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➢ This section reviews the reasons for developing e-learning and provides an overview of
those situations in which e-learning can be an appropriate solution. It also discusses the
stages of developing an e-learning program or course, the resources and technology
required, the main types of learning solutions and e-learning components and some
examples of FAO e-learning Academy courses developed with a range of partners

1.1 Why develop e-learning?

Many organizations and institutions are increasingly using technology to deliver learning.
One advantage for them in using e-learning is its potential for providing a good return on
investment. Developing e-learning programmers is actually more expensive than preparing
classroom materials or organizing training the trainers’ events, especially if multimedia or
highly interactive methods are required. However, delivery costs for e-learning (including
costs of web servers and technical support) are considerably lower than those for classroom
facilities, printing materials, instructor time, participants’ travel and job time lost to attend
classroom sessions.
Furthermore, while traditional methods can reach a limited number of individuals per year,e
learning can reach thousands of people throughout the world, thereby resulting in a highly
cost-effective method in the longer term.
E-learning can reach a wide target audience, including learners who are:
 Geographically dispersed, with limited time and/or resources to travel;
 Busy with work or family commitments, which do not allow them to attend courses
on specific dates with a fixed schedule;
 Contingent workers, such as consultants, professionals working part-time,
independent contractors;
 Located in conflict and post-conflict areas and/or restricted in their mobility due to
security reasons;
 Limited from participating in classroom sessions due to cultural or religious beliefs;
➢ Facing difficulties with real-time communication (e.g. foreign language learners).

1..2 E-learning content:

 E-learning content can be produced for self-paced e-learning, where learners are free
to learn at their own pace and to define personal learning paths based on their
individual needs. Alternatively, it can be complemented by facilitation, social
interaction and online collaboration activities.


 E-learning content is usually hosted on a web server, with learners accessing it from
an online learning platform. When offered through an Internet connection, there is the
potential to track learners’ actions in a central database through online registration.
 E-learning content is developed according to a set of learning objectives and is
delivered using different media elements, such as text, graphics, audio and video.
 Some types of e-learning product are mobile-responsive, meaning that they can also
be accessed from and properly displayed on mobile devices (tablets and smartphones)


2.1 Literature Survey

1 Shraddha In this work a Older people and A combined

Soni* , review of the employees who are learning app
Shubham eLearning and its serving for long are was followe
Dubey subdomains has reluctant for different
eLearning as the organization
International been done. The
find difficulty in different ble
Institute of selected literatures
using these systems keeping in m
Professional selected for study due to insufficiency audience an
Studies, Devi are categorized in in technical content. E-le
Ahilya three categories as knowledge Other minimizes c
University, research papers important factors separation fr
Indore, from journal, are credibility, work
Madhya books and some efficaciousness,
Pradesh, other literatures. time constraint
India The paper is
aiming to analyses
the ICT enabled
learning pattern in
past and how it is
motivating the
academics in
today’s era.


2 Technologies, Flutter is Google’s One of the major Flutter allows the For instance,
T. Sep. open source problems faced by developers to use a in
29, 2020 Technology for the developers is to single codebase and Java, we lose
creating mobile select the OS which develop the
cross platform
desktop and web is either application in both
applications with a Android or iOS. Android and iOS meaning we will
single code base platforms, without need to spend
Any changes to the amounts of time
code and money to
develop native
apps for
platforms if you
want to target
3 Rachael Jeri e-Learning According to there has been One of the most
Kibuku1 , Challenges Faced Gaskell and Mills significant growth in common
Prof. Daniel by Universities in (2014) the quality of the use of eLearning drawbacks in e
Orca Kenya: e-Learning delivery in Kenyan learning are
Ochieng2 and here we can see a has at times been universities. technical Issues,
Prof. Agnes high demand for challenged and However, despite this Lack of
Nuuk university questioned; where growth, universities Motivation.
Wausi2 1 education in learners and tutors in Kenya are still Feelings of
KCA Kenya which was have had to contend experiencing Isolation,
University, necessitated by the with negative implementation ineffective Time
Kenya increased number perceptions from challenges towards Management.
of high school their conventional full utilization of e-
graduates and learning counterparts learning.
Distractions and
working class and prospective
Staying Focused.
students (Nye ere, employers regarding
Gravenor and the general quality of etc.
Muse, 2012). This the e-Learning
demand has in programs undertaken
turn led to an as well as
increased number qualifications
of universities and achieved
middle level


