important in absorbing the

impacts of adverse conditions (in this case, a strike).
With reference to Meyer (1982), Gittell et al. (2006)
accumulation of interruptions.

also emphasized the importance of slack resources (fi-

Wildavsky 1988, p. 77).

nancial reserves and viable business models) to help

Definition of resilience

preserve relational reserves over time. Similarly, stud-

ies on resilient supply chains have called for slack re-
sources (diversity, redundancy). However, it has not
yet been fully explored whether certain resources, ca-
(p. 14).

pabilities (including employee strengths) or organiza-

tional structures really promote resilience (or simply
introduce additional costs, e.g. for employee train-
ing), and if so, to what extent they promote resilience

and how they need to be configured to achieve optimal



The literature offers at times contradictory recom-


mendations for how organizations should build re-

silience. Tensions between the need for organizational
stability on the one hand (habits, routines, consis-
High Reliability Organizing
High Reliability Organizing

tency, control and low deviation) and organizational

change on the other hand (search, mindfulness, redun-
Focus of investigation

interruptions and

dancy, openness, preoccupation with failure, imagina-

non-novel events
Accumulations of

tion, experimentation and variety) have not yet been

resolved and require future work (see also Farjoun
2010). A similar issue arises with desired outcomes
such as organizational reliability, on the one hand, and
innovation, adaptability and flexibility, on the other.
Table 4. Continued

Future research could explore the extent to which or-

ganizations should, or need to, ‘tinker’ to find the right
Rudolph and
Weick et al.

Weick and

responses to environmental change, or to what extent




organizations can rely on pre-defined recommenda-

tions for building resilience (see also Taleb 2011).

C 2015 British Academy of Management and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Table 5. Core themes in post-9/11 research on positive organizational behavior

Paper/book Focus of investigation Conceptual/empirical Definition of resilience Theory development

Coutu (2002) The qualities of people that make Conceptual, drawing on ‘The skill and capacity to be robust under Coutu argues that three characteristics hold true
them not falter despite suffering a different case study conditions of enormous stress’ (p. 52). for resilient individuals and organizations: the
through hardship examples acceptance of reality, the propensity to make
meaning of an adverse situation, and the
ability to make do with whatever is at hand.
Luthans (2002a) Developing and managing Conceptual Resilience is defined as perseverance, ‘those The paper develops CHOSE variables
psychological strengths in with positive efficacy will bounce back (confidence, hope, optimism, subjective
employees and be resilient when meeting problems or well-being, and emotional intelligence) to
even failure, while those with low efficacy measure psychological strengths and
will tend to give up when obstacles capabilities of employees.
appear’ (p. 60).
Luthans (2002b) Developing and managing Conceptual ‘Resiliency is the positive psychological The article identifies confidence, hope and
psychological strengths in capacity to rebound, to “bounce back” resiliency as unique, state-like psychological
employees from adversity, uncertainty, conflict, capacities that can not only be validly

failure or even positive change, progress measured, but are open to development and
and increased responsibility’ (p. 702). performance management.
Cameron et al. Editorial on positive organizational Conceptual Refers to the definition by Sutcliffe and Cameron et al. argue for the need to place a new
(2003) scholarship Vogus (2003). emphasis on positive organizational
phenomena (positive change, emotions and
Luthans et al. Micro-intervention models to impact Intervention The capacity of an employee, when beset by Luthans et al. develop a PsyCap (psychological
(2006) employee performance problems and adversity, to bounce back capital) measure and intervention to improve
and even beyond to attain success. confidence/efficacy, optimism, hope, and
resiliency within employees.
Luthans and Youssef Review article Conceptual Same definition as Luthans (2002b) above. The paper argues for the extension of previous
(2007) work on positive organizational scholarship to
consider the development of more integrated
frameworks and refined measures as well as
the measurement of external validity of
Youssef and Luthans The impact of hope, optimism and Empirical, two studies Same definition as Luthans (2002b) above; The findings of the study generally support that
(2007) resilience on work-related resilience was measured using Block and employees’ positive psychological resource
outcomes Kremen’s (1996) 14-item, 4-point Likert capacities (hope, optimism, resilience) relate
Ego-Resiliency Scale. to, and contribute unique variance to, desired
work-related employee outcomes.

