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ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS QUESTION ONE a) | UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS 2019/2020 BAC 413: MARKETING OF FINANCIAL SERVI 4" November 2020 IKentaVest is a government trading arm) of a Chinese in Wuhan state. The state agency focuses on financial expertise and pro i mostly capital projects in other countries. Kentavest was in the process of financing second phase SGR project from Naivasha to Kisumu. The contract involved also transfer lof financial and technical expertise fro However with the recent Coronora developed cold feet, the mobility of sta suspended flights to and from the state.| KentaVest now needs to go back to the drawing | | board and re-access the external enviro} Ithe proposed project. As a marketing o on six external environment factors that Itheir plans to ensure success of this project. James has just got her first job at Spang Board Capital, A micro-finance company which |deals with a wide range of products. He will be working as an internal auditor mainly arge of reconciling loans issued, daily} bankings from clients and Commissions paid FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF COMMERCE | sion of funds to Chinese companies that have Chinese nationals to Kenyans technical team. yirus the Kenyan government seems to have aff is also in jeopardy since Kenya Airways has ment that will influence to success or failure of financial services expert do a write up advistag Kentavest need to understand and incorporate in a2 Marks)) WEMENT IN ANY EXAMINATION IRREGULARITY SHALL LEAD TO DISCONTINU. He 2 Prisca cil is wine ee facili ities introduced by the company.|} The company however a i loan in other financial institutions. He is confused where to start in making Buyin decision. Advise James on oa mnsumer buying process. (8 five components of marketing mix in the context of financial services.(10 Marks) ity of financial services is an important element in determining the success of| financial services. Explain five quality dimensibns of financial services and how they} infltence consumer's choice (10 Marks) | | ; | a ION THREE get$ Aviation Ltd is a Mauritian group that wants to|spread wings in Kenya and use it as a|_ to {Bast Africa market on banking and financial consultancy. The group executive | tt haslapproached you for advice on the nature of financial services in the Kenyan context | nt that you are an expert in financial services marketing. (10 Marks) in the role of public relations in the promotion of financial services in Kenya. i (10 Marks) Those of marketing insurance services in he Kenyan financial services markets. (10 Marks) ’ INSTRUCTIONS: investments sv Tvices among others! greenlight and emphasized that uni: Streams but tasked the university to visibility of the venture, You h Advise operate in and the challenges the envi environmental assessment, Jacob has just & with a wide range of products, [le many Direct Sales Agents across the mortgage facili:ies introduced by the affordable housing projects under the \ Otten his first job at Delix Capital, A micro- -finance company which deals charge of reconciling loans: issued, dai Jacob has alsd decided to take mortg take the loan in other finance institutions. Jacob is seriously considering the government + Answer ALL, Questions, The education CS on 6" March 2022, | (crsitics should come up with alternatives revenues fonduct a feasibility study and give a report on t ave been tasked with drafting a report on the the VC on the environment that financial services | opment poses to the success of the financial ub. (10 marks) will be working as an ‘ntemal auditor mainly in| ily banking’s fron client and commission i tg], Job; ge facility to take advantage of the low interes egion. Being a permanent nd pensionabl eich i company. The company however allows him to Pi y im i " é ht ig IV Agenda. He is confused where to “tt in INV) | ‘! ‘ich he can apply in makirg in this oper a ing this important buying decision. A { ality of finaacial services is an importa inancial services. [Explain five quality dim| influence consumer’s choice. 