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Dạo gần đây, IELTS Xuân Phi nhận được nhiều Report đề mới, đề lạ không có
trong forecast. Vì vậy, thầy Xuân Phi cùng team đã gấp rút chọn lọc, biên soạn và giải
đề Part 2 để các bạn có thể chuẩn bị thật kỹ lưỡng.
Đặc biệt, những đề này có khả năng sẽ gặp trong quý sau.
Chúc các bạn học tập tốt!

1. Describe a story about space that you have read about

One captivating story about space that I came across is a Vietnamese folk tale
titled "The Legend of the Milky Way." It's a timeless narrative that beautifully weaves
together elements of love, longing, and the mysteries of the cosmos.
"The Legend of the Milky Way" tells the tale of two star-crossed lovers, a young
cowherd named Cuội and a heavenly fairy named Chức Nữ. Forbidden from being
together by the heavens, Cuội and Chức Nữ are separated and forced to live on
opposite sides of the Milky Way.
Separated by the vast expanse of the Milky Way, Cuội and Chức Nữ can only
meet once a year, on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, during the traditional
Vietnamese festival known as "Ngày Tết Nguyên Tiêu" or the "Lantern Festival." On this
magical night, the two lovers are reunited, their love transcending the boundaries of time
and space.
Reading "The Legend of the Milky Way" filled me with a sense of wonder and awe
at the vastness of the universe and the enduring power of love. It reminded me of the
beauty and poignancy of traditional folk tales and the universal themes they explore.
Moreover, it sparked my curiosity about the stars and the mysteries of space, prompting
me to delve deeper into the wonders of the cosmos.
2. Describe an important plant in your country

In Vietnam, one plant that holds immense cultural and practical significance is
bamboo. Its versatility, resilience, and abundance make it an integral part of Vietnamese
life, influencing various aspects of our culture, economy, and daily activities.

Bamboo has been deeply ingrained in Vietnamese culture for centuries,

symbolizing strength, flexibility, and resilience. It is revered as a symbol of prosperity,
purity, and longevity, often featured in traditional folklore, art, and literature. Bamboo's
graceful appearance and soothing rustle in the breeze evoke a sense of tranquility and
harmony with nature, making it a cherished emblem of Vietnamese identity.

Beyond its symbolic value, bamboo serves a multitude of practical purposes in

Vietnam. Its sturdy yet lightweight properties make it an ideal material for construction,
furniture making, and handicrafts. Traditional Vietnamese houses often feature bamboo
elements in their design, from walls and flooring to furniture and decorative items.
Bamboo is also used in the production of household items such as baskets, mats,
utensils, and musical instruments, showcasing its versatility and durability.

As a Vietnamese, the significance of bamboo in our culture and daily life cannot be
overstated. Its enduring presence serves as a constant reminder of our deep connection
to the land and our commitment to preserving our natural heritage for future

3. Describe a nostalgic place

Growing up in Vietnam, one place that holds a deep sense of nostalgia for me is
the bustling streets of Hanoi's Old Quarter. This vibrant district, with its narrow alleyways
and centuries-old architecture, is not just a physical location but a repository of
memories and cultural heritage.

Situated in the heart of Hanoi, the Old Quarter is a maze of winding streets lined
with traditional shophouses, each bearing its own unique charm. The area is a melting
pot of sights, sounds, and smells, with bustling markets, ancient temples, and street
vendors selling everything from steaming bowls of pho to colorful silk lanterns.

The Old Quarter is steeped in history, dating back over a thousand years to the
time of imperial dynasties. Its labyrinthine streets were once organized by guilds, with
each street specializing in a particular trade or craft. Today, remnants of this rich
heritage can still be seen in the ornate pagodas, communal houses, and ancient wells
that dot the area.

For me, the Old Quarter is more than just a tourist attraction; it's a symbol of
Vietnamese identity and resilience. It's where I learned to ride a bicycle amidst the
chaos of motorbikes, where I savored my first taste of street food, and where I
witnessed traditional festivals and ceremonies that have been passed down through

4. Describe a time you encountered a weird event

One peculiar incident that stands out in my memory occurred during a family trip to
the countryside in Vietnam. It was a hot summer day, and we were driving along a rural
road surrounded by lush green rice fields and towering coconut trees.
As we rounded a bend in the road, we came across a peculiar sight: a group of
chickens seemingly engaged in a synchronized dance routine. They were gathered in a
circle, hopping and flapping their wings in unison, while emitting an odd clicking sound.
At first, we were all bewildered by this bizarre spectacle. We pulled over to the side of
the road to get a closer look, trying to make sense of what we were seeing. It was as if
the chickens were performing some sort of ritual dance, completely oblivious to our
We watched in fascination for several minutes, trying to rationalize the behavior of
the chickens. Was it some form of mating ritual or a response to the heat? We couldn't
come up with a logical explanation, and the longer we observed, the stranger the scene
Eventually, we reluctantly continued on our journey, leaving behind the mystery of
the dancing chickens. To this day, we still laugh about that surreal experience and
wonder what could have prompted such peculiar behavior.