4 Fail Shiraz* The purpose of the For the present The present research Lack of physical
*Flounder present research is research, contents is significant as it social interaction
Special to consider the of the articles will that is found in a
Education and development were examined Identify and typical,
Application periods of DE in a within the framework comparatively traditional
Center, historical of Research Areas in analyze DE research classroom.
Eskisehir, perspective and to DE (RADE) trends, including the Students can
Turkey reveal the formal defined by pandemic process, only engage and
features, contents Zbaracki (2009). It Reveal the effect of share opinions
and approaches of was found that in the pandemic through virtual
the studies on DE terms of content, process on DE, means in
by taking into most of the articles Guide future chatrooms or
account the DE were included in research in the field broadcasts, but
practices during lower level (183 - of DE, the rate of are not able to
the pandemic 55%). Most articles use of which in physically
process. were in instructional education has interact with
design: practices in increased due to each other. It
education (74- scientific does not fit all
22.20%) and least technological and types of learners
number of articles in other developments.
innovation and
change (1-.30%)
content areas
5 Research With the recent India still use the Improving the Lack of
Anthology on development in traditional way of growth of several information and
Machine technologies and farming, because of organization’s or in knowledge about
Learning integration of either the lack of applications like e- machine learning
Techniques, millions of knowledge, heavy healthcare, etc.
Methods, and internet of things cost or because they Implementing
Applications, devices, a lot of are unaware about robotics in
421-446, data is being the advantages of applications like
2022 generated every these technologies. medical, automobile,
day (known as Big etc. is an aim/goal of
Data). This is computer vision
required to
Improve the
growth of several
organizations or in
applications like
healthcare, etc.


3.1 Aim:
 The aim of this application is to develop a platform that enables a teacher to upload
their content which Can be accessed by the users who need it.
 with the help of our application, we are helping students in their learning by using
their smartphones which will not only fasten the learning process of the students but
also help them in learning in an easy way.
 Also, the students can use this application for ease in learning from different
 Online learning enables the students to learn and study through an android application
and they don't need any other stuff like a class, bench, board, etc.

3.2 Objectives:
 Improve user accessibility and time flexibility to engage learners in the learning
 Enhance the quality of learning and teaching
 Reduced Costs and make education cost-effective Online education can cost less due
to a variety of reasons and at times it is also free
 Improve efficiency and effectiveness of the student/user.


4.1 Mobile Application Development (Domain)

Introduction to mobile application development

Mobile Application Development is the act or process by which a mobile app is developed
for mobile devices, such as personal digital assistants, enterprise digital assistants or mobile
phones. These software application are designed to run on mobile devices, such as a
smartphone or tablet. These application are pre-installed on phone during manufacturing
platforms, or delivered as web application using server-side or client-side processing (e.g.,
java script) to provide an “application –like” experience within a web browser. Application
software developer also must consider a long array of screen sizes, hardware specification,
and configuration because of intense competition in mobile software and changes within each
of the platform. Mobile app development is rapidly growing. From retail,
telecommunications and e-commerce to insurance, healthcare and government, organizations
across industries must meet user expectations for real-time, convenient ways to conduct
transactions and access information. Today, mobile devices—and the mobile applications
that unlock their value—are the most popular way for people and businesses to connect to the
internet. To stay relevant, responsive and successful, organizations need to develop the
mobile applications that their customers, partners and employees demand

Need of Mobile Application Development

Today, mobile app development is essential for an online business. Mobile apps have
transformed the way we perform business. Such apps have eased the customers to get business
details faster and simultaneously stay connected and updated with their favorite brands and
offers. Apps are important for expanding the business reach while delivering related and
massive exposure to the brand.

As the stats say:

• Mobile app downloads will likely reach 258 billion in 2021, which is about a 45%
increase since 2017.

• As mobile apps usage is increasing, in 2021, the industry is expecting to generate

approximately $156 billion, and more through customer app spend.

So, these insights reveal the importance of developing a mobile app for enterprises.


A mobile app has become a necessity for every business, whether a startup or a well-recognized
brand. It is the best way to stay ahead of the curve. Being a business owner, you should prefer
developing an app and reap its benefits.

A Dashboard is created using mobile application. A mobile dashboard is a data analytics tool
used to track important key performance indicators (KPIs) and display them visually on a
mobile device. They are insightful and interactive consoles that use configurable elements
(such as search results, lists, filters, matrixes, gauges, and charts) to drill down into data,
analyze, predict trends, and display critical metrics and information relevant to users. They
provide users with instant access to business-critical information from a variety of sources,
enabling them to make better decisions on the go. Mobile dashboards have similar components
to business dashboards, but with a few key differences.

