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Basic English – Vocabulary-5

Name: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________

1. Advocate support
2. Ambiguous vague
3. Animosity hostility; hatred
4. Censure blame; criticize
5. Concord agreement
6. Consecrated dedicated; made holy
7. Consummate supremely good
8. Contagious passed on through touch; infectious
9. Cursory superficial
10. Deleterious harmful
11. Disparaging critical
12. Dubious doubtful
13. Equitable fair and equal
14. Eulogy praise
15. Fidelity faithfulness; loyalty
16. Formidable Challenging
17. Futile useless; waste of time and effort
18. Futility uselessness
19. Holistic whole; entire (Holistic viewpoint = seeing things as a whole)
20. Idiosyncratic quirky; eccentric; unique to an individual
21. Ineffable can’t be expressed in words
22. Felicity Joy, happiness
23. Integrity honour; honesty
24. Intermittent on and off; not continuous
25. Judicious fair; wise
26. Legitimate to make legal; give approval to
27. Meticulous thorough; taking care of details
28. Petulant sulky
29. Propensity tendency; leaning’ predilection
30. Prosaic ordinary
31. Regressive moving backwards (literal or metaphoric)
32. Remiss neglectful
33. Rhetoric persuasive language
34. Sedulous thorough; eager/hard-working
35. Shroud 1. a cover for dead body, 2. to cover
36. Steadfastness loyalty; firmness of purpose
37. Temporize put off; procrastinate
38. Vacillated wavered; hesitated
39. Vindication proving right
40. Vindictive seeking revenge

Writing task: Write your viewpoints on- Should women be equal rights or the platform for equity?
(in around 200 words)

M. Shamim Hosen Page 1

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