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2/1/23, 3:36 PM 10 Benefits & Uses for Technology in the Classroom | Lumen Learning

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As the world changes, so do the methods we use to educate
students. It’s no secret that technological developments have been
coming at a rapid pace in the past few decades, and because of
that, educational technology is changing.

Incorporating technology into the classroom can benefit and

support learning and teaching practices. But what makes it so
beneficial to the learning experience? How can instructors
incorporate technology into their own curriculum?

Read on to learn more about the benefits of technology in the

classroom and how it can be integrated in unique and effective

Benefits of Technology in the Classroom

Why is technology important in the classroom? The advantages of

technology continue to evolve, but here are a few of the positive
developments of technology in the classroom!

1. Provides A More Engaged Learning Environment 1/6
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One significant benefit of integrating technology in course design is

that it helps to create a more engaging learning environment for
students. It’s hard to deny the impact that technology has had on
the way we teach and learn.
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Technology can help teachers to present subjects in more
interactive and creative ways. With all the possibilities out there
(and with more on the way with advancements like virtual reality) it’s
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an intriguing time to be a teacher planning a course.

2. Prepares Students for the Future

Technology is everywhere, which is why it’s important that it plays a

part in students’ current learning environment. Using technology
when you teach will help students to become more familiar with
common programs that they will use in their future careers.

Teachers aim to prepare their students, and a great way to do that is

with technology. Since it will play a large role in their lives moving
forward, students need to be able to understand the basics. The use
of computers and the internet will be an integral part of their future
professional and personal lives.

3. Connects Better with Students

One of the most important aspects to a teacher’s and student’s

success is how well they can connect with each other. Teachers are
always seeking ways to connect not only with their students but
always with one another to build community in their courses

Technology provides teachers with an opportunity to connect with

their students in a new way. It allows you to open up lines of
communication and use the Internet to explain curriculum material
in a new way, which can be very helpful to students.

Many students these days already gravitate towards the Internet,

so by using these technologies in the classroom, you may increase
opportunities to build community with your students.

4. Boosts Collaboration 2/6
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An engaging learning environment requires a lot of collaboration.

Technology is a great way to promote and facilitate discussion
among students. They’ll interact with each other through the
technology and discuss different ways they can collaborate and
learn together.
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Some students are gifted with computers, meaning it won’t be long
until they learn some tricks of the trade and can help other students
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out with their assignments and tasks. This promotes a collaborative
environment in the classroom, which in turn leads to a more
connected community.

5. Supports Learning

Many students learn best when they have access to technology. To

reach as many students as possible, it’s crucial that technology be
incorporated into the course design.

Technology can offer a variety of teaching and learning techniques

that can help teachers convey the subject material to a larger
audience (more on that in a bit). The hope of many teachers is to
reach as many students as they can, and technology provides a
great solution for them.

Ideas for Integrating Technology in the


Now that we understand the advantages of technology, it’s time to

come up with some ideas you can use with your students. Here are
some great examples of ways to use technology in the classroom
and how they can be used to promote an engaging learning

1. Gamified Learning

Gamification has been shown to have an impact on a student’s

learning and engagement because of how it helps to build a sense
of achievement. Many students are motivated to move to the next
lesson when they know they can achieve something along the way.
Look around and see if there are any gamified learning 3/6
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opportunities for your subject material on the Internet — you’ll be

surprised what’s out there!

2. Virtual Field Trips

In theory, Courseware
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are a good time and a great learning
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experience. Yet, planning them out and executing them can be a
different story. Digital options now give students the same benefit
of a field trip or tour without any of the hassle!
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Better yet, digital field trips allow students to “visit” places that they
wouldn’t have been able to before. It’s a great opportunity for them
to “travel” globally. It also opens up a wide variety of possibilities for
teachers to plan a fun and informative “trip”. Students could also
use it to explore organizations they are interested in and interview
professionals in their field of choice.

3. Create Student Websites

Not too long ago, having your own website wasn’t possible unless
you had experience with coding or knew someone who did. Now,
thanks to sites like Squarespace, Wix, and Weebly, it’s easier than
ever for someone to create their own website.

Now that technology has improved, you could have your students
create their own website for class! They can use the page to submit
work, organize their files and information, and they can even
personalize it to promote their creativity and give them a sense of
pride. It’s a new take on notebooks and it can help your students
start or add to their digital portfolio.

4. Online Discussion

Have you found it challenging to create a collaborative environment

for your students? If so, then online discussions may be a great
technological solution for you to try. Using a video app like Zoom,
you can hold weekly discussion tables or office hours to make face-
to-face contact easier.

An online discussion forumgives your students a place to get their

questions answered — either from you, the teacher, or from the 4/6
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other students in the classroom. With this resource available to

them, students can complete each lesson more and hear the
insights from other students to make deeper connections with the
material and their peers.
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5. Use Social Media
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Social media is already a big part of our lives, so some teachers

choose to incorporate it into education! There are many different
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ways that you can use social media within a course — you could
create a Facebook group for your class where students can ask
questions, create a Twitter page for the class where you can update
them on certain things, or you could even create an Instagram
account where you could post video and photo-based lesson plans!

The goal of using social media within the learning process is to give
students a place where they can go to communicate with one
another. You can also use it as a place where you can answer any
questions that they may have. At the end of the day, you’ll be
bringing the community of the classroom to a place where many
students already are.

Get Started with Lumen Learning

If you’re looking to get started using technology into your teaching,

Lumen Learning is a good place to start. Lumen Learning has tools
that will help you to improve both teaching and learning, including
professional development opportunities to help you grow as a
teacher. Learn more about how Lumen Learning can impact your
teaching skills and online curriculum this year!

October 29th, 2021 | Resources for Faculty | 0 Comments

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