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Table 5. Continued

Paper/book Focus of investigation Conceptual/empirical Definition of resilience Theory development

Luthans et al. The impact of hope, optimism, Empirical, two studies Same definition as Luthans (2002b) above. The paper proposes that the composite PsyCap
(2007) resilience and efficacy The researchers designed a PsyCap factor might be a better predictor of
(individually and as a composite questionnaire capturing hope, optimism, performance and satisfaction than the
higher-order factor) on resilience and efficacy, consisting of 24 individual measures (hope, optimism,
work-related outcomes items in total. Resilience was measured resilience and efficacy).
using a 6-item measure, drawing upon
Wagnild and Young’s (1993) 25-item,
7-point Likert Resilience Scale.
Avey et al. (2008) The impact that positive employees Empirical, survey study Resilience is defined as bouncing back from The authors concluded that psychological capital
can have on organizational change setbacks that are bound to occur during an (consisting of hope, efficacy, optimism, and
organizational change process. The resilience) is related to positive employee
authors also quote the definition by emotions that (in turn) are related to attitudes
Luthans (2002b). Resilience was and behaviors relevant to organizational
measured using the above 24-item PsyCap change.
Resilience in Business and Management Research

questionnaire (Luthans et al. 2007).

Luthans et al. Investigation of whether Empirical, Resilience is defined as the ability, when The authors found support that psychological
(2008) psychological capital can be experimental design faced with adversity, to rebound or capital can be developed by a web-based
developed through a web-based ‘bounce back’ from a setback or failure. training intervention.
training intervention Resilience was measured using the above

C 2015 British Academy of Management and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
24-item PsyCap questionnaire (Luthans
et al. 2007).
Avey et al. (2009) Investigation of the impacts of Empirical Similar to Luthans et al. (2006), resilience is The authors found a significant negative
positive psychological capital on defined as the ability, when beset by relationship between positive psychological
employee stress, intentions to quit problems and adversity, to bounce back capital and the variables of employee stress,
and job search behaviors and even beyond to attain success. intentions to quit and job search behaviors.
Resilience was measured using the above
24-item PsyCap questionnaire (Luthans
et al. 2007).
Luthans et al. Investigation of whether short Empirical Similar to Luthans et al. (2006) and Avey Based on their findings, the authors concluded
(2010) training interventions can lead to et al. (2009), resilience is defined as the that an employee’s psychological capital can
an improvement in employee ability, when beset by problems and be developed in ways that result in
on-the-job performance adversity, to bounce back and even beyond performance improvement.
to attain success. Resilience was measured
using the above 24-item PsyCap
questionnaire (Luthans et al. 2007).

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Table 6. Core themes in post-9/11 research on resilient business models

Paper/book Focus of investigation Conceptual/empirical Definition of resilience Theory development

Sutcliffe and How can organizations continually Conceptual ‘The maintenance of positive adjustment The chapter summarizes past findings on
Vogus (2003) achieve desirable outcomes amidst under challenging conditions’ (p. 95). individual, group and organizational
adversity, strain and significant resilience and argues that resilience should be
barriers to adaptation or seen as adaptability to counteract maladaptive
development? processes such as those outlined by Staw et al.
(1981). The authors argue that positive
adjustment under challenging conditions is
more likely to occur if enabling conditions are
present (broader information processing,
loosening of control, utilization of slack).
Hamel and How can organizations develop Conceptual The ability of an organization to dynamically The authors argue that any organization striving
Valikangas strategic resilience? reinvest its business models and strategies for strategic resilience needs to master four

(2003) as circumstances change. This includes challenges: (1) conquer denial (i.e. to face the
continuously anticipating and adjusting to reality of a changing world), (2) value variety
changes that are threatening the core of (e.g. in the form of experimentation), (3)
the organization, and to change before the liberate resources (e.g. in terms of seed
need for change becomes desperately funding for promising activities), (4) embrace
obvious. paradox (i.e. exploration of new strategic
Gittell et al. Investigation of why some airlines Empirical case study With reference to Sutcliffe and Vogus The authors conclude that significant differences
(2006) emerged successful after 9/11 and based on publicly (2003), Weick et al. (1999) and Wildavsky occurred in the strategies implemented by
demonstrated remarkable available data (1988), resilience is defined as ‘(a) the major airlines after 9/11. Layoffs inhibited
resilience compared with others maintenance of positive adjustment under recovery throughout the four years after 9/11.
challenging conditions [ . . . ], (b) the The authors argue that financial reserves and
ability to bounce back from untoward viable business models play a significant role
events [ . . . ], and (c) the capacity to in minimizing layoffs and sustaining
maintain desirable functions and outcomes relationships that enable organizations to
in the midst of strain [ . . . ]’. Resilience is return more quickly to full performance.
also defined as ‘a dynamic capacity of
organizational adaptability that grows and
develops over time’ (p. 303).

