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1- & 2-mark Questions

Social Studies
Complete Revision

32 marks
in your

SSLC Crash Course
Social Science Plan

Week 1 Part 2 Textbook Sahana Ma’am and

Most Important Topics
Padma Ma’am

Week 2 Timeline & Map Complete Coverage Adarsh Sir

Week 3 1 & 2 Marks Chapter Wise Adarsh Sir

Solving Model Question

Week 4 Exam Skills Adarsh Sir

Week 5 3 Marks Chapter Wise Sahana Ma’am

Week 6 4 marks Chapter Wise Sahana Ma’am

Week 6 Checklist Cross Check Preparation Adarsh Sir

Weightage of types of questions
Map Work

4 mark
1 mark (16)

2 mark

3 mark

Topics Covered In This Session
History Geography
1. Advent Of Europeans to India 13. India -Geographical Position And Physical
2. The Extension Of British Rule In India
14. India- Seasons
3. The Impact Of British Rule In India
15. India- Water Resources
4. Opposition To The British Rule From
16. India- Forest Resources
Karnataka And The Wodiyars Of Mysore
17. India- Soil
5. Social And Religious Reform Movements
18. India- Transport And Communication
6. The Freedom Struggle
19. India- Major Industries
7. World War And India 20. India- Mineral And Power Resources
Political Science Economics
1. World Challenges And India's Role 21. Economy and Government
2. Challenges of India and their remedies 22. Public Finance And Budget
Sociology Business Studies
1. Social Stratification 23. Entrepreneurship
2. Work and Economic Life 24. Bank Transactions
3. Collective Behaviours And Protests 25. Consumer Education And Protection
4. Social Challenges

1.The most ancient export of India is

1 mark[April 2008]

(A) Spices (B) Tobacco

(C) Tea (D) Manganese Ore

Europeans Head quarters
Portuguese Goa
Dutch Machalipatnam
French Pondicherry
British Kolkata

Answer the following in one sentence:
2.Name the spices of India that had a greater demand in Europe:
1 mark[April 2018]

Ans. The spices of India that had a greater demand in Europe are as follows:
i) Cardamom
ii) Cinnamon
iii) Cumin
iv) Pepper
v) Ginger


3. What led to the Carnatic wars with the English?

Ans. The French Governor General, Dupleix’s ambition to

establish the French as a major power in South India led to the
Carnatic wars with the English.

War Treaty Between

1st Carnatic war Aix –La- Chapelle (1748)

2nd Carnatic war Pondicherry (1754) France and England

3rd Carnatic war Paris (1763)

1st Anglo- Maratha War Salbai (1782) Marathas- British

Marathas (Balaji Rao-

2nd Anglo -Maratha War Bassein (1805)
II) and British

Anglo- Sikh Treaty of Friendship (1809) Ranjit Singh and British

1st Anglo -Mysore War Madras (1769) Hydar Ali & British

2nd Anglo Mysore War Mangalore (1784)

Tippu Sultan & British
3rd Anglo-Mysore War Srirangapatna (1792)
War/ Events Agreement Between

Anglo - Sikh Wars Lahore Agreement (1846) British and Sikh

2nd Round Table Conference Gandhi-Irwin Pact (1931) Viceroy Irwin and Gandhi

Round Table Conference Poona Pact (1932) Gandhiji and Ambedkar

1st World War Versailles Pact (1919) Signed by Germany

2nd World War Molotov- Ribbentrop Pact Soviet Russia & Germany

India & Pakistan

1965 War Tashkent Agreement (1966)
(Russia Mediator)

Panchsheel & Hindi-Chinee

Principle India & China

1971 Peace, Friendship and

India & Russia
( 20 Years) Cooperation Agreement
4. The policy of keeping safe distance from both
the Power Blocs of the world is known as
1 mark [April 2022]

(A) Non-Alignment (B) Anti-Apartheid

(C) Anti-Imperialism (D) Disarmament

Person Policy
Lord Wellesley Subsidiary Alliance
Lord Dalhousie Doctrine of Lapse
Civil Services
Lord Cornwallis Police system
Permanent Zamindari
R.M. Bird & James Thomson Mahalwari system
Alexander Reed & Thomas Monroe Ryotwari system
William Bentinck Abolition of Sati Act
Macaulay The English Education Report
Lord Curzon Partition of Bengal
Robert Clive Dual Government

Titles Persons
Father of Indian Renaissance Ram Mohan Roy

Role Model of Youth Swami Vivekanand

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose
Iron Man of India Sardar Vallabhai Patel
Architect of Indian Constitution B R Ambedkar
Architect of Modern India Jawaharlal Nehru
Father of Green Revolution M.S. Swaminathan
Father of Economic Planning in
Sir M. Visveswaraya
Real founder of Portuguese Alfonso de Albuquerque
Tiger of Mysore Tippu Sultan
The Wagh Dondiya
Rajarishi Krishnaraja Wodiyar IV
Raja Ranjit Singh
Centralized Judicial System


European Officers
At the District Level (Civil)
Adalat (Shariyat)


Police System in India, 1793

Superintendent District
of Police

Station Station
Theft, Crime, Law

Chowkidhar Village Village Village


5. Explain the reasons for the First Anglo-Maratha
War. 2 marks
The Marathas installed Shah Alam-II
• Shah Alam II, gave Kora and Allahabad to
Marathas, which he had earlier given to the
• There was a fight for the Peshwa post.

6. What was the result of the Second Anglo –

Maratha War? 2 marks
• The battle thirstiness increased the financial
burden of the company.
• On being criticised for the policy Wellesley
resigned from his post and returned to England.
• This resulted in temporary peace in the region.

7. Why was Ramakrishna Mission ( Muth )
founded ? 1 mark [Sept 2020]
The Ramakrishna Mission was started to carry
the messages and thoughts of Ramakrishna
8. Why was Shuddhi movement started? 1
mark [2019]
Shuddhi movement was started to bring back
people who had converted to other religions
from Hinduism.

