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Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley A Workbook Express Publishing 2 we o. | ind NaN AWN AVES ASU Ee NOLO ] Published by Express Publishing Liberty House, Greenham Business Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 GHW, United Kingdom Tel.: (0044) 1635 817 363 Fax; (0044) 1635 817 463, email: www ia Evans — Jenny Dooley, 2015 Ovi Design and Illustration © Express Publishing, 2015 ) Color Illustrations: Victor, Kyr, Jim © Express Publishing, 2015 ‘Music Arrangements by Robin © Express Publishing, 2015 ‘Music Compositions by Funkyfly © Express Publishing, 2015 Published in EU First published in Vietnam 2016 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, photocopying, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers. This book is not meant to be changed in any way. ISBN 978-604-945-803-3 Acknowledgements Authors’ Acknowledgements We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this book. Thanks for their support and patience are due in particular to: Megan Lawton (Editor in Chief); Agnes Stevens (senior editor); Michael Sadler and Steve Miller (editorial assistants); Richard White (senior production controller); the Express design team; Sweetspot (recording producers); and Kevin Harris, Kimberly Baker, Steven Gibbs, and Christine Little. We would also like to thank the institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book. Every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders. If any have been inadvertently overlooked, the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. Workbook Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley Baal Express Publishing Contents 8 Id 9 Ie 10 if da 1S 2b 16 2c s17 Bp Food & Shopping 3a ap: 3d 23 3e 24 3f 6a 43 47 6b 44 48 6c 45 49 Ja 50 7b 51 FE icnisiiiparenean DR History 9A sam 64 Od 9b 65 9 9c 66 Of yu Cultural Exchanges 10a .. 7 10d 10b .. 72 10e 10 .. 73 10F TC1-TC6 WLI-WL2 + Translator’s Corner © Word Lis + Irregular Verbs Vocabulary Complete the text with the 1 Match the sports to the pictures. verbs in parentheses. Use the simple present affirmative or negative. Mary 1)... vw» (live) in a town outside Chicago. She 2)... 1 godiving (rent) a small apartment with her 2 go jooging friend Samantha. She 3)... San (work) in a_ bank, she Usually 4 gobiking 4). (go) to work by bus 5 goclimbing because she 6)... .. (not/have) 6 play football a car. During her free time, Mary 7 gohorseback riding usually 6)... - (play) 8 go skateboarding basketball or 7)... (walk) 9 go windsurfing around her neighborhood. On rainy 10 play basketball days, she 8).... (read) bo0KS. She 9) eenennes (NOtAWatch) TV because she 10). a (fot like) it. To her, TV is a waste of time. Make questions for the Grammar answers below. 2 Look at the table and complete the sentences. 1. - 2 Ido my homework after school. Suzie Peter and Tom You 2 en sevcnnnsnnd walk to school | sometimes always I'm fourteen years old. ‘eat breakfast always sometimes 3 My English teacher is M ‘Thompson. Suzie 7 Peter and Tom I'm from Spain. In my free time, | play football 2 I usually go to school at 8 o'clock. Grammar 1 Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition. 0. Mike lives 1)... Baltimore. His apartment is 2) sane the 4th floor. His apartment building is 3) wom. the butcher shop and the movie theater, He works 4) ...... a clothes store 5) Monday 6) Friday. 7) sssse the weekend, Mike likes to do different things. 8) Saturday morning, he goes to the gym and 9)... the evening, he goes to the local tavern with his friends, 10) ..... | Sunday, he wakes up 11) wa. 10 o'clock 12) ane the morning and — | watches television all day. \ 2 Write the answers to the questions, as in the example. 1 Whose purse is this? (Mary) > It's Mary's purse. Its her purse. I's hers. 2. Whose dog is this? (Tim and Ben) 3. Whose books are these? (Chris and Sandra) 4 Whose caris this? (my boss) 5 Whose suitcases are these? (Denise) 3 Complete the sentences with There is/isn’t or There are/aren't, Make them true for you. abed in my bedroom. .couches in my kitchen a fiteplace in the living room. . books in the bookcase. a computer in my bedroom. wena 4 Match the verbs to the phrases. GL] do a your room | mop b supper BJ wash ¢ the furniture _] make d the laundry BJ water e thefloor @_] iton f out the garbage [Z_] cook g_ the dishes (BI) dust fh your bed (LJ clean i the plants (_) take j_ the clothes Complete the list with the words below. Then complete the sentences with the phrases in the correct form. La mistake [ Make | gee | I harm 3 \ your bed |__changes = | Peace | my homework [the dishes 1 I went to the hairdresser's to . 2 When my dog is at home alone, he always 3. Ihope these two countries will soon. al vn With my dad when | can’t understand the exercises. 5 Mysister .... _~ on her English test last week. Vocabulary Complete the ad with a/an, the, or-where necessary. 1 Match the words to the cu EM 1 meat Would you like to visit 2 chenry se 41) sass unusual place? 3 rice 4 traffic p cookie Come to 2)... Mystery 6 luggage Spot in 3)... Santa Cruz, 77 money California and live 4) 8 foot amazing experience. 9 milk mn ae This tourist attraction is in 8) nu forest about 4 miles north of 6)... city and is one Of 7) ... strangest places you will ever visit in 8) USA. In 9)... forest there iS 10) wn. tilting cabin where its doors, walls, and floors are angled in impossible positions. During your visit, you feel that you are in 11)... strange dream, Nothing here seems to follow a} Write the words in parentheses in the correct form. 12)... laws of gravity. Walk into rooms where you think that 1. My sister drinks a lot of ssusssnnnn (milk). you are leaning backwards and 2. Vegetarians never eat .- (meat). sit on 13)... chair that is 3. Doyou like my new pair of seme (SHOW)? standing on its two back legs in 4. Football players make lots of money). mid 5 Youwalk with your (foot) I'S 14) sa place that nobody 6 Wealways make (cookie) should miss visiting if they are for Christmas, ever in 19)... California, 7 You shouldn't carry a lot of .. (luggage) with you when you go ona trip. 8 Thereis always a lot of ow (traffic) onthe main road, ee 9 I bought a pound of open market. 10. My family and | eat lots of . Vocabulary Match thewords to form phrases. Use the phrases to complete the sentences. a head b nails ¢ fist d hands e eyebrows || 1 Karen her. surprise when she saw Peter in his new sult 2. Thebully sev his and threatened to hit me. 3 We... ana vw after we agreed on the price of the house. 4 She usually ow her is unsure of the answer. 5 Mary is so nervous, she is always... her Underline the correct word. 1. She was unsure/worried about what to do. Both options seemed good to her. 2. Tom was very nervous/impatient about his exams. 3. Linda is too embarrassed/confused to talk in front of everyone. She feels very uncomfortable. 4 Lwas very offended/angry by what you said. 5 She was so angry/offended with me, she started shouting. 6 She couldn't understand a thing he was saying, She was very confused/embarrassed. 7 Don't be so impatient/nervous. Give him some time, 8 Weare all very worried/unsure about Maria. “She hasn't called us in two days. 3 Fill in: of, at, with, in. others. her students. everyone in the class. conversation and 1. You shouldn't be jealou: 2. Ms. Adams is very fond . 3. He's very popular 4 They were deep didn't notice the time. 5. You should be aware ww. the rules, 6 Kissing uns. Public can be rude. 7 We met when we were both... school Grammar Put the verbs in parentheses in the simple present or present progressive. 4 ‘| Dear Jenna, 1) » (be) so happy you 2)... (come) to visit next week, 13) srssnen (KMOW) ftw Much you 4) -- ke) to Visit other countries. We are all so excited and my mom 5) wsmmonnns (Make) your favorite chocolate cake. (have) @ party for you on Saturday, so (bring) a nice dress with you. 1 (think) you will ke all my friends. Oh! We (not/kenow) what time your train (arive), 50.11) son sewn (Send) Mie an Put the verbs in parentheses in the simple resent or present progressive. 1 A: Doug 8: It’s about time. | he needs one. 2 A We... BI 3A: Why... It 4 Why. enn at her like that? B: Because she allot ike an old friend of mine. (think) of buying a car. (think) _ (see) Lucy this afternoon. (see). Can we meet later then? (you/smell) the soup? smell) awful .- (you/look) (look) Vocabulary Match the words to form phrases. Use them to complete the sentences. CD have a aline GD develop b theice ( take skills break d ahug approach e aconversation give f aperson drop g thetime 1 Itisimportantto... with a few jokes soas tomake everyone feel comfortable at the party. 2. One way to +» yOur would be to attend an evening course. 3 Mom ME enn and a kiss every moming. 4 They never. to answer my questions. 5 Icannot .. sews Gesrnan. Ido not speak the language very well 6 Please 1M aeanso When you can. Fd love to hear from you. 7 lam tooshy to _. prefer someone to talk tome first. Mark the adjectives as P (positive) or N (negative). Which best describes each person (a-i)? (TL Timaginative (217 talented (31) sociabie (41 inesponsible (31 reliable’ (6[—)/eeurageeud) 7\_] selfish [8] _] optimistic 91} shy a Charlotte always comes up with fantastic new ideas. b_ Kim loves being with other people. ¢ You can count on Peter to get the job done. d_ Robyn doesn't like meeting new people. @ She believes that everything will be fine in the future. f Sheisan exceptionally good pianist. 9 Karen always does stupid things without worrying about the consequences. h Valerie doesn't care about anyone. She only cares about herself. i Catherine is not scared of anything, 3 10 Complete the sentences with the adjectives derived from the words in bold. She is very for her age. She jogs and swims every day. ACT She Is VELY ener ne with everyone she meets, FRIEND YOU © nnn fOr keeping your room clean. RESPONSE Their mother was wihen she saw the mess in the living room. FURY He is sucha driver, He never pays enough attention on the road. CARE Grammar Underline the correct item. He asked to see/seeing our homework. L usually avoid to swin/swimming at night, My dad won't let me to stay/stay out late. Do you want to go/going out with us? They don’t mind babysitting/to babysit for us, Hes too shy talk/to talk to people. He isn’t talented enough playing/ to play the guitar. Being/To be honest is difficult sometimes. We decided having/to have a party. He denied to lie/lying to her. Writing © Informal messages For which situation would you choose each type of greeting card (1-4)? Jennifer, Congratulations | dn't make it for ‘get togeth 2 Dear Alison and Greg, Congratulations on your wedding. We wish you the most wonderful times together. é Best wishes, j Agnes & Albert a Dear Sue, 3 Happy birthday! [ wish I was there to celebrate with you! T'm sure you'll have a great time tonight. Say hello to everyone! Alan XXX 4) accident! 