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Name: Bridgette Vera Length of Learning Segment: 3 Days

Key Content Standards:
W.3.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons.
W.3.1a Introduce the topic or text they are writing about, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure that lists reasons
W.3.1b Provide reasons that support the opinion
Lesson Objectives: What do you want students to know and be able to do each day?
Lesson 1 - As a class we will model a Hamburger graphic organizer.
Lesson 2 - Ss will be given an opinion question to fill out graphic organizer.
Lesson 3 - Ss will use feedback they receive to revise graphic organizer to do final draft.
Prerequisite Skills: What do students need to know and be able to do in order to engage in the learning segment?
● Ss should know the carpet expectations during a lesson (eyes facing forward, sitting in their circles raising their hands to share
and call and response)
● Ss should know how to work with a partner, in a group, and individually
● Ss
Backward Planning (Summative Assessment): What evidence will the students produce to show they have met the learning objectives by
the end of the learning segment?
A graphic organizer containing opinion, three reasons, and concluding sentence. A
Modifications: What modification of the above assessment will you use for students with various support needs (including language
learners)? C
● Provide translation of the questions for ELL learners E
● Provide sentence starters for students S
● Provide different transition words S
● Allow students to write parts or their whole essay in English or Spanish
● Allow students to write opinions in one word and not full sentences &
Checking for Understanding (Formative Assessments): How will you monitor student learning to make modifications throughout the
learning segment? S
Lesson 1 - Asking questions while we are going over graphic organizer. P
Lesson 2 - Asking some students to share their ideas. P
Lesson 3 - checking in to see if students have looked at their feedback. O
Connections: T
· Connections to Students’ Lives - experiences, interests, development, and social emotional learning needs:
● Students love to share their opinions and thoughts E
● Students love Roblox and Minecraft N
· Connections to Real Life Contexts & Culturally Responsive Practices:
● Many people love to play video games G
Differentiation throughout Learning Segment: E
Describe your differentiated instructional strategies for…
· Varying Academic Abilities and Specific Learning Needs: N
● Provide sentence starters for students T
● Provide options for transition words
● Extra scaffolding when it comes to writing opinion(steps broken down into smaller segments)
● Modeling how I use a graphic organizer
● Provide examples and practice with students A
· Language Levels: S
● Provide translation of the questions in both English and Spanish
● Allow responses in both English and Spanish E
● Allow writing to be in the language they are comfortable with S
Academic Language: What content-specific vocabulary, skill-specific vocabulary, text structures, and stylistic or grammatical
M features will
be explicitly taught throughout the Learning Segment? E
Content specific vocabulary: Opinion, Reason, Conclusion N
Name: Bridgette Vera Length of Learning Segment: 3 Days
“In my opinion____should…”
“(One, another, the last) reason is____…”
“That’s why ___ should…”

Instructional Learning Strategies to Support Student Learning:

How will you 1) engage/motivate students by connecting the lesson to experiential backgrounds, interests and prior learning, 2) identify
learning outcomes 3) present material, guide practice, and build independent learning, 4) monitor student learning during instruction, 5)
build metacognitive understanding, and 6) maintain a positive learning environment that is culturally responsive?

List what the teacher and students will be doing in each lesson.

LESSON _1_ of _3_

Time Teacher Student Resources / Materials
Name: Bridgette Vera Length of Learning Segment: 3 Days
12:40pm Friends, remember when we read the story,
‘I Don’t Want To Be A Frog’, today we are
going to be doing a graphic organizer. Who
has done a graphic organizer before? Ss raise hands to share
Great! so some of you have done one before
and some of you haven’t done any before.
Well if you have or haven’t that’s okay
because we are going to fill this one out
together. Before we get into the graphic
organizer. lets go over some vocabulary.
Who can tell me what an opinion is? Ss raise hands to share, “An
opinion is when you agree or
disagree with something”
That’s very good! I like the idea of an
opinion. What about a reason, what is a
reason? “A reason is when you explain
why you do something.”
Yes, good idea of what a reason is. What
about a conclusion, does anyone have an
idea of what a conclusion is?
Ss raise hands
‘A conclusion is the end of a
Exactly, I love the definitions you all are story or an opinion.”
giving me.
Now that we have gone over our vocabulary,
We can fill out our graphic organizer. So
today we are going to be filling out a Ss raise hands
Hamburger graphic organizer. Does anyone “Maybe our opinions, reasons,
have an idea of what we would put in this and conclusion?”
graphic organizer.
Exactly we would put just that! Each box of
the graphic organizer is for us to place our
opinion, reasons, and conclusion.
Using the text we read a few, ‘I Don’t Want Ss raise hands to share
To Be A Frog’, what was the opinion Frog “I think Frog didn’t want to be a
came up with in this text? frog.”

