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Project 3



Put Call Ratio:

 First Half: 0.2522

 Second Half: 0.3561


The Put Call Ratio (PCR) is calculated by dividing Put options' total Open Interest (OI) by the total OI of
Call options. A PCR greater than 1 indicates a bearish sentiment in the market, while a PCR less than 1
suggests a bullish sentiment.

In this case, the PCR for the first half of the day was 0.2522, which indicates a strong bullish sentiment.
However, the PCR for the second half increased to 0.3561, suggesting a shift towards a slightly bearish
sentiment. This could be due to various factors such as news announcements, economic data releases,
or changes in investor expectations.

It's important to note that this is just a preliminary analysis based on limited data. To understand the
market sentiment more comprehensively, it's crucial to consider various factors and


Support and Resistance Levels based on the Option Chain Data:

Support Levels:

 19000 Strike Price: This level has a significant Put OI (24752) in the second half, indicating
potential support.

 19100 Strike Price: This level also shows substantial Put OI (69123) in the second half, further
strengthening the support zone around 19000-19100.

 19200 Strike Price: This level has a higher OI for both Calls and Puts (149179 and 57294,
respectively), indicating a potential consolidation zone.
Resistance Levels:

 19400 Strike Price: This level has a significantly higher Call OI (157865) than Put OI (51238) in the
second half, suggesting potential resistance.

 19450 Strike Price: This level has increasing Call OI (101234) compared to the first half,
highlighting potential resistance.

Additional Observations:

 The overall Put Call Ratio (PCR) shift from 0.2522 to 0.3561 suggests a change from bullish to
slightly bearish sentiment.

 The significant Put OI concentrated around the 19000-19100 strike prices indicates a strong
support zone in the market.

 The higher Call OI at 19400 and 19450 strike prices suggests potential resistance levels.


Option Trading Strategies and Payoff Tables

Nifty 50 Index (Spot Price = 19000)

Strike Price: 19200


1. Bull Call Spread:

o Buy 1 Call option at 19200 strike price

o Sell 1 Call option at 19250 strike price

2. Bear Put Spread:

o Sell 1 Put option at 19200 strike price

o Buy 1 Put option at 19150 strike price

Payoff Tables:

Bull Call Spread:

Spot 19200 19300 19400 19500 19600 19700

19000 19100
Payoff -175 -75 -25 25 75 125 175 225

Bear Put Spread:

Spot Price Payoff

18900 225

19000 175

19100 125

19200 75

19300 25

19400 -25

19500 -75

19600 -125

19700 -175
19800 -225

Explanation of Payoffs:

Bull Call Spread:

 Profitable when the spot price increases above the strike price of the long call (19200).

 Maximum profit occurs when the spot price reaches the strike price of the short call (19250).

 Limited profit potential (capped at the difference between strike prices).

 Limited risk (equal to the premium paid for the spread).

Bear Put Spread:

 Profitable when the spot price decreases below the strike price of the short put (19200).

 Maximum profit occurs when the spot price reaches the strike price of the long put (19150).

 Limited profit potential (capped at the difference between strike prices).

 Limited risk (equal to the premium paid for the spread).

Key Points:

 Both strategies are limited risk strategies, meaning the maximum loss is limited to the premium

 The Bull Call Spread is a bullish strategy that benefits from a rising market, while the Bear Put
Spread is a bearish strategy that benefits from a falling market.

 The choice of strategy depends on the trader's market outlook and risk tolerance.

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