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Ó +91-7374993312 Greater Noida, India Linkedin ‡ Github LeetCode CodingNinja HackerRank GeeksforGeeks
B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering 2021 - 2025
I.T.S Engineering College- CGPA - 9 Greater Noida, India
Languages: C/C++, Python, SQL
Technologies: HTML, CSS, Javascript, Typescript, NodeJS, ExpressJS, Blockchain
Developer Tools: Git, GitHub, VS Code, Atom
Frameworks and Libraries: Tailwind CSS, ReactJS, Redux
Database: MongoDB, MySQL
Subjects: Operating System, DBMS, Object Oriented Programming
Apna Hotel - A Hotel Booking App | Typescript, React, Express, Node, MongoDb, PlayWright
• Implemented secure user authentication with JWT and HTTP cookies.
• Developed hotel management functionalities for adding, editing, and viewing hotels, ensuring smooth user
• Integrated image upload feature for hotels, enhancing visual appeal and user engagement.
• Implemented search, sort, and filter functionalities to improve user experience and aid in hotel discovery.
• Integrated Stripe for secure and efficient online payments, facilitating seamless hotel booking transactions.
• Developed booking management system for users to view and manage their bookings.
• Implemented feature to display recently added hotels on the home page, enhancing user engagement.
• Technologies used: MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Redux, React-Router Node.js, Typescript, JWT, Stripe,
• Live site here
MOVIX - Movie Recommendation and Information Platform | ReactJS, React Router, SCSS
• Description
• A responsive website using ReactJS and SCSS, offering users an engaging platform to explore and discover
their favorite movies.
• Key Features
• Effortless Search: Users can easily search for any movie, accessing a wealth of details including cast
information, ratings, trailers, and more.
• Similar Movies Section: MOVIX intelligently suggests related movies, enhancing user engagement and
broadening their movie-watching experience.
• Personalized Recommendations: MOVIX delivers a personalized touch by tailoring movie
recommendations based on user preferences and viewing history.
• Responsive Design: MOVIX is designed with a fully responsive layout, providing a seamless experience
across various devices and screen sizes.
• Live site here

• Solved 1300+ problems across various coding platforms.
• In the 12th examination, achieved the third position in the district of Bareilly
• Selected for ICPC Regionals with team ’Binary Brain’ in the Amritapuri region, Kerala
• I earned Hacktoberfest recognition by actively contributing to open-source projects.

• Certificate of Achievement - ICPC Amritapuri Region, Kerala
• Responsive Web Design - freeCodeCamp
• JavaScript Algorithm and Data Structure - freeCodeCamp
• Introduction to Blockchain - Amazon Web Services
• AWS Academy Graduate - AWS Academy Cloud Foundations - Amazon Web Services
• Introduction to CyberSecurity - Cisco

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