Questions and Answers – 1 0r 2 marks
9. “The first half of the 18th Century was a period
of great decline of the Moghul empire.”
Justify. [Sept 2018]
• The first half of the 18th Century was a period
of great decline of the Moghul empire because:
• • The death of Aurangzeb, the Moghul emperor
in 1707 was the main reason. His death
• weakened the Moghul empire.
• • As a result, the Moghul lost political control
over South India.

10. Analyze the call of Dayananda Saraswati to
return to the Vedas.
• Ans:
• The call of Dayananda Saraswati to return to the
Vedas is because he believed that Vedas are the
only source of truth and knowledge.
11. How did Sir Syed Ahmed Khan educate the
Muslim community? 1 mark [2018]
• Ans:
• • Establishing Anglo-oriental college
• • Supporting Female literacy
• • Rational thinking

12. Which were the organizations in India
before the establishment of the
Indian National Congress?
• Ans:
• The organizations in India before the
The East India
The Hindu Mela
establishment of the Indian National Association

Congress are :
1. The Hindu Mela
Poona Sarvajanik The Indian
• 2. The East India Association Sabha Association
• 3. Poona Sarvajanik Sabha
• 4. The Indian Association

13. What were the demands put forward by
moderates to the British?

The demands put forward by moderates to
the British are :
•Development of industries
•Reduction of military expenses
•Improvement in educational standards
•Take up studies about poverty in the

14. Name the revolutionaries in freedom
• V.D.Savarkar, Aurobindo Ghosh,
Aurobindo Ghosh Madame Cama Ramaprasad Bismil
• Shyam Krishna Verma ,Ras Bihari
Ghose,Madame Cama, Khudiram Bose,
Ramaprasad Bismil, Bhagat Singh and
• Chandrashekar Azad are the
revolutionaries from the Indian freedom
movement. Bhagat Singh Chandrashekar Azad

15. What were the reasons for withdrawing of
partition of Bengal?
• The Swadeshi movement called for a ban on
Western goods and the organizations
supporting the import of European items.
• They encouraged the people to use Indian
• In the backdrop of these explosive protests,
in 1911 the British government withdrew the
Declaration of Partition of Bengal.

16. The Jhansi regiment of Indian National Army was leaded by

(A) Subhash Chandra Bose (B) Captain. Mohan Singh

(C) Bal Gangadhara Tilak (D) Captain. Lakshmi Sehgal

17. Quit India Movement provided leadership to non-Congress leaders.
Identify the Non-Congress leader from the following :

(A) Kasturba Gandhi (B) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

(C) Jayaprakash Narayan (D) Maulana Abul Kalam


18. As the head of Mysore Lancers __________ was sent to the war field.

(A) Sardar Bahadur (B) Chamaraja Urs

(C) Regimentdar Odeyar (D) Col. J. Desraja Urs.


19. Which mistake of Japan has made the

people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to
face the adverse effects even today ?
1 mark [2018 June]

Ans. :
As a revenge of Japan’s attack on Pearl
Harbour America dropped atom bomb on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Movement Leaders

Guruvayur Temple Entry Movement &

Sri Narayana Guru
Vaikyum Satyagraha

Ali brothers Khilafat Movement

Drain theory Dada Bhai Naoroji
Simon, Go back Lala Lajpat Rai
Civil Disobedience Gandhiji
Quit India Jayaprakash Narayan
Mahad’ and ‘Kalaram’ temple
Dr. B R Ambedkar
Home Rule movement Annie Besant
AWARE movement Mumbai Women 28
Book Author
Sathyarta Prakash Dayananda Saraswathi
Ghulamagiri Jyothirao Phule
Geetha Rahasya Balgangadhar Tilak
Planned Economy for India Sir M. Visveswaraya
Vartaman Rananiti Aurobindo Ghosh
Newspaper Publisher
Samvada Kaumudi Ram Mohan Roy
Prabuddha Bharata, Janata, Mukanayaka and
B R Ambedkar
Bahishkruta Bharata
Maratha & Kesari Balgangadhar Tilak
Young India & Harijan Mahatma Gandhi
New India and Commonwealth Annie Besant
Yugantar Barinder Kumar Ghosh
Firsts Names
First Europeans to enter India Portuguese (Vasco-da- gama)
First Governor General of British India Warren Hastings
First viceroy of Portuguese Francisco de Almeida
India’s first movement The Santala tribal revolt
First President of Indian National Congress A O Hume
First law minister B R Ambedkar
First Prime Minister Jawahar lal Nehru
First Governor General of Independent India Lord Mountbatten
First President of India Dr. Babu Rajendra Prasad
First home minister of free India Sardar Vallabhabhai Patel
First modern cotton textile industry Mumbai
First paper mill Serampur
First State to enter Subsidiary Alliance Hyderabad state
GIS for the first time in the world was used in: Canada
First multi-purpose river valley project Damodar River Valley Project
Statement By
All the natives of Hindustan are completely corrupt Lord Cornwallis
The creation of a new class of Indians who are Indian by body but
Lord Macaulay
British in intelligence, opinion and taste
• Untouchability is a stigma on the Hindu society
• The true development of India is the development of its villages Gandhi
• Do or Die
• Back to Vedas Dayananda
India should be for Indians Saraswathi
Service to mankind is service to God
Freedom is the basic necessity of every individual Jyotiba Phule
Nation and religion are like the two faces of a coin Swami Vivekananda
One Caste, One Religion and One God for human beings Sri Narayan Guru 31
Statement By
Swaraj is My Birth Right. I would definitely get it back Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Give me your blood; I’ll get you Indian Independence Subhash Chandra Bose

This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of
its labourers, genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children

