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8/25/22, 8:52 PM Preparing the environment

Preparing the environment

You need to prepare you environment before you start creating new events and flows.


1. Start the database and the application server.

2. Ensure that axis2.war with landscape service, flow service and framework service is up and running.
This is required only for TAFJ clients.
3. In case of TAFC client, start the TAFC Agent to establish the connectivity between Event Designer and
Temenos T24.
Run the following command:

tafc_agent -p port_number

Example: tafc_agent -p 33333

Another option:

tafc_agent -p port_number -c certificate_path -k key_path

Example: tafc_agent -p 33333 -c c:\openssl\bin\keys\cert.cer -k


You can use SSL certificates to secure the connection between Event Designer and jremote.… 1/1

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