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Table 7. Core themes in post-9/11 research on resilient supply chains

Paper/book Focus of investigation Conceptual/empirical Definition of resilience Theory development

Rice and Caniato Resilient supply network Conceptual A supply network is resilient if it can The article is practitioner-focused and suggests
(2003) design post-September respond to unexpected disruptions and flexibility and redundancy as possible mechanisms to
11 restore normal supply network operations. improve resilience.
Christopher and Creation of more resilient Conceptual ‘The ability of a system to return to its The article is practitioner-focused and recommends
Peck (2004) supply chains original state or move to a new, more design principles for creating supply chain resilience,
durable state after being disturbed’ (p. 2). including diversification, redundancy, improved
collaboration and agility.
Kleindorfer and Risks arising from Conceptual None provided The authors propose that mobility and flexibility
Saad (2005) disruptions to normal promote resilience in supply chains better when
activities in supply resources and essential inputs are fungible (e.g.
chains modular design, delayed differentiation).
Sheffi (2005) Examines how companies Conceptual, draws on case Resilience is defined as a measure of the With a focus on supply chain management, Sheffi
can recover from examples ability of a company to, and the speed at proposes that resilience does not only generate
high-impact which it can, return to its normal significant ‘collateral benefits’ (e.g. increasing
disruptions performance level following a flexibility), but also the advantage to turn disruptions
Resilience in Business and Management Research

high-impact/low probability disruption. into an opportunity. Defining elements of resilience

are redundancy and flexibility/agility.
Sheffi and Rice Creation of more resilient Conceptual Resilience is defined as the ability to bounce The authors argue that resilience can be achieved by
(2005) supply chains back from a disruption. either creating redundancy or increasing flexibility.
A company’s resilience is defined as a

C 2015 British Academy of Management and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
function of its competitive position and the
responsiveness of its supply chain.
Craighead et al. How and why is one Empirical, multiple-method, None offered, refers to Sheffi and Rice The authors argue that supply chains are inherently risky
(2007) supply chain disruption multiple-source empirical (2005). and will sooner or later experience unanticipated
more severe than research design of a global events. They propose that supply chain disruptions
another? supply chain of a US-based are more severe if they occur in more dense and
automobile manufacturer complex supply chains and affect more critical nodes
(e.g. a single, critical suppliers), particularly if the
supply chain does not have the capability to detect
and disseminate pertinent information and respond
quickly and effectively.
Ponomarov and Concept of supply chain Conceptual ‘The adaptive capability of the supply chain The authors propose that supply chain resilience (event
Holcomb resilience to prepare for unexpected events, respond readiness, efficient response and recovery) is fostered
(2009) to disruptions, and recover from them by by dynamically integrated logistics capabilities,
maintaining continuity of operations at the leading to greater control, coherence and
desired level of connectedness and control connectedness of response when encountering
over structure and function’ (p. 131). unexpected events.

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24 M. K. Linnenluecke

Furthermore, not only the tensions, but also

The authors argue that resilience is a strategic posture of

help to avoid or limit the impacts of an adverse events

company can avoid external disruptions (e.g. through

The findings suggest that the resilience capabilities can

deployed resources (facilities, systems capacity and

(‘bounce back’) through flexibility and redundancy.

the conceptual similarities between what seem to

(the study context is the global financial crisis) on

capabilities (e.g. flexibility, agility, adaptability)

revenue, cost and lead time/availability targets.

inventories), suppliers and product-markets. A
be diverse areas of research require further work.

vertical integration) or respond to disruptions

The authors propose that resilience increases as
For instance, Staw et al. (1981) hypothesized that
negatively framed situations can foster risk avoidance
in the form of threat-rigidity responses (i.e. aggregate
individuals’ framing of events can lead to negative
outcomes on an organizational level). Later work
on employee strengths by Luthans and colleagues
developed similar themes by drawing upon concep-
Theory development

tual foundations from psychology (Bandura 1997;

Seligman 1998) that are concerned with information

processing and individuals’ framing of events.

