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How much have you learned?


Complete the statement:

- After studying the module, it added to my knowledge that___Intelligence is not a singular,

one-dimensional concept, but rather a multifaceted array of different types. Howard Gardner's theory of
multiple intelligences broadens our understanding of intelligence beyond traditional notions. It
emphasizes the diverse ways in which individuals perceive and interact with the world. I learned about
the eight different types of intelligences: Linguistic, Logical/Mathematical, Spatial, Bodily-Kinesthetic,
Musical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, and Naturalist, and how each one has its unique strengths and
potential career paths. Furthermore, I understood the importance of recognizing and nurturing these
different intelligences in an educational setting, particularly in a multigrade classroom. This knowledge
will be beneficial in creating a more inclusive and effective learning environment that caters to the
diverse needs and abilities of all students.

Let’s Apply

A. Design 2 activities that could develop each of the multiple intelligences .

Multiple Intelligences Grade Level and the Activities How could these activities
develop this certain intelligence?

1. Spatial Intelligence: - Grade Level: Grade 6 Spatial Intelligence: These

activities help students to
- Activity 1: Map Reading - visualize and understand spatial
Students will be given a map and relationships. They enhance their
will be tasked to identify specific ability to perceive, analyze, and
locations or plot a route. manipulate space. They also
foster problem-solving skills and

2. Musical Intelligence - Grade Level: Grade 4 These activities encourage

students to understand and
- Activity 1: Instrument appreciate musical elements
Exploration - Students will have such as rhythm, melody, and
the opportunity to explore and tone. They also enhance their
play different musical ability to express themselves
instruments. through music and foster
3. Logical-Mathematical - Grade Level: Grade 5 These activities stimulate
Intelligence: students' logical thinking and
- Activity 1: Math Puzzles - reasoning abilities. They promote
Students will solve a variety of problem-solving skills,
math puzzles that require logical understanding of scientific
reasoning. concepts, and the ability to see
- Activity 2: Science Experiment - patterns and relationships.
Students will conduct a simple
science experiment and will be
asked to logically explain the

4. Linguistic Intelligence: - Grade Level: Grade 3 These activities encourage

students to use language
- Activity 1: Storytelling Session - creatively and effectively. They
Students will be asked to create enhance vocabulary, improve
and narrate their own short oral and written expression, and
stories. foster a love for language and
- Activity 2: Vocabulary Building communication.
Game - Students will play a game
where they have to come up
with as many words as they can
using the letters from a long

5. Musical intelligences - Grade Level: Grade 2 This activity enhances their

musical intelligence, auditory
- Activity 1: Musical Instruments skills, and appreciation for music.
Exploration - Students can have a
hands-on experience with This activity encourages
various musical instruments. creativity, collaboration, and
They can explore different musical expression.
sounds, learn how to play simple
tunes, and experiment with
rhythm and melody.- Activity 2:
Song Creation - Students can
work in groups to create their
own songs. They can write lyrics,
compose melodies, and perform
their songs for the class.
B. In a multigrade classroom, design 2 activities that could already tap and help develop 3-5 intelligences
of Howard Gardner

Grade Levels Activity Intelligences being developed

- Grade Levels: Grade 3-6 Students will write and present Linguistic Intelligence:
their scientific findings in a clear
and concise manner.

- Grade Levels: Grade 4-8 Students will engage in physical - Bodily-Kinesthetic

movements, gestures, and
expressions to portray characters
in the play.

VI. How is your learning relevant or useful to you as a pre-service teacher?

Let’s Reflect

Do you agree with Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligences? Why/Why not?

- Regarding whether I agree with Howard Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences, I do agree with it.
Gardner's theory acknowledges that intelligence is not limited to a single measure, such as IQ, but rather
encompasses a range of abilities and talents. It recognizes that individuals have different strengths and
learn in different ways. This perspective aligns with my belief in the importance of individualized
instruction and the need to tap into various intelligences to support students' learning and

3. Assessment Task (Creative Group Outputs)

Design a lesson activity integrating the use of multiple intelligences in a multi-grade classroom setting
(it can be a lesson plan or an instructional video)

• I would create a lesson plan for a project-based learning activity where students work in groups to
design and build a sustainable garden. This activity would tap into various intelligences:

- Naturalist Intelligence: Students will explore and learn about different plants, their growth
requirements, and sustainable gardening practices.

- Spatial Intelligence: Students will design the layout of the garden, considering the placement of plants,
pathways, and other elements.

- Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: Students will calculate the amount of soil, water, and other
resources needed for the garden, as well as measure and analyze plant growth.
- Interpersonal Intelligence: Students will collaborate within their groups, assigning roles and
responsibilities, and working together to achieve their goals.

- Intrapersonal Intelligence: Students will reflect on their own learning and growth throughout the
project,considering the impact of their actions on the environment.

- Linguistic Intelligence: Students will communicate their project plans, progress, and findings through
written reports, oral presentations, and visual displays.

4.5-Minute Reflective Writing

Fill out this blank in 5 minutes

From the Presentation of Group 3 on the Multiple Intelligences, I realized that …

- From the Presentation of Group 3 on the Multiple Intelligences, I realized that each student possesses a
unique combination of intelligences and strengths. It is crucial as a teacher to recognize and nurture
these individual differences to create a supportive and inclusive learning environment. By incorporating
activities that tap into multiple intelligences, we can engage students in meaningful ways and help them
reach their full potential. I also learned the importance of providing opportunities for self-reflection and
allowing students to express their understanding and growth in various ways.

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