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Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, University of Nairobi

FCE 482: Public Health Engineering 1B

Continuous Assessment Test 1 hour April 08 2022

Attempt All Questions

1. Explain the role of topographical survey in selection of a suitable site for a dam to
impound a reservoir for water supply. You may use any suitable illustration.
Ideal site
i. Large reservoir volume 1
ii. Dam site on a narrow valley to reduce costs 1
iii. Need contours 1
iv. Illustrations 1 4

2. Explain why chemicals are used in the treatment of water from surface sources.
i. Raw water contains colloidal particles 1
ii. Take long to Settle 1
iii. To settle in reasonable time, need to come together for
lager particles 1
iv. However, they are stable and would not ordinarily come together 1
v. Chemicals are used to destabilize the particles 1
vi. Adjust pH 1 5 max

3. A 300 m3 volume V hydraulic flocculation basin with 24 channels with velocity 0.2
m/s and 23 baffles with velocity 0.3 m/s when treating 21,600 m3/d of water.
𝑃 ½
Given the intensity of mixing 𝐺 = ( ) where µ = 1.01x10-3 kg/ms, establish if
the flocculation basin meets the performance requirements of Gtd values of 20,000
– 200,000 and G values of about 20-100 sec-1
𝑛𝑉1 2 (𝑛−1)𝑉2
ℎ𝑓 = 2𝑔
+ 2𝑔
Hf = (24x0.2^2 +23x0.3^2)/2/9.81 = 0.1544 1
Q = 21,600/86400 = 0.25 1
P = ρgQh =1000x 9.81x0.25x0.1544 379 1
G = (379/1.01x10-3/300)^(1/2) = 35.4 1
t = V/Q = 300/0.25 = 1200 1

Gt 35.4x1200 = 42,480 1
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, University of Nairobi
FCE 482: Public Health Engineering 1B
Continuous Assessment Test 1 hour April 08 2022

Comment Gtd 20,000 – 200,000, G 20-100 sec-1 Ok 1 8

4. For a particle entering a sedimentation tank, explain the factors that determine if
it will be removed.
i. Height at which it enters 1
ii. Settling velocity and hence particle diameter 2
iii. Overflow rate of tank 1 4

5. A 2 kg sample of sand gave the following results on analysis

Sieve Size, mm 10.0 5.0 2.4 1.2 0.6 0.3 0.15 0.07
Retained mass, g 0.5 98 246 354 461 442 352 46
If the filterbed is to have an E = 0.3 mm and U = 4, determine the percentage of
the sand that can be used in the filter.

Sieve Size, mm 10 5 2.4 1.2 0.6 0.3 0.15 0.07

Retained mass, g 0.5 98 246 354 461 442 352 46
Cummulative 0.5 98.5 345 698.5 1160 1602 1954 2000 1
% Less than 100 95 83 65 42 20 2 0 1

Chart Title
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2

Plot 2
E 0.3 20% 0.5
Eu 1.2 0.5 64% 1
E-EU 44% 1
2(E-Eu) 88% 1 8
Less than E 9%
Greater than Eu 35%
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, University of Nairobi
FCE 482: Public Health Engineering 1B
Continuous Assessment Test 1 hour April 08 2022

Attempt All Questions

1. Describe the main components of a borehole

i. Casing - does 1½
ii. Screens 1½
iii. Gravel Pack 1½
iv. Pump 1½
v. Sketch 2 8

2. Given that the rate of abstraction from a borehole

𝑄 = log , compare the increment in the borehole yield by:
10 R/r𝑤

(i) doubling well radius rw, with

(ii) doubling drawdown Zw
i. Doubling rw
2.72𝑇𝑍𝑤 2.72𝑇𝑍𝑤 2.72𝑇𝑍𝑤 2.72𝑇𝑍𝑤
𝑄2𝑟𝑤 = 𝑙𝑜𝑔 = 𝑙𝑜𝑔 = 𝑙𝑜𝑔 = −0.3+𝑙𝑜𝑔
10 𝑅/2𝑟𝑤 10 0.5𝑅/𝑟𝑤 10 0.5+𝑙𝑜𝑔10 0.5𝑅/𝑟𝑤 10 𝑅/𝑟𝑤
ii. Doubling Zw
2.72𝑇𝑥2𝑍𝑤 2.72𝑇𝑍𝑤
𝑄2𝑍𝑤 = =2𝑥 log = 2𝑄 2
log10 R/r𝑤 10 R/r𝑤

