Khilji Military Reforms

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Zumeer Ahmad Sofi
M.A.,B.Ed., M.Phil (History) Baramulla, Jammu and Kashmir-India
Cell No.: +91-9086616973

Alauddin Khilji, the sovereign of the Delhi Sultanate during the medieval period in India, was
confronted with a plethora of martial challenges throughout his rule. Among these challenges were
the defence against Mongol incursions, the quelling of internal insurrections, the enlargement of
the territorial boundaries of the Sultanate, and the surmounting of various logistical hindrances. In
response to these exigencies, Khilji undertook considerable military reforms. These included the
formation of a standing army, the enactment of rigorous disciplinary protocols, the initiation of the
branding system for horses, and the erection of strategically positioned fortifications. These
alterations were instrumental in fortifying his authority, augmenting the territorial expanse of the
Sultanate, enhancing the efficacy of the military forces, and reinforcing the stability of the Delhi
Sultanate. The military tactics and decisions of Khilji, encompassing his assertive expansionist
approach and focus on defence, intelligence acquisition, and utilisation of resources, facilitated his
martial triumphs and induced a transformative effect on the socio-political fabric of the Sultanate.

Keywords: economic policy, market control, price regulations, Medieval India, trade, commerce.

Alauddin Khilji, upon his accession to power in 1296, was immediately confronted
with a host of formidable challenges in the military domain during his tenure as the ruler of
the Delhi Sultanate. The Northern Indian region, at the time, was characterised by a state of
political disarray and a constant barrage of external menaces. Among the most formidable
threats Khilji faced were the Mongol invasions, under the successive command of Genghis
Khan and his progeny, which represented a relentless peril to the stability and sovereignty
of the Delhi Sultanate. In response, Khilji was compelled to devise defensive strategies
against these incursions, involving the orchestration of military campaigns across diverse
fronts and the fortification of essential borderlands. In addition to the external threats, the
ruler grappled with internal insurrections and regional discontent. Given the heterogeneity
and geographical vastness of the Sultanate, comprising diverse ethnic groups and
territories, maintaining dominion proved to be a labyrinthine undertaking. The ruler had to
suppress a series of rebellions, particularly in areas where the central administration's
authority was challenged. This necessitated the application of military force in conjunction
with strategic foresight to quash dissent and reassert the Sultanate's control.
Further complicating Khilji's rule were his ambitions of territorial expansion. His
desire to augment the Sultanate's boundaries and subjugate additional regions required
continuous military expeditions against a multitude of entrenched kingdoms and
principalities. The ruler was therefore faced with the task of formulating innovative tactics
to subdue these resilient regional forces, necessitating precise calculations and intricate
planning. Logistical impediments also constituted a considerable challenge for Khilji. The
expansive nature of the empire demanded an efficient and robust transportation network, as
well as well-coordinated supply systems to sustain protracted military engagements. The
provisioning of a well-equipped army over extensive distances constituted a logistical
marvel that required astute planning and organizational prowess.
International Journal of Economic, Business, Accounting, Agriculture Management and Sharia Administration |IJEBAS 1589
E-ISSN: 2808-4713 |
Volumes 3 No. 1 (2023)