These authors propose that individuals who frame
situations negatively may have negative effects on
their personal motivation, personal success and their
ability to influence the turn of events. Future theory
capabilities (flexibility, velocity/reaction
speed, access to timely information, and
adapt, and grow in the face of turbulent
‘The capacity for an enterprise to survive,

development could combine these insights across

resilience is defined by four resilience

research streams to consider how organizational

The authors propose that supply chain
disruptions or quickly recover from
‘Resilience is the capability of a SCN

collaboration among supply chain

processes of framing interact with core leadership or

[supply chain network] to avoid

motivation concepts. Such an approach could provide

insights into how adversity is (or can be) perceived
and how this affects organizational responses.
Definition of resilience

failures’ (p. 287).

change’ (p. 1).

Measuring resilience

The third conclusion from the analysis is that existing

attempts to detect resilience (or absence thereof) have
not only conceptualized, but operationalized, the con-
cept quite differently. Studies have largely employed
retrospective analyses to diagnose ‘how resilient’ an
organization (or its systems or employees) was in a
Empirical, Case Study

certain situation or at a certain point in time, and how

these insights can improve organizational resilience in
the future. However, research is yet to identify the pre-


dictive factors that promote organizational resilience

to future conditions.
One issue to consider is that existing theoretical
and empirical insights may have not yet uncovered
Conceptual framework for
supply chain resilience

proposed relationships
supply chain networks

the full range of factors leading to resilience, and

between supply chain
resilience and related
robust value-creating
Review of literature on

To empirically explore
Focus of investigation

that existing insights might not be directly applicable

concepts, such as

or transferable to different or future contexts. When

supply chain

studies use existing insights to define a priori

variables leading to organizational resilience, their
resulting conclusions are largely driven by the initial
selection of variables (Cumming et al. 2005). Another
issue is whether resilience is a quality that is readily
Table 7. Continued

Pettit et al. (2010)

Klibi et al. (2010)

Maklan (2011)

observable through empirical research (and possibly

even open to managerial intervention, as suggested
Juettner and

by the resilience literature on employee strengths),

or whether resilience only becomes visible (or acti-
vated) under a particular set of trying or exceptional

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Resilience in Business and Management Research 25

Table 8. Resilience activation

Paper/book Focus of investigation Conceptual/empirical Definition of resilience Theory development

Powley Analysis of social Empirical, narrative Resilience is defined as an The author found three distinct yet
(2009) mechanisms that inquiry and adaptive process (referring to interrelated mechanisms of resilience
enable an grounded theory to Sutcliffe and Vogus 2003); the activation: liminal suspension (the
organization to examine a article introduces the concept event temporarily undoes and alters
resume operations university shooting of ‘resilience activation’, formal relational structures and allows
and heal in the time referring to ‘the mechanisms organization members to form and
immediately by which resilience emerges or renew relationships); compassionate
following crisis activates when organizations witnessing (feeling empathy for
confront threats, challenges, or others); and relational redundancy (the
unexpected emergency activation of relational networks).
situations’ (p. 1292). Powley also sought to contribute to the
positive organizational scholarship
movement by demonstrating how
resilience activation initiates healing
processes and restores organizational

circumstances that cannot be easily replicated for the However, there are currently few insights into how
purposes of administering surveys or experiments. these different levels of analysis are linked to each
However, a lack of resilience may also only become other and how resilience can potentially be ‘scaled
visible once a certain threshold is exceeded beyond up’. Research on resilience increasingly regards or-
which the organization can no longer cope with ganizations as embedded in institutional contexts (e.g.
adversity (Rudolph and Repenning 2002). Xavier et al. 2014) and highly interconnected supply
Part of the problem in drawing out the resilience and inter-organizational structures, which determine
of organizations to future conditions is that there is their resilience and vulnerability to adverse impacts
a range of potentially relevant variables that could (e.g. Craighead et al. 2007; Urciuoli et al. 2014; Voss
influence resilience. The resilience of an organization and Williams 2013). This literature already suggests
to a particular event may well be related to its relative that resilience is often not determined just by orga-
size; the disruption of operations in a local branch nizational resources and capabilities alone, but by
may seem minor from the perspective of a large, the interrelations and interactions that organizations
global organization, but can be significant for a small have with other actors: for instance, along the sup-
organization which operates only in few locations ply chain. Critical failures in the supply network can
(Linnenluecke and Griffiths 2010). Future research lead to unintended consequences, e.g. through supply
could focus on developing more detailed approaches shortages. An important avenue for future research is
for assessing resilience, not only for research pur- therefore how inter-organizational structures should
poses, but also for practitioners, including managers be designed for resilience, recognizing that organiza-
and policy-makers. Practical insights are needed tions are not entities operating in isolation.
regarding how organizations can activate resilience, Studies mapping the interdependence of organiza-
and the specific resources, structures and processes tions and their environment (e.g. resources or knowl-
they need to respond to different types of events, edge flows) are likely to become increasingly im-
including organizationally based impacts (crises, portant, given our fast-paced business environment.
accidents) and external impacts, such as terrorism However, there are few studies empirically investigat-
attacks or natural disasters. ing such interdependence. For example, few studies
empirically investigate supply chain disruptions and
Resilience in a multi-level context resilience (see Klibi et al. 2010). This may be because
Future research may also focus on multi-level issues of the diversity of supply chains and networks, as well
and on the question of scale. The existing resilience as the number of actors involved. These factors make
literature has recognized that resilience in organiza- it difficult to capture the complexity of interactions
tions can be brought about by factors on various lev- and trade-offs between flexibility and/or redundancies
els; for instance, the individual employee level or the (to increase resilience) and costs and service charac-
organizational level (e.g. Sutcliffe and Vogus 2003). teristics along the entire supply chain. Research has