3xplain five distinctive characteristics of fina nt decision. xplain the role of public relations in the prorpotion of finance services in Kenya. ise Jacob on the consumer buying pri [10 marl Total [20 marks the context of financial services. [10 marks] int clement in determining the success nsions of financial services and how [10 marks Total (20 marks] ancial consultancy. The group executi of financial services ir the Kenyan con les marketing. cial services. [10 marks] [10 marks] Total [20 marks] Kenya, citing relevant examples. {10 marks] | | Qu a) Que Bea Ken dire plig) tion One et somé In current economic crisis customers carefully about potential purchases. purchasing behaviour has evolved recognition play an important role in| practical examples. of thought. tion Two fia group of US based investment firm Kenyans for its venture capital. The c months and the marketing director is a. it of this insurance sector. RD and Miniard, PW. (1995) explain the consumer purchasing process while giving Explain four quality dimension of fintancial services as outlined by the American schos (8 marks] | | The company is considering offering both general and life insurance covers. Th In recent years it has been shown that con and that criteria such technology and 3s the purchasing behaviour. Engel, J.F., Blackwell [12 marks] i { /hich has its footprints in most African countries is Re} mpany has been carrying out research in Kenya for puzzled by the low uptake of Insurance services it tor invited you as an expert in marketing of financial services to shed some lights on the | i | xplain five reasons why despite spirited effdrts to market insurance services in | [10 marks] | ie penetration level is still low. i ices marketer must determine rightl ie Success of any service. In light of this explain how marketers use price |a eting objective tool. [10 marks] ¢ Kenyan financial services markets do not operate in a vacuum. In Kenya when upreme Court nullified the August 8" ae al elections on the market lost 01 ¢ ruling as market capitalization. e 50 billion in about 10 minutes following “aa Court ruling nullify triggered a gircuit breaker at the Nairobi Securities change (NSE). The Kenya shillings also fell by 0.4 per cent within an hour followi he ruling. Explain the environment that fingncial services marketers need to Wary bn’ [10 marks] their marketing strategies and plans. [10 marks] iscuss the components of financial marketing! [10 marks] DIGITAL SCHOOL OF VIRTUAL AND OPEN LEARNING INATIONS 2016/2017 CO} | Answer ALL questions. | Question One Importance of consumer post buying beh: Two scuss the components of financial servi Question! Three a) Discuss the need for markéting in the fina b) Explain the consumer buying process in t Question |Four: firm. BAC 413: MARKETING OF FINANCIA VI) a) a the five service quality dimensions on customer perce th IMERCE lain the different Pricing strategies an organization can use to price financial services. ices marketing mix. ‘plain approaches to deal with the distinctive characteristics of financial services. cial service industry arketing of financial services ior to a financial services markets. ptions of service delivered by ae pata) co ry | ao mais (10 op | | t (10 marks) (10 marks) 4 ALL questions. tion One group a Mauritian based conglomerate Kenyan for its banking services. The c| hich has its footprints in m0st African countries : mpany has been carrying out researth in Kenya fon months and the marketing director is puzzled by the stiff competition in banking services in| Kenya The company is considering offering director has also learnt of recent changes in lay some oth corporate and retail banking services. capping interest rates at 4.5% above CBR. i a) _ | Explain five challenges faced by banking industry in Kenya. 