1 Tin sorry to hear about your ope you feel better son + Take care, - frmy 10 Look at the cards in Ex. 1 and find examples of: 1 contractions: i What type of language are the greeting cards in Ex. 1 written in? | Change the short message below to an informal e-card. Dear Maria, | would like to thank you for the help you provided me: with for my science project. | deeply appreciate the information you supplied. | would be grateful if you ‘accepted my invitation to lunch this Sunday. Hook forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Emma Newton Dear Maria, Emma Writing © Informal emails Complete the email with the sentences (A-D). There is one extra sentence you do not need to use. ~| 4 A |'m very sad that | won't be able to celebrate with you Have a great day Happy Birthday Best wishes cae Dear Jane, 1) sat Uhope you have a great day. 2) because | have to travel to Oxford to attend my sister's graduation. | hope you like the book | sent you. | remember you said that you love Harry Potter. 3) ..., full of surprises and fun! Lots of love, Susan Answer the questions, What is the author's purpose? a toaccept an invitation b towish someone a happy birthday © tocongratulate someone What style is the email written in? What information is included in it? 6 Read the email again and answer the questions. 1 Whose birthday is it? 2. Why can't Susan celebrate with Jane? ... 3. What did Susan send Jane? .. 4 Why did she choose that particular present? 7 Put the sentences in the correct order to write Susan’s greeting card to Jane. we Best wishes, Susan | wish you a wonderful day, full of surprises and Ihope you like the present | chose for you. may all your wishes come true. “ * * John has invited Sean to his birthday party. Write Sean's short email in which he: Happy Birthday! Dear Jane, reser * apologizes for not being able to go to the party + explains the reason why he can’t go + wishes John a happy birthday Write 50 to 60 words. 11 Vocabulary 1 Match the words to form phrases. Use them to complete the sentences. talk social close humor small etiquette sense of onthe cheek marital friends status 1. Janeis fun, She has a great wn 2. Itisbest that you keep to with British people and avoid personal topics. 3. She wanted to know what My ums was as soon as we met. Unbelievable! 4. You should always respect the umn of the country you are visiting. 5. You should never even a woman . in India, unless you know her well 6 tis very common for .. to kiss on the cheek when they greet each other. 2 Fillin the correct adjective: reserved, common, affectionate, offended, acceptable, rude, polite, 1 Sylviais very “please” and “thank yo 2. Themost form of greeting in Greece is a kiss on the cheek, 3. His parents are quite .. people. They're always kissing and hugging him. 4 SHEIS $0 ssn , she rarely shows her feelings-to anyone. 5. Adults are usually call them by their first names. 6 Itis not : toask about someone's religion when you first meet, 7 Itwould be Very nmnnnm snes OF US her to the party. .- She always says . if children Grammar Put the verbs in parentheses in the correct ing ot infinitive form, A: What's Wrong With worms (go) out for some pizza tonight? B: Nothing, It's just that I'd prefer sue (@at) at home. A: Hey, | think I've saved enough money _» (buy) a new MP3 player. Wow, already? Would you consider (give) me your old one? A: Hi Jack. Do you want .. {come} over and play video games? B: I'd love to but | have sunnnennn (Study) for my math test. A: Do you want. snssnennsnce (GO) hiking this weekend? B: Sure. lenjoy sw (hike) and the weather forecast calls for sunny skies, A: Itis polite to always phone before (visit) someone at home. B: It's also nice a gift for your host when you do. A: You know, | can't imagine .. (do) my homework without my PC. B: Oh, come on. You can’t nm. (be) serious? A: Im going out some milk, Need anything? B: Yes, Can you .. w» (see) if they have that new fruity yogurt? You know the one we saw on TV last night. A: Iwould love (take) atrip to Egypt one day! 8: Iwould prefer cruise of the Mediterranean, A: Youare expected .. (arrive) on time when invited to their home. B: Well then, | promise a (take) the early bus into town. (take) . (get) Se aessccge . (go) ona (2 falfe) ey 0) 1e e) 2 Choose the correct response. L_] Excuse me! Good morning, A Flallol "| Thank you. b You're welcome, = © Yes,cant help you? Vdbettergonow.) 4 Goodbye, Everyday English 1 Put the dialogue in the correct order. 3 Look at the picture and answer the questions. 1. Where are the people? 2. What are they doing? 3. Why do you think they are moving to a new house? Well it seems like a nice place, | hope I like it, too. [] Nice to meet you, too. Are you new to the neighborhood? Fouryears sn sv 4 How do they feel? Actually yes, I've just moved. Have coh ah you lived here long? Listening Hello, my name's Joan and this is 4 ) Listen and mark the sentences as Emma. T (true) or F (false). OF course you will, Especially after you've made a few friends! Nice to meet you both. I'm Sandra. Nicole and Sarah haven't met before, su. It's Sarah's first day at school Nicole and Sarah are in the same class, Nicole's classmates are fun. Sarah invites Nicole to the movies. Nicole accepts Sarah's invitation. auruna 13 14 Reading Read the text. For each question choose the correct answer (A, B, C, or D). Jessica Elliot It isn’t always easy being an older sister, My brother Ben is five years younger than me ‘and my parents always expect me to be responsible and keep an eye on him, He's very sweet and | really do love him dearly, but there are times when he can drive me crazy. One of the things he does that really annoys me is that he is always going into my room to borrow things like CDs and magazines without asking me first. Also, whenever he wants me to: help him with his homework, he expects me to drop whatever I'm doing even if I'm really busy. And what makes it even worse is that my parents always seem to take his side, telling me that | should be more grown up and that he's onty little. | do fee! guity about being mean to him. When he was a bit younger he was very trusting and | used to trick him ‘out of his allowance money. Id tell him that his shiny silver coins weren't very valuable but that 'd be happy to swap them for my copper ones which were worth much more and he'd believe me. He's not as naive now, 80 | can't get away with deceiving him so easily anymore. Of course, | am really glad that I have a brother even if there are times when he really gets on my nerves. On the whole, | think growing up with a brother or sister helps to make you a better person. We might fight and get jealous of each other occasionally, but we also share things and look after each other. It wouldn't be the same if| were an only child. 1 What is the writer’s main purpose in writing the text? A To.iiticize her brother. B To show how kind she is. C Toexplain her feelings. D To complain about her family. D.. 3) 5) What would a reader learn about Jessica from ‘the text? A She likes having responsibility. B_ She wouldn't want to be an only child, She doesn’t have much spare time. D She enjoys playing tricks on her brother. What does the writer say about herself? A She regrets being unkind to her brother. B She gets angry very easily She wishes she could be more grown up. D She doesn't like sharing things. What does she say about her brother? A He doesn't trust her anymore. B_Henever does his homework. C He can be irritating sometimes. D He can't look after himself. Which of the following is the best description ofthe writer? A Ateenager who has a difficult relationship with her family B A teenager who doesn't get along with her brother. A teenager who finds it difficult behaving asa grown up. D Ateenager who has mixed feelings about her relationship with her brother. Make or do? Complete the phrases and use them to write true sentences about you. ra friends; 2). adifference; | sens YOUF BeSt 4) ame YOUF homework; an effort; 6 sass SU Diseases Matto 8) a amistake 3 4,2 Listen and write, 2 p. 3 4 5 6 7 on | 2 ith ng 1 ut 2 fee | se 4 © Vocabulary Choose the correct word. We saw the hot-air balloon float/soar in the air. They managed to safely arrest/capture the bear. Michael gathered/realized his mistake. He came back safe/secure and sound. ‘They collected/found money for the poor. ‘They tried hard and they touched/reached their goal. Lift/Raise your hand before speaking in class. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the pairs below. + fly/float + air/wind + cloth/clothes ‘* chimney/fireplace * reach/rich Emma loves to backin the pool. He learned 0 sw at the age of 15. Nick was t00 Short tO sna top shelf. The... nations of the world should help the poor ones. I decided to wear casual. the party. Her wedding dress was made from fine silk saw fOF Hl go outside to get some fresh... THE nn .- was blowing from the southeast. He was standing by the at the roaring fire. Far away, smoke was coming out of a sm staring Choose the correct preposition, He was curious for/about the history of the town, It was so nice of Daniel to think offfrom us. Scientists often experiment to/on rats. 4 They made it about/from recycled materials, 5 Ajury consists of/from twelve members. Grammar Put the verbs in parentheses in the simple past or past progressive, nD (rain) and 1 2) Gsleep) peacefully. All ofa sudden, 1 3) (hear) a loud banging noise coming from outside. I 4) ump) out of my bed and 5) ook) out the window. My neighbor 6)... (Gtand) at his door and 7) look) around. Suddenly, 1 8) see) a group of teenagers. They 9). (throw) rocks into an empty garbage can and 10) (make) aterible banging noise, My neighbor 11) (all) out to them and they 12) sesso (EN) AWAY. LTB) season (GO) back 10 bed and 14) ({ry) to fall asleep again. Put the verbs in the simple past or past progressive and justify their use. 1 We wn (drive) down the highway when we .. (get) a flat tire. 2 The chef (whisk) the dressing and then (pour) it on the salad. 