Hindus and Muslims could never form a country Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Truly the whole mankind is one Mahakavi Pampa
Political independence is meaningless without social independence
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
A leader without newspapers is like a bird without wings
Today Congress supports complete democracy in India, and it will fight for
Jawaharlal Nehru
democracy, not socialism

Organization Founder
Brahmo samaj Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Pratrhana Samaj Atmaram Panduranga
Satyashodhak Samaj Jyothiba Phule
Arya Samaj Dayananda Saraswathi.
Theosophical Society Madam Blavatsky & Col. Alcott
Ramakrishna Mission Swami Vivekananda
Aligarh Movement Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
Dharma ParipalanaYogam Sri Narayana Guru

The Impact of British Rule
People Place Concepts
Edmond Burke Member of the British • Criminal Tax
Parliament • Tax payment to British
• Criticised :East India
Company’s Corruption.
Warren Hastings Fort William, Calcutta • Diwani Adalat and
Faujdari Adalat
Lord Cornwallis Fort William, Calcutta • Civil Services Examination
• Superintendent, Kotwal,
• Permanent Zamindari
R. M Bird & James Thompson Mahals (Taluk ) North India • Mahalwari System
Alexander Reed Baramahal • Ryotwari System
Thomas Munroe Madras & Mysore 34
The Impact of British Rule
Policies/ Executions
• Diwani Adalat(Civil) and Faujdari
Judicial System Adalat(Criminal)
• Muslim- Shariyat,
• Qajis
• Centralised British Judicial System
Regulating Act, 1773 • Supreme Court was established
• Bengal Presidency gains control over the
Pitts India Act,1784 • ‘’The Indians have attained their paramount
power in the name of the British Empire only,
but not on their own”
• Curtailed Political rights of Indians.

Party Founders

Swaraj Party Motilal Nehru and CR Das

Congress Socialist Party Jawaharlal Nehru & Subhas Chandra Bose

INA Subhas Chandra Bose

Bahishkruta Hitakarini Sabha, Swatantra

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Karmika Party and Republican Party of India

Nazi Party Adolf Hitler

National Fascist Party Mussolini

The Impact of British Rule
Policies/ Executions
India Government Act of 1858 • Secretary of State for India
• Part of British Cabinet
Government of India Act 1919 • Dyarchy at provincial government.
Montague(SoS)- Chelmsford(V) Reforms • Extension of separate electoral college to Sikhs,
Act Anglo Indians and Muslims.
Government of India Act 1935 • Base for Constitution
• Motilal Nehru Report 1928
• Federal Court

The Impact of British Rule
Policies/Treaties Concepts Executions

Indian Councils Act • Separate Electorate College for Muslims

1909 • Divide and Rule
Minto Morley
Reforms Act
Indian Councils Act Political • Policy of Assertion- Participation in the law-
1861 making process
Indian Councils Act • Participation of Indians in legislative bodies
1892 increased.
Provision to question the government
Charter Act 1813 • Official entry of Church
• Christian Missionaries aimed at expansion
20 yrs business license of Christianity and English education..
for East India Company
Charter Act 1833 • Barred Discrimination against religion, birth
and skin colour
20. New Universities at Calcutta, Bombay and Madras were established by

(A) William Bentinck (B) Warren Hastings

(C) Dalhousie (D) Thomas Munroe

People /Rebellion Places
Capital of Raja Wodiyar Srirangapatna
Hyder Ali was defeated in Porto Nova
Rani Chennamma & Sangoli Rayanna Bylahongala Fort
imprisoned at
Death of Rani Chennamma Kusgal Fort
Village of Rayanna of Kittur Sangoli

Present day district of Surapura Yadgir

Hunters Rebellion Bedas of Halagali
Zamindar Rebellion Veerappa Of Koppal
Farmers Rebellion Rebellion of Amara Sulya

Leader Country
Archduke Franz Ferdinand Austrian prince
Hitler Dictator of Germany
Mussolini Dictator of Italy
Joseph Stalin President of Russia
Winston Churchill England
Franklin D. Roosevelt America

Topics Covered So Far
History Geography
1. Advent Of Europeans to India 13. India -Geographical Position And Physical
2. The Extension Of British Rule In India
14. India- Seasons
3. The Impact Of British Rule In India
15. India- Water Resources
4. Opposition To The British Rule From
16. India- Forest Resources
Karnataka And The Wodiyars Of Mysore
17. India- Soil
5. Social And Religious Reform Movements
18. India- Transport And Communication
6. The Freedom Struggle
19. India- Major Industries
7. World War And India 20. India- Mineral And Power Resources
Political Science Economics
1. World Challenges And India's Role 21. Economy and Government
2. Challenges of India and their remedies 22. Public Finance And Budget
Sociology Business Studies
1. Social Stratification 23. Entrepreneurship
2. Work and Economic Life 24. Bank Transactions
3. Collective Behaviours And Protests 25. Consumer Education And Protection
4. Social Challenges

The Northern Mountains
Position Name

Siwalik mountains foothills of Himalaya

The Himachal Middle Himalaya
The Greater Himalayas Himadri
North of the Greater Himalayas Trans Himalayas
Mount Everest’ (8848 m) Highest peak in the world,Nepal
K 2 Or Godwin Austen (8611 mts) Highest Peak In India

Important Latitudes and Longitudes

Position Name

821/2 0 E IST
231/2 0 N Tropic of Cancer
804I N Indira Point
Terms What is?

The movement of goods, services, information, and materials

from one place to another

The supply of water to agriculture from canals, wells, and tanks

Irrigation artificially or manually.

