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In our day and age lies different strategies to initiate customer retention without
affecting their initial profit. One type of stratagem that is commonly utilized to acquire
this kind outcome will be “Loyalty Programs”. Commonly used in stores and different
super markets to encourage consumers to shop more and choose them frequently
instead of other competitors.
This Research will highlight the importance of customer retention by applying methods
to preserve consumers in the long run by providing loyalty programs to have the
desired customer satisfaction. Within this study we will also identify what’s the benefit
of “Loyalty Programs”.This study will highlight different components that compliments
effective loyalty programs and how it serves the everyday consumer. This will also
highlight different types of loyalty program that is currently being utilized in our
everyday market. By using well constructed surveys that identifies, what impact it
provides and even how often does this “Loyalty Program” is being consumed by the
average consumer on a daily basis and thus confirm if they will participate in this kind
of stratagem. Our Team of researchers handed out survey questionnaires to a total
number of (400) respondents both male and female within the vicinity of South
Caloocan. Inside said questionnaires are questions based on Creswell’s qualitative
research methodologies which revolves around “What” and “How”. The researches
utilized various methods to gain information that will be discussed later on.
In conclusion this study will help us identify what we should keep in mind before we
create any type of loyalty programs. This study will also help us have a better
understanding of what needs to be prioritized so that we can attain positive feedback
for our consumers satisfaction and also the profit that we will gain by utilizing this kind
of strategy.

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