3 She (watch) a DVD when he . (come) home. (go) to the office when the principal (call) from my son’s school. 4 Vi 5 Sheila {not/attend) the concert because she .- (work. 6 James .. - (lose) his wallet while he (walk) his dog in the park 7 The children (sleep) while their parents eat) breakfast. 1 16 Vocabulary Match the words to form phrases. Use some of them to complete the sentences. Fa people mistakes bacteria infections H eance The doctor .. at Mark's throat and prescribed antibiotics. Eye drops help .in the eye, The teacher asked the students to exchange papers and .. Antibiotics can be used to. Underline the correct particle. Peter hadn't tumed up/in by eight o'clock, so ‘we went to the party without him. I can't hear, Please turn the volume up/on. Because of the heavy rain, we tumed in/back. Turn around/on and let me look at you - you look great! To everyone's surprise, it turned offfout that ‘we were wrong about him, Choose the correct preposition, The scientists did many experiments with/in the bacteria to understand their structure. Our teacher asked us not to forget offabout the Alexander Fleming documentary that evening. Ittook Melissa a week to recover of/from the flu, The professor sent his assistant out for/to some test tubes. Alexander Graham Bell is famous of/for inventirig the telephone, What the teacher did not explain about/with the bird flu, the students read in their books. Grammar Use the phrases to write sentences about Jane, as in the example. Use: used to/didn't use to, would, or/and the past simple. Jane (10 years old) 1 goto the theater (x) 2. live in an apartment (v) 3. stay out late (x) 4. spend her summer vacation by the sea (7) 5 wear glasses (x) 6 walk to school (V) When Jane was 10 years old... 1.» she didn’t use to/wouldn’t/didn't go to the theater. auauwn 5 Write questions to which the words in bold. are the answers. 1. David spoke to Sue. 2. Dan gave Sarah some flowers. 3. Ann went to Spain. John bought a new car. Mary called Sam, it n't ) — Writing ¢ ‘Stories 1 Read the rubric and answer the questions. £ The school magazine is holding a short story competition ‘and wants its readers to send in their stories with the title, tt was really scary.” Write your story for the competition $ (120-180 words) 1 What are you going to write? 2. Who is going to read it? 3 How many words do you have to write? Read the model and match the paragraphs to the headings. A events in the order they happened/climax event B. set the scene/main characters C what happened in the end/characters’ feelings It was really scary Last winter, George and his family spent a week in Aspen Colorado. Geoige and his brother Gus spent their days skiing and snowboarding down the mountains and their evenings playing board games with their i parents, Itwas the ideal vac [_JOn their tast day, George and Gus decided fo try out the expert lopes. While they were skiing down the mountain, George lost sight of | Gus, As he was looking for Gus, he lost his balance and fell. His leg was "badly hurt, Suddenly, he saw a lot of snowy heading his way. It was a small | avalanche! ‘George didnt know what to do, He closed his eyes and then felt the now cover his head, Afler a few minutes, he fet a hand pulling at his Kel. George opened his eyes and saw Gus ng to pull him out. As soon as George free, Gus called for help, ‘An ambulance took George to the hospital and loctors put a cast on his | le8. Iwas defintely an “Unforgettable way to Join the sentences, Use the words in parentheses. The children’s eyes were on the teacher. The teacher read them astory. (as) » The children’s eyes were on the teachers she read them a story. ‘Mom was preparing supper. Dad arrived home. (when) The children had gone to bed. Doug and Susan planned the family vacation. (after) Mark was home in the morning. In the afternoon, he went to the gym. (but) We were taking a test. The fire alarm rang. (while) We were watching a DVD. The lights went out. (when) The teacher walked into the classroom. She handed out the assignments. (as soon as) 7 Read the extracts. Put the verbs in parentheses in the simple past or past Ending a story To end a story we write what happened in the end and how the characters felt. progressive. | Nicole ) nse (PCR) her bags in her room when mm ae a “hee i “i ses 6 Fill in the blanks with the words. (leave). Nico z | Haein, MB box and while she 7). (open) telleved’ —[_evening ity she 8). (heat) a strange noise from inside. Seats She 9) (call) out to her brother, but he 10) isten) to music in his room and | 1) (cannot/hear) hear her Later that 1) sunn i | i 2) se was walking \ fon the beach. He felt All of a sudden the room 1)... (get) quiet and Hic ‘that everything Old, Larry 2) ...oesnne (try) to find his flashlight but he was fine. 3) (remember) he had dropped it while he 4) (run) towards the house. As he 5) | (try) to get to the front door, he 6).......... (feel) a hand on his shoulder. He 7) (turn) and 7 Use the notes and the pictures below to | a (see) a figure that 9) (stare) back write the beginning and the ending of a story entitled, “It was a day to remember.” ‘day mo, Harn, 77 Setting the scene To set the scene, we write when and where the story took place, who the main characters are, what the weather was lke, and what happened first. 5 Fill in the blanks with the words/phrases. George | Monday morning | beach | cool Early 1) con 2 \ ™ 2) no .. was at the | “gua 3) - The weather *Sheyed was 4) . ju « He really liked being on his own. hed being on | 8 Now write the main body paragraphs for | the story in Ex. 7. Use time joining words. 5. Amold Schwarzenegger started his career in the United States as an . - act). His most famous movie is The Terminator. He — Vocabulary Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verbs below. ‘+ invent + change * deliver + develop «come across * govem * compose * show Einstein atheory about the relationship between mass and energy. Mozart was only 5 years old when he his first piece of music. Dr, Martin Cooper cell phone in 1973. Martin Luther King ... *| Have a Dream" speech in 1963. Television networks were not allowed to ww Elvis Presley dancing, Princess Diana worked hard to . people's opinions about AIDS sufferers. John F. Kennedy was the youngest president LO sess the United States of America. Pharmacist John Pemberton .. the formula for Coca-Cola while creating a headache remedy. . the his Fil the blanks with the correct noun. Did You Know? 1. Charles Dickensis a widely-read English... ws (write). One of his ‘most famous novels is Great Expectations. Mikhail Baryshnikovis a famous Russian ballet, +» (dance) and has opened hhis own dance school, Maria Callas was a great opera nn (sing), She studied music in Greece and had a successful career in operain Italy. Alfred Bernhard Nobel was a famous... (chemistry) who invented dynamite. Today, awards in fferent fields are given in his honor. isnow the (govern) of California, 6 Claude Monet was a French (paint). His most famous painting is Water Lilies. Grammar Put the verbs in parentheses in the simple past or the past progressive. lizabeth Pry was bom on May 21%, 1780 in Norwich. When SHE 1) ssssnsnsine (DO) twelve years old, her mom 2) +» (die) and Elizabeth 3) (help) raise her younger a siblings. While she 4) (live) in Newport, she $) . (hear) William Savery talk and OB) eonmusninnnn (decide) to spend her life helping others. In 1813, Elizabeth 7)... (visit) the ison in Newgate and she 8) ) what she 9) (08), While she (tour) the prison, she saw women who 11) .» (Wash), 12). . (cook), and 13) (eat) in the same cell. They 14)... (sleep) on the floor and 15) .. (not/have) clean tinen or clothes to charige into. Elizabeth 16) -~- (spend) the next few years helping to improve these conditions. In 1817, she 17) sao (create) the Association for the Improvement of the Female Prisoners in Newgate 20 Vocabulary Match the sentences to the jobs:a sales assistant, b cashier, waiter, d traffic cop, e airtraffic controller, f accountant. I) [>] [>] [S] 1 Re Are you ready to order sir? How will you be paying? Can | have your receipts, please? LL] You are clear to land, Can | help you with anything, miss? You can't park here. ‘ead the dialogue and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Bob is still a student. 2. Bobis studying to become asecretary. 3. Bob has worked as a secretary at his uncle’s fi ir. 4 Bob can work 9-5 every weekday. 5 Bob will have to work on Saturdays when required... 3 Choose the correct response. 1A: Doyou have any experience? Py B A a Yes, | do. Ihave 8 years experience. b Well done! Guess what! I just got a part-time job! a That's fantastic! What does it involve? b Really? What happened? : What does Ann do fora living? a The money's great. b She works asa vet. Mrs. Burke: Thank you for coming in Bob, Ujust have a few questions. You're still studying, right? Bobs Yes, !'m in my final year at secretarial college. Mrs. Burke: OK, and do you have any previous work experience? Bob: | spent the last three summers working as a secretary at my father's firm. Bob: | ama quick leamer and | am very hard-working, | also work well with others. Mrs. Burke: OK, will you be able to work full-time? ince I'm still studying, | can’t work full-time. However, can come in Monday to Thursday from 9 am to 1 pm and all day Friday. Mrs. Burke: OK, | think we can work something out. Would you be able to work Saturdays ifneeded? Bob: Yes, of course. Mrs. Burke: Perfect. Well, we will et you know by the end of the week, Bob. It was a pleasure meeting you. Bob: Thank you very much, Mrs. Burke. 4. A: What qualities do you have? B; a Isit part-time? b Well, |am hardworking and a quick learner. Replace the underlined phrases/sentences with the phrases: does your dad do for a living, 9-5, what the pay is like, does her job involve. 1 Does she work full-time? 4 Doyou know how much 2 What does shedoatwork? she earns? 