Multi-purpose river valley project Provides multiple benefits

Biodiversity India has a large diversity of flora and fauna

The protection of forests from human beings, animals, and

Conservation of forests
natural disasters

Natural vegetation The total plant life growing naturally in an area

Highest Peak in India K2
Highest Peak in South India Anamudi
Highest Peak in Eastern Ghats Armakonda
Highest multi-purpose valley Bhakranangal Project

Longest dam in the country Hirakud Project

River Sorrow State
Kosi Bihar
Damodar Bengal
Mahanadi Odissa

Pre – Monsoon Rain States

Mango Showers Kerala
Coffee Blossoms Karnataka
Kalabaisaki West Bengal
Andhis Uttar Pradesh
City Titles/Nickname
Bangalore Silicon City
Kolkata Tea port of India
Mysore Model state
• Gateway of India
Mumbai • Cottonopolis of India
• Manchester of India

• Gateway of European Trade

• Centre for International Trade

Distribution of Forests:

Madhya Pradesh has the largest area under


Karnataka state is in the 13th

position in terms of area of

Haryana has the lowest

forest area among all the
states in India.

Types Evergreen Deciduous Tropical Mangrove Desert Alpine
of Monsoon Grasslands Vegetation
More than 75 – 250 cm 60-75 cm Formed due Less than
Trees Found What makes Rain

250 cm to tides 50 cm
Trees are Trees shed Tall grass Deltas, Plants are Trees have
it distinct?

always their leaves and small Coastal deep- pointed

green during the herbs regions, rooted leaves
dry winters. Estuaries of
Babool, Sundari Thorny Sal, Byra,
Seesum, trees- shrubs Toon, Silver
Sabhai Ganga Spruce,
basin- Laurel

Answer the following in a sentence:
21. The Tropical Deciduous Forests are also called
“Monsoon Forests”. Why ?
1 mark [April 2020] [June 2022]

Ans. : The Tropical Deciduous Forests are also called

“Monsoon Forests” as they shed their leaves during
spring or early summer.

Answer the following in a sentence:
22. Why are the Mangrove forests of Gangetic delta
called Sundarbans ?
1 mark [June 2018][April 2023]
Ans. :
The Mangrove forests of Gangetic delta are called
Sundarbans because there are plenty of Sundari trees.

Answer the following in a sentence:
23. What types of forests are found in the river deltas
along the eastern coast of India?
1 mark [March 2019][April 2022]

Ans: The types of forests that are found in the river

deltas along the eastern coast of India are Mangrove

24. The longest river in South India is

(A) Kaveri (B) Krishna

(C) Godavari (D) Tungabhadra

25. Shifting cultivation in India is declining nowadays because

(A) of the governmental policies (B) people have now started

and tribal settlements coming out with commercial

(C) there is no demand for the (D) people are abandoning

products of shifting cultivation agriculture

26. Export of Mica from India has reduced, because

1 mark [April 2016]

(A) its production has decreased (B) Its production has increased

(C) substitute for mica is available (D) it is a non-ferrous mineral

Answer the following:
27. What are the uses of Coal 2 marks [April 2015]
i. Used in the manufacture of insect repellants
ii. Explosives
iii. Artificial fiber, rubber
iv. Plastic
v. Chemical fertilizers etc.

28. Energy crisis is a major problem of India in recent days. Why ?
2 marks [March 2019]
Ans. :
• Population increase, urbanization, industrialization, etc. have led to
the increased use of fossil fuels. Due to this, environmental pollution
is increasing.
• In India, the exhaustible energy resources are the main ones being
• Exploration and use of non-exhaustible energy have gained a lot of
importance in the five-year plans. However, we have not completely
shifted to the alternate sources of energy.

29. ___________Transport is necessary for the development
of villages, and agriculture.
Ans: Road

30. The name of the National Highway between Mumbai and

Bangalore is____________.
Ans: Golden Quadrilateral

Wildlife Sanctuary State
Annamalai and Madumalai Tamil Nadu
Dandeli, Bhadra, Talakaveri, B.R.
Periyar Kerala
Nagarjunasagar Telangana
Bharathpur and Rathambor Rajasthan
Manas Assam
Jaldapara West Bengal


31. What are the four types of major Roads?

The four important types of transport are:
1. Road Transport
2. Rail Transport
3. Air Transport and
4. Water Transport


32. Which is the longest National highway?

Ans. :
Varanasi – Kanyakumari distance no.7
is about 2343 km and is the longest
highway in the country.

National Parks State
Kaziranga Assam
Kanha Madhya Pradesh
Sundarban West Bengal
Sariska Rajsthan
Corbett Uttarkhand
Dhudhawa Uttar Pradesh
Gir Gujarat
Todoba Maharastra
Bandipur, Banerghatta and

Answer the following questions in a sentence each:
[1 mark]
33. The Northern plains are called deposited plains. Why?
[April 2017] [TB exercise Q]

Ans: Northern plains are called deposited plains because

they are formed by the deposition of alluvial soil brought
down by the rivers Ganga and Sutlej.

34. In which part of the Asian continent is India situated?

[TB exercise Q]

Ans: India is situated in the South-East Asia.

35. In which Hemisphere India is located? [TB exercise Q]

Ans: India is in the Northern Hemisphere.

36. The black soil is highly retentive because it is

(A) Extremely compact (B) Black in color

(C) Found in heavy (D) Pebbled rock

rainfall areas particles

Nickname Thing

Liquid Gold Petroleum

Wonder Metal of the 20th century Aluminium

Kage Bangara Mica

Black Diamond Coal

• Bankers Bank
• The Mother of Banks RBI
• Central Bank of India

Oldest port of India Chennai

37. Mention the Physical divisions of India.
[April 2015, June 2022]

Ans: There are four Physical divisions in India, they

I. Northern mountains
II. Northern great plains
III. Peninsular plateau
IV. Coastal plains and Islands
38. Write a short note on Siwalik range.
[June 2019] [TB exercise Q]
• Recently formed.
• Located in the southern part.
• Lesser height
• Called the foothills.
• Has narrow strips of plains called doons.

