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Welcome to my student teaching portfolio, a culmination of my journey as a student teacher at

Kabankalan National High School. Throughout this portfolio, I aim to showcase my growth,
experiences, and reflections during this transformative period of learning and development.

As a student teacher, I have had the privilege of working with diverse students, each with their
own unique backgrounds, strengths, and challenges. My journey has been marked by moments of
inspiration, collaboration, and continuous learning as I navigate the complexities of the
classroom environment.

You will find evidence of my dedication to fostering a positive and inclusive learning
environment, my commitment to creating engaging and effective lesson plans, and my passion
for nurturing the intellectual curiosity of my students.

This portfolio serves as a testament to my journey as a student teacher, highlighting the lessons
learned, the milestones achieved, and the growth experienced along the way. I invite you to
explore my experiences, insights, and accomplishments as I embark on this fulfilling and
rewarding career path in education.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who has supported me throughout my
journey as a student teacher.

First and foremost, I am thankful to the administration, faculty, and staff of Kabankalan National
High School for providing me with the opportunity to learn and grow in a supportive
environment. Your guidance, mentorship, and encouragement have been invaluable to my
development as an educator.

I am deeply grateful to my cooperating teacher for welcoming me into their classroom and
offering me guidance and support every step of the way. Your wisdom, expertise, and patience
have been instrumental in shaping my teaching practice.

I would also like to extend my appreciation to my students, whose enthusiasm, curiosity, and
resilience have inspired me every day. Your willingness to learn and engage with me has been the
driving force behind my passion for teaching.

Additionally, I am thankful to my friends and family for their unwavering support and
encouragement throughout this journey. Your belief in me has given me the strength and
determination to overcome challenges and strive for excellence.

Finally, I extend my gratitude to the educators who have generously shared their wisdom and
expertise through various mediums such as literature, seminars, and professional growth
endeavors. Your valuable insights have expanded my understanding and enhanced my teaching

To everyone who has contributed to my growth and development as a student teacher, thank you
for believing in me and helping me become the educator I am today.

Journal Entry: February 12, 2024 (Monday)

Topic: Pag-usbong ng Bourgeoisie

Today marked my first day as a practice teacher at Kabankalan National High School, a vibrant
center of learning where every interaction presents an opportunity to ignite young minds. In both
Section Zamar (8:00 AM - 9:00 AM) and Section Manong (9:15 AM - 10:15 AM), I led students
through an immersive exploration of the Pag-usbong ng Bourgeoisie, shedding light on the
emergence of the middle class in society. Through dynamic activities and spirited discussions,
students delved into this critical juncture in history, understanding its implications for the world
around them. Their eagerness to learn reaffirmed my belief in the profound impact of education.
As the day ended, I reflected on the meaningful exchanges shared and eagerly anticipated the
journey ahead, guiding students towards enlightenment and empowerment.

Journal Entry: February 13, 2024 (Tuesday)

Topic: Pag-usbong ng Bourgeoisie

Today, I seized another enriching opportunity to teach at Kabankalan National High School,
where each day presents a fresh chance to inspire and educate eager young minds. With
anticipation, I joined Section Tupaz (6:00 AM - 7:00 AM), a group brimming with curiosity, to
explore the Pag-usbong ng Bourgeoisie. Through dynamic discussions and engaging activities,
we delved into the historical forces behind the rise of the middle class, fostering critical thinking
and drawing connections to modern society. Witnessing the students' enthusiasm reaffirmed my
commitment to guiding them toward a deeper understanding of the world.

Journal Entry: February 14, 2024 (Wednesday)

Topic: Merkantilismo

On Valentine's Day at Kabankalan National High School, I conducted early morning sessions on
Merkantilismo with Section Manong (6:00 AM - 7:00 AM) and Section Tupaz (7:00 AM - 8:00
AM). Despite the shortened time, we delved into the economic theory's core principles,
discussing its impact on national wealth accumulation and global trade dynamics. Students
actively participated in dynamic discussions, and although the classes concluded early, I
encouraged them to continue exploring the topic independently to foster critical thinking and
engagement with complex ideas.

Journal Entry: February 15, 2024 (Thursday)

Topics: Merkantalismo / Pagtatatag ng National Monarchy

Today at Kabankalan National High School, I led engaging sessions on Merkantalismo and the
Pagtatatag ng National Monarchy with students from various sections. In Section Zamar (6:00
AM - 7:00 AM), we explored Merkantalismo's role in shaping early modern economies.
Transitioning to Section Manong (7:00 AM - 8:00 AM) and Section Tupaz (9:15 AM - 10:15
AM), we delved into the establishment of national monarchies in Europe. Through interactive
discussions and collaborative activities, students gained insights into historical phenomena and
honed their critical thinking skills. Despite timing and section differences, each session provided
valuable learning experiences.