Zumeer Ahmad Sofi

Research Objectives
This study aims to explore the military challenges and strategies of Alauddin Khilji,
focusing on his specific reforms, their effectiveness, and impact on the Delhi Sultanate's
stability and expansion. It also assesses Khilji's strategic decisions, organizational and
logistical advancements, innovative tactics, and the relationship between these military
reforms and the broader socio-political dynamics of the period.
Research Methodology
The research methodology employed in this study is historical in nature. It involves
analyzing primary and secondary sources, such as historical texts, documents, and artifacts,
to understand and interpret the events and context surrounding Alauddin Khilji's reign as
the ruler of the Delhi Sultanate.
Alauddin Khilji's tenure as the ruler of the Delhi Sultanate witnessed a remarkable
transformation in the military structure, marked by a series of targeted reforms with
underlying strategic objectives. Central to these reforms was the creation of a highly
organised and efficient standing army, the "New Standing Army" or "Corps of Forty
Thousand." By instituting this permanent military entity composed of disciplined, salaried
soldiers, Khilji sought to enhance the centralised control and efficacy of military
administration. His aim transcended mere response to immediate threats; rather, he sought
to instate a constant state of readiness to secure territorial conquests and mitigate both
internal insurrections and external incursions.1 The imposition of stringent measures,
including severe penalties for disobedience or negligence, articulated Khilji's commitment
to fostering a rigidly controlled military ethos. By inculcating loyalty and obedience within
the ranks, these measures augmented the military capabilities of the empire, constituting a
vital element in the broader schema of his rule. The disciplined military architecture thus
became emblematic of Khilji's governance, reflecting his methodical approach to statecraft
and his understanding of military dynamics in the context of medieval Indian polity.2
The implementation of the "Dagh" or branding system signifies a critical facet of
Alauddin Khilji's military reforms, reflecting his strategic acumen in streamlining military
administration. By branding the horses and meticulously recording their details, Khilji
managed not only to enhance the management of the cavalry but also to erect barriers
against corruption and unauthorised use of state resources. The rationale behind this reform
underscores his determination to institute control and bring transparency into military
operations. Khilji's approach to securing the vulnerable frontiers of his empire manifested
in the construction of an extensive network of forts and fortifications. Strategically located
in regions susceptible to invasions, these architectural structures were not mere defensive
bulwarks but acted as deterrents, symbolising the military prowess of the Sultanate.
Complementing this defensive architecture, Khilji's emphasis on maintaining a formidable
cavalry force capable of rapid raids and counterattacks signified a more aggressive,
offensive stance that went beyond mere territorial defence. Collectively, these reforms
were not isolated efforts but part of an intricate design aimed at centralising control,
enhancing military strength, ensuring discipline and loyalty, and fortifying the empire. The
synergy of the standing army, disciplinary rigor, branding system, and fortifications
articulated a comprehensive military strategy that fortified Khilji's rule.3 They contributed
to the military might and stability of his empire, not merely as instruments of governance
but as reflections of a meticulously crafted military philosophy. Khilji's military reforms
thus transcended operational adjustments, resonating as a robust framework that has since

1590 International Journal of Economic, Business, Accounting, Agriculture Management and Sharia Administration |IJEBAS
E-ISSN: 2808-4713 |
become emblematic of his analytical and strategic mastery in the realm of medieval Indian
The military reforms implemented by Alauddin Khilji had a significant impact on
the stability and expansion of the Delhi Sultanate. These reforms were aimed at
strengthening the military capabilities of the empire and ensuring its territorial integrity.
One of the key aspects of Khilji's military reforms was the focus on professionalization and
discipline within the army.5 He introduced strict codes of conduct and discipline among the
soldiers, emphasizing loyalty and obedience to the Sultan. This contributed to a more
cohesive and disciplined military force, capable of executing orders efficiently and
effectively. The professionalization of the army played a crucial role in enhancing the
stability of the Delhi Sultanate by instilling a sense of unity and discipline among the
troops. Khilji also introduced significant changes in the recruitment and organization of the
military.6 He established a standing army known as the "New Order" or "Dagh," consisting
of experienced and well-trained soldiers. This standing army was paid regular salaries,
provided with adequate provisions, and given land grants as rewards for their service. This
systematic approach to recruitment and compensation ensured a reliable and loyal military
force, which could be readily deployed to defend the empire and undertake offensive
campaigns. Another notable military reform was the introduction of a strategic fortification
system. Khilji constructed a network of strong fortresses, particularly along the empire's
borders, to protect against external invasions and maintain territorial control. These forts
provided a strong defensive line and acted as bases for launching military operations. The
fortification system played a crucial role in enhancing the stability of the Delhi Sultanate
by deterring potential invaders and reinforcing the Sultanate's control over key regions.
Khilji's military reforms contributed to the expansion of the Delhi Sultanate's
territory. The professionalization and effectiveness of the army, coupled with strategic
planning, enabled successful military campaigns and territorial conquests. Khilji undertook
several military expeditions, expanding the Sultanate's control over regions such as
Gujarat, Malwa, and Rajasthan. The military reforms played a vital role in facilitating these
conquests, ensuring the Sultanate's territorial expansion and further strengthening its
position. Alauddin Khilji's military reforms had a profound impact on the stability and
expansion of the Delhi Sultanate.7 The emphasis on professionalization and discipline
within the army, the establishment of a standing army, and the strategic fortification
system enhanced the Sultanate's military capabilities and safeguarded its territorial
integrity. These reforms provided a more stable and reliable military force, capable of
defending the empire and undertaking successful military campaigns. Overall, Khilji's
military reforms played a pivotal role in shaping the Delhi Sultanate's stability and
expansion during his reign.8
Alauddin Khilji, the ruler of the Delhi Sultanate in medieval India, made strategic
military decisions that played a pivotal role in achieving significant military successes
during his reign. These decisions encompassed various aspects such as expansion, defense,
intelligence gathering, and utilization of resources. One of the notable strategic military
decisions made by Alauddin Khilji was his aggressive expansionist policy. Recognizing
the importance of territorial conquests for establishing and maintaining political power,
Khilji launched military campaigns to expand the boundaries of his empire. He
successfully captured and annexed regions like Gujarat, Malwa, and Ranthambore, thereby
enlarging the territory under his control.9 This expansionist policy not only increased his