Doubling rw has the effect of reducing the denominator by a small amount (-0.3) which
has less effect than doubling Zw which doubles the yield. 1 Extra for Subst (1) 5

3. Explain why in the design of flocculation basin the power input is restricted so that the
𝑃 ½
mixing intensity 𝐺 = ( ) is within the range 20-100 s-1.
i. Should be high enough to cause the particles to come together and form
bigger particle
ii. Should not be high enough to cause already formed flocs to break up 2

4. A laboratory analysis of the settlement of flocculated water gave the following results
for a sample taken at a depth of 2 meters of a settling column.
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, University of Nairobi
FCE 482: Public Health Engineering 1B
Continuous Assessment Test 1 hour April 08 2022

Sampling Time (min) 0.7 1.2 2.3 4.6 6.3 8.8

Proportion of particles
0.6 0.5 0.35 0.15 0.08 0.04
in the sample

For a settling basin with an overflow rate of 0.03 m/s, determine, for the particles that
will be completely removed irrespective of the level at which they enter the basin,
(i) Proportion of particles
(ii) Smallest size

You may assume the settling is governed by Stocks law given below where
µ is 1.01x10-3 kg/ms and ρs = 2650 kg/m3 and ρl = 1000 kg/m3.

𝑉𝑠 = (𝜌𝑠 − 𝜌𝑙 )𝑑 2

i. VS – 0.03, Depth h = 2 m,

Graph - 2

Chart Title






0 2 4 6 8

Time for complete removal = h/vs =2/0.03 = 66.667 s or 1.11 min.2 Proportion
completely removed 52%1

𝑉𝑠 = (𝜌𝑠 − 𝜌𝑙 )𝑑 2 .

𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑆𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑖𝑔 𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 0.03 m3/s 𝑉𝑠 = (𝜌𝑠 − 𝜌𝑙 )𝑑 2

0.03 = (2650 − 1000)𝑑 2 2 d = 0.18 mm 1 8
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, University of Nairobi
FCE 482: Public Health Engineering 1B
Continuous Assessment Test 1 hour April 08 2022

5. Explain how the filtration of flocculated water using a granular bed differs from simple
i. Simple sieving removes particles that are smaller than the openings
by restraining, 2 Removal takes place at the surface. 1/2

ii. granular bed filtration of flocculated water uses various mechanisms to remove
particles of even smaller sixes than the openings. 2Removal takes place in-
depth 1/2 5
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, University of Nairobi
FCE 482: Public Health Engineering 1B
Continuous Assessment Test 1 hour April 08 2022

Attempt All Questions

1. Describe the circumstances that would make the impounding of a reservoir across
a stream necessary for a water supply.

i. When the safe yield of the river 2 is less than the water demand 2 and
there are no other sources 1

2. A submersible pump to lift 24 m3/h of water from a borehole with a 6 mm gravel

pack requires a minimum screen diameter of 150 mm. The screen has the following

a) Slot (opening) width = 40 – 70% of formation size or gravel pack

b) Slot velocity = 0.03 – 0.06 m/s
c) Percent of screen opening = 15 – 18
Determine the required:
i. Number of 100 mm long rectangular slots
ii. Length of screen

Q 24 m3/h
0.00667 m/s 0.5
V select 0.05 0.5
Asc 333333 1
Percent of opening 15% 0.5
Area of screen AS 0.88888889 1
Diameter of Screen 0.15 m
L =As/d 1.88603626 2
Gravel Pack 6 mm
Opening 50% 0.5
Slot width w 3 mm 1
Slot Length L 100 mm
No. of slots Asl/Lw 444 1 8
3. For a water supply with a river source and a water treatment plant, describe what
happens to the various solids abstracted with the river water.
i. Large objects are removed by screens at the intake 2
ii. Colloidal particles are coagulated and flocculated 2
iii. Large flocs are settled in sedimentation tank 1
iv. Remaining solids are removed in filters 1 6
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, University of Nairobi
FCE 482: Public Health Engineering 1B
Continuous Assessment Test 1 hour April 08 2022

