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1. Define Full Stack Development?

 Full stack development refers to the practice of designing,

developing, and deploying both the front-end and back-end
components of a web application. A full stack developer is capable of
working on all layers of an application, from the user interface to the
server and database.
2. Explain shortly about essential technologies for full stack
 Essential technologies for full stack development include HTML, CSS,
JavaScript for the front-end; server-side languages like Node.js,
Python, or Java for the back-end; databases (SQL or NoSQL); version
control (Git); APIs (RESTful or GraphQL); deployment tools like Docker
and cloud platforms.
3. What is Viewport in Bootstrap?
 The viewport in Bootstrap refers to the visible area of a web page in a
browser. It's controlled using the "viewport meta tag" to ensure
responsive design on different devices.
4. How to include JQuery in HTML?
 To include jQuery in an HTML document, add the following code
within the <head> section:
htmlCopy code
<script src=""></script>
5. List Out the Selectors in CSS
 Some CSS selectors include element selectors, class selectors, ID
selectors, attribute selectors, descendant selectors, child selectors,
pseudo-classes, and pseudo-elements.
6. What are the differences between Process and Thread
 Processes are independent program execution units with separate
memory, while threads share memory within a process. Context
switching between processes is resource-intensive, whereas threads
are more lightweight and efficient. Processes are isolated, while
threads within a process can communicate more effectively.
7. Define Spring MVC?
 Spring MVC is a framework within the Spring ecosystem for building
web applications. It follows the MVC pattern, separating the
application into Model, View, and Controller components.
8. Write a short note on Thread Priorities?
 Thread priorities are used to determine the order in which threads are
scheduled. Threads with higher priorities are scheduled before lower-
priority threads. However, the behavior depends on the underlying
OS and thread scheduler.
9. List out the Java features?
 Java features include object-oriented programming, platform
independence through the JVM, strong typing, garbage collection,
multithreading and concurrency support, exception handling, a rich
standard library, security, networking, and distributed computing
10.What is Hibernate?
 Hibernate is an open-source ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)
framework for Java, simplifying database access by mapping Java
objects to database tables.
11.List out the Front-End Frameworks?
 Front-end frameworks include React, Angular, Vue.js, and Svelte,
aiding in building dynamic and interactive user interfaces.
12.Write the roles and responsibilities of Full Stack Developer?
 Roles include developing user interfaces, implementing server-side
logic, integrating front-end and back-end components, managing
databases, collaborating with teams, and deploying applications.
13.Define Thread
 A thread is the smallest unit of execution in a program, allowing
multiple tasks to execute concurrently within a process.
14.What is Deadlock?
 Deadlock occurs when two or more threads or processes are unable
to proceed because each is waiting for a resource held by the other.
15.Define Grid in Bootstrap
 In Bootstrap, a grid system divides content into rows and columns,
aiding in creating responsive layouts.
16.How many ways we can include the Bootstrap in to HTML?
 Bootstrap can be included via a content delivery network (CDN) or by
downloading and including files locally.
17.Define Element, Attribute, Tag in HTML?
 Element: Building block representing structure or content (e.g.,
 Attribute: Provides extra info within an element's tag (e.g., <a
 Tag: Enclosed markup defining an element (e.g., <h1>).
18.How to define function in Java Script?
 A function in JavaScript is defined using the function keyword, like
function functionName() { /* code */ }.
19.Write the features of JQuery?
 jQuery features simplified DOM manipulation, event handling,
animations, AJAX, cross-browser compatibility, concise syntax, and
20.What is Spring Framework
 The Spring Framework is a comprehensive Java framework used for
building enterprise applications, providing various modules for
different aspects of development.
21.What is front end development.
 Front-end development involves creating the visual and interactive
aspects of a website or web application using technologies like
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
22.What does the server?
 A server provides services or resources to other computers or clients
over a network, hosting websites and responding to client requests.
23.List out few database technologies.
 Database technologies include MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB,
Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle Database, Redis, Cassandra, and SQLite.
24.What is the full form of MERN and MEAN Stack.
 MERN: MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js.
 MEAN: MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, Node.js.
25.What is concurrency?
 Concurrency is the execution of multiple tasks in overlapping time
periods, allowing tasks to make progress without fully completing
each other.
26.When and how the deadlock occurs?
 Deadlock occurs when threads or processes are stuck waiting for
each other's resources. It happens when circular waiting, resource
holding, and no preemption occur.
27.List the benefits of using threads over the process.
 Threads are more lightweight, consume less memory, have faster
context switching, and can communicate more efficiently within a
28.Define reactive programming.
 Reactive programming is a paradigm focused on asynchronous data
streams and the propagation of changes, enabling responsive
29.Define the springs.
 Assuming you meant "Spring": Spring is a comprehensive Java
framework simplifying enterprise application development.
30.List the advantages of using springs.
 Spring offers dependency injection, integration with various
technologies, modular architecture, aspect-oriented programming,
declarative transaction management, and more.
31.What does the server?
 A server is a computer or software system that provides services or
resources to other computers or clients over a network.
32.List out few database technologies.
 Database technologies include MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB,
Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle Database, Redis, Cassandra, and SQLite.
33.What is the full form of MERN and MEAN Stack.
 MERN: MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js.
 MEAN: MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, Node.js.
34.What is front end development.
 Front-end development involves creating the visual and interactive
aspects of a website or web application using technologies like
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
35.List the benefits of using threads over the process.
 Threads are more lightweight, consume less memory, have faster
context switching, and can communicate more efficiently within a
36.Define reactive programming.
 Reactive programming is a programming paradigm focused on
asynchronous data streams and the propagation of changes,
enabling responsive applications.
37.What is concurrency?
 Concurrency refers to the execution of multiple tasks in overlapping
time periods, allowing tasks to make progress without fully
completing each other.
38.When the deadlock occurs?
 Deadlock occurs when two or more threads or processes are stuck
waiting for each other's resources, preventing any of them from
39.What is Hibernate?
 Hibernate is an open-source ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)
framework for Java, simplifying database access by mapping Java
objects to database tables.
40.List the advantages of using springs.
 Spring offers features like dependency injection, integration with
various technologies, modular architecture, aspect-oriented
programming, declarative transaction management, and more.

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