International Journal of Economic, Business, Accounting, Agriculture Management and Sharia Administration |IJEBAS 1589
E-ISSN: 2808-4713 |
Volumes 3 No. 1 (2023)


Zumeer Ahmad Sofi

realm but also enhanced his military resources, including manpower, wealth, and strategic
Alauddin Khilji's strategic decision-making in the defence of his empire manifests a
multifaceted and analytical approach to military statecraft. One of his significant initiatives
was the investment in the construction and renovation of forts and fortifications,
particularly at the vulnerable frontiers of his domain. Recognising the function of these
structures beyond mere physical barriers, Khilji utilised them as both secure defensive
positions and symbolic deterrents against potential invasions. This defence-oriented
approach transcended immediate military needs, reflecting a comprehensive vision that
factored in geopolitical dynamics and the psychological impact on adversaries. Coupled
with this defensive strategy, Khilji's establishment of a sophisticated intelligence network
was indicative of his acute awareness of the importance of information in strategic
planning. Monitoring both internal and external developments, this network facilitated the
gathering of vital intelligence about rival powers, thereby enhancing the foresight and
responsiveness of the Delhi Sultanate. It was not merely a tool for information collection
but an intricate system that enabled Khilji to pre-empt potential threats and adapt his
military strategies accordingly. Khilji's focus on building a formidable cavalry force,
known as the "Chaghtai Mashaikh," reveals a nuanced understanding of the tactical
demands of his military campaigns. Emphasising swift manoeuvring and raiding
capabilities, this cavalry force was not an isolated unit but an integral part of his broader
military structure, underlining Khilji's ability to mobilise and deploy his resources with
Alauddin Khilji's military administration during the medieval period in India
exhibited notable organizational structure and logistical advancements that contributed to
the efficiency and effectiveness of his armed forces. The organizational structure of Khilji's
military administration was characterized by a hierarchical system. The army was divided
into different units, each headed by a commander or officer. These units included cavalry,
infantry, and artillery divisions. Khilji placed great emphasis on discipline and strict
military hierarchy. He appointed trusted commanders who were loyal to him and granted
them significant autonomy in managing their respective units.12 This centralized command
structure enabled swift decision-making and efficient coordination of military operations.
In terms of logistical advancements, Alauddin Khilji implemented several measures to
ensure the smooth functioning of his military administration. One significant logistical
advancement was the establishment of an efficient supply chain system. Khilji recognized
the importance of maintaining a well-provisioned army and implemented measures to
ensure a steady flow of resources to his troops. He established granaries and storehouses in
strategic locations, which stored ample food supplies and provisions for his soldiers during
military campaigns. This logistical infrastructure enabled his forces to operate in remote
regions without facing severe shortages.13
Khilji also introduced reforms in the management of military finances. He
established a treasury system that efficiently handled the revenue generated from his
empire. This revenue was allocated to support the military's needs, including the payment
of salaries to soldiers, procurement of weapons and equipment, and maintenance of
infrastructure. The financial reforms implemented by Khilji ensured a stable source of
funding for his military administration, allowing for sustained military operations and the
overall well-being of his armed forces. Another notable logistical advancement was the
establishment of efficient communication networks. Khilji recognized the importance of