39. Which are the famous hill stations found on the
40. [June 2016]

41. Ans: The famous hill stations found on Himachal

42. Shimla, Mussoorie, Nainital, Darjeeling.
40. The highest mountain peak in the world is
• Ans: Mt. Everest.
41. The North Indian plain is made up of
• Ans: Alluvial soil.
42. The Western Ghats in Maharashtra are also called as
• Ans: Sahyadri.

What type of climate does India have?
Which type of climate is experienced by India?
1 mark [April 2016]

(A) Tropical Southwest (B) Tropical Monsoon

(C) Tropical
(D) Mausim
retreating Monsoon

Answer the following:
44. Name the climatic seasons of India.

2 mark [April 2019, April 2022]

i. Winter season
ii. Summer season
iii. Rainy season
iv. Retreating monsoon season.

What are rain shadow regions?


Ans: Rain Shadow

are the region lying to
Arabian Sea
the other side of the
Southwest Rain Shadow Region
highland that doesn’t
get rainfall.

45. “Climatic condition of India has a great
significance on its economy.” Justify.
▪ [April 2018]
▪ Ans.
▪ Agriculture is the main occupation of Indians
and contributes to the Indian economy.
▪ Rainfall in India is controlled by South-West
monsoons and farmers rely on this for irrigation.
▪ Less rainfall leads to drought and heavy rainfall
leads to floods.
▪ Thus seasonal, uncertain, and unequal
distribution of rainfall affects Indian economy.

46. How is Laterite soil formed ? 1 mark [Sept 2020]
• Ans. :
• Laterite soil is formed in tropical areas under the
conditions of high temperature and rainfall.
47. Which crop can be grown better in the black soils?
• Ans:
• Crop that can be grown better in the black soil is
Cotton. Some other crops that
• can be grown in black soil are Jowar, Wheat, Onion,
Chili, Tobacco, Oil seeds, Lemon,
• and Grapes.

48. What are the types of soils found in India?

• Ans:
• Types of soils found in India are Alluvial soil, Black
soil, Red soil,Laterite soil, Desert soil and Mountain
City International Airports Name

Mumbai Sahara and Santa Cruz

Delhi Indira Gandhi International Airport

Kolkata Subhash Chandra Bose Airport

Chennai Anna or Meenambakkam

Bangalore Kempegowda

49. Name any two National parks of Karnataka.
• Ans:
• •Bandipur national park
• •Nagarhole Tiger Reserve

50. What is natural vegetation?

• Ans:
• The total plant life growing naturally in an area
is called forest or natural vegetation.

51.How much of the area is under forests in India?

• Ans:
• According to a survey in 2009, India has
approximately 6.9 lakh km sq (i.e., 69 million
hectares) of forest forming an average of 21.2%
of the geographical area.

52. Why was river Damodar called the ‘Sorrow of
Bengal’? 1 mark [April 2017]

• Ans.
• River Damodar was called the ‘Sorrow of
Bengal’ because it was causing large-scale
• destruction to life and property in West

53. Why is the ‘National Power Grid’ established?

1 mark [April 2018] [TB Exercise Q]

• Ans.
• The national power grid was established to
supply power from energy surplus to
• deficit states.

Points to the South of India Places
Southernmost point or tip of the mainland of India. Kanyakumari
Southernmost point or tip of India. Indira Point

Country South of India Sri Lanka

India Soils

Found in Type of Soil

Northern Plains Alluvial Soil

Himalayan Mountains Mountain Soil

Western Ghats Laterite Soil

(Deccan plateau) Deccan Trap ‘Regur Soil’ And ‘Black Cotton Soil’

54. What are the main objectives of the multi-
purpose river valley projects?

• Ans:
• Its objectives are to provide water for
irrigation and control floods.

55.What are monsoon winds?

• Ans:
• During the first half of the year, the winds
blow from south-west to north-east, and
remaining half, they blow from north-east to

Revolution Production
1. Green Food Grains

2. Blue Fish

3. Yellow Oil Seeds

4. White Milk

5. Silver Eggs

6. Golden Fruits and Flowers

7. Red Meat

Topics Covered So Far
1. Advent Of Europeans to India 13. India -Geographical Position And Physical
2. The Extension Of British Rule In India Features
3. The Impact Of British Rule In India 14. India- Seasons
4. Opposition To The British Rule From 15. India- Water Resources
Karnataka And The Wodiyars Of Mysore 16. India- Forest Resources
5. Social And Religious Reform Movements 17. India- Soil
6. The Freedom Struggle 18. India- Transport And Communication
7. World War And India 19. India- Major Industries
20. India- Mineral And Power Resources
Political Science
1. World Challenges And India's Role
21. Economy and Government
2. Challenges of India and their remedies
22. Public Finance And Budget
Business Studies
1. Social Stratification
23. Entrepreneurship
2. Work and Economic Life
3. Collective Behaviours And Protests 24. Bank Transactions
4. Social Challenges 25. Consumer Education And Protection

56. Which aspects cause normal development
of regionalism in India?
2 marks [June 2018]
• Ans: The following aspects cause the
normal development of regionalism.
• ● Regional historical background
• ● Social restrictions
• ● Economic considerations
• ● Cultural diversities
• ● Geographical aspects
• ● Linguistic fanaticism.


57. What measures are taken to check terrorism in India ?

2 marks [April 2023]

— India’s policy is totally against terrorism
— Central and State governments are venturing to control
— Protect men and property
— Anti-terrorist forces are set up
— Defence Forces are pressed in to throw out terrorism
— Peace loving nation
— Against terrorism in world level.


58. What are the effects of terrorism ?

2 marks [March 2019]

• Means of coercion
• Damage to men and material
• Psychological impact
• Negative impact on civilized society and government.