5. Describe a person has ability to buy things at lower prices

I would like to talk about my mother, who possesses a remarkable knack for finding
the best deals and bargains when shopping. Growing up in Vietnam, my mother's ability
to buy things at lower prices has always impressed me and saved our family a
considerable amount of money.
My mother has an eagle eye for spotting discounts, sales, and promotions, no
matter where we go. Whether it's at the local market, a department store, or even
online, she knows how to navigate the shopping landscape to find the best value for our
Before making any purchases, my mother meticulously researches prices,
compares different options, and waits for opportune moments to buy. She's not afraid to
haggle with vendors to secure a better price, using her charm and negotiating skills to
her advantage.
What sets my mother apart is her resourcefulness in finding alternative ways to
save money. She's adept at using coupons, loyalty rewards, and cashback offers to
maximize savings. Additionally, she's skilled at repurposing items, finding creative
solutions to make the most out of what we have.
My mother's ability to buy things at lower prices has had a significant impact on our
family's financial well-being. Her careful budgeting and savvy shopping habits have
allowed us to stretch our income further, providing us with greater financial security and
peace of mind.

6. Describe a scientist you admire

One scientist whom I deeply admire is the Vietnamese doctor Ton That Tung,
whose groundbreaking contributions to medical research and public health have had a
lasting impact on society.
Ton That Tung was a renowned physician who dedicated his life to improving
healthcare in Vietnam. He made significant strides in the field of infectious diseases. He
played a pivotal role in implementing nationwide vaccination programs and promoting
public awareness campaigns to combat the spread of various diseases.

As a highly respected figure in the field of medicine, Dr. Ton That Tung devoted a
significant portion of his career to teaching and mentoring aspiring healthcare
professionals. He served as a professor at prominent medical universities in Vietnam,
where he imparted his vast knowledge and practical experience to future generations of
doctors and scientists.

I admire Dr. Ton That Tung not only for his groundbreaking scientific achievements
but also for his unwavering commitment to improving the health and welfare of his fellow
citizens. Despite facing numerous challenges and obstacles throughout his career, he
remained steadfast in his pursuit of excellence and never wavered in his dedication to
his patients and community.

All in all, Dr. Ton That Tung's legacy as a pioneering scientist and compassionate
healthcare advocate continues to inspire me and countless others.

7. Describe a risk you’ve taken which had a positive result

One risk I took that yielded a profoundly positive outcome was when I decided to
go backpacking alone in Hue City, Vietnam. It was an adventure that pushed me out of
my comfort zone but ultimately enriched my life in unexpected ways.
After much deliberation, I made the bold choice to embark on a solo backpacking
trip to Hue City, a place renowned for its rich history, stunning landscapes, and vibrant
culture. Despite initial apprehensions about traveling alone, I was determined to
embrace the adventure and immerse myself in the beauty of the city.
Upon arriving in Hue, I encountered various challenges, from navigating unfamiliar
streets to overcoming language barriers. The experience was daunting at times, and
there were moments when I questioned my decision to travel alone. However, I
persisted, drawing strength from the excitement of exploration and the desire to discover
the hidden gems of the city.
As I ventured deeper into Hue City, I discovered a wealth of hidden treasures and
unforgettable experiences. From exploring ancient citadels and majestic pagodas to
sampling delectable street food and engaging with friendly locals, every moment was
filled with awe and wonder. The city's rich history and vibrant culture captivated my
senses, leaving an indelible imprint on my heart.
In hindsight, taking the risk to backpack alone in Hue City was one of the best
decisions I've ever made. Not only did it allow me to overcome personal fears and
limitations, but it also opened my eyes to the beauty of solo travel and the boundless
possibilities that await those willing to step outside their comfort zone. The experience
enriched my life in countless ways, fostering a sense of independence, resilience, and
cultural appreciation that continues to shape my perspective on the world.
8. Describe an astronomical event you saw

During my backpacking trip to Hue City, Vietnam, I was fortunate enough to

witness a breathtaking astronomical event: a meteor shower that illuminated the night
sky with a mesmerizing display of shooting stars.
One evening, as I camped out under the vast expanse of the starry sky in a remote
area outside Hue City, I was awestruck by the sheer beauty and tranquility of my
surroundings. The air was crisp, the silence broken only by the gentle rustling of leaves
and the occasional chirping of crickets.
As darkness descended and the night sky became a canvas of twinkling stars, I
noticed a sudden flurry of activity overhead. Shooting stars streaked across the heavens
in a dazzling array of colors, leaving shimmering trails of light in their wake. It was a
sight unlike anything I had ever witnessed before, a celestial ballet that filled me with
wonder and awe.
Watching the meteor shower unfold before my eyes was a profoundly moving
experience. In that moment, I felt a profound sense of connection to the universe and a
humbling awareness of my own place within it. It was as if time stood still, and I was
granted a fleeting glimpse into the vastness and beauty of the cosmos.
All in all, witnessing the meteor shower during my backpacking trip to Hue City was
a truly unforgettable experience that left an indelible imprint on my soul.