Journal Entry: February 19, 2024 (Monday)

Topic: Pagtatag ng National Monarchy / Pag-usbong ng Nation-State

Today, I led sessions on the Pagtatag ng National Monarchy and the Pag-usbong ng
Nation-State with Section Zamar (8:00 AM - 9:00 AM) and Section Manong (9:15 AM -
10:15 AM) at Kabankalan National High School. We delved into the historical evolution
of governance, examining the transition from feudal monarchies to centralized nation-
states. Through interactive discussions and presentations, students gained insights into
the factors shaping these transformations and their enduring impact on modern
societies. Despite the timing differences, both sessions provided valuable insights into
the complexities of historical development, fostering critical thinking and engagement
among students. I anticipate further exploration of these topics in future lessons.

Journal Entry: February 20, 2024 (Tuesday)

Topic: Pag-usbong ng Nation-State

Section Tupaz (6:00 AM - 7:00 AM) at Kabankalan National High School provided an
opportunity to explore the historical evolution of the nation-state. Through interactive
discussions, students gained insights into its emergence as the primary form of political
organization in the modern world. They critically analyzed factors contributing to its rise, such as
the decline of feudalism and the development of nationalism. Students reflected on the
significance of the nation-state in contemporary societies. Their engagement demonstrated a
deeper understanding of its complexities and impact on the modern world.

Journal Entry: February 21, 2024 (Wednesday)

Topic: Pag-usbong ng Renaissance

In both Section Manong (6:00 AM - 7:00 AM) and Section Tupaz (7:00 AM - 8:00 AM) at
Kabankalan National High School, we explored the Pag-usbong ng Renaissance. Through
interactive discussions, students gained insights into the cultural and intellectual movement that
shaped Europe during the 14th to 17th centuries. They learned about key figures, such as
Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, and discussed the revival of classical ideals and the
emergence of humanism. Students reflected on the Renaissance's impact on art, literature,
science, and society, recognizing its enduring significance. Overall, the sessions fostered a
deeper appreciation for this transformative period in history.

Journal Entry: February 22, 2024 (Thursday)

Topic: Mga Ambag ng Renaissance sa iba’t ibang Larangan

In Sections Zamar (6:00 AM - 7:00 AM), Manong (7:00 AM - 8:00 AM), and Tupaz (9:15 AM -
10:15 AM) at Kabankalan National High School, we explored the Mga Ambag ng Renaissance
sa iba’t ibang Laranga. Students learned how this period influenced art, literature, science, and
philosophy. Through discussions and activities, they discovered the innovative techniques and
ideas introduced by Renaissance figures like Leonardo da Vinci and Galileo Galilei. Reflecting
on the impact of Renaissance ideals, students gained a deeper understanding of its legacy in
shaping modern society.

Journal Entry: February 26, 2024 (Monday)

Topic: Unang Yugto ng Imperyalismong Kanluranin

In both Section Zamar (8:00 AM - 9:00 AM) and Section Manong (9:15 AM - 10:15 AM) at
Kabankalan National High School, we explored the Unang Yugto ng Imperyalismong
Kanluranin. Students learned about the origins, motives, and impacts of Western European
expansion during the 15th to 18th centuries. Through discussions and activities, they gained
insights into the economic, social, and cultural consequences of imperialism on colonized
societies. The sessions fostered critical thinking and awareness of historical complexities,
preparing students to understand global dynamics in today's world.

Journal Entry: February 27, 2024 (Tuesday)

Topic: Unang Yugto ng Imperyalismong Kanluranin

In Section Tupaz (6:00 AM - 7:00 AM) at Kabankalan National High School, we delved into the
Unang Yugto ng Imperyalismong Kanluranin. Students explored the earliest phase of Western
imperialism, focusing on its historical context, motives, and impacts. Through interactive
discussions and analysis of primary sources, students gained insights into the Unang Yugto ng
Imperyalismong Kanluranin's role in shaping global dynamics. They reflected on its enduring
legacies and its relevance in understanding contemporary geopolitical issues. Overall, the session
provided students with a foundational understanding of this crucial period in history.
Journal Entry: February 28, 2024 (Wednesday)

Topic: Ang Paghahanap ng Spices

In both Section Manong (6:00 AM - 7:00 AM) and Section Tupaz (7:00 AM - 8:00 AM) at
Kabankalan National High School, we explored Ang Paghahanap ng Spices. Students delved into
the significance of spices during the Age of Exploration, learning about their importance in
medieval Europe and the motivations driving European exploration. Through interactive
discussions and analysis of historical sources, students gained insights into the impact of the
spice trade on global commerce and cultural exchange. They reflected on the challenges faced by
explorers and the lasting effects of the spice trade on global trade networks. Overall, the sessions
provided students with a deeper understanding of the historical and cultural significance of Ang
Paghahanap ng Spices in shaping global history.