Bilateral Agreements for Nuclear Disarmament
Partial Test Ban Treaty

between USA and USSR (1963)

Strategic Arms
Limitation Treaty { SALT} All the nations against
‘Mutual Assured
Destruction (MAD).
The Comprehensive Test Ban
Treaty (CTBT)

The Non-Proliferation Treaty

Third World International trade that affect poor nations
Backward countries try to free
themselves from the shortage


Capital Free trade


Technology Unhealthy competitions

Medical Facilities Medical facilities

Higher educational

Topics Covered So Far
History Geography
1. Advent Of Europeans to India 13. India -Geographical Position And Physical
2. The Extension Of British Rule In India
14. India- Seasons
3. The Impact Of British Rule In India
15. India- Water Resources
4. Opposition To The British Rule From
16. India- Forest Resources
Karnataka And The Wodiyars Of Mysore
17. India- Soil
5. Social And Religious Reform Movements
18. India- Transport And Communication
6. The Freedom Struggle
19. India- Major Industries
7. World War And India 20. India- Mineral And Power Resources
Political Science Economics
1. World Challenges And India's Role 21. Economy and Government
2. Challenges of India and their remedies 22. Public Finance And Budget
Sociology Business Studies
1. Social Stratification 23. Entrepreneurship
2. Work and Economic Life 24. Bank Transactions
3. Collective Behaviours And Protests 25. Consumer Education And Protection
4. Social Challenges
Terms Definition
Social Stratification Practice of classifying people as upper class
and lower class on the basis of income,
education, caste, colour, gender, occupation,
intelligence etc.
Prejudice Opinion about another person or community
even before he gets to know them.

Let us Recall

Work and Economic life

Labour An act performed to achieve a particular goal

Work being done by people depending on their interests, tastes, abilities, age,
Division of Labour
expertise, skills and gender.

Specialisations Achieving sufficient expertise, training and skill in any particular field.

Paid Labour Work that provides wages, salary or any other material benefit

Activities that give mental satisfaction, work done due to love, self-motivation,
Unpaid Labour
or by force without payment.

Workers have job security, Get daily wages, paid leaves and other benefits.
Organised labour
Fixed working hours.

No job security, no fixed working hour or any other kind of benefits.

Unorganised labour

Movement Leader

Sunderlal Bahuguna &

Chandiprasad Bhatt

Appiko Farmers

Narmada Medha Patkar & Baba Amte

Silent Valley Kerala Sahitya Parishad

Kaiga Dr. Shivaram Karanth

Articles, Sections & Amendments
Article 21A Education is fundamental right of children

73rd Amendment Uniform system of Panchayat Raj throughout the country

Article 24 Prohibition child Labour

42nd Amendment Secular and Socialist words were added in Constitution in 1976

Article / Section 17 Prohibition of Untouchability

Sections 15, 16, 17, 38 and 46 No discrimination among Indian citizens

Guarantee reservation in the employment sector to scheduled

Sections 16 (4) and 320 (4)
castes and tribes

Guarantee reservation in the political field to scheduled castes

Sections 330, 332 and 334
and tribes

Section 29 Guarantees educational facilities

Section 25 guarantees free entry to all people to social and religious places.
Untouchability Crime Act was implemented in 1976 with necessary changes as

(A) Consumer Rights (B) Untouchability Right

Protection Act Protection Act

(C) Criminal Rights (D) Civil/Citizens Rights

Protection Act Protection Act

60. How has social stratification been
• Ans:
• Social stratification has been created on
the basis of income, education, caste,
colour, gender, occupation, intelligence etc.

61. What are the reasons for unemployment?

• Ans:
• Over-population, mechanization, too much
of a division of labour, Social inequality,
insufficient capital, and illiteracy are the
reasons for unemployment.
62. N.S.S. students of a college are cleaning the school ground.

1 mark [March 2019]

(A) unpaid work (B) paid work

(C) organised work (D) unorganised work

Terms Definition

Child labour Child labourers are those who are aged below 14 years and work in order to earn

Child The marriage that takes place between a boy of below 21 years and a girl who is
marriage below 18 years is child marriage.

Dowry It is called ‘varadakshina’ in kannada. Any kind of property, jewellery or gift given
to the bridegroom at the time of marriage, either before or after the marriage is
known as ‘dowry’.

Female When the foetus is that of a girl and the parents do not want a girl baby to be
Foeticide born, they kill it in the womb.
Prohibition of Pre-natal Gender Determination Test Act’ was enacted in 1994.

Female The inhuman practice of killing the female baby after it is born is female
Infanticide infanticide’.


63. With an intention to check female foeticide

1 mark [2022]

(A) Family planning is (B) Reservation is

introduced provided to women

(C) Scanning centres are (D) Child Right Act has

banned to detect gender been enforced
of the foetus


64. Dowry is a social evil. Explain.

2 marks[ 2017 April]

Ans: Women are vi) financial constraints for bride’s

i) being abused family
ii) subjected to violence vii) mental constraints for bride’s
iii) murdered family
iv) tortured ( mentally and physically ) viii) child marriage
v) exploited ix) female foeticide
x) female infanticide.

65. The division of labour is more useful. How?

2 Marks [Sept 2020]

I. Helps to gain skills, deep knowledge, and training.
II. Class system is emerged.
III. Emergence of business and Industrialization
IV. Helps to invest more and earn more profit.
V. Leads to specialization.
VI. Helps to get more profit.
VII. No vacation allowances.


Why was a protest organised against Kaiga
Nuclear Power Plant ?
1 mark [Sept 2020]

Nuclear radiation would lead to
deforestation, environmental pollution and
spoil numerous species in the ecosystem.

Why did Silent Valley Movement take place?
1 mark [April 2020]
To stop construction of dam that affects


How can we bring awareness in the public
regarding the ill effects of environmental
pollution ?
Ans: 2015]
• Carrying agitations
• Effective programmes for environmental
protection and implementation.


