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A2 | JIMENA FLORES | 18-20

Board Games

By Jimena Flores

In spite of having a lot of work and sometimes live stressed all the week, I enjoy
play board games in my weekends. The reason I love board games is much
deeper than “because they’re fun.” I think they are actually capable of authentically
building relationships and genuine community. Even though the screens are in
every part of our lifes, a wider variety and larger volume of board games are being
published because people are trying to reduce their screen time. In the past, the
only way to find out about board games was by going into your local friendly game
store and talking to a shop assistant. Today, there are loads of different ways to
find out about tabletop games. Menawhile, if you want to know more about this
topic I can recommend you good channels on Youtube that can introduce you to
this world. However, I really want other people to enjoy this engaging and
rewarding hobby as much as I do and make people stop to think that board games
aren't only for kids.

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