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• Read the questions properly.
• Write only the answers in the answer sheet.
• Number the answers correctly.
• Be neat in your work.
• Attempt all the questions from Section A and Section B.
• The intended marks for questions are given in brackets [ ].
(Attempt all the questions from this section)

Question 1 [15]

Choose the correct answers to the question from the given option (write the answer
with the option).
(i) Prokaryotes are grouped in kingdom ____________.
(a) Fungi (c) Protista
(b) Monera (d) Plantae
(ii) __________ is a slow oxidation process where CO2 and H2O are released.

(a) Burning (c) Enamelling

(b) Respiration (d) Painting
(iii) Heat is transmitted from one body to another in a straight line and in all
direction ____________.
(a) Conduction (c) Convection
(b) Radiation (d) Both A and B
(iv) Which of the following is acidic in nature?
(a) Vinegar (c) Soap
(b) Bleaching powder (d) Window cleaner
(v) Mode of respiration & nutrition in fungi is_________________.
(a) Aerobic & Autotrophic (c) Aerobic & Saprophytic
(b) Aerobic & Anaerobic (d) Aerobic & Herbivore
(vi) The primary cells that cannot be recharged after one use is ___________.
(a) Car battery (c) Dry cells
(b) Inverter battery (d) Switch board
(vii) Identify the animal which is not a Mollusca________.
(a) Crab (c) Sepia
(b) Snail (d) Slug

(viii) Which of the following acids is formed when sulphur dioxide is dissolved
in raindrops?
(a) Hydrochloric acid (c) Sulphurous acid
(b) Oxalic acid (d) Carbonic acid

(ix) Oxygen is _________ in nature.

(a) neutral (c) acidic
(b) Basic (d) salt
(x) Common fungi used in preparing the bread is _________.
(a) Mucor (c) Penicillium
(b) Rhizopus (d) Yeast

(xi) Hydrochloric acid solution turns _______ by addition of phenolphthalein.

(a) Red (c) Colourless
(b) Pink (d) Orange
(xii) __________help to remove excess of water and liquid waste from the body
of amoeba.
(a) Contractile vacuole (c) Food vacuole
(b) Nucleus (d) Cytoplasm
(xiii) Which of the following salt is used in the manufacture of fertilizers?
(a) Common salt (c) Blue vitriol
(b) Ammonium chloride (d) Nitre
(xiv) Assertion (A): Copper behaves as a good conductor of electricity.
Reason (R): It does not allow electricity to pass through and is used in
electrical appliances.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
(xv) Assertion (A): Amoeba have pseudopodia.
Reason (R): Pseudopodia helps them for locomotion.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.

Question 2
(i) Name the following. [5]

(a) Phylum of liver fluke.

(b) Chemical name of baking powder.

(c) Heat transfer is affected without the particles moving from their places.

(d) The organisms drawing nourishment from the body of their hosts.

(e) A natural acid-base indicator.

(ii) Write the co-relation for the following: [5]

(a) Methyl orange in base : yellow :: Methyl orange in acid : ___________________

(b) Jellyfish : Cnidaria :: Ascaris : _________________________

(c) Ocean currents : Convection :: Heating of a metal spoon : __________________

(d) Burning : Air :: Rusting : _______________________

(e) Bacteria : Monera :: Paramecium : _____________________

(iii) Fill in the blanks using the appropriate words given below:- [5]

[ conduction, radiation, bacteria, battery, tin plating, nitrogen, indicator, fungi,

enamelling, electrical resistance, liquid oxygen]

(a) The atmosphere of the earth gets heated due to ________________

(b) _______________________ is used to burn the fuel in the space rockets or
(c) Black rot of mustard is a plant disease caused by ____________________
(d) Baking a mixture of silicates on iron at high temperature is called
(e) A material which obstructs or offers resistance to the path of the electric
current is known as ___________________________

(iv) Choose the odd one out from the following terms and name the category
to which the others belong. [5]


1) Magnesium hydroxide, sodium

oxide, carbon dioxide, calcium

2) Penicillium, Rhizopus, moss,

3) Wheat, rice, maize, bean

4) Brain, nerves, kidneys, spinal cord

5) Na2O, CaO, MgO, SO2

(v) Match the following:- [5]

‘A’ ‘B’
1) Malic acid a) grapes
2) Tartaric acid b) sting of bees
3) Citric acid c) apples
4) Formic acid d) inorganic acid
5) Nitric acid e) lemon

(Attempt all the questions from this section)

Question 3

(i) Observe the figure of Rhizopus growing on bread and answer the
following questions:

(a) Label the part B and C. [1]

(b) Identify Part A and state its function. [2]

(c) Write the mode of nutrition and respiration in
moulds. [1]

(ii) Explain why: [3]

(a) Eskimos make their houses called ‘igloo’, out of snow.
(b) It is important to prevent rusting.
(c) Air conditioners are fitted at higher positions on the wall.
(iii) Give balance chemical reactions for: [3]
(a) Potassium oxide dissolves in water.
(b) Magnesium reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid.
(c) Sodium reacts with oxygen.

Question 4
(i) Three test tubes are provided to you as A, B and C as shown in figure with
different liquids. [3]

What will you observe when you perform the following tests.

(Write your answer in tabular form)

Test Performed Test tube A Test tube B Test tube C

Red litmus paper
Blue litmus paper

(ii) Differentiate between the following.

(a) Angiosperm and gymnosperm (based on seeds, flowers) [2]
(b) Burning and respiration [2]
(iii) Observe the below figure and answer the questions:

(a) People often use thermos flask to keep a tea / coffee hot. Why is it also called
a vacuum flask? [2]

(b) Explain how the vacuum created in the flask prevents transfer of heat? [1]

Question 5

(i) Observe the below figure and identify the shape of bacteria. [2]
(ii) Name 2 diseases caused by bacteria in each animals and humans [2]
(iii) Write a short note on economic importance of earthworm. [2]
(iv) Answer the following:
(a) How is oxygen used in iron and steel industry? [1]
(b) What are oxides? [1]
(v) (a) Define electric current and give its SI unit. [1]
(b) Name the instrument used to measure electric current. [1]

Question 6
(i) Differentiate between acids and bases based on physical properties. [2]

(ii) Answer the following questions: [2]

(a) State two characteristics of Phylum Porifera.

(b) What happens to an ebonite rod when it is rubbed with fur.

(iii) Draw a neat labelled diagram to show the process of reproduction in

amoeba. [2]
(iv) Household appliances are connected in parallel combination. Explain in detail. [2]
(v) Draw the symbols for: [2]
(a) Resistor
(b) Cell

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