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HLSC 1170 Assessing Development Assignment

The goal of this assignment is to personally assess aspects of development that were
covered in the course. In a 7-8 page, double- spaced paper (not including title or
reference pages) comment on the following:

1. Describe 3 concepts from the textbook that apply to you in your current stage of
development; identify the concept, de ne it, and explain how it applies by giving
2. Describe 2 concepts of development that were evident in your life at a previous
stage; identify the concept, de ne it, and explain how it applies by giving
3. Describe 2 concepts that were either missing, atypical, or unnoticeable; identify
the concept, de ne it, and explain how it applies by giving examples.
4. Describe any personal or contextual factors that in uenced your development
(eg. things that occurred in your environment, a speci c incident, physical or
mental health issues).
5. Based on your descriptions, would you assess your overall development as
typical or atypical? Explain why.
6. Identify two interventions you could implement in your life currently that would
promote healthy development. Describe speci cally how you would implement
them and why they will be bene cial (eg. impact on physical, cognitive, and/or
social development).

The textbook can be the main source of information (concepts, descriptions); you are
also expected to include 3 additional academic sources that apply to some aspect of
the paper.

For example, if you were commenting on self e cacy, you would de ne it as the belief
in one’s ability to cause an intended outcome and then explain how this applies in your
life, for example, being cut from the soccer team made you practice more so that you
could make the team in the future, therefore increasing the level of self e cacy as you
were not going to give up on the goal of playing soccer. (you would likely have a fuller
description in your paper).

The paper should include:

Introduction: introduce the paper (what it is about), and identify your current stage of

Body: in paragraph form (headings optional), cover the six points listed above

Conclusion: summarize theme of paper, identify what you learned while completing the
paper, and personal insights
Assignment notes:
As this is a personal paper, writing can be in rst-person pronoun.

Submit in a pdf le format.

APA 7th ed. formatting required (eg. title page, formatting, citations, reference page);
ensure to cite the textbook; please see this link for how to cite electronic textbooks.

Assessing Development Assignment Rubric

Incomplete Average Accomplished
0-10 Developing Exemplary
(percentage of 11-50 86-100
51-70 71–85
Clear and
Incomplete, Relatively introduction
minimally complete, but Good introduction letting the
acceptable might lack some and providing
Introducti No reader know the
introduction, elements or not information about the purpose and
on (10) introduction.
doesn’t provide give clear paper. direction of the
clear direction for direction of the paper. Main
the paper. paper. points are
Average Good identi cation
explanation of
of concepts and Body clearly
Incomplete body, minimal or application, some identifies and
minimally vagueness or explains
No identifiable unrelated
acceptable. incomplete aspects concepts and
Body (70) body of sources to
Significantly (eg. Either missing explains;
discussion. support
over/ under page intervention. description or clear sources
count. relevant to
Moderately over/ application)
under page
Conclusion Good conclusion, Summarizes the
acceptable but more of a summary theme of the
Incomplete weakly paper, critical
than re ection on
Conclusi conclusion, or summarizes thinking with
No conclusion new information ideas and the assignment,
on (10) regards to
presented. average to indication of some personal
lacking critical personal awareness. learning and
thinking. reflection.
Some issues
with writing Well written and
spelling errors, Few issues with
mechanics, reviewed;
and writing writing mechanics,
Multiple issues mechanics; spelling errors, syntax,
Writing (5 shows review for
with writing some grammar,
) shows minimal grammar and
mechanics disorganization. spelling correct,
review. spelling.Short of
Somewhat ver/ well- presented
Significantly page count.
under page ideas.
over/under page
APA formatting
Did not follow Significantly Some APA Overall adherence to maintained
APA formatting, incomplete APA errors, lacking APA, few errors throughout
APA (5) no title or formatting and integration of evident; good paper; excellent
reference underuse of sources and/or integration of integration of
page. resources. weak sources. sources. relevant
Total: 100

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