The components of business dashboards include:

• Data sources
• Data Visualizations
• Filters
• KPIs
• Navigation menu
The key differentiator from business dashboards is that mobile dashboards are built with the
mobile user in mind. They must be compatible with a mobile device, such as a phone or tablet,
and are designed specifically for mobile use cases such as field agents or retail associates. They
often provide real-time information to the user so they can act on it immediately. For this
reason, the data for mobile dashboards needs to be timely.

Benefits of Mobile Dashboards

Following Benefits of Mobile dashboards are:

1. Improved access to real-time data

Traditional access to data requires the user to connect to a hard-wired network, limiting when
and where the data can be accessed. When dashboards can be accessed via mobile device, data
can be referenced in real time. This presents an opportunity for many otherwise impossible use
cases. For example, a retail associate could access a mobile dashboard on a tablet to
immediately tell a customer if an out-of-stock product will be re-stocked soon or if it can be
found at another store.


2. Faster decision-making

Since real-time data can be accessed anywhere at any time, users of mobile dashboards can
make decisions much faster than ever before. This is a result of improved broadband networks,
which make it possible to stream large amounts of data to mobile devices instead of hard-wired
connections. Imagine an automobile company is behind its production schedule of a popular
car, and a series of decisions need to be made to call for overtime at plants, hire additional
workers, and order more parts. An executive at the auto company can use a real-time dashboard
to be alerted to the problem immediately. They can then set the necessary steps to speed up

3. New or improved business models

Organizations can incorporate mobile dashboards into their strategic planning to create new or
improved business models. For example, if a company sells point-of-sale systems for
restaurants and other retailers, they can incorporate mobile dashboards into their offering to
provide the customer with real-time information about what products are selling best and what
needs improvement. The point-of-sale company can develop this into a separate product, or
incorporate it into its existing line. Executives can use this capability to stand out from

4. Increased knowledge sharing

With improved access to data, employees can share data more easily than ever. Sharing
is further improved when dashboards include an interactive capability that allows users
to send information, as well. When data can be shared easily with anyone, anywhere,
and on any device, everyone is more informed and can make better decisions.

4.2 Flutter

Flutter is Google’s open source Technology for creating mobile desktop and web application
with a single code base. Flutter works with existing code, used by developers and organizations
around the world and is free and open source. Flutter consists of two important parts: An SDK
(software development kit): a collection of tools that are going to help you develop your
application. This includes tools to compile your code into native machine code (Code is for
iOS and Android). A framework (UI library based on widgets): A collection of reusable UI
elements that you can personalize for your own needs. As we know that there are lots of mobile
applications which are used nowadays. To develop these applications, the developers, work
their best to provide a good experience but they also face a lot of difficulties. One of the major
problems faced by the developers is to select the OS which is either android or iOS. For
instance, if a developer wants to develop an application then the choice that is to be made is
that if the application is to be developed for both the OS or for only one. Majorly, the


application is developed for both the OS. Now to develop the application for different OS, the
code should also be written in a different language. The code for Android is written in java and
for iOS, the code is written in Swift language. This is a bit difficult for the developer to learn
2 different languages and use them to the full extent to develop the same application but for a
different OS. It is very time consuming, as code is to be written in java and swift, this
development of application in the different platforms is known as cross-platform development.
To overcome the cross-development problem, a software that is developed by google known
as flutter is used. Now what flutter does is that it allows the developers to use a single codebase
and develop the application in both Android and iOS platforms, without making any changes
to the code. This is done by deploying the flutter code written in a dart language. Dart is the
language that is used to develop the application through flutter. When a code is written in a
dart language then the code is deployed in the respective OS IDE (Integrated Development
Environment), which is a platform that supports the code of a language. For instance, the IDE
of Android is Android Studio and iOS is Code. Flutter Pros
• Flutter enables you to make instant changes in the app which is a god-sent when it
comes to fixing bugs.
• Flutter-based apps are very smooth in their performance which makes for great UX.
• With a single code base, quality assurance and testing usually takes much less time.
• Developing in Flutter is very fast and efficient.
Flutter Cons
• The apps made with Flutter tend to be weighty ones.
• Flutter-based apps are not supported by browsers as of now. This means no web apps.
• While Flutter is popular, it has not been around long enough to have a huge resource
base. Therefore, your team will need to write a lot of stuff from scratch.
• Dart is not a popular language and if you want to work with Flutter you will have to
learn how to use it.


5.1 Methodology

5.2 Phases of an e-learning project:

E-learning projects vary considerably in size and complexity. The process described below is
comprehensive – it covers all the options that can be included in a complex learning project
and can be applied to both self-paced and facilitated e-learning courses. However, some of
the steps can be skipped or simplified according to the project’s objectives and requirements,
including budgetary, expertise and organizational constraints.