Journal Entry: February 29, 2024 (Thursday)

Topic: Pinangunahan ng Portugal ang Paggagalugad

In both Section Zamar (6:00 AM - 7:00 AM), Section Manong (7:00 AM - 8:00 AM), and
Section Tupaz (9:15 AM - 10:15 AM) at Kabankalan National High School, students delved into
the pioneering role of Portugal in maritime exploration, known as Pinangunahan ng Portugal ang
Paggagalugad. They learned about Portugal's early exploratory efforts during the Age of
Discovery, including expeditions led by Vasco da Gama and Ferdinand Magellan. Through
interactive discussions and analysis of historical sources, students gained insights into Portugal's
motivations, technological advancements, and impacts on global trade and cultural exchange.
Overall, the sessions provided students with a deeper understanding of how Portugal's
exploration efforts shaped global history and set the stage for subsequent exploratory endeavors.
Journal Entry: March 4, 2024 (Monday)

Topic: Mga Motibo at Salik ng Eksplorasyon

Today's journal entry reflects on an enriching day of exploration at Kabankalan National

High School. In both Section Zamar and Section Manong, students delved into the
intriguing topic of "Mga Motibo at Salik ng Eksplorasyon" or the motivations and factors
driving exploration. Through a series of engaging discussions and interactive activities,
students embarked on a captivating journey exploring the economic, political, and
cultural motives that spurred historical voyages. Together, they analyzed the profound
impact of technological advancements, economic incentives, and geopolitical rivalries
during the Age of Exploration. This introductory section sets the stage for a deeper dive
into the complexities of exploration and its enduring significance in shaping the
interconnected world we live in today.
Journal Entry: March 5, 2024 (Tuesday)

Topic: Mga Motibo at Salik ng Eksplorasyon

In Section Tupaz (6:00 AM - 7:00 AM) at Kabankalan National High School, students delved
into the intriguing topic of "Mga Motibo at Salik ng Eksplorasyon" or the motives and factors
behind exploration. Through engaging discussions and activities, they explored the economic,
political, and cultural incentives behind historical voyages. Analyzing the impact of
technological advancements and geopolitical rivalries, students gained a deeper understanding of
exploration's complexities and its lasting effects on global history. This session fostered critical
thinking and broadened students' perspectives on the diverse motives shaping human exploration

Journal Entry: March 6, 2024 (Wednesday)

Topic: Ang Paghahangad ng Spain ng Kayamanan mula sa Silangan

In Section Manong (6:00 AM - 7:00 AM) and Section Tupaz (7:00 AM - 8:00 AM) at
Kabankalan National High School, students delved into Ang Paghahangad ng Spain ng
Kayamanan mula sa Silangan. Through interactive discussions and activities, they analyzed
Spain's economic, political, and cultural motivations for seeking riches from the East. Students
also discussed the consequences of Spain's endeavors, gaining insights into historical interactions
and their lasting impact on global dynamics. Overall, the session provided students with a deeper
understanding of this significant aspect of world history.
Journal Entry: March 7, 2024 (Thursday)

Topic: Ang Paghahangad ng Spain ng Kayamanan mula sa Silangan

In Sections Zamar (6:00 AM - 7:00 AM), Manong (7:00 AM - 8:00 AM), and Tupaz (9:15 AM -
10:15 AM) at Kabankalan National High School, students examined Spain's pursuit of wealth
from the East. Through active discussions and activities, they analyzed the economic, political,
and cultural motivations behind Spain's quest for riches from the East. Students also discussed
the effects of Spain's endeavors, leading to a deeper understanding of historical interactions and
their long-term impact on global dynamics. Overall, the session provided a deeper insight into
this significant aspect of world history.

Journal Entry: March 13, 2024 (Wednesday)

Topic: Paghahati ng Mundo

Today, I led sessions on "Paghahati ng Mundo" with Section Manong (6:00 AM - 7:00 AM) and
Section Tupaz (7:00 AM - 8:00 AM) at Kabankalan National High School. In Manong, we
explored geopolitical division's historical significance, while Tupaz focused on its socio-
economic implications. Despite different perspectives, both sessions provided valuable insights
into global division's complexities, fostering critical analysis, and understanding among students.

