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Pertama , penderitanya menjadi sering buang air besar dengan kondisi tinja yang encer atau berair.

diare dapat ditandai dengan jarang buang air kecil, mulut kering, serta menangis tanpa mengeluarkan air

Obat terbaik untuk diare adalah Konsumsi banyak cairan untuk menggantikan kehilangan cairan, baik
melalui oral maupun melalui intravena.

Pemberian obat yang dapat melawan infeksi bakteri.


First, the sufferer becomes frequent bowel movements with better stool conditions or observes.

Diarrhea can be characterized by infrequent urination, dry mouth, and crying without tears.

The best remedy for diarrhea is to drink plenty of fluids to lose fluids, either orally or intravenously.

Giving drugs that can fight bacterial infections.

2. Cara hidup sehat

a healthy lifestyle is a way to avoid a disease.To make it happen, there are several efforts that can be
made to implement a healthy lifestyle. Examples include maintaining healthy food intake with diet and
nutrition, exercising, doing positive activities to avoid stress, and much more. his conclusion Some of
these things can certainly improve the quality of life as well as have a positive impact on the

3. Pendapat ttg keadaan kesehatan

In some areas, health services in Indonesia are adequate. It is enough to reach people who live in
remote areas, such as in the islands, the health service facilities use ships or boats as ambulances. Or in
some other areas in Indonesia using sea transportation as a health facility or Mobile Health Center

4. Surat lamaran

Bantul, 23 Mei 2022

Director of Nursing, RSUP Dr. Sardjito

Jl. Kesehatan No.1 Sekip Yogyakarta. ( 0274) 631190

Dear Sir,
Even though this letter I want to apply for Nurses advertised in: job vacancies newspaper, on May 20th

I have more than 2 years experience as a Nurse at Nur Hidayah Hospital. Then, I also gave 3 years
experience as a Nurse at Panembahan Senopati Hospital, may I tell you that I have some skills, my
computer skills are good, I graduated from Stikes Bantul.

I am looking for another experience for me and to get a better life actually. Position as a nurse at Dr.
Sardjito is the best opportunity for me. For your consideration, I am attaching a copy of my curriculum
vitae along with this letter. I thank you for your attention.


( Galuh Oktaviani Dyah Palupi A.Md.Kep. )

5. Wawancara

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