A needs analysis should be conducted at the start of any development effort to
determine whether:
 training is required to fill a gap in professional knowledge and skills and
eLearning is the best solution to deliver the training.
 The needs analysis enables the identification of general, high-level course
 Target audience analysis is another crucial step. The design and delivery of
eLearning will be influenced by key characteristics of the learners (e.g. their
previous knowledge and skills, geographical provenance, learning context and
access to technology).
 Task analysis identifies the job tasks that learners should complete and the
knowledge and skills that need to be developed or reinforced. This type of
analysis is mainly used in courses designed to build specific job related skills
 Topic analysis is conducted to identify and classify the course content. This is
typical of courses that are primarily designed to provide information.


2. Design:
he designs stage encompasses the following activities:

 formulating a set of learning objectives required to achieve the general, high-level course
 defining the order in which the objectives should be achieved (sequencing); and selecting
instructional, media, evaluation and delivery strategies.
 The outcome of the design stage is a blueprint that will be used as a reference to develop the
course. The blueprint illustrates the curriculum structure (e.g. its organization in courses,
units, lessons, activities); the learning objectives associated with each unit; and the delivery
methods and formats (e.g. interactive self-paced materials, synchronous and/or asynchronous
collaborative activities) to deliver each unit.

3. Development:
In this stage, the e-learning content is actually produced. The content can vary considerably,
depending on the resources available. For example, e-learning content may consist of only
simpler materials (i.e. those with little or no interactivity or multimedia component, such as
structured PDF documents), which can be combined with other materials (e.g. audio or video
files), assignments and tests. In that situation, storyboard development and the development
of media and electronic interactions would not be conducted
The development of interactive e-learning content comprises three main steps:
 Content writing or collecting all the required knowledge and information
 storyboard: organizing the content into a structure by choosing appropriate
instructional methods and creating a storyboard, i.e. an intermediate product
where all the components of the final object are defined, including images,
text, interactions, assessment tests
 courseware: finalizing the product by developing media and interactive
components and generating the final version in the required delivery format(s).

4. Implementation:
At this stage, the course is delivered to learners. The courseware is installed on a server and
made accessible for learners. In facilitated and instructor led courses, this stage corresponds
to the actual delivery of the course to a group of participants, and it also includes managing
and facilitating learners’ activities

5. Evaluation: An e-learning project can be evaluated for specific purposes. You may want
to evaluate learners’ reactions, the achievement of learning objectives, the transfer of job-
related knowledge and skills, and/or the impact of the project on the organization.


6.1 Requirements Analysis
System Requirement Specification

System Requirements Document is also known as System Requirements Specifications.

System requirements document is a set of documentation that describes the behavior and
features of a software or system. It comprises of various elements that attempt to characterize
the functionality needed by the client to satisfy their users. In other words, the system
requirements document (SRD) describes the system-level performance and functional
requirements for a system.

System Requirements Document or System Requirements Specification is defined as a

document which defines what the software will do and how it will be required to perform,
and it also defines the functionality the software needs to satisfy all stakeholders (users,
business) requirements.

1.Requirement analysis is a softer engineering task that bridges the gap between the system
level software allocation and software design.
2.It enabled the system engineering to specify software function and performance indicate
software interface with other system elements.
3.It provides the software designer with a representation of information and function that can
be translated to data, architectural and procedural design.

6.2 Software Requirements

 Flutter (Version 3.4.0-34.1.pre, Dart version 2.19.0)
 Operating system multi-platform
 IDE: Vs code
 Data base server SQlite,firebse

6.3 Hardware Requirements

 processor: i5 (or) higher
 ram: 4GB (or) higher
 Hard disk: 80 GB (or) higher


7.1 Benefits and Limitations
 Added flexibility and self-placed learning

 With online classes, you don’t need to move to a different city or commute long
distances in order to attend the program of your choice

 Online Classes Unlock More Learning Opportunities

 It’s easier to achieve optimal school-life balance

 Many graduate students can’t afford to take time off from work, Online learning
makes it possible to keep your job

 Immersing yourself in the technology that powers online learning will enhance your
technical literacy.

 Online learning creates opportunities to interact, participate, and communicate with

your peers and instructors in different ways

 Online Learning May Create a Sense of Isolation

 Online Learning Requires Self-Discipline

 Online Learning Requires Additional Training for Instructors

 Online Classes Are Prone to Technical Issue

 Online Learning means more screen-time


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