Okay that’s a good one, do we all agree? Ss gesture for yes and no
Yes or no
Why? “Because Frog is saying
something they agree or
disagree with”
Okay, what about our reasons, we need to
have three, can we remember from the text
what reasons Frog gave for their opinion. Ss raise hands to answer
“I think Frog didn’t want to be a
frog because frogs are too slimy”
Too slimy, that is a good reason, do we all
agree on that being one of our reasons? Ss gesture yes or no
Name: Bridgette Vera Length of Learning Segment: 3 Days
Okay, what about another reason? “I think another reason is
because they were too wet”
Ooo that is a good reason, how about this
one do we all agree? Ss gesture yes or no

So we have two reasons, we’re just missing Ss raise hands

one more, can someone tell me what they
think is Frogs last reason?
“I think Frogs last reason is
because frogs eat bugs”
Oooo that’s a good one, do we all agree? Ss gesture yes or no

Okay now that we have our opinion and

three reasons, what would be our concluding
statement? “Frog doesn’t want to be a frog”

Thank you everyone for helping me fill out
this graphic organizer, hopefully it makes it
easier to look back at it when we do our own
graphic organizer

LESSON _2_ of _3
Time Teacher Student Resources / Materials
Name: Bridgette Vera Length of Learning Segment: 3 Days
10:25 am Before I give you your own graphic Ss make their way to the rug
organizers to fill out, I thought it would be a
great idea to go over briefly the graphic
organizer we did the day before. So can I
have everyone come to the rug for me
Okay can someone read for me what we Ss raise hands
wrote down for what an opinion is and then
for reason and conclusion also? “An opinion is when you agree or
disagree with something”
Another Student
“A reason is when you explain
why you do something.”
Another Student
“A conclusion is the end of a
story or an opinion.”
Awesome! thank you so much, okay now
that we went over our vocabulary, since we
saw what we needed to make an organizer,
that it would be a great idea to go back to “I
Don’t Want To Be A Frog” and identify where
in the book we can find opinions and
*Displays book on the screen*
Ss point out opinions and
*Teacher goes through entirety of book, reasons we find on each page of
page by page, looking for opinions and the book
reasons with students*

Awesome! Looking at our graphic organizer,

Do you think the opinion, reasons, and
conclusion we gave for Frog match up with Ss gesture yes or no
the book, now we went back to it? Ss give reasons to “why?”

Great! Now that we went through the book

and were able to identify reasons and
opinions, we are going to do our own graphic
*Teacher sends students back to their desks
and hands out graphic organizer*
So remember, our opinion is going to go in
the top box, our three reasons, are going to Ss show gesture to note they are
go in the three middle boxes, and the following along
concluding statement is going to go in the
last box, do we got it?
Okay, I’m going to leave the graphic
organizer and vocabulary on the board as an
example in case we need to look back at it, if
we get stuck

*Teacher displays prompt, sentence starters,

and transition words onto the screen*
Name: Bridgette Vera Length of Learning Segment: 3 Days
Our prompt is “Should Ms. Vera play Roblox
or Minecraft?” I have placed sentence
starters and transition words onto the screen
as well in case we need them *reads
sentence starters and transition words*
Students begin working on filling
Okay everyone you may start filling in your out their graphic organizers
graphic organizers, if you have any *Ss turn in their graphic
questions, you can ask me or your table organizers at the back table
partner when they are done*

Awesome everyone, can’t wait to see your

opinions, reasons, and concluding
statements when I read them!

LESSON _3_ of _3_

Time Teacher Student Resources / Materials
10:25am Before Lesson 3, Teacher has read all
students graphic organizers and on a sticky
note wrote down “glows and grows”. The
“glows and grows” are placed on their
graphic organizers and can be read as soon
as they get the organizers back.

Today is the final day we are going to be

working on our graphic organizers. Everyone
is going to receive a checklist, this is just
ensure that you have everything you needed Each student receives a checklist
in your graphic organizers. In the checklist
you can check “Done, Almost, Not Yet”, it
doesn’t matter if you check anyone, I just
want you to use this checklist to make sure
that you have all parts of the graphic
organizer, opinion, reasons, and concluding

I am going to be walking around and sitting

in the back table if anyone needs help, once Ss start working on their
you think you’re done going through the checklist and those who need to
checklist come and show me, also if I wrote come see me, go to the back
on your sticky note the word “We” on your table
“grow”, please come see me once you get
your checklist

*Teacher works with students who need

extra support on back table*

Ss submit checklist and graphic

organizer to back table once they
are done
Excellent everyone! I hope you now have a
better idea of what an opinion, reasons, and
Name: Bridgette Vera Length of Learning Segment: 3 Days
conclusion are and how we would write them
onto a graphic organizer.
This is the final day of our lesson, these
graphic organizers will be used in a future
opinion writing piece so you don’t need to
worry about them being perfect right now.
Thank you!

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