10 m b) _ | Explain two financial services Rogers group may offer in the banking industry. (2/markss) c) _ | List and explain the distinctive features of financial services. (8/mar! [Buestion Two | a) _| Discuss pricing as a marketing objective in financial services. sa = — Soo Basb: b) _ | Describe the basis of market segmentation as used by financial services marketers. Fieclon Three a) Importance of consumer post. buying eo to a financial markets. qa b) _| Explain dimensions of quality as used in financial services. al Question Four a) Explain five technologically driven channels of marketing of financial services. a someon KENYATTA UN IVERSITY UNIVERSITY Exa) DIGITAL SCHOOL oF Vint SEMESTER EXAMINATION pr ATIONS 2017/2018 - AL AND OPEN LEARNING Rk THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF COMMERCE BAC 413: MARKETING OF FINANCE SERVICE : Tuesday 19" December 2017 TIME: 8.00a.m -10.00a.m lanning to penetrate the Kenyan Market withla Capital. The marketing director is however er the nullification of the presidential electior is has been engaged to conduct research on the fa report to be submitted to the group Board of ischedtited for December this year, The Gro ¢ following issues on the Kenyan financial enya financial markets in light of the ongoing, (8 marks] nancial services, [6 marks} Bgest methods of overcoming challenges caused by the distinctive characteristics of ancial services. [6 marks} subsidiary in Kenya. The Company expects you write a report to ial services. iscuss pricing as a marketing objective in financial services. ceptions of Service deli Impany considering opening a bankin [10 macks} the market onal channels available in Kenya. [12 marks] [8 marks} [10 marks] the need for market segmentation in marketing of financial services. (10 marks} ivered by the ; lemic Excellence, les & Past Papers SECOND SEMESTER EXAMINATI co BAC 41 DATE: Thursday 26" July 2018 a i KENYATTA UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS 2017/2018 IMMERCE | 3: MARKETING OF FINANCIAL SERVICES 1 Hil t nice) + Pasi “apers mM = IN FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF TIME: 2.00p.m - 4.00p.m_ |TRUCTIONS: WER ALL QUESTIONS stion One a) carefully about potential purchases. recognition play an- important role i R.D and Miniard, PW. (1995) expl practical examples. b) of thought. Question Two Beavia group of US based investment firm eyi son} Ker dir ing Kenyans for its venture capital. The ya. ‘The company Se off tor invited you as an expert in market plight of this insurance sector. In current economic crisis customers are more careful with their money, and think more | purchasing behaviour has evolved, Explain four quality dimension of financial services as outlined by the American|schos le months and the marketing director is In recent years it has been shown that consumers! and | soi c' and that criteria such technology : | fp the purchasing behaviour. Engel, J-F., Blackwel lain the consumer purchasing process while | givin ig (12 marks} |] | e [8 marks] Hh) which has its footprints in most African countries is | orpany has been carying out research in Kenya for puzzled by the low uptake of Insurance services jn frag both general and life insurance covers, TI & ting of financial services to shed some lights|on tHe | | | | {1 || rts to market insurance services in lain five reasons why despite spirited ¢! [10 marks] he penetration level is still low. icing is one of the element a financial setvices marketer must determine rightl: lain how marketers use price | “énsure success of any service. In light of {this exp! [10 marks] ‘keting objective tool. n Three The Kenyan financial services markets do not dential elections on the market operate in a vacuum. In Kenya when the lost over the ruling as market capitalization. The i Securities Supreme Court nullified the August 8” presi sh50 billion in about 10 minutes following g nullify triggered a dircuit breaker at the Nairobi also fell by 0.4 per cent within an hour following lecial services marketers need to wary [10 marks] | [10 marks] | Supreme Court rulin; Exchange (NSE). The Kenya shillings e ruling. Explain the environment that fin eir marketing strategies and plans. sous the components of financi: stion Four : fy the need for market segmentation in marketing } lof financial services. [10 marks] gue | ue ee ri ‘ iy oe Ae ¥ ot Sy glpmerate planning to penetrate the Kenyan th a keen interest in Banking Insurancd and other financial services. Your consul iS been engaged to conduct a research oh the market environment in Kearse come ou Board of directors di pnyan financial Four chall (0a jon and a product ey UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY & EX ein 5 ATIONS 2015/2016 - sf{COND SEMESTER EXAMINATIO, i col MERCH BAC 413: MARKETING oF FINANCIAL SERVICES Tuesday, 29" March, 2016 TIME: 8.00 a.m. - 10.00 a.m. INSTRUCTION: ‘Answer ALL questions. Question One Denats - Group a US based