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26 M. K. Linnenluecke

Table 9. Avenues and questions for future research

Area Possible topic Possible research questions

The context of Resilience in relation to the What type of resilience approach (e.g. high-reliability organizing, learning from
resilience organizational context small losses, experimentation, building employee strengths) is most beneficial to
firms, and under what conditions?
Are some attempts at building resilience more or less appropriate, given the nature
of the company, its industry and/or the threats/crises it may be facing?
What insights can be generated from companies that failed actively to build
resilience in certain contexts?
Transferability of resilience Is resilience specific to a certain situation (e.g. a certain threat/crisis or type of
across contexts volatile environment), or are there resources, capabilities and organizational
structures that promote resilience in a wide variety of different contexts?
Are there underlying mechanisms of resilience that are transferable to or
applicable in a range of contexts – for instance, can resilience capacities be ‘dual
use’ and ensure resilience against several types of extreme events (see Allenby
and Fink 2005)?
Resilience in contexts when It is likely that many organizations already use resources and capabilities to build
outcomes are not resilience against a range of risks – how can we research invisible but perhaps
noticeable effective results?
Organizing for Resilience capacities What capacities bring about resilience really? And how do they originate? How do
resilience (resources, structures, certain capacities (i.e. resources, structures, processes) lead to resilience, and
processes) what is their relative importance?
Does resilience require specific structural and organizing principles (e.g.
redundancy, flexibility and/or buffer capacities)? If so, are these principles
always beneficial or is there any trade-off?
How is the level of loose coupling and slack resources related to resilience? What
are ‘appropriate’ levels of slack (structural, relational) that allow building
resilience while not imposing competitive restrictions?
How can companies balance demands for reliability and experimentation and
manage complexity? Is experimentation not applicable in some instances (e.g.
nuclear power) due to the inherent risks?
Mindfulness and information To what extent is resilience brought about by information processing occurring
processing before, during and after an event?
Are there limits to foresight and cognition? Are there any paradigms that limit the
ability of organizations to recognize and conceive particular actions (see Farjoun
and Starbuck 2007)?
How can possible restrictions in information processing and control over a
situation be overcome such that an organization can more successfully respond
to adversity and avoid more substantial losses?
Measuring resilience Operationalizing and How can/should resilience be operationalized?
measuring resilience How do we know whether or not an organization is resilient prior to the
demonstration of its response or performance under adverse conditions?
What are suitable measurement tools and instruments to detect the presence or
absence of resilience?
Can insights into resilience be generated by comparing and contrasting findings
across case-studies and across different contexts?
Detection and activation Is resilience a quality that ‘exists’ within an organization, or is it something that
spontaneously emerges (and only becomes visible) under trying conditions?
Can resilience be successfully subjected to managerial control (for instance, can
resilience be actively adopted, maintained, or improved), or do such attempts
carry an inherent risk of planning for ‘known’ threats while neglecting the
Multi-level and Synergies employee level and Are companies with employees that have attributes such as greater mindfulness or
cross-disciplinary organizational resilience greater self-efficacy overall more resilient?
Managing resilience in How is organizational resilience defined and influenced by interrelations and
inter-organizational interactions that the organization has with other actors, for instance those along
contexts its supply chain?
How can critical interdependencies between organizations be detected and

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Resilience in Business and Management Research 27

