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Good Laboratory Practice Importance Benefits

Storage of samples in the proper Since samples are highly sensitive It helps ensure that the
container and highly perishable, the samples are receiving the
laboratory has to maintain the highest level of care and
integrity of pharmaceutical and helps avoid jeopardizing
biological materials by storing their integrity.
them properly.
Wearing of access cards This is to ensure that only Protects a facility from
authorized staff will be able to unauthorized access.
access a particular area.
Use of PPE PPEs are worn to minimize Workers are protected from
exposure to hazards that cause chemical exposures and
serious workplace injuries and other hazards.
Laboratory temperature Keeps the lab at an appropriate Helps maintain a safe
monitoring temperature for tests to be environment.
accurate and reliable.
Yellow tips in key areas Reminds outsiders they can’t go Keeps outsiders away from
beyond that yellow tip. areas that only authorized
personnel can enter.
Having a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) SDSs provide useful information Enables lab personnel to
on chemicals, describing the know the valuable
hazards the chemical presents, information about specific
and giving information on chemicals substances and how
handling, storage and emergency to safely handle them.
measures in case of an accident.

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