3. What's your dad's job? Listening 5 ‘/ Listen to John talking. What is he talking about? a hisjob b hisparents’jobs his future job Reading (true) or F (false). The race involved only two people, The race was won in December. The explorers were French. Scott and his men didn’t return home. fiom 1910 tw 1912, hW0 famous explorers and their teams raced against time and each other to the “South Pole. Norwegian Roald Amundsen and Englishman Robert Falcon Scott finally made history ~ the former by winning this race and the latter by never returning, When Scott left London in 1910 to begin his Antarctic expedition, he received a short folegram from Amundsen: “I'm going south.” The race had begun! During the polar summer of 1910-1911, the teams made preparations, ‘organizing food and transportation for the ‘expeditions. They had to wait through the total ‘darkness ofthe winter. ‘Amundsen and his men leit on skis and with teams of dogs pulling their sedges. They set out ‘09 their joumey in October 1911, Scott chose to leave in November 1911, on motor sledges ancl With ponies. After some time, however, while Amundsen was making good progress, Scotts Sledges broke down and the ponies had great Problems with the cold and the snow. Amundsen Teached the South Pole on December 14 and put Up a Norwegian flag there. The race had been won, When Scott and his men arrived, on January 17%, Amundsen had already begun his return ‘Journey. Unfortunately, none of the men on _ Scoit’s team survived. They were hit by terible “Storms and they all died on their way back. They. lost the race and their lives, but. they became for their courage and determina ‘Scott saw Amundsen at the finishing line... Read the text and mark the statements T 2s 1 Vasco de Gama .. Vocabulary Complete the sentences with the correct verb. Pay attention to the tenses. eave) GBI expiore\ VARA (Knight \W5PE88) “capture Varrivey ocean route from Portugal to India, John Cabot was the second famous explorer to the Atlantic Ocean. . Sir Francis Queen Elizabeth | Drake aboard his ship. The Portuguese ... ..and enslaved Estavanico, who explored Texas. Ferdinand Magellan was the first man to... . se around the world. Jacques Cartier .. snsnann the St. Lawrence river while looking for a new passage. Marco Polo . taly by ship and traveled to China, Christopher Columbus at the Caribbean llands on October 11th, 1492, Answer the questions. Why do you think people like to explore? Why are Scott and his team seen as heroes even though they falled? Vocabulary 1 Cross out the word that doesn’t match. scrambled - poached ~ from the 2) snonisennnnen roast — boiled — fried ‘Some schoolchildren bring a ae 3) from home, However, in Japan schoolc take an obento with them. 4) nme Have for mothers on how to prepare an obento. They should contain 6)... Of food that a child wouldn't usually et 0 that they won't become 7) in the future. Obentos should look attractive as well. So, the food has different shapes like flowers, animals, and even 8) Obentos are so popular in Japan that you can even buy them at 9). Most schoolchildren sandwich or a 1) get Grammar Put the verbs in parentheses in the present perfect or the simple past. gtilled ~ scrambled ~ | | . poached - fried | HiLon, 1D (just/make) that cheesecake from the Fill in: slice, peel, chop, grate, recipe you 2). Send) Me. 13) ssnsmninrne beat, and melt. | (vant) to try it last week, but 14) (have) so | 1 sue potatoes — 4 simu Meat | much work recently that it was impossible. Anyway, my 2... cheese 5 \ parents loved it and 5)... sss (make) me promise 3 weggs 6 tomake it again. If you want I can make it for your birthday. | Don’t worry! 16) coves (MOtMorget) that its a) Match the words to form | next week. PT) aounmmnannnen (alteady/buy) your phrases. jfereon Bye for now, school a lunch Sen hot b characters [31] packed © cafeteria [41 J train © d tules Complete the sentences. Fill in: have/has been or | (5LJ certain meal have/has gone, } 61] cartoon f eaters 11 ssn vs to Paris twice this year. (21 nursery 9 portions 2. Jane isn'there. She to the market. (81) smau h schools 3 They wu t0 Spain. They will be back in two weeks. | 91] picky i. stations 4 Jack Disneyland five times already. | 22 Bi Vocabulary Match the products to the stores in the table opposite. Which stores can you see in pictures A-C? — magazines | bread |[ tna | “newspapers || earrings | soap | | 88 ami contact tenses Match the words to form phrases. Use some of the phrases to complete sentences 1-4. TL_] international a habits 21] tryyour b effort [31] spending © event | FAT} make an d_ best [51] bein e sighted oF 6[_] benear- f good condition 1. There was a(n) . to help the victims of the hurricane. 2. Jim wears glasses because he . | 3 Youhaveto crema ° if you want to get good grades. y 4 Iwant to buy a used car that car. 11% ket. a ks. § dy. | Replace the underlined words with the phrasal verbs go by, go after, go for, go down, go under in the right form. The store owner chased the thief and caught him... Aring lke this can cost up t0 $5,000. sn Many small stores have gone bankrupt since the big department store opened. wn The price of laptops is continually dropping. everything she reads in fashion magazines. newsstand flower shop fish market bakery jewelry store pharmacy butcher shop clothes store eyewear store Grammar 4 Use the verbs in the present perfect progressive to complete the dialogues: walk, wait, work, shop. 1 A: What's wrong with you? Your eyes are red, BI ..0n my computer all day. 2. A: You look tired, B: lam! | around town all day. 3. A: 'mso sony I'm late! B: Where were you? | 4, B: Wow! Look at all those bags Sue is holding. B: Yes.She . for the party all morning, -for 2hours, 5 Underline the correct form of the verb. 1 Why are your hands so dirty? My hands are dirty because I've planted/'ve been planting some flowers. 2. Mycarhas broken/has been breaking down again. 3. Danny has eaten/has been eating sushi before. 4 Have you ever played/Have you ever been playing chess? 5. My brother has seen/has been seeing that movie five times. 6 I've known/'ve been knowing Nick for years. 7 I haven't slept/haven't been sleeping well lately. 23 Writing © Informal emails Read the rubric and answer the questions. 2 This is part of an email you received from Tony, your American pen pal. e0e ae Last night, we went to Benny’s, an Italian restaurant, to celebrate my dad's birthday. The food was ‘amazing and the prices were so low. ‘What's your favorite restaurant? Is it ‘expensive? | Write your email to Tony (60-80 words). 1 What is your email going to be about? 2. Whois going to read it? 3 How will you start/end it? Choose: Dear Tony, 9 My dearest friend Tong} a "| - J e\ Yours, | Yours sincerely, © | 4 Which of the following can you include in your email? Check (/) name of restaurant when built Read the model and match the paragraphs to the headings. losing remarks opening remarks ~ name/type of restaurant/location service/dishes/prices Dear Tony, 1[_| My favorite restawant ts Toyo. It’s a Japanese steak house in the downtown area. (2_} it serves the most delicious dishes which are cooked in front of you by a skilled chef. It’s like watching a show. The service is amazing, too. The waitresses wear traditional Japanese dress and they serve you very quickly, It’s a little expensive to eat there, but it’s worth itt 3] ] Toyo is « restaurant that everyone should try at least once in their life. To me, it’s the best restaurant. Do you like Japanese food? Yours, Samuel ree type of restaurant name of chef Which of the sentences recommends) the restaurant? location | service 1 Itis an ideal choice for a special dinner out. prices 2 Do go. It’s well worth it. dishes 3. Thisis definitely not the place to go. 1 from the grocery store to the department store 2 from the supermarket to the parking lot 3 from the bank to the eyewear store 4 from the jewelry store to the flower shop 5. from the police station to the school © Order of adjectives ‘ctives can express opi ic fact (blue, modern, etc.), When two or more iectives are used before anoun, opinion djectives come before the ones expressing fact. When there are more than two adjectives the [900, practical, bad, etc, — huge, bla, tiny, ete. modem, nevy, ancient, ete. [ound square, tse, checked, flora ee alian, Russian, Greek, ete. feather silver, wooden, ete, -a nice, small, nev, round, black and white, glish cotton cushion on the couch. UNE Gcuen turn rightfett turn rightfett fon the tst/2nd corner it's across the street fromvnext tof between/on the corer of, ete, PHURCH ii Put the adjectives in the correct order. We had dinner at a sew (French/ little/charming) bistro last night. This dish is froma ... (Greek/wonderful/traditional) recipe. Yesterday, | bought a (silk/red/beautiful) dress This restaurant has (silver/metal/modern) tables. Do you like my . (leather/newsltalian) shoes? Ijust bought some {fresh/lovely/crusty bread from the bakery. This jeweler has some {gold/modern/stylish) rings. Sam wants to buy a .... (small/secondhand/practical) car. Can you pass me that (green/large/plastic) bag, please? Tina meta .. Italian/handsome) boy on vacation, (young Now write your email to Tony about your favorite restaurant. 25 Vocabulary 4 Complete the sentences with words derived from the words 1 List the words under the headings. Inparenthteses, flour * eggs * milk * potatoes * beef + cod * carrots, 4 aes + haddock « batter « vinegar « salt « chicken could eat ahorse. (HUNGER) ut sauce Maimp 2. The cake was too dry so she ... Meat Fish Poultry sen it With some chocolate syrup. (MOIST) 3 Weate ata... a Greek restaurant yesterday. Th Vegetables Other food was delicious. (TRADITION) - 4 Youcan .. » fruit with honey instead of sugar. (SWEET) 5 This cookbook was very 2 Cross out the item that doesn’t match. senses (HELP) 6 The food at this restaurant was, Appetizers: salad - soup ~ onion rings - cheese sticks ~ delicious and the prices were roast lamb vn 100. (REASON) Main courses: roast chicken ~ sandwich - fried cod and french 7 usually have french fries, but fries - beef and pasta today | want something Desserts: ice cream ~ strawberry pudding ~ shepherd's . (HEALTH) pie ~ apple pie 8 This hamburger is very ... Snacks: sandwich - hot dogs ~ chips ~ steak o w» (TASTE) 3 Choose the correct word. 5 Match the exchanges. This week we visited The Cube restaurant on Breck Road. It [1 Hove mashed potatoes. had a(n) 4) relaxed/expensive atmosphere and the service [2]_] tithave the lamb. was excellent. For the first 2) meal/course, we had a (3[_] Let’s buy takeout. 3) mixed/chopped green salad and 4) stuffed/filled a No. I’ve cooked'pasta. mushrooms. Then | ordered 5) mashed/grilled b [prefer them fried. chicken with 6) steamed/poached vegetables < Roast or grilled? and my friend had 7) roast/baked beef and rane Yorkshire 8) dessert/pudding. Our meals were delicious! Not only that, the prices were 9) reasonable/helpful and the staff was very 10) excellent/friendly. | highly recommend this restaurant. 