1590 International Journal of Economic, Business, Accounting, Agriculture Management and Sharia Administration |IJEBAS
E-ISSN: 2808-4713 |
timely and accurate information dissemination, both within his military administration and
between different regions of his empire. He established a system of messengers and
couriers who carried vital messages, orders, and reports between commanders, garrisons,
and the central administration. This communication network facilitated swift decision-
making, coordinated military movements, and ensured effective response to emerging
situations. In addition to the organizational structure and logistical advancements,
Alauddin Khilji's military administration also focused on the training and professional
development of his soldiers. He invested in military training institutions, where soldiers
received rigorous training in various aspects of warfare. This emphasis on training
improved the skills and combat readiness of his troops, enabling them to perform with
proficiency on the battlefield.14
The military reforms implemented by Alauddin Khilji had a profound impact on the
socio-political dynamics of the Delhi Sultanate. These reforms not only enhanced the
military capabilities of the empire but also played a significant role in consolidating
Khilji's power and reshaping the socio-political landscape. One key aspect of the
relationship between Khilji's military reforms and the socio-political dynamics was the
strengthening of central authority. The establishment of a professional standing army and
the implementation of strict discipline contributed to the consolidation of the Sultan's
power. The military reforms ensured that the army remained loyal and obedient to the
Sultan, enhancing his control over the empire.15 This consolidation of central authority
enabled Khilji to exert greater influence over the socio-political dynamics of the Delhi
Sultanate and establish a more centralized governance structure. Khilji's military reforms
had a direct impact on the relationship between the ruling elite and the military. The
establishment of the "New Order" and the provision of regular salaries and rewards created
a sense of loyalty and dependence on the Sultan. The professionalization of the army under
Khilji's reforms reduced the influence and autonomy of regional military commanders and
local power centers. This shift in power dynamics increased the Sultan's control over the
military and further solidified his position as the ultimate authority in the socio-political
The military reforms also had implications for the relationship between the
Sultanate and the general populace. The fortification system and the effectiveness of the
army instilled a sense of security and stability among the people. This contributed to social
cohesion and reinforced the authority of the Sultanate. Additionally, the successful military
campaigns and territorial expansion resulting from the reforms created a sense of pride and
legitimacy for the Sultan's rule. The military successes and the perception of a strong
empire under Khilji's leadership bolstered his legitimacy and support from the population.
However, the socio-political dynamics were not without challenges. The consolidation of
power in the hands of the Sultan and the centralization of authority led to a certain degree
of resentment among regional elites and nobles. Some segments of society, particularly
those whose influence was curtailed by the reforms, may have felt marginalized or
threatened by the Sultan's control over the military. This tension between central authority
and regional power centers remained a constant feature of the socio-political dynamics
during Khilji's reign.
Alauddin Khilji's reign as the ruler of the Delhi Sultanate marked a period of
military ingenuity, wherein the introduction of innovative tactics and technologies
demonstrated an analytical and adaptive approach to warfare. Khilji's use of guerrilla
warfare tactics represents a strategic departure from conventional military methods of the

International Journal of Economic, Business, Accounting, Agriculture Management and Sharia Administration |IJEBAS 1593
E-ISSN: 2808-4713 |
Volumes 3 No. 1 (2023)


Zumeer Ahmad Sofi

time. By employing skilled horsemen and leveraging their mobility, he could launch swift
and unanticipated attacks on his enemies. This tactic disrupted conventional formations
and inflicted substantial casualties, not merely as an isolated method but as part of a
broader military doctrine.16 The strategic integration of guerrilla warfare into Khilji's
military campaigns played a vital role in attaining success, reflecting an understanding of
the fluid dynamics of warfare and an ability to adapt to various combat situations. Khilji's
introduction of advanced artillery technologies further accentuated his analytical approach
to military engagements. The deployment of siege engines such as catapults and trebuchets
not only provided him with superior firepower but also symbolised a willingness to
embrace technological advancements to achieve strategic objectives. This utilization of
artillery transcended mere technological adoption, signifying a broader recognition of the
role of technology in shaping military capabilities and altering the balance of power in the
Khilji's application of psychological warfare represents another facet of his military
acumen. The deliberate display of severed heads to instill fear was not merely a brutal
tactic but a calculated psychological strategy aimed at undermining the enemy's morale.
This demonstrates an appreciation of the psychological dimensions of warfare,
acknowledging that battles are often won and lost not only on the field but also in the
minds of the combatants.17 Khilji's emphasis on intelligence gathering and reconnaissance
signifies a commitment to informed decision-making on the battlefield. The employment
of spies and scouts was part of a complex intelligence infrastructure designed to provide
actionable insights, reflecting an understanding of the vital connection between
information and strategic execution. This focus on intelligence underscores the recognition
that military victories are often predicated on the ability to anticipate and adapt to the ever-
changing dynamics of warfare.
Alauddin Khilji's reign over the Delhi Sultanate marked a transformative era in
medieval Indian military strategy and governance. Through the enactment of intricate
military reforms, he responded to complex challenges of political disintegration, external
threats, and internal discord. His establishment of a standing army, stringent disciplinary
protocols, comprehensive fortifications, and an intelligence network were instrumental in
consolidating power and expanding the empire. The synergy between aggressive
expansionist policies, technological innovation, and psychological warfare contributed to
his military successes, altering the socio-political landscape. Khilji's rule stands as an
analytical testament to adept military leadership, with his strategies and governance model
leaving a lasting impact on the Delhi Sultanate. His reign encapsulates the convergence of
military reforms, innovative tactics, and strategic vision, reflecting both the specific
exigencies of his time and universal principles of statecraft.

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E-ISSN: 2808-4713 |
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E-ISSN: 2808-4713 |

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