Table 9. Continued

Area Possible topic Possible research questions

Impacts of the institutional How does the institutional context influence resilience?
environment on resilience Is organizational resilience mainly brought about by institutional characteristics
(e.g. regulations, insurance mechanisms) and not by particular organizational
What are policy tools or institutional support mechanisms that foster resilience?
Integration of research How do conceptualizations and understandings of resilience differ across
insights from other disciplines? What are opportunities for cross-fertilization?
disciplines How is the resilience of engineered systems (e.g. critical infrastructures),
socio-political systems or ecosystems related to organizational resilience?

also not yet fully explored the design characteristics capacities and appropriate decision-making knowl-
and capabilities that make supply chains (or other edge on how resilience is defined, by which variables
inter-organizational connections, such as critical in- it is determined, and how it can be assessed, main-
frastructure linkages) resilient. In particular, there are tained and improved over time.
still few multi-actor and longitudinal field studies (see
Johnson and Elliott 2011 for an exception) tracking
a supply chain disruption as it unfolds over time and
affects various actors along the supply chain.
In addition, there are few insights into factors Allen, D.E. and Powell, R. (2013). The fluctuating default risk
that promote organizational resilience beyond the of Australian banks. Australian Journal of Management,
organizational level of analysis. Such factors might 37, pp. 297–325.
be at the industry, policy or even broader societal Allenby, B. and Fink, J. (2005). Toward inherently secure and
resilient societies. Science, 309, pp. 1034–1036.
level. For instance, when an adverse event such as
Avey, J.B., Luthans, F. and Jensen, S.M. (2009). Psycholog-
a natural disaster occurs, organizational resilience ical capital: a positive resource for combating employee
is often subsidized by importing resources from the stress and turnover. Human Resource Management, 48,
state or from another region (Carpenter et al. 2001; pp. 677–693.
Zoback 2014). This opens up opportunities to inte- Avey, J.B., Reichard, R.J., Luthans, F. and Mhatre, K.H.
grate findings and insights from other disciplines. For (2011). Meta-analysis of the impact of positive psycho-
example, how is the resilience of engineered systems logical capital on employee attitudes, behaviors, and per-
(e.g. critical infrastructures), socio-political systems formance. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 22,
or ecosystems related to organizational resilience? pp. 127–152.
If structures and processes at a larger scale are not Avey, J.B., Wernsing, T.S. and Luthans, F. (2008). Can pos-
resilient against adverse impacts, this can have major itive employees help positive organizational change? Im-
pact of psychological capital and emotions on relevant
consequences for organizations. For instance, the
attitudes and behaviors. Journal of Applied Behavioral
failure of critical infrastructure after a hurricane may Science, 44, pp. 48–70.
result in cascading or escalating disruptions such that Bandura, A. (1997). Self-Efficacy: The Exercise of Control.
the impacts can be felt by organizations that were New York, NY: Freeman.
not directly affected (Rinaldi et al. 2001). Future re- Bergheim, K., Eid, J., Hystad, S.W., Nielsen, M.B., Mearns,
search could adopt multi-level and multi-disciplinary K., Larsson, G. and Luthans, B. (2013). The role of psy-
perspectives on the concept of organizational chological capital in perception of safety climate among
resilience. air traffic controllers. Journal of Leadership & Organiza-
tional Studies, 20, pp. 232–241.
Block, J. and Kremen, A.M. (1996). IQ and ego-resiliency:
conceptual and empirical connections and separateness.
Conclusion Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70, pp. 349–
This review and the suggestions for future research Boin, A. and Hart, P. (2010). Organizing for effective emer-
are intended to be the basis for theoretical and em- gency management: lessons from research. Australian
pirical development of the resilience concept. Many Journal of Public Administration, 69, pp. 357–371.
organizations will find themselves unprepared for the Boone, C.A., Craighead, C.W., Hanna, J.B. and Nair,
impacts of adverse events unless they build suitable A. (2013). Implementation of a system approach for

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28 M. K. Linnenluecke

enhanced supply chain continuity and resiliency: a longi- Davies, A. and Thomas, R. (2003). Talking cop: discourses
tudinal study. Journal of Business Logistics, 34, pp. 222– of change and policing identities. Public Administration,
235. 81, pp. 681–699.
Börner, K., Chen, C. and Boyack, K. (2003). Visualizing Dollwet, M. and Reichard, R. (2014). Assessing cross-
knowledge domains. Annual Review of Information Sci- cultural skills: validation of a new measure of cross-
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