In both Section Zamar (6:00 AM - 7:00 AM), Section Manong (7:00 AM - 8:00 AM), and
Section Tupaz (9:15 AM - 10:15 AM) at Kabankalan National High School, students delved into
the concept of "Paghahati ng Mundo." Through interactive discussions and collaborative
activities, students examined the historical, political, and cultural factors contributing to global
division. They explored the consequences of geopolitical fragmentation on societies and
civilizations, gaining a deeper understanding of its implications for contemporary global affairs.
Despite the differences in timing, all sessions provided valuable insights into the complexities of
global division, fostering critical thinking and analysis among students.

Journal Entry: March 18, 2024 (Monday)

Topic: Ang Paglalakbay ni Ferdinand Magellan

In both Section Zamar (8:00 AM - 9:00 AM) and Section Manong (9:15 AM - 10:15 AM) at
Kabankalan National High School, students embarked on a journey to explore "Ang Paglalakbay
ni Ferdinand Magellan." Through interactive discussions, presentations, and visual aids, students
delved into the historic voyage of Ferdinand Magellan, tracing his expedition to circumnavigate
the globe. They examined the motivations behind Magellan's journey, the challenges faced
during the expedition, and the lasting impact of his discoveries on global exploration. Despite the
separate sessions, students engaged in thought-provoking analysis and discussion, gaining a
deeper appreciation for the significance of Magellan's voyage in shaping world history.

Journal Entry: March 19, 2024 (Tuesday)

Topic: Ang Paglalakbay ni Ferdinand Magellan

In Section Tupaz (6:00 AM - 7:00 AM) at Kabankalan National High School, students embarked
on an exploration of "Ang Paglalakbay ni Ferdinand Magellan." Through engaging discussions
and multimedia presentations, students delved into the historic journey of Ferdinand Magellan,
tracing his ambitious quest to find a western route to the Spice Islands. They analyzed the
motivations driving Magellan's expedition, the challenges encountered during the voyage, and
the lasting consequences of his discoveries. Despite the early hours, students actively
participated in the discussion, demonstrating their curiosity and eagerness to learn about this
significant event in world history. Through this session, students gained a deeper understanding
of Magellan's expedition and its impact on global exploration.

Journal Entry: March 20, 2024 (Wednesday)

Topic: Ang mga Dutch

In both Section Manong (6:00 AM - 7:00 AM) and Section Tupaz (7:00 AM - 8:00 AM) at
Kabankalan National High School, students delved into the history of the Dutch. Through
interactive discussions and visual aids, students explored the rise and influence of the Dutch
Republic during the Age of Exploration. They examined the economic, political, and cultural
factors that propelled the Dutch to prominence, as well as their contributions to global trade and
colonial expansion. Despite the early hour, students actively engaged with the topic, showcasing
their interest in understanding the complexities of Dutch history. This session provided students
with valuable insights into the role of the Dutch in shaping the modern world.

Journal Entry: March 21, 2024 (Thursday)

Topic: Ang Rebolusyong Siyentipiko

In both Section Zamar (6:00 AM - 7:00 AM), Section Manong (7:00 AM - 8:00 AM), and
Section Tupaz (9:15 AM - 10:15 AM) at Kabankalan National High School, students delved into
the Scientific Revolution. Through engaging discussions and interactive activities, students
explored the transformative period in history characterized by advancements in science,
mathematics, and philosophy. They examined key figures such as Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton,
and René Descartes, and their contributions to our understanding of the natural world.
Additionally, students discussed the societal implications of these scientific breakthroughs and
their role in shaping modern thought and progress.

Following the lessons, students participated in a review session to reinforce their understanding
of the material covered. This was followed by a summative test to assess their comprehension
and retention of key concepts related to the Scientific Revolution.

Journal Entry: March 25, 2024 to March 26, 2024

On March 25 to 26, 2024, students at Kabankalan National High School participated in their
periodical exam for the third quarter, covering various subjects and topics. This assessment
provided students with the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding and proficiency in the
material learned throughout the quarter. Teachers ensured that the exam adequately assessed the
students' knowledge and skills, preparing them for future academic challenges.
Journal Entry: March 25, 2024 to March 26, 2024

On March 27th, I diligently sorted and documented the students' papers, ensuring their records
were accurately updated in the e-class record system. However, I later realized that it was only a
half-day assignment, limiting the time I had for teaching duties. Despite the shortened schedule, I
remained committed to fulfilling my responsibilities and providing support to the students. This
experience taught me to adapt quickly to unexpected changes and manage my time efficiently in
a dynamic educational environment.

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