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Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: _______

Sensory Language

4 5

6 7 8

10 11 12 13





Across Down 12. touch; like sandpaper

2. touch; like a cozy blanket 1. touch; like a chromebook 13. touch; like an ice cube
3. hearing; like a library screen 14. sight; like the night time
9. taste; like chocolate cake 4. hearing; the sound you 15. smell; like a school
10. taste; like potato chips make when you're spooked bathroom
11. smell; like a candle store 5. sight; the color of the sky
16. sight; like the sun 6. taste; how Flaming Hot
Cheetos taste
17. sight; the color of
sunflowers 7. hearing; like a rock
8. touch; like a clothing iron
Word Bank
scream spicy bright dark quiet sweet
aromatic yellow smooth blue hot stinky
rough soft loud salty cold

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