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DLP No.: Learning Area: Science Grade Level: 6 Quarter: 4 Duration: 50 mins
Learning describe the different seasons in the Philippines Code:
Competency/ies: S6ES-IVc-3

Key Concepts/ there are only two seasons in the Philippines the Dry season also called the sunny season and the
Understandings Wet season also known as the rainy season
to be Developed
1. Objectives
Knowledge identify the different seassons in the Philippines and its effect on the livelihood and health of the
people in the community.
Skills express through drawing and role play the appropriate activities to avoid and prevent climate change
Attitudes appreciate the importance of considering the activities to do each season
Values cooperation in group activities and conservation of the environment
2. Content / Topic Weather Patterns and Seasons in the Philippines
3. Learning CG, TG, projector, laptop, pictures, Science in our World
Resources /
Materials /
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will
Introductory Unlocking of difficulties (Applying Literacy)
Activity a. weather- is a condition in the atmosphere in a certain place at a certain time
8 minutes b. climate- is the average weather condition in a perticular region over a long period of time.
c. season- is the period of the year that is usually characterized by a particular kind of weather.
d. tropical country- country located 30° above and below the equator.

Motivation: the learners will be group in to two. Each group representative will pick a word in a box.
The chosen word will be guessed the “taga hula” answered by the “taga sogot” with yes, no, maybe,
until the group will guess the word correctly.
Each group is given 60 seconds to guess each word, they will move to the next word if they fail to
guess the word.
The teacher will post the words on the board every after the group game.

Jacket Umbrella T-shirt Pants Boots Short pants

Gloves Slippers Sunglasses Bonnet/Hat/cap Skirt

The teacher will let his learners classify the words if it is appropriately used during wet, dry or both
seasons using a Venn diagram.
The teacher will let the learners use the nouns (words) in a sentence before posting it into the Venn

Slippers Boots
Short Pants
Skirt Pants

A. Show some pictures to the pupils and ask some questions:
12 minutes
1. What can you say about the picture?
2. How many kids are playing in the first picture?
3. What do you think is the weather condition in picture 1? How about in picture 2?

B. Group the class into 3 and each group will be going to do the following activity, they are
only given 10 minutes to accomplish the task.

Group 1 - Base on the given pictures. List down activities that you can do. Write your answer on the
Manila paper

Group 2- Base on the pictures, draw one situation that can help lessen the cause of climate change.

Group 3- Dramatize in 1-2 minutes the things to be done to avoid and control climate change

Rubric in Assessing Group Performance in

Simple Science Activity (Self-Assessment)
Direction: Assess your group performance in accomplishing the task provided. Encircle the
corresponding rating.
Description Ratings
1. All members take part in the group activities. 1 2 3 4 5
2. Members agree and supports with each other. 1 2 3 4 5
3. Group members keep on the assigned task. 1 2 3 4 5
4. Group members practice collaborative skills. 1 2 3 4 5
5. Group members perform well as a whole. 1 2 3 4 5
1= Major Difficulty
2= Requires Improvement
3= Good
4= Very Good
5= Exemplary Presentation of each group.

5 minutes A. Reporting of Group Activity
Analyzing and discusion of learners output.
The teacher will asks the following questions:
1. What are the things we can do during sunny days? How about in rainy days?
2.What are the things we can wear on sunny days? How about on rainy days?
3.How can we prevent and avoid climate change?
4. In what way it could affect our lives? Our livelihood? And our health?
5. Is there anything we can do to alter the present situation of climatic change?

B. Post the jumbled letters and let the pupils arranged it to form the correct word

The teacher will ask:

1. What are these words all about?
2. What is season?
3. How does season affects our daily lives?
The teacher will ask:
15 minutes 1. What are the two seasons in the Philippines?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of both wet and dry seasons?
3. Why do we need to consider appropriate activities and clothes in each season?
4. What do you think will happen if we experience too much of dry and wet season? (DRRE)
5. Why do you think we only have two seasons in the Philippines?

The teacher will discuss:

Background information for teachers
WEATHER refers to the condition of a place in a short period of time.
WEATHER can change anytime.
WEATHER refers to the condition of a place in a short period of time.
CLIMATE is an average condition of a place over long period of time.

Philippines has only two seasons because of its geographical location. It is considered as tropical
country because it is found above the equator which received direct heat from the sun.
(present a map)

Wet season is characterized by pronounced rainy season with thunderstorms.

Dry season is characterized by hot and cloudless days.

The teacher will asks the following:

 What are the activities that we can do during dry season? How about wet season?
 If you are going to choose between dry season and wet season, which one will you choose?
 If the Philippines has only one season which is wet, what do you think will happen to the
plants, animals or to the people? Why do you think so?
 If the Philippines has only one season which is dry, what do you think will happen to the
plants, animals or to the people? Why do you think so?
 what kinds of illnesses can be experienced during wet season?
 How are you going to prevent this type of illnesses?
 What causes pollution?
 Can pollution affect the climate to change? How?
 What will you do in order to control climate change?

Modelling Activity: Group the pupils into two. Each group will chose from the box the dresses,
13 minutes clothes and things that fits to the specific season assigned to their group. They will model it to the
class and explain why it fits to the given season. They are given 8 minutes to accomplish the task.
(Use the same rubrics above)

Group 1- Imagine you are in Baguio City, the coldness got higher because it was also raining here.
What should you wear?

Group 2- Imagine you are in Boracay, it was a good weather and the sun is up. What do you think
you can wear to protect yourself from the heat of the sun?

a5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis of Learners’
Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
Written Test Direction: Read each item thoroughly and write the correct answer on a ½ sheet of paper.
3 minutes
Read the ff. situations and answer questions 1-3
I. Mang Gerry dries his crops under the sun
II. The streets are flooded
III. Farmlands and other areas are dry with few grasses and plants
IV. Farmers prepare the field ready for planting
1. Which tells you that it is dry season in the country?
a.1-2 b. 2-3 c. 3-4 d. 1-3
2. Which tells you that wet or rainy season has come?
a. 1-2 b1-3 c 2-4 d3-4
3. What is an advantage of the wet season?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
4. What phenomenon is characterized by excessive rainfall and floods?
a. EL NINO b. LA NINA c. tropical cyclone d. both a and b

Give at least two activities that can be done during wet season and dry season.
5. Activity during wet season.
6. Activity during dry season.

6. Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or
Preparation for new lesson) ______minutes
Reinforcement On your assignment notebook list down 5 appropriate activities during wet and dry season.
2 minutes Cut out 5 pictures that can prevent and avoid climate change.
7. Wrap-up /
Concluding Let us sing the song “How’s the weather today”
2 minutes

Prepared by:
Name: REY-ANN F. MORENO School: Cabasiangan Elementary School
Position/Designation: Teacher I Division: Balamban II
Contact Number: Email account:

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