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Students Placement Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms

Literature Review

Author : Dr. Kajal Rai

 The literature review focuses on the use of machine learning algorithms to predict student placements.
It employs three machine learning algorithms Decision Tree, Naïve Bayes, and Random Forest to
make these predictions.

 The purpose of the review is to evaluate the effectiveness of machine learning algorithms in predicting
student placements. The scope covers the methodology used, including data collection, pre-
processing, model generation, and result analysis.

 The review is structured into key sections: Background, Theoretical Framework, Research Gap
Identification, Methodology, Main Themes, Synthesis and Analysis, Discussion, and Conclusion.

1. Background and Context:

 Machine learning classifiers such as Decision Tree, Naïve Bayes, and Random Forest are central to
the paper's methodology. Data pre-processing involves cleaning and preparing raw data for model
construction, including attribute selection and handling missing values.

 Campus placements hold significant importance for both students and academic institutions. The
paper aims to automate the analytical model construction for predicting placements based on students'
qualifications, historical data, and experience.

2. Theoretical Framework:

 The study utilizes three supervised machine learning algorithms: Decision Tree, Naïve Bayes, and
Random Forest. These algorithms are chosen for their efficacy in classification tasks.

 Naïve Bayes offers a probabilistic approach, providing insights into the likelihood of different
placement outcomes. Decision Tree simplifies the decision-making process, highlighting key
attributes that influence student placements. Random Forest, an ensemble method, combines multiple
decision trees to create a more robust predictive model, thereby reducing the risk of overfitting.

3. Research Gap Identification:

 There is limited exploration of how different attributes like work experience and educational
background influence these predictions.

 How will the paper aim to improve previous works achieved accuracies using decision trees and
random forests.
4. Methodology:

 I initiated my search on ResearchGate, focusing on machine learning applications in predicting

student placements. I filtered for papers that were published in reputable journals or presented at
conferences within the last year to ensure the most current and credible information.

 The paper by Dr. Kajal Rai was selected because it employs multiple machine learning algorithms,
making it ideal for a comparative study. Additionally, the paper uses a real-world dataset from an
MBA college, which aligns perfectly with my research focus on the applicability of machine learning
in educational settings.

5. Main Themes and Trends:

 The paper builds existing research employing machine learning algorithms like Decision Tree and
Random Forest for student placement predictions. These algorithms are known for their high accuracy

 The paper aims to improve upon the existing accuracy rates reported in the literature. Previous studies
have achieved accuracies of 84% using Decision Trees, for Naïve Bayes
is 84.65% and 86% using Random Forests.

6. Synthesis and Analysis:

 The current paper also employs same algorithms as mentioned previously in study, but aims to
improve accuracy and explore the influence of various student attributes like work experience and
educational background.

 Although each study may report slightly different accuracy rates, the general consensus is that these
algorithms are promising and effective for this specific application.

 All the studies together, they strongly suggest that machine learning algorithms are effective tools for
predicting which students will receive job placements.

7. Discussion:

 The paper highlights the effectiveness of machine learning algorithms like Decision Tree, Naïve
Bayes, and Random Forest in predicting student placements.

 The paper mainly focuses on algorithmic accuracy, we must also focus in exploring the influence of
student attributes like work experience and educational background.

 There is room for debate on the best-suited algorithm for this task, as different studies have reported
varying accuracy rates for similar algorithms.

 The research paper delves into the application of machine learning algorithms, specifically Decision
Tree, Naïve Bayes, and Random Forest, to predict student placements. The Decision Tree model
achieved an accuracy of 82.79%, Naïve Bayes reached 84.65%, and the Random Forest model topped
with an accuracy of 86%. These results emphasize the potential of machine learning in predicting
student placements.

 The high accuracy rates achieved by the models demonstrate the viability of these algorithms in
broader, real-world educational scenarios.

 Exploring and integrating external factors, such as economic trends or industry demands, to refine
placement predictions.


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Guided By :

Ms. Subhashini

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