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Marketing Plan

May 15, 2024

Table of Contents

Executive Summary……………………………………….
Product Description……………………………………….
Target Market & Consumers Profile…………………….
Marketing Industry/Indicators……………………………
Marketing Mix……………………………………………….
Action Plan…………………………………………………..
Measurement and Monitoring Activities……………….
I. Executive Summary

“Butchi Balls” is a pioneering snack brand located in Belvedere Tanza, Cavite,

offering a unique fusion of flavors inspired by the traditional delicacy of Butchi in
Batangas. Our innovative snacks combine kamote, ube, and choco fudge with
luscious chocolate fillings, catering to children, students, and health-conscious adults.
By blending tradition with innovation, we aim to provide a convenient and delightful
snack that captures the essence of Filipino flavors.

Our mission at “Butchi Balls” is to revolutionize snacking by offering a unique

and delightful experience that blends Filipino culinary heritage with modern tastes.
We strive to create a brand that not only satisfies cravings but also promotes
wellness and indulgence in every bite. Through product innovation, competitive
pricing, strategic placement, and promotion via digital platforms and local events, we
aim to enhance brand awareness and reach a broader market.

Challenges such as brand awareness and distribution are met with opportunities
in the health and wellness trend. Our action plan focuses on maintaining quality,
competitive pricing, strategic placement, and effective promotion to engage
customers and expand market reach. Monitoring customer feedback, sales
performance, order management, and team collaboration are key elements in
enhancing customer experience and maximizing profitability in the competitive snack

II. Product Description

We introduce "Butchi Balls," a unique and innovative snack inspired by the

traditional delicacy of Butchi in Batangas. These delightful treats offer a creative

fusion of flavors, combining the familiar taste of kamote with exciting variations like

ube and Choco fudge. What sets Butchi Balls apart is the surprise element of

luscious chocolate fillings nestled inside, providing a luxurious and indulgent

experience for consumers.

Butchi Balls are more than just a snack; they are a heartfelt pasalubong

option for your loved ones. Whether as a treat for yourself or a thoughtful gift for

family and friends, Butchi Balls blend tradition with innovation, offering a convenient

and delightful snack option that captures the essence of Filipino flavors. Butchi Balls

is made with nutritious ingredients such as sweet potatoes (kamote) and ube, these

snacks not only satisfy your taste buds but also provide essential vitamins and
minerals. Sweet potatoes are rich in fiber, vitamins A and C, and antioxidants,

promoting digestion and immune health. Ube, a purple yam, adds antioxidants and

fiber, supporting gut health and overall well-being.

With Butchi Balls, you can savor a blend of traditional and modern flavors

while incorporating healthy ingredients for a balanced snacking experience and a

thoughtful pasalubong gesture to your loved ones.

III. Target Market and Consumers Profile

Our target market for “Butchi Balls” is diverse, encompassing children,

students, and adults of varying ages. Children are a key demographic for
“Butchi Balls,” drawn to the fun and flavorful nature of the snack. The colorful
and innovative variations of Butchi Balls appeal to children’s taste preferences
and make snacking enjoyable for them. Students, including high school and
college students, are another important segment of the target market. They
seek convenient and affordable snack options to fuel their busy schedules,
making “Butchi Balls” a practical and tasty choice for on-the-go snacking
during study sessions or between classes. Additionally, adults form a
significant part of the target market for “Butchi Balls.” Health-conscious adults
appreciate the balance of flavor and nutrition in Butchi Balls, especially with
the use of dark chocolate to reduce sugar content, making it a guilt-free
indulgence for them.

In the future, “Butchi Balls” plans to introduce additional varieties to cater

to evolving consumer preferences and ensure long-term success in the
market. By addressing the needs of both younger students seeking
convenient and affordable snacks and older individuals looking for healthier
indulgences, “Butchi Balls” strives to establish itself as a versatile and
appealing snack option for a diverse range of consumers.

IV. Marketing Industry/ Indicators

In the vibrant and competitive snack industry, “Butchi Balls” emerges as a

beacon of innovation and flavor diversity, poised to captivate the taste buds of

consumers across Belvedere Tanza, Cavite. Our location at Belvedere Tanza

ensures easy access for all who crave and seek a delightful pasalubong experience.

This prime location was chosen due to its high foot traffic, proximity to Belvedere’s
pakengke, and its adjacency to Tanza National Trade School, making it a hub for

snack lovers and students alike.