What is the effect of female foeticide ?
1 mark [June 2018]

Ans. :

i) Imbalance in Gender ratio

ii) Gender discrimination
iii) Degradation in the status of women.
( Any one )


Why was the “Rehabilitation Welfare
Fund of Child Labourers” launched ?
1 mark [April 2016]

The Rehabilitation Welfare Fund of Child
Labourers was launched to free children
from exploitation and to rehabilitate them.


“Sarva Shiksha Abhiyana” plays an
important role in eradication of
child labour. How ? 1 mark[April 2018]

Ans. :
Bringing child labourers to school and
giving free education under the programme
“From drudgery to school”. Is an important
role ‘Sarva Shiksha Abhiyana’ does.


72. • What are the causes for child labour ?

• What are the reasons for increasing child labour ?
2 mark [June 2018][ March 2019]

Ans. :
i) Poverty vi) Greed of industrialists
ii) Domestic conflict vii) Illiteracy
iii) Divorce viii) Kidnapping children
iv) Domestic violence ix) Pledging children.
v) Excessive control of parents

Topics Covered So Far

History Geography
1. Advent Of Europeans to India 13. India -Geographical Position And Physical
2. The Extension Of British Rule In India
14. India- Seasons
3. The Impact Of British Rule In India
15. India- Water Resources
4. Opposition To The British Rule From
16. India- Forest Resources
Karnataka And The Wodiyars Of Mysore
17. India- Soil
5. Social And Religious Reform Movements
18. India- Transport And Communication
6. The Freedom Struggle
19. India- Major Industries
7. World War And India 20. India- Mineral And Power Resources
Political Science Economics
1. World Challenges And India's Role 21. Economy and Government
2. Challenges of India and their remedies 22. Public Finance And Budget
Sociology Business Studies
1. Social Stratification 23. Entrepreneurship
2. Work and Economic Life 24. Bank Transactions
3. Collective Behaviours And Protests 25. Consumer Education And Protection
4. Social Challenges
Term Definition

Economic Stability Economy moves towards progress without extreme fluctuations

Economic fluctuations Changes in the national income, production, employment,

investment, price etc.

Distribution of income and wealth generated in the country equally

Social Justice
to everybody without any discrimination in the name of caste, class,
literate or illiterate, urban or rural.

In the 20th century, when the government came forward to provide

many facilities like food, clothing, shelter, education, health,
Welfare States
hygiene, transport, communication and involvement in the economic
activities of the people.

National security The government involved in the fundamental duties of national

security, dispensing of justice and maintenance of law and order.

When the expenditure is more than the income, it leads to

Public finance means the finances of the government.

Public Finance Public finance studies the way the government manages :
its income expenditure and debts

Personal Finance deals with this kind of income,

Personal Finance
expenditure and debt management of an individual

73. An example for direct tax is

(A) Value added tax (B) Central excise duty

(C) Stamp duty (D) Service tax


74. Indirect Tax among the following is

1 mark [June 2018]

(A) Income Tax (B) Import-Export Tax

(C) Wealth Tax (D) Corporate Tax.

• The statement of estimated income and expenditure of a year prepared by the
government is called budget.

Revenue expenditure
• The expenditure incurred by the central government from the sources of revenue income
is called revenue expenditure .

Public revenue
• The government collects income from varied sources to meet its expenditure. This is
called public revenue.

Principle of progressive taxation.

• The government imposes:

• higher rate of taxes on high-income group
• Lower rate of taxes on low-income group.
• The poor are exempted from income tax.
• This principle is used by the government in the imposition of taxes is called the
principle of progressive taxation.

Direct tax.

• The tax paid by individuals and organizations on their income is called direct tax.
Not transferable to others.

The government
imposes tax on

Indirect Tax.
Then to the The
• If the burden of tax imposed by
consumer manufacturer
the government is transferable
to others, it is called Indirect
This this burden
gets transferred
to the trader.

Financial year, India- Starts from April 1st
and ends on 31st March.

In India, the Central budget is prepared

by the finance minister in consultation
Budget with the finance department.

The finance minister presents the Central

budget in the Lok Sabha in February or

Approval of both the houses before

March 31st is mandatory.

Multiple Choice Questions:
Mention the housing programmes.
— Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana
— Ambedkar-Valmiki Housing Scheme
— Ashraya ( Any two )

Answer the following:


What is ‘positive change’ in economy ?

Ans. :

Shift in the economy from agriculture to

industry and services.

❑ NITI Ayog
▪ National Institute for Transforming India
▪ Started on 1st January 2015 to replace planning commission.
▪ 15 years road map
▪ Headed by the Prime Minister
▪ Administrative head is the Vice - Chairman.
❑ The objectives of NITI aayog
▪ To evolve a shared vision of national development with the states.
▪ To foster co-operative federalism through structured support initiatives on a
continuous basis, recognizing that strong states make a strong nation.
❑ The Second Green Revolution’
▪ Also known as Perpetual Green Revolution
▪ The process of nature friendly, organic, natural farming, zero-investment
farming techniques of productions is known as second green revolution.

NITI Aayog is headed by the Prime Minister but the
day-to-day administration is looked after by
1 mark [April 2023]

(A) President (B) Secretary

(C) Deputy Prime Minister (D) Vice-Chairman

78. Green Revolution indicates

1 mark [2016 April][2017 June]

(A) (B)
the increase in the the increase in the
production of foodgrains production of fish

(C) (D)
the increase in the the increase in the
production of milk production of meat.


How can ‘inclusive growth’ of a country be achieved ?
2 marks [April 2018]
Ans. :‘Inclusive growth’ of a country be achieved by the
• By equal distribution of goods and services and
income among all people
• Increase in per capita income
• Reduce of poverty, unemployment and inequality
• Providing nutritious food, adequate clothing,
shelter, quality education, health, hygiene to all the

80. What the meaning of ‘economic planning’?
The conscious and wise process through which the
government, with certain specific objectives, utilizes
the country’s resources in a profitable manner to
secure maximum satisfaction of its people is called
'economic planning’.
81. Which is the organization that approves five-year
National Development Council approves the five –
year plans.
Other Deficits in the Budget in Formula.