conglomerate}p| keen inte lanning to penetrate the Kenyan Market with a cial services. Your consultancy firm has been ronment in Kenya and come up with a report to bt heir familiarization trip to Kenya. The Group CB he Kenyan financial services. | est in Banking Insurance and other findn engaged |o conduct a research on the market envi submitted to the group Board of directors dur ing requested you to address the following issues on fad =e | a) Fur challenges of market penetration in Kenya financial markets 4 es b) The distinctive characteristics on Kenyan|financial services (4 marks 1 s) _ Stiggest methods of overcoming challenges caused by the distinctive characteristics of | financial services (8 marks)| | i) ey Question Two a) —_Ekplain the different pricing strategies an brganization can use to price finaneial services.| ||! | - : (10 marks), b) Importance of consumer post buying behavior to a financial services markets. (10 marks Question) Three a) —_ Explain the consumer buying process in financial services (10 marks }) . Explain five basis of segmentation in the marketing of financial markets in Kenya. Question) Four 4) Discuss the importance of understanding the financial markets environment to a financial setvices marketer. Siving example differentiate the different fy Pring ce ell us for the indivielnalsiag i (4 marly) 2m ryices can be dl sed in térms of models wid thes ovide POUR models used to explain consumer behaviour, (18 Guarts) yscust the role‘of CRM in finan wervices, espebially: te the financial services firms ait (10 wiewles) aspects that indicate 3 of financial se ieh intience ae of the financial services (G'nairks) = (10°Wiarks) servieds, (4 marks) i Tiancial services, Discuss (20.marks UNIVeRsrry}i: SECOND SEMESTER CONTINU! OF BACITHE BAC 413: MARKT 2.2015 a aor | TRA esl! ae | plain what is meant by the following ~< cust aesctne Ne pat La acta i [5rarks] Me yeyrn mveniny..o Hee Cask = manag A 4 praw the diagtaninatle répreseitt <== making nrrespect uf EKE Model: f “xplain the process of stages iby |. State what is meant by input, wn Jes, external factors in the JUS ASSES mass customization * ual “TA UNIVERSITY AMINATION 2014/2015 MENT TEST FOR THE DE ‘LOR OR COMMERCE TING VINANCTAL SERVICES: (Net ble, nges in the marketing financial servi “g atone sels ine ye woven Sp cove Gopal ne Nenyaya lon terms [8 marks) chanel I sah a Aah he he ophtt hess dy ener robs 5 tionship man spycjeee ey nage Ph BE seth ote still Starks] ial service advertising [2 al services [5marks] i we peenpin ot Gusdaly ad mplemgpting revenue may a poll epiny ubihinanee ‘Wes ie of the basic model of consumer wnarkehe cole en ae chen is mation processing, decision process, =f Model.f2marks] {lel onsicleral tjon in pricing with regard to th PAVE: FRIDAY 27"" MARCH, 2015 VRUCTIONS: et Answer ALL questions QUESTION ONE: ) Del ine the term “marketing financial su ) Slate eight teasons for changes in marke ) Name the types of servi underlying pI 1) Explain success factors for advertising ©) Isxplain the role of insurance nik andl a i) Differentiate customer.value based prici} a) b) Write notes on the following strategic ¢ i The demand fiction ii, Price complexity (unseen iii, Promotional pricing iv. Environmental forces influence (c) Name four salient challenges of marketing financial seivices (4: marks) d) Deseribe shree stage model of financial ' = State the important objectives of pricing in financial se: GC FINANCIAL SERVICES TUM: 2.00 P.M 4.00 P.M. ives”. (mar ing financi: ices 1 NEW Evin, i ing financial services “oonty. (4. ma focess for pricing categorical specific pra. Ginar i financial services fame insurance bank products, hg and cost based pricing, “(inarks) \(4marks) ices, nsiderations in pricing sei consumer (© marks) | The consumer decision-making process in uence! consumer = through process. The Engel, Koilat a Financial services firms ace being encouraged to Wawro, ppdon s and-preduct centric merketing. sifBtotate Wee. rketing mix. (8 marks) « ial services as postulated by the consumed “6 marks) {. (6 mais), land shape consumer choices as well as id Blackwell model describes consumer lonsumer decision making according too (7G roarks) hove away from product ~ | apprncrnn (ric approach 2) (Sinarkay

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