The strengths of “Butchi Balls” lie in its unique flavor varieties, offering

traditional Filipino flavors such as Kamote, Ube, and Choco fudge that set it apart in

the market. The convenience and portability of “Butchi Balls” further enhance its

appeal, catering to the fast-paced lifestyles of students, busy individuals, and families

seeking convenient and tasty snack solutions. Moreover, the health-conscious appeal

of “Butchi Balls,” achieved through the incorporation of dark chocolate to reduce

sugar content, aligns perfectly with the growing trend towards healthier snacking


While “Butchi Balls” boasts significant strengths, it also faces challenges that

require strategic attention. Building brand awareness and ensuring effective

distribution channels are key areas that demand focus to establish a strong market

presence. However, the opportunities for “Butchi Balls” are promising. The health and

wellness trend presents a significant opportunity for the brand to capitalize on the

increasing demand for nutritious and flavorful snack options. Introducing new flavor

variations and expanding the product line can further enhance the product’s appeal

and reach a broader consumer base.

In a market characterized by evolving consumer preferences and intense

competition, “Butchi Balls” must remain agile and responsive to changing trends. By

leveraging its strengths, addressing weaknesses, capitalizing on opportunities, and

mitigating threats, “Butchi Balls” can solidify its position as a leading snack choice in

Belvedere Tanza, Cavite. With a focus on quality, innovation, and consumer

satisfaction, “Butchi Balls” aims to become a beloved and go-to snack option for
students, health-conscious individuals, and all consumers seeking a delicious and

convenient snacking experience in the bustling area of Belvedere Tanza.

V. Marketing Mix


"Butchi Balls" offers a delightful and innovative snack experience with

traditional Filipino flavors like kamote, ube, and choco fudge. The snack is

convenient, portable, and appeals to students, busy individuals, and families

seeking a tasty treat. The incorporation of dark chocolate to reduce sugar

content aligns with health-conscious preferences, making "Butchi Balls" a

guilt-free indulgence.


- Retail Pricing: The retail pricing for "Butchi Balls" per box will be set to

ensure affordability for individual consumers looking to enjoy the snack. The

pricing will be competitive and reflective of the quality and uniqueness of the


- Wholesale Pricing: For businesses interested in selling "Butchi Balls,"

wholesale pricing per box will be available. This pricing option aims to attract

retailers, cafes, and other establishments looking to offer "Butchi Balls" to

their customers. The wholesale pricing will be structured to provide a

competitive margin for resellers while maintaining profitability for the brand.


"Butchi Balls" is strategically located at Belvedere Tanza, Cavite, across

from 7/11, a prime spot known for its popularity among snack lovers. This

location ensures easy access for customers seeking a delightful pasalubong

experience. The high foot traffic, proximity to local establishments, and the

presence of students from Tanza National Trade School make it an ideal hub for

snack enthusiasts.


Promotional strategies for "Butchi Balls" will focus on increasing

customer awareness through digital platforms. The snack will be featured on

online directories, social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, and Tik tok,

and review-based websites. Physical signage at the location, word of mouth,

and participation in local events will also be utilized to promote "Butchi Balls"

to the target audience.

VI. Action Plan

Product Strategy:

Maintain consistent quality and flavor of “Butchi Balls” to meet customer expectations and

ensure satisfaction. Explore new flavor variations and packaging options to enhance product

appeal. Implement effective inventory management practices to monitor stock levels and

ensure product availability.

Price Strategy:

Develop competitive retail pricing per box for individual consumers, balancing affordability

and profitability. Create a wholesale pricing model per box for businesses interested in

reselling “Butchi Balls,” offering attractive margins for retailers and cafes. Regularly review

pricing strategies to align with market trends, customer preferences, and financial objectives.

Place Strategy:

Maintain the strategic location of “Butchi Balls” at Belvedere Tanza, Cavite, across from 7/11,

to capitalize on high foot traffic and visibility. Explore opportunities for potential expansion or
additional distribution channels to reach a wider customer base. Foster strong relationships

with retail partners and businesses interested in selling “Butchi Balls” to ensure consistent

availability and brand visibility in the market.

Promotion Strategy:

Utilize social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, to engage with

customers, share product updates, and promote special offers. Launch a new website to

showcase the product range, pricing options, and customer testimonials to enhance online

visibility. Collaborate with marketing experts to optimize search engine visibility and attract a

larger audience to the “Butchi Balls” brand. Encourage customer reviews and testimonials to

build credibility, enhance brand reputation, and foster customer loyalty.

VII. Measurement and Monitoring Activities

Monitoring and measuring activities are crucial for Butchi Balls to track and

improve various aspects of its business operations. By gathering customer feedback

through surveys and in-store suggestion , Butchi Balls can understand customer

preferences and make necessary adjustments to enhance the overall customer

experience. Evaluating sales performance on a regular basis allows the business to

track revenue trends, identify peak selling periods, and make informed decisions to

maximize profitability.

Efficient order management, including providing timely updates on social

media platforms, ensures that customers receive their orders promptly and are

satisfied with the service. Additionally, fostering team collaboration by addressing

staff needs and promoting effective communication channels creates a positive work

environment, enhances productivity, and ultimately contributes to the overall success

of Butchi Balls in the competitive snack market.

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