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Vocabulary Translation / definition Part of speech Know this word?

between midnight and midday (from Latin 'ante

a.m. meridiem') abbr.

afternoon the part of the day from 12 midday until about 6 o'clock noun

a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor of a

apartment building noun

April the fourth month of the year, between March and May noun

August the 8th month of the year, between July and September noun

the day in each year which is the same date as the one
birthday on which you were born noun

to find out if sth/sb is present, correct or true or if sth is

check how you think it is verb

a short period of rest when you stop working and drink

coffee break coffee noun

a business organization that makes money by producing

company or selling goods or services noun

computer a game played on a computer noun

a series of movements and steps that are usually
dance performed to music; a particular example of these noun
movements and steps

December the 12th and last month of the year noun

the part of the day between the afternoon and the time
evening you go to bed noun

used when you did not hear what sb said and you want
excuse me them to repeat it

February the 2nd month of the year, between January and March noun

Friday the day of the week after Thursday and before Saturday noun

go out to leave your house to go to a social event

an international computer network connecting other

internet networks and computers from companies, universities, noun
the 1st month of the year, between December and
January February. noun

July the 7th month of the year, between June and August noun

June the 6th month of the year, between May and July noun

arriving, happening or done after the expected,

late arranged or usual time adj.

March the 3rd month of the year, between February and April noun

May the fifth month of the year, between April and June noun

an occasion when people come together to discuss or

meeting decide sth noun

midnight 12 o'clock at night noun

the day of the week after Sunday and before Tuesday,

Monday the first day of the working week noun

the early part of the day from the time when people
morning wake up until midday or before lunch noun

a series of moving pictures recorded with sound that

movie tells a story, shown at the cinema/movie theater noun

noon 12 o'clock in the middle of the day noun

the 11th month of the year, between October and

November December noun
o'clock used with the numbers 1 to 12 when telling the time, to adv.
mean an exact hour
the 10th month of the year, between September and
October November noun

p.m. after 12 o'clock noon (from Latin 'post meridiem') abbr.

to look at and understand the meaning of written or

read printed words or symbols verb

ride to sit on and control a bicycle, motorcycle, etc verb

Saturday the day of the week after Friday and before Sunday noun

September the 9th month of the year, between August and October noun

to make musical sounds with your voice in the form of a

sing song or tune verb

to rest with your eyes closed and your mind and body
sleep not active verb

to spend time learning about a subject by reading, going

study to college, etc verb

the day of the week after Saturday and before Monday,

Sunday thought of as either the first or the last day of the week noun

surf to use the Internet verb

a game in which two or four players use rackets to hit a

tennis ball backwards and forwards across a net on a specially noun
marked court

Thursday the day of the week after Wednesday and before Friday noun

time the time shown on a clock in minutes and hours noun

the day of the week after Monday and before

Tuesday Wednesday noun

Wednesday the day of the week after Tuesday and before Thursday noun

weekend Saturday and Sunday noun

the job that a person does especially in order to earn

work money noun

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