4. In a 300 m3 volume V mechanical flocculation basin, paddle area A = 1.6 m2, Cd =

1.8, paddle velocity Vp = 0.5 m/s treating 21,600 m3/d of water, the power input is
given by:
1 𝑃 ½
𝑃= 𝐶𝑑𝜌𝐴𝑉𝑝 3 and mixing intensity 𝐺 = (𝜇𝑉) where µ = 1.01x10-3 kg/ms

i. Determine the power requirement in Watts

ii. Establish if the flocculation basin meets the performance requirements of Gtd
values of 20,000 – 200,000 and G values of about 20-100 sec-1

Cd 1.8
Vp 0.5
 0.00101
ρ 1000
A 1.6
P 180 W 2
G 24.37333391 s-1 2
t = V/Q 1175 s 1
Gt 28,638.66735 1

5. Give possible reasons why horizontal flow sedimentation tanks are required to
have a length to width ratio of at least 2:1 and a depth of at least 2 m.

i. Length: breadth ratio of 2: 1 required to reduce short circuiting 2

ii. Depth of 2 m required to reduce wind effects 2 4

Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, University of Nairobi
FCE 482: Public Health Engineering 1B
Continuous Assessment Test 1 hour April 08 2022

Attempt All Questions

1. Assume that a town has proposed to abstract water for supply from nearby river.
Outline the data that they would be require.

i. Water demand for the town 2

ii. Safe yield of river 2
iii. Distance 1
iv. Elevation relative to town 1 6

2. In the design of a borehole, the radius of influence R cannot be established precisely

and, therefore, is commonly assumed to be 200 m. For a well of radius, rw = 250 mm
and transitivity T = 0.0208 s-1 that is to supply 15 m3/hr, determine:
i. Drawdown below which the pump must be placed
ii. The percentage error in drawdown if the correct radius of influence was 300 m.
𝒎 2.72𝑇𝑍𝑤
Assume the borehole yield 𝑄 ( ) = log
𝒔 10 R/r𝑤

𝒎 1
𝑄 ( ) log10 R/r𝑤
𝑍𝑤 =
R 200
Rw 0.25
Q 0.00417 1
T 0.028
Zw200 0.171 1
R 300
Rw 0.15
Q 0.00417
T 0.028
Zw300 0.181 1

Error 0.00963 1
%Error 5% 1
(Note that this error is not significant, and
therefore the select R does not make a major
difference; What is most critical are T and Zw) 6
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, University of Nairobi
FCE 482: Public Health Engineering 1B
Continuous Assessment Test 1 hour April 08 2022

3. Explain why use chemicals is required in water treatment (5 marks)

i. Raw water contains colloidal particles 1
ii. Take long to Settle 1
iii. To settle in reasonable time, need to come together for
lager particles 1
iv. However, they are stable and would not ordinarily come together 1
v. Chemicals are used to destabilize the particles 1
vi. Adjust pH 1 5

4. Give the reasons why settlement in a sedimentation tank may differ from ideal settling
of discrete particles.

i. Short circuiting 1
ii. Temperature currents 1
iii. Wind effects 1
iv. Particles are not ideal – spherical, uniform density 1 4
v. Others – settlement may be flocculent, hindered etc1

5. In a 2 m deep rectangular sedimentation basin that is to handle a flow of 7,200 m 3/d,

all particles with settling velocities equal or higher than 5x10 -4 m/s are theoretically to
be removed. If the breadth to length is 1:2 Determine the following parameters for
i. Length and breadth
ii. Detention time
iii. Outlet weir loading assuming that it covers the full breadth of the basin
iv. Smallest size of particles completely removed assuming the settling is
governed by the Stokes Law given below with µ = 0.98x10-3 kg/ms and relative
density of particle = 2.65
𝑉𝑠 = (𝜌𝑠 − 𝜌𝑙 )𝑑 2 .
0.0005 = (2650 − 1000)𝑑 2
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, University of Nairobi
FCE 482: Public Health Engineering 1B
Continuous Assessment Test 1 hour April 08 2022

