Merah Muda Ilustrasi Hewan Lucu Presentasi Brainstorming - 20240304 - 075145 - 0000

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The tiger is a carnivorous animal that can be found in various parts of the world.

In Indonesia itself there are several

types that can still be found today.

The Sumatera tiger is one that we can still meet today even though their numbers continue to decline. These animals
spend more time hunting.

High caloric needs require hunting activity as one of the main activities. If they don’t hunt, they will lack caloric intake
and may die of starvation.
The main prey of tigers are animals that are usually much smaller in size such as
mouse deer and deer. If he has gripped his prey he will not let go of his bite.

The bite force from the tiger’s jaws could be used to break an adult’s wrist. So they
are wild animals that are quite dangerous when we meet them in the wild.

Even though it is dangerous, the population of tigers in the world continues to

decline. Hunting by humans is one of the main causes of their population decline.
Tigers are apex predators, they mainly prey on ungulates such as deer and wild boars.
Tigers are territorial animals and are generally solitary predators who are solitary, but still
have a social side.
Humans are indeed the highest predators that we cannot underestimate. With a gun,
humans can easily hunt tigers from a distance without risk.

We really have to control this poaching if we want the population to survive. As humans, of
course we must be able to live side by side with the wild so that the ecosystem is maintain
Khoirul Al Amin Yusuf Rohman(14)
Muhammad risky Kusuma (16)
Muhammad Roy Kurniawan(35)
Thank You

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