26 vith, ST) ON) rut gar, was: ere! Listening (,) Listen and choose the correct answer. Where are Angela and Julie? A ataflea market B ata department store C ata shopping mall Julie is with, A her friend, B her mother. C hersister. Julie goes there A once a week. B once amonth. C oncea year. Julie has bought ‘A abook. B apiece of jewelry. C ascarf. Julie has paid A$l B $2. c $5. Fill in; what a/an, what, or how. auwns fantastic day! Let’s go to the beach. sauunm wonderfull We are going to see the Queen Look at that ballerina, cnn gracefully she dances! ~. excellent concert! The music was fabulous. boring math ist .» nice shoes! Where did you BwNo buy them? w Everyday English 3 Read the dialogue and answer the questions. Eric: Wow! What an amazing jacket! Where did you get it? I bought it at Bear's, downtown, a few days ago. Where isit exactly? It’s near the new department store on Gill Street between the shoe store and the post office, Was it expensive? It was on sale for only $50. : Wow! What a bargain! | think I'll go and have a look tomorrow. :: You should! Although you won't find one like mine, you will see a lot of other jackets that are also very nice. We can go together if you like. Sure, How about meeting at 12:00 at the bus stop? Ben: OK. See you there. Ben: Er Ben: Eric: What did Ben buy? Where did he get it from? ‘What does Eric think of his jacket Where is the store? How much did Ben pay for the jacket? When will Eric go to Bears? Replace the underlined phrases with the phrases in the list. +a good deal * suit you * take a look * where it is exactly + we go together These sunglasses look very nice on you. This bag is a bargain. Why don't you come with me? . You can go and see for yourself if you like. Can you tell me the addre: “97 Vocabulary Match the words to form phrases. Use the phrases to complete the sentences below. T_] runny a allergies 21] food b lips (3[_] itchy © nose 41] swollen system [5] Jimmune skin 1 You have to be careful about what you eat when you suffer from : 2 When you havea cold you get a 3. Your. _ fights viruses and bacteria that make you sick. 4 Some of the symptoms of a food allergy at€ cnn ANG se 2 Underline the correct preposition. 1 He's allergic to/for nuts. 2. Canyou reply at/to his email? 3 Wear a coat to protect yourself from/of catching a cold. 4. He suffers offfrom headaches. 5 Entrances free of/in charge. 6 John will stay at/with us during the festival. 7 Isthere a cure offfor the flu? 8 Thanks, but 'm on/in a diet. Reading Read the text below and choose the correct word for each blank (A, B, C, or D). ‘You ate something that smelled funny or wasn't cooked 0) » 8 and) ROW youre il YOU 1) .nsmew a temperature, diarthea, and you ae sick When you eat f00d that is 8)...» to be eaten because it has spoiled or parts of it re raw because ithas been undercooked. This means that it is 4) ‘of bacteria that can make you very ill Two of these dangerous bacteria are salmonella and E-coll There are ways 10 5)...» Yourself from getting food poisoning | and they are quite simple. Firstly, you should always wash your hands before and after 6) food. Also, make sure to wash frit and vegetables very well. Secondly, it is very important to cook meat | thoroughly. YOU 7) wn... Never eat meat that is raw or pink on the inside, Finally, you should always store food properly, check the use-by dates on food and don't 8)... food outside the fridge for a long tHe 9) ...nsnos Bacteria could form on your food. c 10) you follow these simple rules you will avoid getting food) poisoning. Remember, keep your kitchen clean, be careful, put food in| the fidge, and everything willbe fie! good well better do B make have instance example occasion unfit unhealthy unsuited alot filed full avoid help mind touching B smelling feeling could ‘ought should put leave forget for because 30 Unies Since " Seevausenso gou0ccec00000 DYE Tay 4 () Listen and write. and sic Its led att 1658 ‘ nd and nat the by ong) Vocabulary + Fillin: bushy, double, wide, bald thin ful, | chubby, pierced, deep, curly. ppopuar comedy ‘Who's inthe House?” is about tho large family with six members, who are always ng themselves in funny situations. Karen, the mother, isa jwwoman with big eye and 1)... BPS. Her daughtor Hooks ke her, but has dark 2) hat and sn Gas. Steven, the father ofthe fail, M25 4) enn Dut @ 5) neon head. Mar, the son, is very tall 9 with 7), shoulders. Grandma Kate, Ives with the fami, fit 8) .n.n and has a sweet 08 With 9) nnn WrNhes and 10) ons chin. We forget the final member ofthe family, Joker, a dog with ha, who plays a large role in the hilarious events ing in the Johnsons! house. _ Match the words to form phrases. Then use the Phrases to complete the sentences below. peer a trend | general b decisions bad © pressure difficult d language [] people's e rights 1. Mandy had a lot of make after her divorce, 2 Parents dislike their children using and being disrespectful. _ Thomas enjoys being a lawyer and defending A Counselors at school often help students deal with .. smn In fashion there has been a denim over the last few years. ) Choose the correct preposition. 1 Teenagers are put underfin a lot of pressure. 2 It’s not polite to laugh with/at others, __ 3 He disagreed at/with Ann's comments. 4 You should be proud offwith your success. ~ 4 He decided to do it his way regardless from/ of what others would say. She sometimes puts pressure on/at others. She focuses on/to her physical appearance. He wears large clothes so as not to draw attention for/to his weight. Grammar Put the words in parentheses in the correct comparative/superlative form, Dear Michelle, | hope you're enjoying your suramer. im finding my summer school course really interesting, 've made some great friends who are really fun. Rosa, who comes from Italy, is 1) girls {intelligen. | am 3). (pretty) of all the also 2). seen su (good) than her at here and she is writing essays, though. Joel, my Scottish friend is a. (old than me, even though | am 5). (tal) than him. Paul, his roommate, is 8 sons Gunny) person in our class. He is also 7) .. * (kind) person I've met here, We re having 8) ... (good) time of our lives Have you met anyone new this summer? Joanne 5 Form opposite adjectives from the words in the list to complete the sentences. + comfortable * secure * healthy * capable + considerate Jerry lacks experience and is of doing the job. He has a very . diet which has resulted in him gaining a lot of weight. Those children should be taught some manners. They are very : Margaret is very shy and f@€15 enon speaking in public. Jane iS 8 VELY ne .- young woman and needs to develop confidence. 29 Vocabulary 1 Use the words in the list to complete the descriptions. sik leather plain striped } sharp | cotton suit | <@sval_ jeans | patterned | tight jacket shirt | paggy trendy | pants | r [A] The man is wearing a1) o ark blue 2) sven and @ De 3) arnnnenene Shirt. He is carrying a A) connsenimene tiofease, The ‘woman is wearing 2 6)... i looking suit’ and an expensive 8) ern rrnnnenene BIOUSE. 1) and a nylon 3) is wearing a white cotton 4) and black 5) both wearing 6) c \ Both teens are dressed in 1) . clothes. The itl is wearing a 2) top that is 3) The boy is wearing a 4) . : short-sleeved T-shirt and a red hat. Fill in the blanks with end up, contaminate, cause, weave, or give in the correct form. Pesticides .. vw harm to our | environment. She .. the blanket from wool and cotton fibers. The waste from many factories You should .. Chemicals used by many industries | waste in our rivers. | Grammar Fill in: so, such, too, or enough. Do you have buy the coat? She is a stylish dresser. | wish | knew how to dress like her This color is bright on me, Does it come in another color? This dress is perfect for the dinner party. I'S nn. Classy! . money to The purse iS smn expensive for me. Z His clothes af@ nn Scruffy, He) looks awful. g She WOFE srnnum weird shoes that everyone stared ather. | The coat is not HEAVY sensu tO keep him warm. That's wounoe @ sporty jacket Where did you get it? He speaks van fast that nd one can understand him. Writing ive © Rubric Analysis sur__{ Alvays make sure you understand what the rubric | | asks you to write about. This will help you plan your |_| writing. Read the rubric carefully and underline the ket | | key words/phrases. |_| These indicate: ies | | + the imaginary situation you will write about, } who you are, and the reason you are writing, ry, | | & the type of writing. rieg| | * the imaginary reader who is going to read i your piece of writing, This will help you decide on the writing style (ve, formal, semiformal, or informal) you should use. ‘the specific topics. Study the example below You are working abroad as a tour guide’. Write a letter to your American pen pal describing the job and saying what you like and what you don't i} ike about it’ a a ‘situation > reader/writing style me, | Wpeofwriting “specific topies Read the rubric below. Underline the key Words. Identify the imaginary situation, the imaginary reader, type of writing, and the specific topics. He Your friend is being bullied at school for oe having pimples on her face. Write a letter to your friend giving her advice . td on how to deal with the situation and + improve her self-confidence. ‘ket! Imaginary situation: sci A Type of writing: =—= : + ne" limaginary reader/ iting styl Specific topics: 2 Read this response from a magazine's advice column. Match the paragraphs to the headings. opening remarks/expressing sympathy first piece of advice & possible results closing remarks second piece of advice & possible results Gae> Dear Pam, } [11] Sorry to hear about your skin problem. 1 understand how a problem like this can affect your self-confidence. | [2] fl were you, | would see a dermatologist. He will know exactly what the best treatment is | and will help you clear up your skin, , [3]_] Secondly, you need to realize that there is | more to you than your skin. If you start to believe in yourself, others will see that you have 4 lot to offer and will want to get to know you Why don’t you join some school clubs? You will | soon have lots of friends and lots of confidence as well [Lt hope my advice helps. Let me know how it goes. Abby ‘What is Abby's advice? What examples does she give to support each piece of advice? Complete the table. Results * Opening/Closing remarks Which of the sentences below could you use as 0 (opening remarks) or C {closing remarks)? Mark the sentences. 