9. Describe an useless product you bought from an advertisement

Several years ago, I fell prey to the allure of a self-help book that promised to
revolutionize my life and transform me into the best version of myself. Little did I know,
the product I purchased turned out to be disappointingly useless, failing to deliver on its
extravagant promises.
The advertisement for the self-help book was compelling, featuring glowing
testimonials from supposed success stories and lofty claims of personal transformation.
Intrigued by the possibility of unlocking my full potential and achieving my goals, I
eagerly purchased the book with high hopes and expectations.
Upon receiving the book, I eagerly delved into its contents, expecting to uncover
profound insights and practical strategies for self-improvement. However, as I read
through its pages, I quickly realized that the material was shallow and lacking in
substance. The advice offered was generic and uninspiring, regurgitating clichés and
platitudes without offering any real actionable guidance.
Despite my initial enthusiasm, I found myself unable to connect with the book or
derive any meaningful value from its contents. It failed to resonate with me on a
personal level, and I soon grew disillusioned with its empty promises and superficial
approach to self-help.
In hindsight, the purchase of the self-help book was a regrettable decision fueled
by the persuasive tactics of advertising and the allure of quick fixes. It taught me a
valuable lesson about the importance of discernment and critical thinking when
evaluating products and advertisements.

10. Describe a time when you saw two of your friends argue
I vividly recall a heated argument between two of my friends over how to approach
answering an IELTS writing question. It was a tense and animated discussion that
highlighted the differing perspectives and approaches to tackling academic tasks.
The incident took place during a study session at a local café, where my friends
and I were preparing for the upcoming IELTS exam. As we reviewed practice questions
together, tensions quickly escalated when we encountered a particularly challenging
writing prompt.
The argument centered around the best approach to structuring the essay and
presenting arguments effectively. One friend advocated for a more structured and formal
approach, emphasizing the importance of following the conventional essay format and
providing well-reasoned arguments supported by evidence. The other friend, however,
favored a more creative approach, arguing that a unique perspective and engaging
writing style would set their essay apart and impress the examiners.
As the argument unfolded, voices were raised, and emotions ran high as each
friend passionately defended their viewpoint. They cited examples, referenced study
materials, and engaged in a back-and-forth exchange of ideas, each determined to
convince the other of the superiority of their approach.
Eventually, after much deliberation and compromise, my friends reached a
consensus on how to approach the writing question. While they may have disagreed on
the finer details, they ultimately recognized the value of considering multiple
perspectives and adapting their strategies to suit their individual strengths and

11. Describe a vehicle you would like to buy in the future

In the future, I've been eyeing an electric hybrid SUV as my next vehicle purchase.
It's a practical choice that I envision using for both daily commutes and occasional road
trips. I plan to buy it from a reputable dealership specializing in eco-friendly vehicles or
directly from the manufacturer to ensure its quality and reliability.
The reason I'm drawn to this particular vehicle is its blend of fuel efficiency and
lower emissions. As someone who values sustainability, I feel it aligns well with my
commitment to reducing my carbon footprint. Also, the SUV's spacious interior and
ample cargo capacity make it ideal for accommodating passengers and luggage during
family outings or outdoor adventures.
Moreover, the advanced technological features and safety enhancements inherent
in modern electric hybrid vehicles contribute to my desire to invest in this innovative
mode of transportation.
All in all, the electric hybrid SUV represents a harmonious balance between
practicality, sustainability, and technological advancement, making it the vehicle of
choice for my future transportation needs.

12. Describe an indoor or outdoor place that you find easy to study
One outdoor place that I find incredibly conducive to studying is a peaceful park
nestled within the heart of my city. It's called Thong Nhat Park, and it's located just a
short walk away from my apartment.
I first stumbled upon this serene sanctuary during one of my leisurely strolls
around the neighborhood. The moment I stepped foot into the park, I was captivated by
its tranquil ambiance.
Whenever I visit the park to study, I typically bring along my backpack filled with
textbooks, notebooks, and my laptop. Finding a quiet spot under the shade of a big tree,
I spread out my study materials and immerse myself in the task at hand.
There are several reasons why I find Thong Nhat Park an ideal study spot. Firstly,
the natural surroundings help me feel more relaxed and focused. The fresh air and
gentle rustle of leaves provide a refreshing change of scenery from the confines of
indoor study spaces. Secondly, the absence of distractions allows me to concentrate
better on my work. Unlike bustling coffee shops or crowded libraries, the park offers a
serene environment conducive to deep learning and productivity.
All in all, the park is close to perfect to me, so I don’t think there exists a better
option available.

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