Fiscal deficit = (Revenue receipts + Non-debt Capital Receipts) – Total Expenditure

Other Deficits in the Budget

· Budget Deficit = Total Revenue – Total Expenditure
· Revenue Deficit = Revenue receipt – Revenue Expenditure
· Primary Deficit = Fiscal Deficit – Interest Payment


82. What is deficit budget ? 1 mark [April 2023]

Ans. :
When the expenditure is more than the income it is called a Deficit Budget.

Topics Covered So Far
History Geography
1. Advent Of Europeans to India 13. India -Geographical Position And Physical
2. The Extension Of British Rule In India
14. India- Seasons
3. The Impact Of British Rule In India
15. India- Water Resources
4. Opposition To The British Rule From
16. India- Forest Resources
Karnataka And The Wodiyars Of Mysore
17. India- Soil
5. Social And Religious Reform Movements
18. India- Transport And Communication
6. The Freedom Struggle
19. India- Major Industries
7. World War And India 20. India- Mineral And Power Resources
Political Science Economics
1. World Challenges And India's Role 21. Economy and Government
2. Challenges of India and their remedies 22. Public Finance And Budget
Sociology Business Studies
1. Social Stratification 23. Entrepreneurship
2. Work and Economic Life 24. Bank Transactions
3. Collective Behaviours And Protests 25. Consumer Education And Protection
4. Social Challenges
Bank Purpose

Savings Bank Account Salaried persons

Current Account Large number of regular transactions

Recurring Deposit Account Saved for a future date

Term Deposit Account Fixed period by depositing

Types of banks :

There are different types of Banks. Each type of Bank specialized in different types of activities.

Central Banking Entrepreneurial /

Reserve Bank of India 1. Commercial Banks. 1. Land Development Banks
2. Co-operative Banks.
3. Industrial Development
2. Indigenous Banks (Money Banks
lenders or Sahukars)

The Bank Account that is best suitable for businessmen is
1 mark [2016 April][2017 June]

(A) Savings Bank Account (B) Current Account

(C) Recurring Deposit (D) Term Deposit Account


Answer the following in two to four points:
Name the different types of Bank Accounts.
2 mark [Sept 2020]

Ans. :
— Savings Bank Account
— Current Account
— Recurring Deposit Account
— Term or Fixed Deposit Account.

What is Bank?

The term bank is derived from the old Italian word “Banco” or from a
The French word “Banque” means a “Bench” or money exchange table.

What is a banking company?

• It may be defined as a company that transacts the business with finance.

• It accepts deposits from the public and lends them to those who need them in
the form of loans.
• It receives money from those who want to save their money in the form of
deposits and lends it to those who require it in the form of loans.

World Consumers’ Movement, March 15, 1962
On that day, president John F. Kennedy gave the American
consumers four basic rights:

1. The right to safety,

2. The right to choose,

3. The right to information, and

4. The right to be heard.

Forums Amount they deal

District Forum less than Rs. 20 lakhs

State Commission Rs. 20 lakhs to one crores
National Commission More than Rs. one crores


List a few MSME businesses.
Name a few business which need minimum
capital and maximum vision.
2 mark [April 2015]

Ans. :
i) Advertising agencies, marketing consultancy
ii) Industrial consultancy, equipment rental and
iii) Photocopying centres
iv) Research & development.


What is Entrepreneurship?

2 mark [April 2017]

i) Creating and building something with nothing
ii) Knack of sensing an opportunity
iii) An act of turning an opportunity into an action
iv) Derive benefits from opportunities.


87. “Entrepreneurship is a creative activity”. How?

An entrepreneur is someone who perceives
opportunity, organizes resources needed for
exploiting the opportunity and exploits it. Hence
Entrepreneurship is a creative activity.


A person has bought a car of worth 15 lakh is now facing some problems in it,
but the car company is not responding to him. To which agency can the person
complain ? [March 2019]

(B) The State Consumer

(A) District Consumer Forum

(C) The National Consumer (D) Inter-State Consumer

Commission Forum

Rajesh purchased a TV worth Rs. Twenty-five Thousand. It broke down within two days.
The TV company did not consider his complaint. He has to file a case in a:
[April 2023]

(B) The State Consumer

(A) District Consumer Forum

(C) The National Consumer (D) Inter-State Consumer

Commission Forum

90. The objective of District Industrial Centre is to

1 mark[April 2020]

(A) encourage self employment (B) establish industries in

urban areas

(C) provide integrated administrative

(D) develop industries of
support for promotion of small-scale
urban areas
industries in rural areas

Important Date / Number

Human Rights Day Dec 10

Consumers day March 15

Child Marriage helpline call 1098

Hottest place Rajasthan’s Ganganagar, maximum of 52°C

Least annual rainfall Ruyli of Jaisalmer district in Rajasthan, 8.3 cms

SSLC Crash Course
Social Science Plan

Week 1 Part 2 Textbook Sahana Ma’am and

Most Important Topics
Padma Ma’am

Week 2 Timeline & Map Complete Coverage Adarsh Sir

Week 3 1 & 2 Marks Chapter Wise Adarsh Sir

Solving Model Question

Week 4 Exam Skills Adarsh Sir

Week 5 3 Marks Chapter Wise Sahana Ma’am

Week 6 4 marks Chapter Wise Sahana Ma’am

Week 6 Checklist Cross Check Preparation Sahana Ma’am

SSLC Crash Course
Social Science Plan Progress

Week 1 Part 2 Textbook Sahana Ma’am and

Most Important Topics
Padma Ma’am

Week 2 Timeline & Map Complete Coverage Adarsh Sir

Week 3 1 & 2 Marks Chapter Wise Adarsh Sir

37 marks covered out of 80

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