1 Ihope my advice helps. 2. was sorry to hear that 3. Let's hope things get better. 4 I'm only too happy to help. 5 6 Let me know what happens. Cheer up! Things can't be that bad. 5 Read the table below. Giving Advice Result + Iflwere you, Id. * This will + You shouldin't).. mean that... + Itwould be agood idea if]. : + Then... + Thebestthingtodois... | * This/That + Why don't you..? way os * Have youthought of..2 | * Ifyoudo this, you will 32 6 Match the advice to the results. (1]_J Realize that it’s great to be an individual and not follow the crowd, [21] Continue dressing the way you do, but try not to shock people. [3|_] Find people who accept you the way you are. a This will make you feel more confident. b This mightlead to developing new friendships, © Doing so will make you less of a target for bullies. 7 Choose two pieces of advice from Ex. 6 above and complete the main body in the email below. 2 Your friend is being laughed at because of the way he dresses, Write an email to| him giving him advice on how to deal with the situation. Dear Mike, Sorry to hear other students are making fun of the way you dress, | understand how problem tke this, can affect your solf- confidence. Vocabulary Look at the list of clothes below. Find them in the __pietures. (cloak) shirt) stockings apron SOURS long-sleeved dress Match the words to create Phasesand then usethemto complete the sentences. apron over their dress and ribbons in their hair. 3. Many people dress in the of their country for the parade. 4 They wear shawls with : «on them over thei white dresses. 5 At the cultural festival, there will be .. .. from ‘many countries. [11] traditional =a dancers 21] folk b costumes 31] special © patterns Al] female d- dancing 3 51] colorful e occasions ‘ 1. The country’s Independence Day isa .. that people celebrate every year. 2 The... wear an Grammar Put the words in parentheses in the comparative or superlative form in each sentence. A: Did you see what Jane wore to the party? Br Yes, She WAS .snsnnsnmnnnn (bad) dressed person there. ‘A: What do you think of this scarf? B: It's definitely .» (bright) than this one, A: Ilike how Tracy dresses. Br Me t00. She iS snmsnnen (Good) dressed girl in the school. A; Do you like this dress? B: Yes. t's (elegant) than the one you tried on before. A: Which pants are you going to buy? B; The blue ones as they are .. gray ones. Which Shit Son -(big)? B: The green one, but the other one is .. (modern). A: like your new shoes. B: Thanks. They are have ever worn! (long) than the 2 (comfortable) shoes | 33 Listening 1 ) Listen and check (V) the picture that best answers the question. @ Which dress does Vicky suggest that Helen wear to the wedding? (2) Which tie does Paul buy? a) B| a (3) Which of the items is the woman buying? 2. Putthedtatoguetn the correct order. Everyday English Something in between. I'd like to buy adress can wear more than once. [B Here, take these black high-heeled shoes. Try the whole outfit; Ill wait. [CET] 1 really need an outfit for tomorrow night. D[_] tt really suits you. You'l look great at the party tomorrow! E No, | hate flowers! | want something plair F[___] It’sreally nice, What about shoes? G Do you want something formal or casual? [H[__] What do you think? Doesit look nice? ~] How about this floral one? Ne (@) Where are the girls planning to go after school? ‘® (S) What does Brian’s friend look like? Bw) B g 340 3 Replace the underlined phrases with the What do you think of this gray one? It's made of cotton, so you can wear itall year round. ee phrases in the list. *onher own * do you have a long face turns me down * that’s out of the question giveita try 1. Why ate you so sad? 2 She's alone. 3 OKIildoit... 4 No, Lcan't do this. 5 What if she says "no"? Reading Look at the text in each 1 question. What does it say? Circle A, B, or C. ‘The school will remain, closed due to heavy snow until further notice. A The school will stay closed for the winter. B The school will close if there isa lot of snow. € The school will tell you when it will reopen No fishing allowed in the lake. $1,000 fine applies. ‘A You must pay $1,000 to fish in the lake. B You will get a $1,000 fine if you fish in the lake. © You can fish in the lake if you apply. 2 ir is container is for recycling glass BOTTLES AND JARS ONLY! No paper, plastic, or ‘aluminum, Please REMOVE LIDS AND LABELS, A Youcan recycle paper, plastic, or aluminum without lids and labels here. ~B Youcannot recycle glass bottles and jars here. ~ © You can only throw glass bottles and jars in this recycling container, To: Mark From: Tom Did I forget a U2 CD at your house? The problem is that it’s not mine, I borrowed it from my sister and I nuust give it back, Please let me know. 4 What does Tom want Mark to do? A look for the CD B return a CD he borrowed from Tom lend hima CD Message Tessica.- your. dance. class. is.on Thursday, evening this, week instead of Tuesday, starting 20. minutes earlier than, usual, \ mu 5. Jessica's hers class A will not be in the evening this week. B will not be starting as early in the evening. C _willnot be on Tuesday this week. Vocabulary 2 Fill in the blanks with fit, match, suit, wear, try on, go with, puton, or grow in the correct form. The invitation asks guests a costume. Ann has much taller. She will need new pants. Jessica ha almost every dress in the store. I need a top to this skirt. Sally is short. Long skirts don't really . her. These shoes don't me very well. That new tie really . . your suit. eYausuna cn Something comfortable; t's going tobe along journey. 3 <) Listen and write. 35 36 Noauswe ry Vocabulary ‘Complete the crossword puzzle. What's the hidden word? Tigers don't have feet. They have... Lions are .... Baby lions feed on their mother's milk. Dolphins have A flamingo's.... are pink. Cats use their... to feel objects around them. The eagle has a sharp .... to eat its food. A crocodile isa... It ives both on land and in water. Lizards, snakes, and fish are all covered with .. There's a shark in the sea, an you see its ..? Penguins have... but they can’t fly. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words below. * cost # instill « catch * share « sting * dedicate * hunt * trap + develop Fiona was fishing for three hours but didn't any fish. The lioness went... to find food for her cubs. Because | grew up on a farm, | alove for animals. The scientist he mouse, took a blood sample;and set it free. My best friend my passion for wildlife conservat 3 Choose the correct particle. 4 Put the verbs in bold in the simple past, 6 The jellyfish...... the swimmer on the foot. 7 Long summers on the beach wn.uum a love for the sea in her. 8 The hunter's carelessness... him his life. 9 Penny her entire school vacation to working at a zoo. 2 1 Miriam took over/up the driving after Fiona) got tired, 2. Richard took up/on bird-watching last spring. | 3 Peter takes after/in his uncle. He's always cheerful. 4 You can watch planes take off/over from the airport café. 2 Grammar the past perfect, or the past perfect progressive. i econ (you/see) any| turtles while you were in Greece? : B: No. The nesting season (finish) by the time we arrived. 2. A Why ssnnnnnnnnn (D8) he out of breath? B: Because he ... - (run) to catch the bus. 3A rasa . (Tom/go) to the wildlife center with you? B: No, he. to go to the American Museum of Natural History. E 4 A: What (happen)?|_ BI (work) on the computef all evening when suddenly it (crash) (you/realize) thal] the spider was poisonous before you ...- ~ (trap) it? B: No,I (have) no idea! 5 Jenny Vocabulary eR ae Co Fillin the blanks with the correct form of the words below. feel + chirp * measure * blow ‘bark * depend * survive The whale came to the surface and... “ water from a hole on the top of its head. Meredith closed her eyes and listened to the birds . in the trees. The neighbors’ dog ‘at me as | passed their yard. The tourist was attacked by a bear but luckily he sun : the Persian ‘at's soft fur as it brushed against herleg FO en onher dog to protect her home. The hummingbird is so small that, it about 5 inches! Choose the correct word. Danny relied on his senses/ feelings to find his way out of the forest. Bats have highly developed/ dedicated hearing. Eagles have better sighting/vision than pigeons. Kate had to wear glasses because of her thin/poor eyesight. Your fingertips have more touch receptors/whiskers than your back. Foxes use their excellent listening/hearing capability to hunt for food. E 2). : Did you see 4) : Oh, yes. There were only 5) un ’: Sounds like you had 8) Complete the crossword puzzle, Grammar Fill in the blanks with some, any, every, no, and their compounds. loves my cat. She's very unusual, : There's B about her that's special. A: Did you find... towear to the wedding? B: Not yet. Ive searched vennmsnnee But is too expensive, A: Did you know that pandas eat... but bamboo shoots? 8: No, | didn't, has ever told me that before. A: Have you seen my KeY$ .rnsnann? B: Yes, I think they're in the kitchen, Fill in: much, many, a lot of, (a) few, (a) little. How was your birthday trip to the zoo, Zara? Did 1) ssuimnnaene people come? friends from school came, plus 3) of my cousins, too. animals? other visitors easier to see everything when there. It's 6) it’s not crowded. I bet. And how was the weather? It was 7) van €loudy in the morning, but later on itwas really sunny! fun! Sorry | couldn't make it. : Don't worry, Rachel, You'lljust have to come next timel Writing © Stories | Read the theory, Match the beginnings to the endings. What techniques has the writer used to start/end the story? ‘Start andenda story To starta story we can: * use a rhetorical question (Le, a question that has a given answer and the answer is not expected). 4s the ocean salty? + address the.reader directly. Have you ever had a dream come true? Toenda story we can: * use a thetorical question. Who wouldn't be relieved to be reunited with their family? * describe the character's feelings. Laura fell into bed exhausted, but happy. It had been a hard day, buta very satisfying one. Beginnings ® imagine coming home 10 find a bear in your living room! Incredible though it may seem, that's exactly ‘what happened to Lucy Lee, a real-life Goldilocks. 