Q 7200 m3/d
0.0833 m3/s 1
VS 0.0005 m/s
A 166.67 m² 1
B:L 1:2
B 9.1 m 1
L 18.3 m 1
d 2 m
Vol = Ad 333.33 1
td = V/Q 1

Weir Loading Q/B 789 m3/m2/d 1

Vs 0.0005
ρs 2650
ρw 1000

d 2.3698E-05
0.02369766 mm 2
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, University of Nairobi
FCE 482: Public Health Engineering 1B
Continuous Assessment Test 1 hour April 08 2022

Attempt All Questions

1. State the three main methods for abstraction of water for supply and state when each
is most appropriate.
i. Side River Intake – Safe yield is sufficient to meet demand 2
ii. Reservoir River Intake – Safe yield is insufficient to meet demand 1
iii. Borehole – when surface water is not available, sufficient yield 2 5

2. A stream whose minimum monthly flow data in m3/s is given below is being considered
for water supply to an industrial town. If the water demand for the is 0.28 m 3/s,
determine the reliability of supply from the river and comment on the suitability of the
liver for supply to the town.

Year 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964
Minimum 0.54 0.35 0.77 0.27 0.40 0.82 0.33 0.38 0.30
Rank M/(N+1)x100
Q (1) (1)
10 0.82 1 10
20 0.77 2 20
30 0.54 3 ..
40 0.4 4
50 0.38 5
60 0.35 6
70 0.33 7
80 0.3 8
90 0.27 9 100
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Graph 2 86%, ok 2 6
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, University of Nairobi
FCE 482: Public Health Engineering 1B
Continuous Assessment Test 1 hour April 08 2022

3. Explain how the optimum dose of coagulant chemicals required for treatment of water
is determined in the laboratory.

i. Jar test is performed 1

ii. Raw water placed in several beakers 1
iii. Different amounts of chemicals are added 1
iv. Stirred rapidly and then slowly and the 1
v. allowed to settled for 30 min 1
vi. Turbidity measured 1
vii. Amount added to beaker with least turbidity is optimum 17

4. Describe how a horizontal flow baffle flocculation basin functions and show how the
𝑃 ½
mixing intensity, 𝐺 = ( ) imparted on the water can be computed.

V2 V2

V1 V1

Sketch (2)
i. Description Water enters and flows through channels and slots 1
ii. Power is computed from P = ρgQhf where hf is the headloss through
the flocculation basin 1
𝑛𝑉1 2 (𝑛−1)𝑉2 2
iii. Hf is obtained from the equation ℎ𝑓 = + 1
2𝑔 2𝑔
iv. Where n, n-1, v1, v2 1
𝑃 ½
v. 𝐺 = (𝜇𝑉) where V –the volume of the basin 1 7
5. A radial flow circular sedimentation tank 22 m diameter treating 10,000 m 3/d of water
has an effluent weir at its circumference. If it is required to have a weir loading rate of
100-200 m3/m/d;

i. Establish the adequacy of the weir.

ii. If the V-notches are spaced at 200 mm, determine the number of notches and
depth H of flow for a θ= 45° notch given:
Q= x 8 x (2g)1/2 x tanθ x H5/2 where Cd = 0.6
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, University of Nairobi
FCE 482: Public Health Engineering 1B
Continuous Assessment Test 1 hour April 08 2022

D 22
Circum Lc 69.124 m 1

Q 10,000
Loading 144.67 1
<200 Ok 0.5
Weir spacing Lws 0.2 mm
No. Lc/Lws 345.62 1

Flow per notch Qn 0.000334879 m3/s 0.5

Q= x 8 x (2g)1/2 x tanθ x H5/2

H 0.03542581 mm 1

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