2) Can you ever be sure that you know your friends? Ryan and | had been best friends since we were seven years old, and we told each other everything, (0F $0 thought. It took me a long time to accept I would never know ‘everything about what Ryan did for a living, but ‘eventually | realized our friendship ran deeper than knowledge alone. | can always count on him to help ‘me with any problem, and that's, by far, the most important thing!” > she hasn't moved away fom the forest, but she has ._ started locking her doors more securely when she goes out, Let's face it — who can blame her? 38 2: a) Read the story entitled “The Stranger.” Put the verbs in parentheses in the correct tense simple past, past progressive, or past perfect. [> Have you ever felt temiied? Thisis what happened to: me last summer While 1 1) wumnmenam (Be) On £ vacation with my parents in a coastal vilage in Italy {The weather was gorgeous and We 2) .e.umuen £ (spend) most of our daysat the beach. > One morning We 3) ev-nnnnn (decide) to go for a walk in a nearby forest. The SU) nnennnn (shine) brightly and the bitdS 5) suns (Ng) happily as we 6) .» (make) our way into he fOr. 17) vesmeme (FUN) ahead of my parents ANd 8) ennrmnnn (Chase) a butterfly when | 9) smmnnnnen (fealize) that they 10)... } (notfollow) me. They 11).. (disappear), ! Suddenly, four huge dogs 12) {appear) £ out of nowhere, They 13)... ~ (bark) loudly F and 14) .nnunssmenne (SOW) their huge teeth as they + surrounded me. | 15)... (try) to call my. parents but | 16) sense (l0Se) my voice } because | was tenified. 17).. hat 0 do, 1 18) smn 19) (start) crying. JB It was then that | 20) on. voice. The man 21). (say) some strange wordsand the dogs 22) ..m0.)™0.-.\-|-”™£« (become) quiet. slowly 23). (open) my eyes but the man smn (Hae) with the dogs. om (feel) very relieved. Who (not/know) (close) my eyes and (hear) a harsh b) What techniques has the writer used to start/end his story? Match paragraphs 1-4 to the headings. + climax event * set the scene + feelings * events leading to the main event Put the events in the order they happened. _ Aman appeared. ~.. They went for a walk in the forest. » She was surrounded by four huge dogs. . She went to a village with her parents, Her parents disappeared. . The man left with the dogs. ats fe can use adverbs with verbs in stories to make them more interesting to the feader. The sun was shining brightly. Complete the text with the adverbs in the list. loudly. sweetly lappily warmly slowly 1 Was enjoying the sound of birds singing 1)... outside my Window. The sun's rays were falling 2) ... on my face. | stretched 9) and looked at the Clock, It was 10:30 am. “It’s so nice fo sleep in once in a while,” | thought 4) . After a while, | Gecided it was time to get up. | took My time walking 5) won tO the bathroom, yawning 6) 0 Choose eight of the words/phrases in the list to complete the text. ‘Boitnghiot” —/freezing’cold” (Soakingwet’ /arSUGKE /dsd” pouringdowh rain hurrieane”) fmunger” thunderstorm” §—Bizzard” (strong winds “stiiekbylightning’’ — /elouay” Even though it was a partly 1)... .»- day, | didn’t think it would rain heavily. ! was so wrong, | had just set off on my walk in the countryside when it started 2) Inno time at all WS 3) nn The sky had filed with dark clouds and there were 4) blowing. | was trying to find some shelter, as | was 6) Iwas ‘obviously caught in the middle of a severe 6) 4 Suddenly, | heard a huge crash of 7) and a tree nearby WAS 8)... It burst into flames and | was teritied, 7 Read the rubric. {An international English school magazine has asked its Lreaders to send in stories with the title “Difficult ‘ moments." Write your story. Use the pictures and the prompts to write your story (120-150 words). Jane &her friends | last summer. |! gafari in Kenya 39 40 Vocabulary 1 Complete the ad with the items in the list. * located * stop by ¢ offer * observe « pet * don't miss * perform * confuse ‘Would you like t0 1) ......n. 88a creatures ranging from strimp and starfish to magnificent sharks and killer ‘whales? If so, you should 2) ‘the new SEA LIFE Center which 18 3)... within Chessington World of Adventures, in Surey. This aquatic attraction has more than 20 marine displays to 4). = This aN. ASV 5) sree you, @8 they create the illusion that the visitor himself ison display while the fish ‘swim freely around him. You should also make sure you 6). the fantastic opportunity 10 7) eso the dolphins before or after they 8) 2 Fill in the blanks with nouns derived from ‘the words in bold. 1. The scenery can make you (imagine) run wild! 2 Last Saturday we went to an (exhibit). 3. Idon't really like 4 They gave mean the play. 5 Going to the theater is my favorite type of smn (entertain) ; 6 Th (observe) deck at the SEA LIFE Center allows people to get closer to the dolphins. Match the words to make phrases. Then use the phrases to complete the sentences, amusement fun-filled killer soaking comedy-packed se ight look scary, but they are actually quite harmless. The elephant sprayed water on her with his trunk leaving her... The children loved the with clowns and monkeys. We were planning to have a . fl at the Ashton Court Festival but unfortunately, most of the concerts were canceled because of the bad weather. Bakken, near Copenhagen, is the oldest. in the world. Grammar Fill in the blanks with compounds of some, any, no, and every. A: Did you catch the lake? ww 'm afraid. There'll be no fish fof supper tonight! A: Why don'twe go.. warm this winter! B: That's a good idea, Do you Nave wm in mind? while you were at A; I've looked but | can't find m)| glasses. B: Well, lookagain. They must be here A; I think there's. at the door. Could you goand check? | just did. There’s .. there. but| his { Vocabulary Everyday English Match the animals to the sounds they 3 Replace the underlined phrases with the make. phrases from the list. * kidding me * come on « ‘ilnever guess * had better 1 You won't believe what happened to me. 2. You're pulling my leg. 3 Oh,stopitnow. 2 BeNe ou 4 I think you should try it. A Read the datoqueand ili the banks with the correct phrase from the list. There is one extra phrase listed. Listening (> You will hear a conversation between Jane and her friend Mark about an + you're kidding me « honest amusement park, Decide if each sentence wyou wort beliavariescomeon is correct or incorrect, Ifitis correct put a check (¥) in the box under A for Yes. If itis incorrect, put a check (/) in the box under Bfor No. * Idon't believe a word a) What is it? My dog brought a tiny kitten home last night! Ob, 2) enn . What are you talking about? Dogs hate cats! Erin: Well yes, and my dog hates cats as Al|B Yes | No Erin: Jane wants to go to Lego Park. She wants Mark to go with her. He will book tickets. Mark believes it’s very Xpersive: well, but she loves this kitten. Jane feels upset. : They decide to go ona field Sach? Ses — i Erin: No, Im not, 4) ! They me even slept on the couch together last night. Well, itlooks like you have a new pet, then! 4 Reading 1 Read the text, For each question choose the correct answer (A, B, C, or D). anerensroearoscnensaccssaniaianae / Georgia McGrath, Ever since | was litle gid, | remember making the ‘same wish: to be surrounded by as many animals as possible! My brother and | were lucky to grow up in a house and not an apartment like most other children in ‘Athens. We used to bring home all of the stray or ‘wounded animals we found on the streets. When | moved to Edinburgh to study Biology, | had no idea how my life would change forever. My plan at the time was to finish my studies and get a job in a 200, although | always found the concept of removing animals ‘rom their natural habitat somewhat ervel. In Edinburgh, | visited a city farm for the fist time in my Wife and I was thrilled! What could be better than giving people the ‘opportunity to spend a fur-lled day with ther children on a farm somewhere in the city? While at university, | met my future husband, Angus, also an animal lover. Together we decided to open our ‘own city farm after finishing our studies. Things were dificult at fist, as it took us @ long time to organize the winole thing, | was pregnant with our frst daughter atthe time, which didn't make things any easier. However, our efforts paid off in the end, and our city farm just outside Edinburgh has been an attraction for both locals and tourists ever since, We kesp all sorts of animals, such as cows, sheep, pigs, and even a horse. There are also many people who rent some of our grounds to plant their ovin vegetables. What is most fulfling, however, isto see the excitement (on children's faces when they feed and play with the animals. Not only has my childhood dream come true, but ‘other people find happiness through it as well 1 Inthis text, Georgia McGrath is describing A how her love of animals affected her life and career. B_ why she enjoys working with animals. Edinburgh. D why she isan animal lover. 42 how Ker life changed when she moved to 2 What does Georgia say about her early career plans? A She wanted to work in a zoo. B She hoped to work on a city farm. She wanted to help wounded animals. D She wanted to be a biologist. 3. After finishing her studies Georgia says that she and her husband A decided to havea baby. B couldn't decide what to do. C thought it would be easier to open a city farm D found it difficult to organize what they wanted to do. 4 Which of the following is something the writer might have said? A The best thing about this city farm is that it’s extremely profitable. B Our next plan is to sell our city farm and retire in The Bahamas. C We are thinking of expanding our city farm and finally turning it into a z00. D We would be very happy if we could keep some exotic birds and animals on the farm. Dictation 3 (> Listen and write. Vocabulary Match the newspaper headlines to the problems. A racial discrimination E drought B overpopulation F homelessness C famine G child labor D poverty H deforestation []__ FACTORY CLOSED DOWN AFTER CHILDREN FOUND WORKING [|] Man fired because of ethnicity Lack of rain worrying local farmers LOCAL COMMUNITY BUILDS SHELTERS RB) Bl FOR PEOPLE ON STREETS Trees being lost at alarming rate 1.8 billion living in india by 2050 7 Celebrities unite to raise money for starving in Africa 8 Family lives in a car after job cuts Match the words. Use some of the phrases to complete the sentences. T|_|developed a rate [21] fossil b trash 3] birth © countries 4[_] toxic d fuels ~ [5] household e technology 6|_] advancing F waste [7] leading 9g cause 8|_) burning h coal 1 some af@ HON-renewable sources of energy. 2 Caremissions are the of air pollution. 3. In many European countries, the has declined causing a population decrease. | | t 4 x . creates smog and acid rain which are harmful to our health, 5 enn are leading the fight in climate change. Fill in: deal with, feed, contaminate, fill up, run out of, increase. Pay attention to the tenses. local crops. . and the ‘An outbreak of E-coli* has 1) Hospital beds are quickly 2) ... number of patients suffering from severe stomach Doctors are complaining that all pains has 3). the hospitals are not equipped to 4) .. ‘these sick people. Meanwhile, farmers are 5) wm food supplies and are afraid they won't be able to 6) sassanne the’ families. + ec abacerum tat sfoundinthe lowe ntestn of war Feehan Some sta cl can couse food song Boman 4 Choose the correct particle. The dog ran in/away with my shoe! He was run across/down by a car. We've run up/out of ink for the printer. They ran after/into Mr. Williams yesterday. He asked her to run down/off one hundred copies of the document. 6 She was late so she ran after/off the bus. Grammar wena 5 Fill in: will or be going to. 1 A: It's dark in the room, BET ssnsnnnnnnnnnannne Witch ON the light. 2. A: Lookat the sky! Bit ssa Fain tonight. 3. A: Todd, where are you going? 8: To the comer store. | not be long. Oh no! | forgot to buy dessert for dinner. BE I nnnsnesnne ick something up for you. Is Tracy starting college this autumn? Yes, She get a part-time job, too. 43 s > 44 Vocabulary Complete the sentences with the verbs in the list. Pay attention to the tenses. ce Po [/RaWaN/'SBEF) | inprovey | Sare) The government is doing its best to help living conditions after the hurricane destroyed the city Maria was born in New York, but. Los Angeles. In the spring, many people .. allergies. The water supply will be the two villages. After losing his job, the man was forced to live on the streets ANd ween for money and food. Stray dogs wn _-the city streets. The teenagers are going tO vaissmsnann WO ‘weeks cleaning up the local beaches. Michael wn a8 he tried to solve the difficult math problem. Fillin the blanks with the correct preposition. [EVD from GAD with) en” For) Many people in Third World countries are AYING enone hunger. Lung cancer is mainly caused... smoking. Angela spent all her money sn SOUVENITS. Please cover the casserOle suum. the lid before putting itin the refrigerator. The squirrel looked ... food in the yard. Patrick returned Africa last night. Choose the correct word. After the accident, he was lucky to be living/ alive. ausuNns sd 5 The trip will cost you a total/sum of $500. He had the situation/condition under control, When you have the flu, you feel thin/weak. Bobby felt advantageous/fortunate that he had survived the car crash. Grammar Put the verbs in parentheses in the correct tense. - If Mike had taken his camera, he (take) nice pictures on his vacation. Ifyou run into Kim, (tell) her tocall me. IF were you, on (not/eat) that. IyOU a (finish) this book, you can choose another. Ifshe (have) more time off from work, she would fly to Italy. If Tommy not/sleep) in, he wouldn't have missed his flight. Complete the sentences. If thad locked the car, IfThave the chance to travel, IF Larry hadn't cheated on his exam, If Mary had studied more, If you finish work early, IF were a famous singer, Complete the sentences. Steve lied to his parents. Now he regrets it. q only... They want to buy a car, “but they don't have enough money. AF ONLY Helen didn't go to Paris with her friends. Now she regrets it. “ifonly Stella doesn’t have a pet dog and she's sad. if only Pete didn't go out because it was snowing. TWISH sass 5 Writing © Essays making suggestions 1 Read the rubric. Answer the questions, You have had a discussion in class about deforestation. Now your teacher has asked you to write an essay suggesting ways to solve the problem and presenting the results of these suggestions. Write your essay (100-150 words). 1. What are you going to write about? 2 What type of writing is it? 3. Whois going to read it? 4, What style should you use: formal or informal? Read the model and match the paragraphs to the headings. "a second suggestion and results b states problem © summary and opinion d first suggestion and results [1] due to the growth in population, there has been @ rise in urban development. Many forests have been Cestroyed in order to build new homes and businesses. However, this deforestation has destroyed many of the ‘forests on our planet and something must be done. Firstly, the situation could be greatly improved it People were to recycle. When recyeting products made ffom paper, old paper is processed to make new paper In this way, companies can sil use trees {or their products and forests can be restored, 4]__|To conclude, if we do ‘not combat deforestation, in a few centuries we will not have any forests. We must take action nov, before it becomes too late. /(* Itis important to ... Find the joining word(s) in the model which is/are used to... introduce suggestions: express effect: conclude: 4 a) Read the useful language. TO MAKE ; TO PRESENT SUGGESTIONS RESULTS. 1 \/* This would... ) * Then « The result would be... In this way .. * By doing this... * Auseful suggestion would beto.. improved if. * Itwould bea good idea if/to ... + Itwould help ifwe... * Another solution would be to... b) Match the suggestions to the possible results. Then use appropriate language to write sentences, asin the example. Suggestions i Results Tp 5) Educate a_allow poor countries} people to increase their [-] Implement food supply technological | b know how to use advances farming equipment ST RIB Deven bed and their natural countries neue resources governments | € all countries will 4) Redistributing| have enough food the world’s | d_ providenewer and food supply faster ways to produce more crops > A useful suggestion would be to educate people, This would help them know how to use farming equipment and their natural resources better. 46 Use the topic sentences (A-D) to complete the paragraphs (1-4), ‘A It would be a good idea to lower public transportation fares. B Another way to help endangered species is to raise awareness. C Auseful suggestion would be to place trash cans on every street comer. D_ It would help if people bought only environmentally friendly products. 11] tn this way, people will know which animals are endangered and they can help protect them. Also, by educating people, they can come up with solutions to solve the problem. 21} By doing this, you limit the amount of toxic waste on our planet. ‘What's more, these products are safer for our health. 31] Then, more people would choose public transportation rather than take theircars. In addition, it would help reduce traffic in the city. 41 Jin this way, the city would be cleaner. Moreover, a clean city can attract more tourists and help the economy. Use the ideas and appropriate joining words to write suppo the paragraphs below. \g sentences for have/better/understanding/others | learn torespectall people/races | 1 To begin with, we should teach children about different races.... childrervbetter/educated | -easier/protect/children/abuse | 2. Auseful suggestion to help fight child labor is to pass a law making school compulsory Until the age of sixteen num Read the rubric, underline the key words, and then answer the questions. {Your schoo! newspaper is doing a report on 3 the homeless and has asked students to 3 submit essays suggesting ways to solve the 5 problem. 1 Is there a problem with homeless people in your country? Do you know anything about this problem? Are you aware of any programs that help the homeless? 2. Which of the following suggestions would you make? Check (7). _ A build shelters _] B donate money to charities. _] C offer job training D provide healthcare O 3. Which of the suggestions (A-D) match the results below? [7] will enable people to find jobs and get theirlife in order FE] can provide homeless necessities and financial aid 4 In which paragraph should you state what the problem is? What useful vocabulary could you use to introduce suggestions? In which paragraph should you summarize your opinion? people with Now write your essay (120-180 words). Vocabulary Fill in the blanks with provide, perform, paint, join, represent, adapt, serve, make, entertain, try, and sign up in the correct form. Dear Katie, I hope you are well. 'm great, just a little tited. | recently 4) sovonsvennenrsn With the local community center for volunteer work. Today 1 spent the day 2) and. face 3). at the children’s hospital. We 4) them milk and cookies and kept them §) ....snsnn all day Mrs. Clark, who 6) the nurses, 7) a moving speech thanking us for the support we 8) them. The children even put on a play 9) 4) Complete the text with the correct word derived from the words in the parentheses, City 1) . (plan) hope to make London the most cycle-frienaly city in the wort. Their idea is to build bicycle highways that cut through areas 7 with heavy traffic. The highways will alow cyclists to travel safely to z) .. (Center) areas of the city (add), the city will provide tree bicycles for (vary) locations inthe city } Officiats want to build more bicycle highways in the ; (out) parts of the city as well. The highway Network wil link 6) . (resident) areas to schools, train - Stations, and local businesses as well as park areas where | People can 7)... (Gocial) and rest during rides. Grammar Fill in the blanks with if or unless. swum YOU finish your homework, you can go to the park nnn: WE leave Now, we won't get tickets for the movie, noon yOU find fresh flowers at the market, pick some up for me. she has already left for the shopping center, we can meet her there. the weather improves, the flight will be canceled. Put the verbs in parentheses in the correct tense. ‘A: How can I sign up? 8: Ifyou - (wait) a moment, |... (tell) you. A: You missed a great concert last night! B: HL know) about it earlier, (come) with you. A: Ifyou - (win) the lottery, what would you do with the money? B: I'd give it to the local hospital. A: Ifyou (remember) to stop at the pharmacy. (you/buy) me some aspirin? B: Of course, no problem. 47

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